Behavioral Neuroscience – Multimedia

Rap as a Tool for Science Communication
Baba Brinkman, a peer-reviewed freestyle rap artist, shares his thoughts on rap as an effective tool for science communication and even treated us to a short freestyle based on three themes from the BNA2019 Festival of Neuroscience: "credibility", "decision-making" and "ketamine in depression".

The Origin of Consciousness
How unaware things became aware.

Inside the Ant Lab: Mutants and Social Genes
Social insects such as ants and bees often have complex societies, but understanding the genetics behind their social interactions can be difficult due to their complex lifecycles. This lab in New York hopes to investigate the genetics of ant social behaviour by focussing on an unusual species: the Clonal Raider Ant.

Neuromyths in Education
Dr Duncan Astle from the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit and University of Cambridge explains how neuromyths emerge in education, their implications and what can be done to try and mitigate their effects.

Top 10 Diagnostics News Stories of 2018
Featuring sweat sensors, epi-signatures, and advances in 3D medical imaging, here's a wrap-up of the most-read diagnostics news stories we covered in 2018.

What Are Brain Organoids?
An introduction to brain organoids - watch this video to find out how these mini brains are grown, and how they are a unique research tool which can complement what we have learnt from autopsies, animal models, and imaging techniques.

Top 10 Drug Discovery News Stories of 2018
2018 has been an exciting year for the drug discovery field. This list details the top 10 most-read news stories we published from the field this year.

Startup Slam: The Dragons’ Den of Biopharma in Europe
Of 60 applications from across 17 countries, there were eight finalists who participated in the 'Startup Slam' — the Dragons' Den of Biopharma. Representatives of biotech companies presented to a jury of leading investors, pharma deal-makers and biotech business key opinion leaders at the BIO-Europe conference in Copenhagen, November 2018.

4 Spooky Sounding Halloween-Inspired Scientific Terms
Researchers spend their lives in pursuit of a scientific breakthrough. So, when that "eureka" moment finally arrives, of course it is tempting to give that groundbreaking discovery an absurd and memorable name. This list highlights four haunting Halloween-inspired scientific terms.

How To Guide
How To Differentiate Human Stem Cells to Neurons
This guide outlines protocols for the differentiation of hPSCs to either cortical neurons or hypothalamic neurons, provides key pointers for researchers who are undertaking these protocols for the first time.