Psychedelics – News and Features

New compound to treat depression identified
Fast-acting ketamine by-product – may be future therapy for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s
There is new hope for people suffering from depression. Researchers have identified a compound, hydroxynorketamine (HNK), that may treat symptoms of depression just as effectively and rapidly as ketamine, without the unwanted side effects associated with the psychoactive drug, according to a study in the July issue of Anesthesiology, the official medical journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists® (ASA®).

Psilocybin inhibits the processing of negative emotions in the brain
When emotions are processed in a negatively biased manner in the brain, an individual is at risk to develop depression. Psilocybin, the bioactive component of the Mexican magic mushroom, seems to intervene positively in the emotion-processing mechanism.

How we miss subtle visual changes, and why it keeps us sane
Ever notice how Harry Potter's T-shirt changes from a crewneck to a henley shirt in the "Order of the Phoenix," or how in "Pretty Woman," Julia Roberts' croissant inexplicably morphs into a pancake? Don't worry if you missed those continuity bloopers.

Studying Cellular Adhesion at the Molecular Level in Diabetes Research
JPK Instruments reports on the study of the research work of Dr Paul Squires and his colleagues at the University of Warwick.

Teva Strengthens Respiratory Franchise
Company has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire MicroDose Therapeutx.

Producing Reliable Quantitative Western Blot Data
The reporting of fold changes in protein expression from western blots is often viewed with skepticism due to questions about the validity of the technique as a quantitative method.

Imaging Biomarker Predicts Response to Rapid Antidepressant
A telltale boost of activity at the back of the brain while processing emotional information predicted depressed patients’ response to experimental antidepressant.

Study Reveals How Serotonin Receptors Can Shape Drug Effects from LSD to Migraine Medication
A team of scientists has determined and analyzed the high-resolution atomic structures of two kinds of human serotonin receptor.

Imaging Biomarker Predicts Response to Rapid Antidepressant
Signals dysfunction in brain system targeted by scopolamine - NIH study.

Identifying Protein 'Pockets' that Block Hallucinogens
Psychoactive drugs work by binding proteins in our brains and bodies and although these proteins have been a mystery, new research from the University of North Carolina is illuminating their structures.