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The Immune System – Multimedia

Targeting cross hairs positioned over a dividing cancer cell.

Advances in Cancer Biology

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Furthermore, recent estimates predict that as many as one in two people could develop a form of cancer in their lifetime.
Floating cells on a dark blue background.

Five Applications of Single-Cell Analysis Technologies

Download this listicle to discover recent examples of how single-cell analysis methods are driving forward research into cancer, aging, and drug discovery and development.
Immune Profiling for Disease

Precise Spatial Immune Profiling of PBMCs

This poster discusses the use of ChipCytometry, a modified approach to slide-based cytometry, which is a novel, highly multiplexed technology that preserves both plex and spatial context to deeply profile immune cell diversity at single-cell resolution.
App Note / Case Study

Fast Track Antigen-Specific B- and T-Cell Discovery

This application note demonstrates how Single Cell Immune Profiling and Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping (BEAM) can be used to profile thousands of hPBMCs from a single donor.

Current Trends and Future Prospects in Immuno-oncology content piece image

Current Trends and Future Prospects in Immuno-Oncology

Immunotherapy aims to leverage the power of the immune system in the fight against cancer. It offers a more effective and less destructive approach than many traditional treatments.
CAR T: A Promising Cell Therapy for Cancer Treatment content piece image
App Note / Case Study

CAR T: A Promising Cell Therapy for Cancer Treatment

CAR-T cell therapy has emerged as one of the most promising novel treatments in the fight against cancer.
Milestones in Cancer Immunology content piece image

Milestones in Cancer Immunology

The field of cancer immunology concerns the study of the interaction between the immune system and cancer cells.
Vaccine Development Pipeline content piece image

Vaccine Development Pipeline

Vaccines are critical for the prevention of infectious diseases and improvement of global health. Better understanding of the immune system and the availability of advanced structural biology tools and genetic delivery systems have unlocked new possibilities to improve vaccine development.
A graphic depicting the menstrual cycle.

Some Women Experience Heavier Periods After COVID-19 Vaccination

Women are at a slightly higher risk of having a heavier period after COVID vaccination, a study finds.
A picture of a shark.

Shark-Sourced Vaccine Ingredient May Be on Its Way Out

Researchers are exploring how yeast can be used to produce shark-derived squalene analogues.