Latest App Notes & Case Studies

App Note / Case Study
Transform MSC Research With Real-Time, Non-Invasive Differentiation Monitoring
This application note demonstrates how combining live-cell analysis with high-throughput screening cytometry enables continuous, non-invasive monitoring of MSC differentiation, offering unprecedented insights into cellular dynamics while preserving

App Note / Case Study
How To Manage Contamination of Your Analytical Balance
This application note explores how a new generation of modern analytical balances benefit from hardware and software features that make cleaning processes easier and safer.

App Note / Case Study
Unraveling Protein Complex Dynamics
Discover how cutting-edge methodologies capture transient interactions with precision, providing a deeper understanding of complex binding dependencies.

App Note / Case Study
Faster, Reliable Cell Line Development Solutions
This case study highlights a novel platform that enabled a research team to identify, isolate and expand rare NIH-3T3 clones expressing HER2 and EBFP2, achieving results in weeks rather than months.

App Note / Case Study
Discover a High-Throughput, Real-Time Angiogenic Tube Formation Assay
This application note highlights a high-throughput angiogenic tube formation assay using a co-culture of HUVECs and fibroblasts, enabling efficient and accurate drug discovery screening.

App Note / Case Study
Gain Deeper Insights in Proteomics Research
This application note showcases how this robust, highly multiplexed platform supports novel biomarker discovery in drug development and aids in developing diagnostics for a wide range of critical diseases.

App Note / Case Study
Scale Up Proteomics With Precision
This application note examines an advanced proteomics platform designed to provide high precision across thousands of proteins, enabling reliable results even in large-scale and longitudinal studies.

App Note / Case Study
Improving Colony Formation Analysis With Automation
Quantitative microscopy using a cell imaging reader allows for automated colony formation analysis, enabling increased throughput and improved accuracy and reliability of results.

App Note / Case Study
Optimizing Detection of Leachables To Ensure Drug Safety
This application note explores the use of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques to identify and quantify volatile compounds in rubber gasket extracts.

App Note / Case Study
Optimized Protocol for ATCC Assay Ready THP-1 Monocyte Differentiation With PMA
This protocol outlines the differentiation of ATCC Assay Ready THP-1 monocytes (ATCC® TIB-202-AR™) into macrophage-like cells using PMA, eliminating the need for prior cell culturing.