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Laura Lansdowne is the managing editor at Technology Networks, she holds a first-class honors degree in biology. Before her move into scientific publishing, Laura worked at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and GW Pharma.
Cells use a variety of mechanisms to transmit essential information, facilitating their growth, response and survival. But sometimes, things go wrong...
Miscommunication between cells can interfere with crucial signaling processes. By understanding these pathways and pinpointing the source of miscommunication, we can improve the management and treatment of disease.
Download this infographic to:
Explore various types of signaling and their roles in the body
Learn how signals are transmitted and the potential consequences when they fail
Discover techniques for studying cell communication
communication in
Cells use a variety of mechanisms to transmit essential information,
facilitating their growth, response and survival. Each form of communication
is vital for maintaining correct biological functions and microenvironmental
homeostasis of cells, tissues and organ systems.
But sometimes,
Miscommunication between cells can interfere with
things go
crucial signaling processes, potentially causing disease.
By understanding these pathways and pinpointing
the source of miscommunication, we can improve the
management and treatment of disease.
In this infographic, we explore the general principles of cell communication
and highlight the relationship between signaling defects and disease.
Types of cell communication
Endocrine Signaling
Signaling cell
signals originate from distant cells known
as endocrine cells.
Hormones, the signaling molecules in
Produces slower
endocrine signaling, move through the
but longer-lasting
bloodstream to distant target cells.
Target cell
Insulin release to regulate blood sugar levels.
Paracrine Signaling
signals target neighboring cells
near the signaling cell.
Presynaptic neuron
Signaling molecules travel a
Localized signaling
short distance through the
triggers rapid
extracellular matrix to reach
responses that are
a target cell.
Axon terminal
Transfer of neurotransmitters across a synaptic gap
between nerve cells.
channels with
receptors for
Postsynaptic neuron
Target cell
Signaling cell
Autocrine Signaling
cells produce and respond to their own
signals, essentially signaling to themselves.
Ligands released by a
Common in early development for
cell bind to receptors on
tissue differentiation, regulation of pain,
the same cell or similar
inflammatory responses and programmed
nearby cells.
cell death in diseased/infected cells.
Immune cells release cytokines that act on the same cell to
amplify a particular immune response.
Direct Signaling
Also known as juxtacrine signaling
signals are transferred through direct
contact between cells via membrane
proteins or specialized channels.
Signals are transmitted along
Allows for the
cell membranes via protein or
quick transfer of
Gap Junction
lipid components integral to the
signals across cells,
cell’s membrane. They can impact
enabling coordinated
the signaling cell itself or cells
that are directly adjacent to the
signaling cell.
Electrical signals pass between cardiomyocytes
through gap junctions.
A closer look at signal transmission via gap junctions…
Signaling molecules diffuse from
Connexin-based gap junction channels
one cell to another via tiny channels
are composed of two hemichannels,
called gap junctions, facilitating
(connexons) each provided by one of
rapid communication. Th
the two neighboring cells, creating a gap
specificity of channel sizes blocks
junction to allow passage of ions, second
the transfer of very large molecules
messengers and small metabolites via
(e.g., proteins).
the cytoplasm.
Cell signaling steps
signals originate from
The signaling molecule
distant cells known as
binds to the target cell
endocrine cells.
via a receptor.
The signal is transmitted
The signal triggers a physiologically
via a cascade of
appropriate change in the cell (e.g.,
intracellular events.
gene expression, enzyme activity)
The cell signaling cascade
is terminated to prevent
inappropriate activity.
Signal transduction pathways aren’t always linear, they can involve:
Signals from various unrelated receptors converge to
activate shared effector molecules.
A single receptor initiates multiple effector pathways.
Interactions between different signaling pathways
amplify or reduce other signals.
When communication
goes wrong
Alterations in cell–cell communication – by hyperactivation or diminished signaling
– can stop cells from responding to standard cues or coordinating with other cells
appropriately, leading to disease.
Let's take a look at a few examples…
Type I diabetes is classed as a T-cell-driven
autoimmune disease that results in the
destruction and/or dysregulation of insulin
ß cells in the pancreas. Insulin
production is compromised, leading to high
blood sugar levels. In Type II diabetes,
Type I Diabetes
Type II Diabetes
cells ignore insulin's effects, causing similar
No insulin signal
No response
sugar imbalances.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
MS destroys the protective myelin sheath
Nerve cell with sclerosis
(demyelination) that usually insulates the
axon, disrupting signal transmission along
the nerve. This leads to symptoms like
Muscle unable
muscle weakness and vision problems.
to contract
Ischemic Stroke and
Post-stroke, dying brain cells release glutamate
excessively, damaging or killing unaffecte
Normal veins
neighboring cells.
A stroke-induced deficit in glucose and oxygen
disrupts oxidative phosphorylation, which
forces open voltage-gated calcium channels and
leads to ionic imbalance. This causes an influ
of calcium ions into the neuron, triggering the
release of more glutamate into the synapse which
A clot blocks
then associates with the postsynaptic neuron,
blood flow to an
destroying it.
area of the brain
As each neuron dies, more glutamate is released,
overstimulating and killing the surrounding cells.
Multiple failures in cell signaling can lead
to unchecked cell growth and cancer.
For example, cancer cells can manipulate
their blood supply either directly, by
emitting pro-angiogenic signals, or
indirectly, by inducing adjacent cells to
release these signals for them. Hypoxia
factor and vascular endothelial
growth factor signaling pathways are both
integral to tumor angiogenesis.
In early-stage cancers, transforming
growth factor (TGF)-ß signaling can inhibit
cancer cell growth and promote apoptosis.
However, resistance can occur through
acquired mutations – either in genes within
the TGF-ß pathway itself, or in some of its
target genes.
Pinpointing the source
of miscommunication
Identifying specific signaling defects and analyzing cell–cell communication
in the laboratory can involve a range of techniques, for example…
Western Blotting
Used to detect specific proteins involved in signaling pathways and to
assess their levels of expression or activation through post-translational
Flow Cytometry
Used to analyze the expression of cell surface and intracellular signaling
molecules, providing insights into cellular function and signaling status.
It can also be used to sort cells based on certain characteristics.
Used to determine mRNA levels of genes involved in signaling pathways,
providing insight into how signaling might change gene expression.
Mass Spectrometry
Used to identify and quantify signaling proteins and their modifications
providing a detailed view of the cell signaling network.
Live-Cell Imaging
Used to track signaling processes in living cells, in real time. This allows
researchers to observe how cells respond to stimuli over a specific period
and the transduction events within cells and signaling between cells.
Used to measure how electrical signals affect molecular ion channel
behavior in real time. This helps researchers understand electrical
signaling in various cell types including neurons, cardiomyocytes,
oocytes and muscle cells.
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing and Spatial Transcriptomics
Used to understand complex cellular environments. Single-cell RNA
sequencing provides insights into the transcriptomic profile of individual
cells or cell clusters, within a mixed population. This granularity enables
the mapping of cell signaling pathways and the interactions that drive
cellular functions and behaviors. Spatial transcriptomics adds further
context by revealing the spatial arrangement of cells.
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