Improving Colony Formation Analysis With Automation
App Note / Case Study
Published: October 22, 2024
Credit: iStock
Colony formation analysis assesses the ability of single cells to proliferate. This is essential in cancer research, for drug screening and radiation dosing.
Traditionally, the colony formation assay is performed manually, by staining cells with dye and visually counting expanded colonies in a multiwell plate. However, this is a time-consuming process which is subjective, prone to human error and limited in throughput.
Quantitative microscopy using a cell imaging reader allows for automated colony formation analysis, enabling increased throughput and improved accuracy and reliability of results.
Download this application note to explore:
- Automated identification, quantification and characterization of colonies
- How to increase robustness of the statistical sample set
- A broader range of drug dosing, without increasing labor
Application Note
Cancer Biology
Ernest Heimsath, PhD
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
The colony formation assay evaluates the proliferative capacity of a single cell.
For applications such as cancer drug screening, it is important to distinguish cells
that retain this proliferative capacity from those that do not. Conventional analysis
of this assay involves scoring and quantifying colonies in each well of a multiwell
format manually by eye, limiting its throughput capabilities. This application note
presents an automated method for conducting and analyzing the colony formation
assay in both a 6- and 96-well microplate using the upright color brightfield imaging
capabilities of the Agilent BioTek Cytation 7 cell imaging multimode reader with a
wide field of view.
Automated Colony Formation Assay
The colony formation assay is an essential method for cancer
research, enabling drug screens and radiation dosing to be
conducted.1-5 The assay is performed by seeding cells at a
low enough density such that individual cells can propagate
to a sufficient colony area without impinging on a neighboring
colony (Figure 1).6,7 At a set time point, adherent colonies
are fixed then stained with Crystal Violet colorimetric dye,
which allows for visual inspection of the culture vessel and
quantification of the number of colonies that expanded.
A major drawback of this assay is that scoring colonies is
typically carried out manually by a trained technician. This
analytical approach is both labor-intensive and hinders the
ability to carry out this assay in a high-throughput fashion
using a format larger than 12- or 24-well plates. Furthermore,
although the accepted criteria for what constitutes a colony is
50+ cells, a quantitative method to assign colony size cut-offs
is not frequently adhered to, leaving such manually assessed
cut-offs to be subjective.
This application note presents both an automated and
high-throughput method for conducting a colony formation
assay in a 96-well microplate using upright brightfield
microscopy. The fluorescent properties of Crystal Violet are
first used to define the colony area, while Hoechst 33342
is used to quantify the number of cells within the colony.
Quantitative microscopy using the Agilent BioTek Cytation 7
cell imaging multimode reader enables an automated
workflow to capture whole-well images, then identify, quantify,
and characterize colonies on a large-scale format. This
approach enables a more robust statistical sample set to be
collected, both in terms of replicates, as well as a broader
range of drug dosing.
Materials and methods
Doxorubicin (50 mM in DMSO) (part number 2252) was
purchased from Tocris Bioscience (Bristol, UK). PBS was
made from tablets (Sigma P4417) dissolved in 1 tab/200
mL of de-ionized H2
O (dH2
O). 4% paraformaldehyde
was prepared from powder (Sigma P6148) by heating
to 60 °C in PBS with constant stirring for 1 hour or until
completely dissolved and solution was clear, then clarified
by passing through a 0.45 μm filter. Hoechst 33342 solution
(20 mM) (part number 62249) was purchased from
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Waltham, MA), then further diluted
to a 10 mM stock with deionized H2
O. Crystal Violet (CV)
(part number V5265) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(St. Louis, MO) as a 25 mM (1% w/v) aqueous solution.
Cell culture
HeLa (ATCC CCL-2) and Caco2 (ATCC HTB-37) cells were
grown at 37 °C in Advanced Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s
Medium (DMEM) (Gibco part number 12491) with 10% FBS
(Gibco part number 10437) and 1x penicillin/streptomycin/Lglutamine (Gibco part number 10378).
Colony formation assay
Colony formation assays were carried out in two
formats: 6-well culture plates (Costar part number 3516)
and 96-well flat clear bottom black microplates
(Costar part number 3904) with an initial seeding density
of 200 cells/well and 50 cells/well, respectively. For initial
seeding, cells cultured in T75 flasks were passaged with
TrypLE (Gibco part number 12605) then transferred to
a 15 mL conical tube and pelleted by centrifugation at
300 G for 5 minutes, followed by resuspension in 10 mL
fresh media. Cell concentration was determined with a
hemocytometer. For 96-well microplates, cells were diluted
to 5.0 × 102
cells/mL then 100 µL were dispensed into
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the colony formation assay. Cells
in suspension are seeded in tissue culture wells at a low enough density
to enable single cells to proliferate into clonal populations. The potency
of antiproliferative compounds can be assessed based on the number of
surviving colonies relative to control.
wells containing 100 μL media + 20 μL of 11x doxorubicin.
For 6-well plates, cells were diluted to 2.0 × 102
cells/mL, then
1 mL was dispensed into wells containing 1 mL + 0.2 mL of
11x doxorubicin (see below for doxorubicin preparation). To
ensure even distribution of cells across the well bottom by
avoiding convection currents from rapidly warming media,
plates containing freshly seeded cells were incubated for
30 minutes on a clean countertop at 25 °C before returning
to a 37 °C incubator. Colony expansion of single cells were
allowed to progress for 7 days, then washed 2x with PBS and
fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 10 minutes.
Drug treatment
An 11-point doxorubicin titration was set up as follows.
Doxorubicin was diluted from stock to 11 μM, or 11x of the
highest treatment concentration (1,000 nM), in Advanced
DMEM. 11x dilutions were prepared from this 11x stock, then
20 μL of this was added to a final volume of 220 μL (96-well
microplates) or 0.2 mL added to a final volume of 2.2 mL
(6-well plate) containing seeded cells with following 1x final
concentrations: 1,000, 100, 32, 10, 5.6, 3.2, 1.8, 1, 0.32, 0.1,
and 0.01 nM. For the 96-well format, eight replicates of each
concentration were set up column-wise, with the twelfth
column including vehicle control (DMSO) at the highest
concentration used in this study (0.2% v/v). For the 6-well
format, concentrations were set up in triplicates across
6 plates. EC50 data are presented as % of colonies compared
to the mean of vehicle control wells.
Crystal Violet staining
1% Crystal Violet (25 mM) was diluted to a working
concentration of 250 μM in PBS containing 10 μM Hoechst
33342 nuclear stain. 100 μL of this was added to each well
of a 96-well plate (1 mL for 6-well plates) containing fixed
colonies and incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature.
Dye was aspirated, and wells were washed 2x with PBS, then
3x with dH2
O. The last dH2
O wash was aspirated and remnant
fluid was allows to evaporate before imaging.
Image capture
All images were captured using a Cytation 7 equipped with
a wide-field-of-view (WFOV) camera with upright color
brightfield set to 2x magnification. This imaging modality
enabled single-frame whole-well imaging of 96-well
microplates. To generate whole-well images of a 6-well
microplate, 5 × 5 montages (no overlap) were captured, then
stitched with the green channel as the reference channel.
Autofocus and Capture binning, as well as “Crop image to size
of well” were selected. In Advanced Options of the Imaging
Read procedure, Delay after plate movement was set to
0 msec.
Table 1. Cellular analysis settings used for the colony formation
assay in both the 6- and 96-well format.
Stitching (6-Well Microplates)
Registration Channel Green
Fusion Method Linear blend
Cropped Borders Checked
Downsize Image 50%
Cellular Analysis Parameters
Primary Mask and Count
Channel Green
Value 5,000
Background Light
Split Touching Objects Checked
Fill Holes in Masks Checked
Advanced Detection Options
Background Flattening Auto
Image Smoothening Strength 10
Evaluate Background On 5% of lowest pixels
Primary Mask Expand threshold mask by 10 μm
Object Selection
Minimum Object Size 5 μm
Maximum Object Size 10,000 μm
Include Primary Edge Objects Checked
Analyze Entire Image Checked
Condition Area
Caco2: 103,000; HeLa: 90,000
Condition Circularity
Select Objects Where All conditions are met
Calculate Metrics Cell (colony) count
Object (colony) area
Object (colony) circularity
Cellular analysis
Table 1 describes the settings used to identify all objects
in the well, and then apply a subpopulation to select for
colonies that meet or surpass the area corresponding to the
50-cell threshold.
Results and discussion
Calibration of colony area based on cell number
An important criterion that qualifies a cluster of cells as a
colony is the presence of 50+ cells, which is subjectively
determined via stereoscope or by assessing directly by eye.6,7
One goal was to establish an automated imaging analysis
method based on colony area using the color brightfield
signal from Crystal Violet. An automated approach was
previously described to quantify colonies based on the
fluorescence properties of Crystal Violet while verifying the
number of cells using the spot counting module in the DAPI
secondary mask.8
To correlate colony area with its respective
cell number, Caco2 and HeLa colonies stained with Crystal
Violet and Hoechst 33342 were imaged with fluorescence
microscopy (Figures 2A and 2D). From this data set, a
linear regression was fit to correlate colony area with their
respective number of cells (Figures 2B and 2D). The resulting
linear equation enables an estimation of the area for a 50-cell
colony, which in turn is used to calibrate the cellular analysis
workflow where the subpopulation of colonies containing at
least 50 cells can be quantified (Figures 2C and 2F).
Figure 2. Correlation of colony size with cell number. Previously described method8
to fluorescently image Crystal Violet and Hoechst 33342-stained Caco2 (A)
and HeLa (D) colonies. A population of cell clusters was plotted and a linear regression was then fit to correlate colony area with cell number (nuclei) (B and E). The
derived linear equation was reformatted to calculate the estimated area for a 50-cell colony as indicated. A 50-cell colony for Caco2 and HeLa cells corresponds to an
area of 1.03 × 106
and 9.0 × 105 μm2
, respectively. These values were applied to color brightfield images of Crystal Violet-stained colonies (C and F).
Scale bar = 200 μm.
Automated color brightfield imaging and analysis of the
colony formation assay
A common culture format to conduct the colony formation
assay is the 6-well plate. Traditionally, plates containing
colonies are stained with Crystal Violet, then the total number
of colonies per well are counted manually by eye (Figure 3).7
For example, a 3-replicate, 11-point drug titration that includes
a vehicle control would require 36 wells, or six 6-well plates.
For such an experimental set up, manual analysis can be
extremely time consuming and laborious, which limits the
throughput of the assay. Therefore, an automated workflow
was configured to image entire wells of a 6-well plate, then
set up a cellular analysis pipeline that identifies all colonies
and isolates a subpopulation of colonies containing at least
50 cells based on colony area.
Figure 3. Caco2 colonies in a 6-well format. Traditionally, plates containing
colonies are stained with Crystal Violet, then the total number of colonies per
well are counted manually by eye.
Doxorubicin is an antitumor drug that disrupts cell
division by intercalating DNA, inhibiting the progression
of topoisomerase II, ultimately leading to an inhibition of
macromolecular biosynthesis.9-11 Using the automated
imaging and cellular analysis pipeline, the EC50 of doxorubicin
for the Caco2 and HeLa cell line in a 6-well plate format was
determined. To establish an EC50 for doxorubicin, Caco2 or
HeLa cells were seeded into 6-well plates (200 cells/well) in
the presence of doxorubicin, or DMSO (vehicle control) with
each concentration done in triplicates. After 7 days in culture,
colonies were fixed, stained with Crystal Violet, and imaged
with upright color brightfield microscopy. A subpopulation
cellular analysis criterion was applied to consider only
colonies within each well that reached an area cutoff that
correlates to 50 cells. The area cutoff for Caco2 and HeLa
was set to 1.03 × 105
and 9.0 × 105
, respectively.
The mean of qualifying colonies at each drug concentration
was then plotted as a function of the log drug concentration
and the EC50 was determined by fitting a 4-parameter
dose-response curve. The doxorubicin EC50 for Caco2
and HeLa cells was determined to be 8.5 nM and 3.1 nM,
respectively (Figure 4A and 4B).
High-throughput automated colony formation assay with
upright color brightfield imaging
One disadvantage of performing the colony formation
assay in a 6-well format is that deriving a multipoint drug
titration requires multiple plates. Alternatively, a 96-well plate
can accommodate the equivalent of sixteen 6-well plates.
Successful recapitulation of an 11-point drug titration (vehicle
control) across a 96-well microplate format allowed sample
replicates to increase from 3 to 8. For the 96-well microplate
format, Caco2 or HeLa cells were seeded at a density of 50
cells/well in the presence of doxorubicin, or DMSO (vehicle
control) with 8 replicates of each concentration (one column
per concentration). After 7 days in culture, colonies were fixed,
stained with Crystal Violet, and imaged. The cellular analysis
and subpopulation area cutoff parameters were set to the
same values as for the 6-well format. The EC50 values derived
in a 96-well microplate format are comparable to those
obtained with the classic 6-well format: Caco2 = 7.5 nM and
HeLa = 2.2 nM (Figures 4C and 4D).
Figure 4. EC50 determination of doxorubicin in a 6- and 96-well format. The colony formation assay was conducted where Caco2 and HeLa cells were seeded in
either 6-well plates (A and B) or 96-well microplates (D and C) and cultured for 7 days in the presence of increasing concentrations of doxorubicin. Automated
upright color brightfield microscopy and cellular analysis of crystal violet-stained colonies was performed using the Agilent BioTek Cytation 7 cell imaging
multimode reader with wide field of view. The EC50 of doxorubicin for Caco2 and HeLa cells cultured in 6-well plates was 8.5 nM and 3.1 nM, respectively, and for
96-well microplates, 7.5 nM and 2.2 nM, respectively.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2020, 2022, 2024
Printed in the USA, July 24, 2024
Format Read Stitching
Analysis Total Time
96-Well Plate 2 min – 1 min 3 min
6-Well Plate 3 min 1 min 1 min 5 min
6-Well Plates (6) 18 min 6 min 6 min 30 min
6-Well Plate (Manual) (6) 30+ min – >1 hour At least 4 hours
Table 2. Augmented Microscopy timing for the colony formation assay in a
6- and 96-well format.
The Agilent BioTek Cytation 7 cell imaging multimode reader
with wide field of view enables automated upright brightfield
imaging and analysis and is ideal for both 6- and 96-well
microplates formats of the colony formation assay. In
addition to providing a more quantitative image analysis
pipeline, this automated format is exceptionally fast. The
entire Augmented Microscopy workflow for a 96-well
microplate from image capture to figure can be carried out
in less than 5 minutes. An 11-point EC50 dose-response
curve from samples spanning six 6-well plates can be built
in 30 minutes, whereas the same sample set would take well
over 4 hours if done manually (Table 2). In conclusion, a fast,
quantitative, and reliable method to image and analyze the
colony formation assay using the upright imaging power of
the Cytation 7 cell imaging multimode reader with wide field
of view has been developed. This method permits statistically
robust data acquisition that is crucial for drug development
applications such as cancer therapeutics.
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2. Padmanaban et al. Nature 2019, 573(7774), 439–444.
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9. Fornari et al. Mol. Pharmacol. 1994, 45(4), 649–656.
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10. Momparler et al. Cancer Res. 1976, 36(8), 2891–2895.
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11. Pommier et al. Chemistry & Biology 2010, 17(5), 421–433
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