Gene and Cell Therapy – Multimedia

An Introduction to Organ-on-a-Chip Technology
This eBook provides an introduction to Organ-on-a-Chip technology and highlights the latest solutions available to support drug discovery.

How To Guide
Five Tips on Navigating Your Biotherapeutic Journey
It is expected that within four to five years, biologics will comprise over half of the 100 top selling drugs on the market. However, the high cost and complexity of biotherapeutic development, as well as a dynamic regulatory landscape, still poses challenges to drug developers.

Cancer Immunotherapies: Transforming Treatment for Patients
Download this listicle to learn more about immune checkpoint inhibitors and immune system modulators, adoptive cell therapies and oncolytic viral therapy.

App Note / Case Study
Data Reproducibility for the Development of Safer Gene Therapies
Immunogenicity is a key consideration in the development of safe gene therapy products. In fact, certain product components can cause unintended immune responses with life-threatening implications if not addressed.

AAV Purification Techniques To Advance Gene Therapy
This poster highlights several methods by which the downstream purification of viral vectors can be improved using chromatography methods to analyse and purify multiple AAV serotypes.

App Note / Case Study
Downstream Processing of Primary T Cells
In this app note, learn more about the advantages of batch centrifugation and how you can optimize downstream processing of primary T cells, and share some exemplary results for viability and recovery of T cells after washing and concentration.

Cell Therapy
This infographic explores how cell therapies can be made and the potential diseases that they are, and could be, used to treat.

App Note / Case Study
Rapid and Direct AAV Capsid Quantitation
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) technology has become a crucial method for delivering gene therapy drugs and vaccines. The quantitation of viral capsids enables researchers to ensure that AAV preparations are of high quality and potency. However, challenges remain with the accurate quantitation and detection of multiple AAV serotypes.

App Note / Case Study
The New Gold Standard for Gene Therapy Protein Expression Potency Measurements
A major challenge preventing transformative gene therapies from reaching patients is the lack of fit-for purpose potency assays, which are some of the most important assays in an analytical package but are often the most complex and high-risk.

Scientists Reveal Why They Use Simple Western Technology
Hear from three Simple Western users on why they use our next-generation, automated, western blot systems for cell and gene therapy workflows. Simple Western is a gel-free, blot-free, hands-free capillary western blot analysis.