Latest Infographics

8 Characters You’ll Find in Every Lab
In this poster we highlight eight characters you will find in every lab. Which character are you most like?

Influenza Virus: Structure, Strains & Infections
In the early 1900s when ‘Spanish Flu‘ ravaged the global population, the virus was a relatively novel concept. Since then, our knowledge of viruses has come a long way, as has our understanding of how they interact with our immune system.

Diagnostic Tests for Influenza
Doctors are not required to confirm the presence of the
influenza virus before they prescribe antiviral medication. So, why test for influenza? Download this infographic to find out why, and how.
influenza virus before they prescribe antiviral medication. So, why test for influenza? Download this infographic to find out why, and how.

Challenges for Biopharma
The pursuit for innovative therapies in the biopharma industry is not without its challenges. Anticipating and addressing these hurdles can make or break the success of your biopharmaceutical product, regardless of the therapy type. Download this infographic for a snapshot of 30 insights on key challenges in the drug development pipeline.

Influenza: Pathology, Diagnosis and Prevention
A century has passed since the 1918 global flu pandemic, aka the ‘Spanish flu’. Back in the early 1900s, the virus was a relatively novel concept. Since then, our understanding of viruses has come a long way, as have our diagnostics tools, and control and preventative strategies.

Newborn Screening
Neonatal screening is designed to identify newborn babies with conditions that are treatable, but not clinically evident in the newborn period. Download this infographic to learn about one of the most successful public health screening programs to date.

Top-down vs. Bottom-up Proteomics
This infographic reviews these two proteomic approaches, outlines the main
advantages and disadvantages of each, and highlights the applications each
approach is best suited for.
advantages and disadvantages of each, and highlights the applications each
approach is best suited for.

Food Microbiology
This infographic focuses on the harmful microorganisms that contaminate and spoil our food.

The 1918 Flu Pandemic
The global flu pandemic of 1918, dubbed “Spanish flu”, killed 50 million people worldwide including the young, fit and healthy. Here we highlight some of the key events of the pandemic.

What Is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that can affect various organs in the body. In this infographic, we explore the four main types of mesothelioma and the different types of cells that can be involved.