Lonza launches NodeSensor™ Assays
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In NodeSensor™ Assays, two interacting proteins are co-expressed in a human cell line, each of them coupled to one fragment of a reporter protein. The two fragments of the reporter protein can interact, re-fold, and generate a detectable signal only when the two test proteins are in close proximity (i.e., within a protein complex).
The NodeSensor™ System therefore enables sensitive detection and measurement of specific protein complexes. Using inherently fluorescent proteins as reporters, NodeSensor™ Assays can be combined with high-throughput automated fluorescence microscopy and image analysis. This strategy captures the dynamics of protein complexes, both their formation and their sub-cellular location, as a result of cellular response to drugs or genetic reagents.
The first set of NodeSensor™ Assays will facilitate direct analysis of a selection of GPCR dimers, and certain transcription factors. More NodeSensor™ Assays will be added to our range in the upcoming months. Furthermore, NodeSensor™ Assays based on any desired protein-protein interaction can be produced in a custom manner, on request.