Liquid Biopsies – Multimedia
App Note / Case Study
Contract Manufacturing for a Novel Metabolism-Based Liquid Biopsy
When it comes to cancer, diagnosis often relies on tissue biopsy in conjunction with medical imaging. In addition to sometimes being inconclusive, tissue biopsies are associated with risks, high costs and inconvenience for patients, making them ill-suited for screening or tracking disease progression.
Automated Nucleic Acid Sample QC in NGS Workflows
At various points throughout the NGS workflow, QC steps are recommended to avoid time and resource wasting, and to help prevent suboptimal sequencing data.
Change the Landscape of Cancer Detection and Treatment With Liquid Biopsies
Download this infographic to learn about the importance of liquid biopsies and their use in cancer diagnosis and monitoring.
Cancer Genetics
In this infographic, we delve into the field of cancer genetics, highlight key milestones and explore how genomic approaches are transforming diagnosis and treatment of the disease in the clinic.
How To Guide
Sample Quality Control for Nucleic Acid Analysis Workflows
Understanding the integrity and quantity of your nucleic acid samples is critical for next-generation sequencing (NGS) and biobanking workflows.
What Agilent Sample Quality Metrics are Available?
Agilent sample quality metrics are available for most RNA and DNA samples used in NGS, enabling you to know the concentration, size and integrity of your nucleic acid fragments.
A Blood Test for Cancer
Since many cancers don’t have symptoms early on, they may go unnoticed until they are at an advanced stage. But that is changing, thanks to a newer, non-invasive tool.
What Is New in Disease Biomarker Discovery?
Download this listicle to explore various biomarkers, technological advances driving biomarker research and integrative approaches in disease research.
App Note / Case Study
Sample Quality Control in Next-Generation Sequencing Workflows
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is an essential tool in molecular biology laboratories for the analysis of nucleic acid samples in numerous basic, translational and clinical research settings. Download this app compendium to discover systems that can be used to analyze genomic DNA, cell-free DNA, total RNA.
Assessing the Quality and Quantity of Cell-Free DNA
For circulating cell free DNA (ccfDNA) to be used in cancer research successfully, workflow standardization is essential. Access this poster to discover tips on optimal workflow control, how to yield smaller ccfDNA fragments and the differences in quantification and qualification of ccfDNA.