Liquid Chromatography – News and Features

Study Links Combined Environmental and Lifestyle Exposures to Children's Cardiometabolic Health
The combined effect of environmental exposures and unhealthy lifestyle habits can affect children’s cardiometabolic health in a way that exceeds their separate effects.

Industry Insight
Meeting Complex Biopharma Analytical Needs
In this interview, Technology Networks spoke to Dr. Martin Vollmer, biopharma program manager within the Life Science Analysis Group at Agilent, to learn about the current analytical challenges the biopharma industry faces and how they are being addressed.

Novel Protein Found To Inhibit Activity of CRISPR-Cas System
Researchers discovered novel anti-CRISPR protein called AcrIF25, which inhibits the activity of the CRISPR-Cas system by dismantling the I-F type CRISPR-Cas complex (Csy complex), providing a new approach for precise control of the CRISPR-Cas system.

New Insights into Antihistamine Binding Could Lead to More Effective Treatments
A new study has illustrated the different binding kinetics of isomers of doxepin, an antihistamine, which could lead to better treatments.

An Introduction to Protein Purification: Methods, Technologies and Applications
The ability to obtain pure proteins is essential for developing drugs, creating vaccines and understanding biological processes. In this article, we discuss what a typical protein purification protocol involves and the various techniques used.

Mass Spectrometry Imaging in Pharmaceutical Development
In this article, we explore how mass spectrometry imaging technology is evolving into a high-resolution spatial biology toolset to transform drug discovery and development.

Industry Insight
Optimizing Analytical Tools To Accelerate Translational Research
John Lesica, president of chromatography and mass spectrometry at Thermo Fisher Scientific, joined Technology Networks for an interview at this year's American Society for Mass Spectrometry event.

Industry Insight
Driving Sensitivity and Resilience in Mass Spectrometry at ASMS 2024
Technology Networks joined SCIEX for a discussion about the company’s latest product launches at this year’s ASMS conference.

Some “Biodegradable” Teabags Don’t Easily Deteriorate in the Environment After All, Study Finds
Some teabags manufactured using plastic alternatives do not degrade in soil and have the potential to harm terrestrial species, a new study has shown.

Industry Insight
Unraveling the Impact of PFAS
At analytica 2024, Technology Networks spoke with Dr. Susanne Soelter, field application specialist at Agilent, to learn more about the impact of PFAS and the challenges that come with PFAS testing.