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The Brave New World Of Immuno-Oncology
Essen Bioscience's animation of how scientists harness the body's immune response to fight cancer.
Gold nanoparticles- strange properties and applications
These properties can be exploited in a variety of assay applications, including lateral flow tests, microscopy, flow cytometry and FRET assays.
Bioinspired Approach to Sepsis Therapy
Learn how the Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) protein has been engineered to bind to a wide range of sepsis-causing pathogens and then safely remove the pathogens from the bloodstream using a novel microfluidic spleen-like device.
Lab-on-a-chip: catching molecular messages sent by tumors
Yong Zeng speaks about the use of lab-on-a-chip devices to detect low concentrations of biomolecules released by developing tumors.
What is vascular calcification?
We spoke to Alexander Kapustin, Research Associate, King's College London, at Extracellular Vesicles 2016.
What role do extracellular vesicles play in oncogene transmission?
We spoke to Janusz Rak, Professor, McGill University, at Extracellular Vesicles 2016.
The Benefits of Use-and-Throw Instruments
Anthony Turner, Professor, Linkoping University, tells us about the benefits and applications of use-and-throw instruments.
You Are Two
You are two, except only one you is reading this. Confused? Watch to understand.
The Immune System Explained I – Bacteria Infection
Your internal army fighting off invasions, sounds simple but the reality is complex and amazing.
Chemists Know - (Parody of "Let It Go" from Frozen) - University of California Irvine
Chemists know, wouldn't YOU like to know?