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Liquid Biopsies – News and Features


Transgenomic and ScreenCell Announce Worldwide Distribution and Collaboration Agreement

The perpetual, worldwide collaboration and distribution agreement is for ScreenCell’s Isolation Devices and Dilution Buffers.

Gene Expression Profile of Circulating Tumor Cells in Breast Cancer by RT-qPCR

Researchers have utilized RT-qPCR as a highly sensitive and specific tool to detect the expression of each individual gene at the one cell level.

Microfluidic Devices for Circulating Tumor Cell Capture

The Kirby Research Group at Cornell University are attempting to use microfluidic devices to capture circulating tumor cells from prostate cancer patients, with a view towards preclinical evaluation of chemotherapeutic efficacy.

European Collaborative Research to Develop Lab-on-Chip System for Cheap and Fast Cancer Diagnosis

The new MIRACLE project aims at developing an operational lab-on-chip for the isolation and detection of tumor cells in blood.

The Marilyn B. Gula Mountains of Hope Foundation Announces Additional Research Funds to TGen and University Hospitals Ireland Cancer Center

100 percent of donations support advanced breast cancer research and treatment.

Maryland Researchers Use xCELLigence System to Study Role of "Microtentacles" in Breast Cancer

Roche’s xCELLigence system helps to study the involvement of microtentacles in how cancers spread to distant locations in the body.

Chronix Biomedical Partners with University of Calgary to Commercialize Serum DNA-Based Blood Test for Mad Cow Disease

Canadian grant will fund development of a cost-effective, commercial BSE assay to help ensure the safety of beef.

Chronix Biomedical’s Serum DNA Assays Monitor Disease Activity and Treatment Response in MS

Newly published study supports the ability of Chronix’s serum DNA blood tests to monitor disease activity and response to treatment in multiple sclerosis.

Newly Published Data Shows Chronix Biomedicals’s Serum DNA Assays can Monitor Disease Activity and Treatment Response in Multiple Sclerosis

Follows Recent Publication Showing Utility of Chronix’s Serum DNA Tests in Breast Cancer

Integrated Fluidic Circuits Enable Advances in Life Science Research

Fluidigm announces availability to download free Spring 2009 edition of the e-newsletter - IFC Application Hotspot.