Discover an LC-MS System That Is Rapid, Proven and Complete
App Note / Case Study
Last Updated: July 1, 2024
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Published: November 30, 2023

Credit: iStock
Mass spectrometry (MS) plays a crucial role in drug discovery, from functional biochemical assays to label-free screening. However, traditional methods like ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (uHPLC), are limited by throughput capability and the associated analysis time.
The latest automated systems bypass extraneous sample preparation, improve efficiency and enable the generation of high-quality, reproducible data. This compendium highlights cutting-edge applications that unlock the analytical power of high-throughput MS.
Download this app compendium to discover:
- The latest developments in high-throughput MS
- Practical strategies for implementing automated MS systems
- An optimized MS workflow for rapid high-throughput screening
RapidFire for Automated High-Throughput LC/MS
Proven. Rapid. Complete.
Application Compendium
Introduction 3
Application Notes
Method Development
High-Throughput (Sub-2.5 Second) Direct Injection Analysis by 4
Mass Spectrometry
Automated Method Development Using the Agilent RapidFire 10
High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry System
Minimization of the Required Sample Volume for Agilent RapidFire 17
High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry Systems
High-throughput, Ion-Pairing-Free, HILIC Analysis of Oligonucleotides 23
Using Agilent RapidFire Coupled to Quadrupole Time-of-Flight
Mass Spectrometry
High-throughput Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Synthetic Oligonucleotides 32
Drug Discovery
Fragment-Based Drug Discovery: Comparing Labeled and 38
Label-Free Screening
High-Throughput Lead Discovery with Agilent RapidFire/MS Systems 43
Ultrafast Analysis of In Vitro Microsomal Metabolic Stability using 47
RapidFire Coupled to the Ultivo Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
Clinical Research
Ultrafast Analysis of Levetiracetam in Serum 52
Forensics and Toxicology
Feasibility of the Agilent RapidFire High-Throughput MS System for 56
Ultrafast Screening of Drug Targets
Table of Contents
Agilent RapidFire 400 with accessories
The Agilent RapidFire is the proven choice for high-throughput mass spectrometry, with over
15 years of development and publications. Strategies for automated method development and
results in as little as 2 seconds per sample bring greater efficiency to your laboratory, while
temperature-controlled sample storage and plate-handling robotics enable you to focus on
outcomes instead of process. Whether you need the quantitative precision and sensitivity of
triple quadrupole mass spectrometry or the investigative power of time-of-flight high resolution
mass spectrometry, RapidFire delivers reliable results faster than ever before. Explore how
RapidFire brings ease-of-use to high-throughput mass spectrometry and redefines what
is possible.
Application Note
Pharma & Biopharma
Arrin Katz, William LaMarr, and
Can Ozbal
PureHoney Technologies, Inc.
Billerica, MA, USA.
Peter Rye
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Lexington, MA, USA
Due to large numbers of samples and the associated analysis time for each,
using mass spectrometry (MS) as a primary screening technique can be a long,
tedious process. This Application Note presents a modified Agilent RapidFire
high‑throughput MS system (RapidFire) that bypasses SPE desalting and enables a
sub‑2.5 second sample throughput rate, making the analysis of 35,000 samples a
day possible.
High‑Throughput (Sub‑2.5 Second)
Direct Injection Analysis by
Mass Spectrometry
Using a modified Agilent RapidFire high‑throughput
MS system
Return to Table of Contents
2 5
The role of MS in early drug discovery,
and especially in functional biochemical
and binding assays, is well established.
However, even fast techniques such as
UHPLC or SPE/MS face challenges when
primary screens of several hundreds
of thousands of compounds need to
be performed. With an eight seconds
per sample throughput, a RapidFire
can sample, desalt, and analyze
10,000 samples in 24 hours. However,
a large screen of several hundreds of
thousands of compounds still requires
many weeks of effort.
We have modified a RapidFire to
bypass the SPE desalting step, and
inject samples directly into the MS at a
throughput of less than 2.5 seconds per
sample. This modified system enables
the analysis of 35,000 samples, without
cleanup, in 24 hours.
The RapidFire was modified to achieve
direct injection (Figure 1). The line
between valves 1 and 2 was replaced
with one that connected valve 1 directly
to the MS. This resulted in pump 1
going to the MS, either around the
sampling loop or through it depending
on the position (load versus inject) of
valve 1. Pumps 2 and 3 were plumbed
to recycle water. The configuration files
were altered to minimize unnecessary
valve toggling. The modified system
was connected to an Agilent 6470 triple
quadrupole LC/MS. Samples, made to
be representative of a high‑throughput
screen, were diluted and transferred
to microplates. Plates were run using
modified and conventional modes.
AUC values were generated by
Agilent RapidFire Integrator software,
and analyzed using Microsoft Excel.
Figure 1. Flowpath diagrams for the RapidFire in standard and direct injection modes. In standard mode, the RapidFire aspirates sample from the
plate into the sampling loop during state 1 (A) and loads/washes the sample onto the cartridge during state 2 (B). In subsequent states, not shown,
the analytes are eluted into the MS. In direct injection mode, the RapidFire aspirates sample from the plate into the sampling loop during state 1 (C)
and elutes that sample into the MS during state 2 (D).
State 1: Aspirate
Pump 3
Pump 1
W2 Pump 2
Sipper Sip sensor Vacuum
V3 W1
State 2: Load/Wash
Pump 3
Pump 1
W2 Pump 2
Sipper Sip sensor Vacuum
V3 W1
State 1: Aspirate State 2: Inject
Pump 1
Pump 2
Sipper Sip sensor Vacuum
V3 W1
Pump 1
Pump 2
Sipper Sip sensor Vacuum
V3 W1
6 3
Results and discussion
RapidFire in direct injection mode
can sustain a throughput of just over
two seconds per sample
To examine the speed of RapidFire
in direct injection mode (Figure 2),
replicate injections were made from a
microplate containing a single dilution
of S‑adenosylhomocysteine (SAH). The
flow rate of the elution pump and the
elution time were optimized to balance
throughput, peak‑to‑peak separation, and
MS signal. Ultimately, a pump flow rate
of 1.25 mL/min and an elution time of
500 msec was configured. The optimized
method demonstrated that 60 injections
could be measured in just over
two minutes, sustaining a throughput of
just over two seconds per sample.
Faster flow rates did result in greater
peak‑to‑peak separation, which in
turn allowed the method to be sped
up further. However, faster flow rates
also decreased the MS signal slightly.
These results (data not shown) illustrate
that the direct injection method can be
tuned according to how different assay
parameters are prioritized by the user.
RapidFire in direct injection mode
provides a good concentration
To demonstrate the concentration
response of RapidFire in direct injection
mode (Figure 3), 13 two‑fold serial
dilutions of SAH were made in water
with 0.1 % formic acid starting from
a concentration of 8,000 nM. Each of
these 14 stock solutions (8,000, 4,000,
2,000, 1,000, 500, 250, 125, 62.50, 31.25,
15.62, 7.81, 3.91, 1.95, and 0.98 nM) was
aliquoted into a microplate for analysis.
One hundred replicate measurements
were conducted of each concentration.
These 1,400 injections were analyzed
in 52 minutes. Data were integrated
and exported in one minute using
RapidFire Integrator. Results show a
broad (spanning nearly four orders of
magnitude) and linear (R2
= 0.9997)
concentration response.
Figure 2. MRM chromatogram data for SAH analyzed by RapidFire‑MS in direct injection mode, demonstrating the sampling and measurement of
60 injections in ~two minutes, or two seconds per sample
+ESI MRM Frag = 135.0 V CID at 13.0 (385.0 & 135.9)
10 Injections
44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 44.6 44.7 44.8 44.9 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.7 45.8 45.9 46.0
Acquisition time (min)
10 Injections 10 Injections 10 Injections 10 Injections 10 Injections
Figure 3. RapidFire‑MS in direct injection mode provides a good concentration response. Error bars are shown to indicate the standard error of the mean. The plot
of the entire concentration range is shown on the left. A zoom‑in of the lower concentration data is shown on the right.
y = 129.48x + 2365.2
R² = 0.9997
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000
AUC of MS Signal
[SAH] (nM)
y = 113.56x + 5567.6
R² = 0.9999
0 50 100 150 200 250
AUC of MS Signal
[SAH] (nM)
4 7
RapidFire in direct injection mode
is reproducible
To test the reproducibility of the
RapidFire in direct injection mode
(Figure 4), bulk solutions of 100, 500,
and 1,000 nM SAH were made, and
each was supplemented with 500 nM
S‑adenosylmethionine (SAM) as an
internal standard. Each solution was
aliquoted into an individual microplate
for analysis. For each of the three plates,
1,920 replicate injections were made
in 72 minutes. In total, 5,760 injections
were analyzed in ~3.5 hours. Data for
each run were integrated and exported
in one minute using RapidFire Integrator.
Results showed excellent reproducibility.
Coefficients of variation (CVs) were
between 1 and 2 % for all concentrations
Data collected by RapidFire in direct
injection mode correlate well with
data from standard mode
To investigate the extent to which
data collected by direct injection mode
correlate with data from standard mode
(Figure 5), four solutions of SAH were
made (125, 250, 500, and 1,000 nM).
Each was supplemented with 500 nM
internal standard SAM, and 96 replicates
of each solution were measured in both
modes. The normalized data for the
four samples, from each mode, were
plotted against each other. In total, 768
measurements were used to generate
the four‑point unity plot, which illustrated
good correlation between the data from
the two RapidFire modes. The best fit
line of the plot had an R2
= 0.9983.
0 384 768 1,152 1,536 1,920
SAH signal/IS signal
Replicate number
1,000 nM SAH
500 nM SAH
100 nM SAH
Average Std. Dev. CV (%)
1,000 nM SAH 1.63 1.17 1.3
500 nM SAH 0.86 0.01 1.2
100 nM SAH 0.22 0.00 1.7
Figure 4. RapidFire‑MS in direct injection mode is reproducible. Replicate data for three concentrations of
SAH were collected. The AUC for the SAH MS signal was divided by the AUC of the internal standard MS
signal and plotted.
y = 1.0356x – 0.0206
R² = 0.9983
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Normalized data acquired in standard mode
Normalized data acquired in direct injection mode
Figure 5. Data collected by RapidFire‑MS in direct injection mode correlate well with data
from standard mode.
The RapidFire was modified to
bypass the SPE cartridge and perform
direct injection of samples. This
modification resulted in increased
throughput, and could easily sustain
a cycle time of less than 2.5 seconds
per sample, representing a three to
‑fold improvement over standard
configuration analyses. The modified
system also demonstrated a broad
and linear concentration response,
excellent reproducibility, and near
perfect correlation with data acquired in
standard mode. The RapidFire could be
interconverted in less than 10 minutes,
allowing users to balance the throughput
and sensitivity requirements of their
specific screens.
Though not described in detail here, the
modified system can be beneficial in
ways beyond increased throughput. As
one example, because the sample
composition is not subjected to SPE
enrichment (which can affect the relative
concentrations of analytes delivered to
the MS), the modified system enables
the analysis of diverse analyte panels
in each sample. As another example,
because the bind/elute process has
been circumvented, the modified system
allows the analysis of samples that
are not amenable to SPE. That is, if a
suitable SPE packing material cannot be
identified, or if the sample matrix (high
organic content, nonspecific binders, and
so on) spoils the SPE binding process.
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2019, 2021
Printed in the USA, June 22, 2021
Application Note
Lauren E. Frick and
William A. LaMarr
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Development of new analytical methods to monitor compounds of interest using
SPE/MS/MS involves optimizing several parameters. The Agilent RapidFire
high‑throughput MS system’s expanded capabilities allow the user to automate
much of this optimization. This application note demonstrates a procedure for
optimizing a method for an small example molecule, cyclic AMP. The final method
has a CV of <3%, greatly improved peak shape, and 20‑fold reduced carryover as
compared to the generic starting method. The optimization required 12 minutes
of hands‑on time, and 74 minutes of walk‑away run time. The rapid throughput
and the ability of the RapidFire to switch solvents and cartridges automatically
allow the acquisition of finely detailed data, enabling the head‑to‑head comparison
of slightly different conditions, and resulting in greater confidence in the final
optimized method.
Automated Method Development
Using the Agilent RapidFire
High‑Throughput Mass Spectrometry
Return to Table of Contents
2 11
New method development for mass
spectrometry‑based assays can be
time‑consuming. Multiple packing
materials and buffer systems must
often be explored before a suitable
combination is found. LC methods
require several minutes each, and
trying different options can quickly add
up to a significant time investment.
The Agilent RapidFire high‑throughput
MS system addresses this bottleneck
by allowing sample analysis in 8 to
15 seconds per sample, enabling various
buffers and cartridges to be tested
much more quickly. The RapidFire takes
this improvement one step further by
offering the ability to switch solvents
and cartridges in an automated fashion.
Method development can then be set up
to run automatically, allowing the user
to attend to other tasks. This application
note follows an example protocol to
optimize a RapidFire method for a
representative small molecule, cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), for
which mass spectrometric conditions
have already been determined (resources
for MS optimization, such as how to
use Optimizer, are available on the
Agilent web site). The following protocol
is not intended to be comprehensive,
nor to apply to all potential analytes of
interest, but rather to serve as a general
guideline for how a new optimization
could be approached, and to illustrate
the ability of the RapidFire to assist in
method development.
Planning and instrument setup
Commonly, a RapidFire method is
optimized from a generic starting point
chosen based on the size and polarity of
the molecule. Method components that
are frequently explored include cartridge
packing material, wash and elution buffer
identity and additives, RapidFire state
timings, and possibly RapidFire flow
rates. The example method development
detailed here involves three rounds of
– Cartridge and acid composition of
wash and elution buffers
– Percentage of acetonitrile in the
elution buffer
– RapidFire timing
Step 1: Make a constant
concentration sample plate in a
mock matrix
A 96‑well plate was made containing
200 µL of 1 µM cAMP in 50 mM Tris
pH 7.5 containing 0.1% formic acid in
odd‑numbered columns, and 50 mM
Tris pH 7.5 + 0.1% formic acid in
even‑numbered columns to assess
carryover from sample wells into
buffer wells.
Step 2: Choose cartridge(s) to be
tested based on the general cartridge
selection guide (Table 1)
Following the Agilent general cartridge
selection chart, a C4 (A) and a graphitic
carbon (D) cartridge were chosen as the
most likely packing materials to work
well with this small hydrophilic molecule.
Table 1. Cartridge selection guide.
Type Packing Typical Applications Part Number
A C4 Small molecules, peptides, oligos G9203A
B Cyano Hydrophobic compounds G9204A
C C18 Proteins, small molecules G9205A
D Graphitic carbon Hydrophilic compounds, small molecules G9206A
E C8 Proteins, peptides, small molecules G9207A
F Phenyl Aromatic compounds G9208A
H HILIC Hydrophilic compounds, small molecules G9209A
Z Custom Custom applications G9210A
12 3
Step 3: Choose buffers and additives
to be tested
Based on the MS transition
optimization, cAMP is ionized most
efficiently in positive mode. Therefore,
buffers containing formic acid
and/or trifluoroacetic acid were used. A
common starting point for reverse phase
applications is water with or without
acids as buffer A, and some percentage
of acetonitrile with or without acids as
buffer B. Because acids and pairing
agents can impact the success of a
method severely, they were optimized
first using a generic acetonitrile
concentration of 80%.
Step 4: Set up buffer bottles on
Set up buffer bottles on RapidFire
pumps to cover the range of buffers
and additives to be explored. Purge the
pumps, assigning 25% of flow to each of
the four channels, and elevating the flow
rate to 10 mL/min for at least 1 minute.
To allow the exploration of acid
combinations from 0 to 0.1% formic
or trifluoracetic acid and acetonitrile
concentrations up to 100%, the pumps
were set up as in Table 2.
Experimental setup
Step 5: Create RapidFire method
files to run the cartridge/buffer
combinations of interest
Four RapidFire methods were created
(Table 3) to vary the acid composition of
both the wash and the elution buffers.
All methods used a sip height of 1, a
pump 2 composition of 100% channel A,
generic state timings of (1) 600,
(2) 3,000, (3) 4,000, and (4) 500 ms, and
flow rates of 1.5 mL/min for pump 1 and
1.25 mL/min for pumps 2 and 3.
Step 6: Create a plate map containing
one sequence for each condition to
be tested
Because there are eight conditions to be
tested in the first experiment (four acid
combinations × two cartridge types), a
plate map containing eight sequences,
each corresponding to one row, was
created (Table 4).
Step 7: Set up a batch
Set up a batch to pair the RapidFire
methods with the cartridges to be tested.
Assign a mass spec method to each
sequence, if using synchronization.
A batch was created (Table 5) to run the
eight sequences under four different
elution solvents and on two cartridges.
All eight experiments used the same
MS method.
Table 2. RapidFire pump setup.
Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3
A ddH2
O + 0.1% formic acid A 50% acetonitrile A Acetonitrile + 0.1% formic acid
B ddH2
O + 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid B ddH2
O B Acetonitrile + 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid
C ddH2
O C ddH2
O C ddH2
O + 0.1% formic acid
D ddH2
O D ddH2
O D ddH2
O + 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid
Table 3. Agilent RapidFire high‑throughput MS system methods to vary acid
Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4
0.1% FA
0.09% FA
0.01% TFA
0.05% FA
0.05% TFA 0.1% TFA
Pump 1 Composition
A 100
B 0
C 0
D 0
A 90
B 10
C 0
D 0
A 50
B 50
C 0
D 0
A 0
B 100
C 0
D 0
Pump 3 Composition
A 80
B 0
C 20
D 0
A 72
B 8
C 18
D 2
A 40
B 40
C 10
D 10
A 0
B 80
C 0
D 20
Table 4. Sequences
for acid and cartridge
optimization experiment.
Number Wells
1 A1 to A12
2 A1 to A12
3 A1 to A12
4 A1 to A12
5 B1 to B12
6 B1 to B12
7 B1 to B12
8 B1 to B12
Table 5. Batch for acid and cartridge
optimization experiment.
Method Cartridge MS Method
1 1 A cAMP.m
2 1 D cAMP.m
3 2 A cAMP.m
4 2 D cAMP.m
5 3 A cAMP.m
6 3 D cAMP.m
7 4 A cAMP.m
8 4 D cAMP.m
4 13
Step 8: Load the batch, press play
The system will automatically calculate
the number of mix injections required to
clear the dead volume of the instrument
with the mix of solvents specified
in the RapidFire method assigned
to sequence 1. Following these mix
injections, MS acquisition will begin, if
chosen, and the sample injections will
follow. Upon completion of sequence 1,
the mixing injections will occur again
if the RapidFire method assigned to
sequence 2 calls for a different buffer
composition. If the three compositions
are all the same, mixing injections
will be skipped, and sequence 2 will
begin immediately.
Step 9: Analyze the acquired data
Upon run completion, analyze the
acquired data (Figure 1). Choose final
cartridge and buffers for the method, or
use the data to inform the next round
of optimization.
Criteria for an optimal method includes
proper peak shape, baseline peak
separation, maximum peak height,
and minimum carryover from sample
wells into buffer wells. Here, large
improvements in analyte retention
and peak reproducibility are seen
on the graphitic carbon cartridge
(D, peak heights of approximately
4E4) as compared to the C4 cartridge
(A, peak heights of approximately 4E2).
Additionally, a substantial reduction in
carryover is associated with increasing
concentrations of TFA (from 0%
TFA in RF method 1 to 0.1% TFA in
RF method 4). Accordingly, future
experiments used 0.1% TFA in both the
wash and the elution buffers.
Figure 1. Example data acquired from the eight sequences run in experiment 1.
Cartridge A
RF Method 1
RF Method 2
RF Method 3
RF Method 4
Cartridge D
RF Method 1
RF Method 2
RF Method 3
RF Method 4
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
Acquisition time (min)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
Acquisition time (min)
14 5
Step 10: Determine whether further
method optimization is required
Decide if further buffer, additive, or
RapidFire method optimization is
necessary. If it is, repeat steps 5 through
9 until sufficient information is gathered
to generate an optimized final method.
The best conditions from the first
experiment are cartridge D and 0.1% TFA.
As percentages of acetonitrile other than
the default of 80% have not yet been
explored, a six‑sequence batch was set
up to optimize acetonitrile concentration.
Six RapidFire methods were created,
as in Table 6, to vary the acetonitrile
composition of the elution buffer. All
methods used a TFA concentration
of 0.1%, a sip height of 1, a pump 2
composition of 100% channel A, state
timings of (1) 600, (2) 3,000, (3) 4,000,
and (4) 500 ms, and flow rates of
1.5 mL/min for pump 1 and 1.25 mL/min
for pumps 2 and 3.
A plate map was created containing
six sequences (Table 7).
A batch was created to run each
sequence under a different RF method
(Table 8).
The batch was run and the results were
analyzed (Figure 2).
Here, a large improvement in peak
shape is observed as the percentage
of acetonitrile is reduced from 100%.
An enormous reduction in carryover
is also observed. Analyte signal is
comparable under all conditions tested,
so a concentration of 60% acetonitrile
+ 0.1% TFA was selected as the final
elution solvent.
Table 6. Agilent RapidFire high‑throughput MS system method setup for acetonitrile
composition experiment.
1 2 3 4 5 6
100% ACN 90% ACN 80% ACN 70% ACN 60% ACN 50% ACN
Pump 1 Composition
A 0
B 100
C 0
D 0
A 0
B 100
C 0
D 0
A 0
B 100
C 0
D 0
A 0
B 100
C 0
D 0
A 0
B 100
C 0
D 0
A 0
B 100
C 0
D 0
Pump 3 Composition
A 0
B 100
C 0
D 0
A 0
B 90
C 0
D 10
A 0
B 80
C 0
D 20
A 0
B 70
C 0
D 30
A 0
B 60
C 0
D 40
A 0
B 50
C 0
D 50
Table 7. Sequence map
for experiment 2.
Number Wells
1 C1 to C12
2 C1 to C12
3 C1 to C12
4 D1 to D12
5 D1 to D12
6 D1 to D12
Table 8. Batch setup for experiment 2.
Method Cartridge MS Method
1 1 D cAMP.m
2 2 D cAMP.m
3 3 D cAMP.m
4 4 D cAMP.m
5 5 D cAMP.m
6 6 D cAMP.m
Figure 2. Example data acquired under acetonitrile concentrations ranging from 100% to 50%, showing dramatic
alterations in peak shape and carryover.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
RF Method 1
RF Method 2
RF Method 3
RF Method 4
RF Method 5
RF Method 6
Counts Counts
Acquisition time (min)
6 15
Finally, to further reduce carryover, a
six‑sequence batch was created to
optimize RapidFire state timings using
six RapidFire methods (Table 9). All
methods used ddH2
O + 0.1% TFA as
buffer A, 60% acetonitrile + 0.1% TFA
as buffer B, a sip height of 1, a pump 2
composition of 100% channel A, and
flow rates of 1.5 mL/min for pump 1 and
1.25 mL/min for pumps 2 and 3.
A plate map was created containing
six sequences (Table 10).
A batch was created to run each
sequence under a different RF method
(Table 11).
The batch was run and the results were
analyzed (Figure 3).
As shown here, a longer wash can
assist in desalting and result in higher
signal, and a longer elution can reduce
carryover. State timings for this method
were set to 600, 3,000, 6,000, and 500 ms
to minimize carryover but keep the cycle
time as short as possible.
Table 9. Agilent RapidFire high‑throughput MS system method setup for state timing experiment.
Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4 Method 5 Method 6
State Timings (ms)
1: 600
2: 2,500
3: 4,000
4: 500
1: 600
2: 3,000
3: 3,000
4: 500
1: 600
2: 3,000
3: 4,000
4: 500
1: 600
2: 3,000
3: 5,000
4: 500
1: 600
2: 3,000
3: 6,000
4: 500
1: 600
2: 3,000
3: 7,000
4: 500
Table 10. Sequence map
for experiment 3.
Number Wells
1 E1 to E12
2 E1 to E12
3 E1 to E12
4 F1 to F12
5 F1 to F12
6 F1 to F12
Table 11. Batch setup for experiment 3.
Method Cartridge MS Method
1 1 D cAMP.m
2 2 D cAMP.m
3 3 D cAMP.m
4 4 D cAMP.m
5 5 D cAMP.m
6 6 D cAMP.m
Figure 3. Example data showing the effects of various wash and elution state lengths.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8
RF Method 1
RF Method 2
RF Method 3
RF Method 4
RF Method 5
RF Method 6
Counts Counts
Acquisition time (min)
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2014, 2021
Printed in the USA, July 8, 2021
Results and discussion
An Agilent RapidFire high‑throughput
MS system method for a representative
small molecule was developed in an
automated fashion from a generic
starting point through three rounds of
optimization to determine the cartridge,
buffer composition, buffer additives,
and RapidFire timings that gave the
best peak shape, baseline separation,
and peak height, as well as an absence
of carryover. The CV for six sample
injections under the final optimized
method was 2.9%. Peak shape was
greatly improved and carryover was
reduced 20‑fold from the generic starting
point method. This optimization required
about 12 hands‑on minutes spent setting
up the instrument and the required
batches. Total hands‑off optimization
time, including solvent mixing, was
74 minutes.
The speed of a RapidFire high‑throughput
MS system eliminates guesswork from
new method development, as many
conditions can simply be tried very
quickly and the real results observed.
The rapid throughput and the ability
of the RapidFire to switch solvents
and cartridges automatically allow
the acquisition of finely detailed data,
enabling the head‑to‑head comparison
of slightly different conditions, and
resulting in greater confidence in the
final optimized method. The ability to
develop robust, reliable new methods
with minimal hands‑on time frees up
researchers to attend to other tasks
while maintaining or even improving the
quality of the work accomplished.
Technical Overview
Peter Rye, Ph.D.
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
This application note describes analysis with the Agilent RapidFire high-throughput
MS system using tubing with a smaller inner diameter (id). This way, the necessary
sample volume could be minimized. Two small id tubing configurations were
successfully applied within this methodology, reducing the sample requirements
to just 10 and 5 µL per well. The optimized configurations displayed excellent
reproducibility across whole 96- and 384-well plates, producing data with
coefficients of variation (CV) between 2.3 and 4.0%.
Minimization of the Required
Sample Volume for Agilent RapidFire
High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry
Return to Table of Contents
The Agilent RapidFire high-throughput
mass spectrometry (MS) system
is designed to perform online SPE
of samples with maximum speed.
Consistent with these goals, the id of
the tubing used to collect each sample
is intentionally large, allowing the liquid
from each well to be rapidly sipped by
aspiration; sample collection from each
well is regularly achieved in less than
200 ms. A consequence of using sample
collection tubing (composed of a sipper
tube and a sample loop, Figure 1) with
a relatively large id is that the volume
of liquid sampled from each well is
relatively large. Typically, 10 μL of sample
is used for each measurement, but dead
volume before (in the sipper tube) and
after (for the sip sensor) the sample
loop results in a total consumption of
~35 μL per sample. This study evaluated
the potential for decreasing RapidFire
sample consumption, primarily using
sample collection tubing with the same
outer diameter (od) but a smaller id. A
robust method requiring only 5 μL per
well, for 384- and 96-well formats, was
achieved, representing a seven-fold
reduction in sample needs.
– Use the Agilent RapidFire sipper
configuration wizard to teach
the plate positions with the new
needle configuration.
– Since vacuum levels can vary
between labs, the optimal sip time
for any volume must be empirically
determined. Use the procedure
described below to optimize the
sip time for MS signal intensity
and reproducibility.
– Best results were achieved using
Greiner V-bottom 384-well plates
(p/n 781280) and Greiner V-bottom
96-well plates (p/n 651201).
Necessary parts and implementation
Part Number Quantity Description Notes
RF0052T 1 0.5 inch guide needle Replaces 1.5 inch guide needle
RF0111T- 8 1 8 inch tubing, 0.009 inch id, gray Cut to length (Table 1)
RF0094T 1 (10 pk) Ferrule, 1/32 inch od, red One per connection
For 10 μL operation
Part Number Quantity Description Notes
RF0052T 1 0.5 inch guide needle Replaces 1.5 inch guide needle
RF0112T-13 1 12 inch tubing, 0.005 inch id, red Cut to length (Table 1)
RF0094T 1 (10 pk) Ferrule, 1/32 inch od, red One per connection
For 5 μL operation
Figure 1. The Agilent RapidFire high-throughput MS comes standard with a beige sipper tube (A) and
sample loop (B). The id of beige tubing is 0.015". This study replaced the sipper tube and sample loop
with smaller id tubing (either gray with id 0.009" or red with id 0.005") to decrease the amount of sample
required per well.
Beige Tubing
(1/32" od × 0.015" id)
Gray Tubing
(1/32" od × 0.009" id)
Red Tubing
(1/32" od × 0.005" id)
Sipper Tube (4.5 inches) ~13.2 μL ~4.7 μL ~1.5 μL
Sample Loop (3.5 inches) ~10.0 μL ~3.6 μL ~1.1 μL
Total (8 inches) ~23.2 μL ~8.3 μL ~2.6 μL
Table 1. Relationship between tubing length, inner diameter (id), and inner volume.
Table 2. Evaluation of sipping behaviors using beige, gray, and red tubing configurations.
Beige Tubing Gray Tubing Red Tubing
Time to Sip 1 mL Water ~23 seconds ~1 minute >10 minutes
Time to Trigger Sip Sensor ~190 milliseconds ~180 milliseconds ~1,500 milliseconds
Modifications to RapidFire hardware
The RapidFire comes standard with a
blunt ended 1.5" sipper guide needle,
which allows the sipper to reach the
bottom of deep-well plates, if necessary.
For all the experiments, this needle was
replaced with a 0.5" blunt ended needle
(p/n RF0052T). The standard beige
color (0.015" id) sipper tube and sample
loop (Figure 1) were replaced with
tubing that was either gray (0.009" id,
p/n RF0111T-8) or red (0.005" id,
p/n RF0112T-13). While mixing the id of
the sipper tubing and the sample loop
tubing could be useful, these remained
matched in this study (both beige,
gray, or red). Table 1 shows how the
length and id of the sample collection
tubing relates to the inner volume of
the configuration.
Results and discussion
Sipping behavior
It is possible for the efficiency of
RapidFire sipping to be affected
by clogs, insufficient vacuum, or
loose/overtightened ferrules. In these
cases, it is common to evaluate the
RapidFire sipping behavior by timing
how long it takes to aspirate 1 mL of
water. In the standard configuration with
beige tubing, ~23 seconds is typical and
indicative of an unobstructed sample
collection path. For comparison, the
time required to sip 1 mL of water using
beige, gray, and red tubing configurations
was tested. Table 2 shows 1 mL sip
times averaged from six replicates
were ~23 seconds, ~1 minute, and
>10 minutes, respectively. As liquids
travel easier through less constrictive
capillaries, this general trend
was expected.
The sipping behavior of all three
configurations was also characterized
by averaging the sip time, as recorded
by the sip sensor, across 16 sample
replicates. The standard beige
configuration showed an average sample
sip time of ~190 ms, while the gray and
the red sample sip times were ~180
and ~1,500 ms, respectively (Table 2).
These results were expected, as the
wide differences in sipping efficiencies
were offset by the total sipping volumes.
For example, even though the time to
sip 1 mL using gray tubing was nearly
threefold greater than the time for
beige tubing, the corresponding sample
volume sipped using the gray tubing was
nearly threefold less. The net effect was
a roughly equal sample sip time for both
the beige and gray tubing configurations.
Optimization of sample volume and
sip time
To optimize the sample volume
and sip time, the RapidFire was
plumbed for direct injection (“blaze”)
mode and samples containing
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM),
S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), or
both, were run. The plates used were
either 384- (Greiner V-bottom, 781280)
or 96-well (Greiner V-bottom, 651201)
and centrifuged briefly prior to analysis
to ensure that the liquid was at the
well bottom. A sipper safe height of
1 mm was used. MS detection was
conducted using the Agilent 6495C triple
quadrupole MS.
Sample requirements can be reduced
by a couple μL when the RapidFire
sip sensor is disabled. In place of
the sip sensor, the sip time for each
configuration was optimized by
measuring the MS signal as a function
of RapidFire aspiration time and sample
volume per well.
Using the optimization of the beige
tubing configuration as an example,
30 μL of 500 nM SAM was added to
each well, across multiple columns of
a 384-well plate. Each column provided
16 replicates, and was analyzed using a
different sip time (50, 75, 100, 125, 150,
175, and 200 ms). The average peak
area for SAM was determined for each
column and plotted. Once reproducible
MS results for one or more sip times
were confirmed, the experiment was
repeated with a smaller volume per well
(27.5, 25, or 22.5 μL). In this fashion, the
optimization of sample volume and sip
time was determined while monitoring
the reproducibility of each condition.
The expectations in these experiments
(Figure 2) were that sip times that
were too short would result in less
MS signal because the sample loop
would not have time to fill completely.
Likewise, sip times that were too long
were also expected to result in less MS
signal because some (or all) sample
would have been aspirated through the
sample loop to waste. The optimal sip
time was therefore volume-dependent,
where smaller sample volumes made
the optimal sip time window narrower.
Experimental results were consistent
with these expectations.
Ultimately, each tubing configuration was
optimized such that the required sample
volume was just a couple μL more than
the total tubing volume (Table 3). For the
red tubing configuration, the optimized
sample volume was just 5 μL per well,
for both 384- and 96-well formats.
These results represent a seven-fold
reduction in sample requirements
compared to when the RapidFire is used
with the standard beige tubing and sip
sensor enabled.
Sip time
Analyte signal
Here, the sip time
is too short. The
sample loop is not
completely filled.
Here, the sip time is
optimal, balancing
time with signal.
Here, the sip time is
too long. Some of
the sample has
already been
aspirated through
the loop to waste.
Figure 2. Analyte MS signal as a function of sip time. When the RapidFire sip sensor is off, which was done
in this study to decrease material needs, the sip time must be optimized. If the sip time is too short, the
sample loop will not be filled completely. If the sip time is too long, the liquid in the well will get aspirated
all the way through the sample loop and leave it partially/completely empty. Determination of the sip time
range that renders the sample loop full is critical for MS signal intensity and reproducibility.
Full 96- and 384-well plates were run to
more thoroughly examine the robustness
of each low sample volume method
(Table 3). For each run, the plates
were supplemented with a 2:1 mixture
of SAM:SAH, and the area ratio was
plotted for each injection. While the
ratio of SAM to SAH was 2:1, the MS
response factor for SAM was slightly
greater than that for SAH, resulting in
an average area ratio of ~2.3:1. Results
showed excellent reproducibility for each
configuration, with CVs between 2.3 and
4.0% (Figures 3, 4, and 5). No wells were
missed during these analyses.
Table 3. Optimized sample volume and sip time for the beige, gray, and red tubing configurations.
Beige Tubing Gray Tubing Red Tubing
Optimized Sample Volume per Well 25 μL 10 μL 5 μL
Optimized Sip Time (Sip Sensor Off) 125 milliseconds 125 milliseconds 1,250 milliseconds
Figure 3. Reproducibility data from 96- (left) and 384-well (right) plates, for the optimized beige tubing configuration (25 μL per well).
CV = 2.5% CV = 2.3%
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
96-well plate injection number
Normalized analyte signal
0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 352 384
384-well plate injection number
Normalized analyte signal
Figure 4. Reproducibility data from 96- (left) and 384-well (right) plates, for the optimized gray tubing configuration (10 μL per well).
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
96-well plate injection number
Normalized analyte signal
0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 352 384
384-well plate injection number
Normalized analyte signal
CV = 4.0% CV = 3.6%
Figure 5. Reproducibility data from 96- (left) and 384-well (right) plates, for the optimized red tubing configuration (5 μL per well).
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
96-well plate injection number
Normalized analyte signal
0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 352 384
384-well plate injection number
Normalized analyte signal
CV = 2.3% CV = 2.7%
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2019, 2021
Printed in the USA, February 23, 2021
The goal of these studies was to use
nonstandard sample collection tubing
with a smaller id to decrease the material
consumption of Agilent RapidFire MS
analyses. Two smaller id tubing
configurations were tested, and each
was successfully optimized to decrease
sample needs. In comparison to the
standard beige tubing configuration,
which requires 35 μL sample per well
with the sip sensor is enabled, the gray
and red tubing configurations decreased
sample needs to 10 and 5 μL per well,
respectively. These optimized methods
performed reproducibly across entire
plates and provided data with low CV.
Application Note
Peter Rye, PhD
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
This application note describes a high-throughput, ion-pairing-free method for
oligonucleotide characterization using the Agilent RapidFire high-throughput
MS system. The HILIC-based method achieves a 12-second cycle time, and
demonstrates high robustness and reproducibility. Results include the identification
of impurities less than 0.5% of the target, detection limits in the single-digit
nanomolar range, and a linear concentration response over more than three
decades. Analysis of nine unique oligonucleotides, comprising both unmodified
and heavily modified components, illustrates that the method is highly versatile for
samples with unique chemistries.
High-throughput, Ion-Pairing-Free,
HILIC Analysis of Oligonucleotides
Using Agilent RapidFire Coupled
to Quadrupole Time-of-Flight
Mass Spectrometry
Return to Table of Contents
LC/MS methods for the analysis
of oligonucleotides (oligos) have
traditionally been based on ion-pairing
reverse-phase (IPRP) chromatography,
because this approach generally delivers
good separation and MS response in
negative mode. However, considering
that many ion-pairing reagents can
present a memory effect which can
diminish the performance of the system
in positive mode, IPRP methods can be
burdensome for mixed-use systems,
pushing many laboratories to seek
ion-pairing-free alternatives. In this
work, a high-throughput, ion-pairing-free
method for oligo characterization using
an Agilent RapidFire 6545XT MS system
is presented. This method leverages the
Agilent HILIC-Z resin and MS-friendly,
ammonium acetate-based mobile
phases, which allow for subsequent
positive mode use of the system without
flushing or hardware changes. The
method achieves a 12-second cycle time,
along with the robustness, reproducibility,
dynamic range, and sensitivity that
are sought after for high-quality oligo
characterization. Tests also demonstrate
that the method is equally effective
for unmodified and heavily modified
oligos, including antisense (ASO) and
aptamer samples.
Analytical methods and samples
The RapidFire/Q-TOF instrument
consists of an Agilent RapidFire 365
high-throughput MS system coupled to
an Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF
equipped with an Agilent Jet Stream
source. A HILIC cartridge (type H6, 4 μL
bed volume, G9527) was used for online
solid phase extraction. Data acquisition
was performed with RapidFire
Acquisition software, version 6.1, and
MassHunter acquisition software for
LC/MS systems, version 10.1. The
RapidFire and MS methods used for
this study are detailed in Table 1. LC/MS
grade acetonitrile was sourced from
Agilent. Water was sourced from a Milli-Q
system. Mobile phase A (MPA) and
mobile phase B (MPB) were prepared
without any pH adjustments. All injection
volumes in this study were 10 μL.
Following sampling by the RapidFire,
samples were delivered to the
cartridge and desalted using MPA at
1 mL/min for 5,000 ms (20 cartridge
volumes of wash). The desalted oligo
mixture was then eluted to the MS for
measurement using MPB at 0.5 mL/min
for 4,000 ms (eight cartridge volumes).
The resulting chromatographic peaks
were approximately 6 seconds wide
and composed of 24 unique spectra.
The cartridge was then re-equilibrated
with MPA at 1 mL/min for 500 ms
(two cartridge volumes) before
introduction of the next sample. There
was insignificant benefit to longer
load/wash, elute, or re-equilibration times
(data not shown). The optimized method,
including plate movements, sustained a
12-second cycle time.
Following acquisition, the MS data
files were automatically parsed
by the RapidFire software into
individual injection files. Extracted ion
chromatogram and Maximum Entropy
deconvolution techniques were used
in MassHunter BioConfirm software,
version 10.0, for analysis.
Table 1. RapidFire and 6545XT MS methods used in this study.
RapidFire Conditions
Cartridge HILIC (PN G9527)
Cartridge Temperature Room temperature
Injection Volume 10 µL
Pump 1 MPA = 85% acetonitrile + 15 mM ammonium acetate 1.0 mL/min
Pump 2 MPB = 50% acetonitrile + 15 mM ammonium acetate 1.25 mL/min
Pump 3 MPB = 50% acetonitrile + 15 mM ammonium acetate 0.5 mL/min
State 1 Aspirate sample (sip sensor on) 600 ms
State 2 Load/wash (desalt) 5,000 ms
State 3 Extra wash 0 ms
State 4 Elute (inject) 4,000 ms
State 5 Reequilibrate 500 ms
6545XT Q-TOF Conditions
Ion Polarity Dual AJS Negative
Data Storage Both (Centroid and Profile)
Gas Temperature 300 °C
Drying Gas Flow 11 L/min
Nebulizer Gas 35 psi
Sheath Gas Temperature 350 °C
Sheath Gas Flow 11 L/min
Capillary Voltage 3,500 V
Nozzle Voltage 2,000 V
Fragmentor 175 V
Skimmer 65 V
Oct 1 RF Vpp 750 V
Mass Range 100 to 3,200 m/z
Acquisition Rate 4 spectra/sec
Oligos used in this study (Table 2)
were purchased from Integrated
DNA Technologies (Coralville, Iowa)
with standard desalting purification.
Products were resuspended in water
to make 1 mM stocks and diluted in
MPA for analysis. See the individual
experimental sections for the final
concentrations used.
Results and discussion
Oligos of different sizes
To assess the applicability of the
HILIC RapidFire/Q-TOF method to
oligos of different sizes, an 18-mer
(PR8), a 40-mer (PRL40), and a 60-mer
(PRL60) were analyzed. A 10 μM
sample (100 pmol on cartridge) of each
oligo was analyzed, and results were
compared to data previously collected
using the IPRP technique.1
Figure 1
shows ions for several expected charge
states which were observed in the HILIC
data (A) and the IPRP data (B) for each
sample. Furthermore, several unique
spectral qualities were observed in the
RapidFire data.
First, the IPRP conditions resulted in a
much wider charge state envelope for
each oligo. In some cases, a bimodal
distribution was observed; this is
best exemplified by the 40-mer data
in Figure 1B. These wide, bimodal
distributions are thought to stem from
portions of the oligo remaining in native
conformation (leading to lower-charged
species), while other portions are in a
denatured conformation (facilitating
formation of the higher-charged
species). Spectra collected under HILIC
conditions showed a much narrower
charge state distribution shifted towards
the less-charged species, suggesting
that these oligos were maintained in
their native state. This behavior would
be consistent with observations from
other mass spectrometry techniques,
for example, analysis of native proteins
in which ammonium acetate is
commonly used.
Second, the IPRP conditions resulted in
the larger oligos showing more charges
than their smaller counterparts, resulting
in a relatively consistent m/z range for
spectral ions from oligos of different
sizes. In fact, the most abundant charge
state for the 18-mer (–4 at m/z ~1,375)
had a higher m/z value than the most
abundant charge state for the 60-mer
(–19 at m/z ~970). In the case of the
HILIC conditions, the m/z value for the
most predominant charge state of each
oligo trended higher as the oligo size
increased. Again, this result is consistent
with the HILIC conditions preserving
a native folded state of the oligo, and
charge-charge repulsion deterring the
formation of higher-charged species.
Strategies to mitigate this effect are
required for the analysis of larger oligos
on mass spectrometers with limiting m/z
range. These studies are underway and
will be described elsewhere.
Code Description
* Phosphorothioate bond
A 2'-deoxyribose adenine
C 2'-deoxyribose cytosine
G 2'-deoxyribose guanine
T 2'-deoxyribose thymine
mA 2'-O-methyl A
mG 2'-O-methyl G
rA Ribose adenine
rG Ribose guanosine
V Mixed C, A, and G
/3InvdT/ 3' inverted T
Table 2. Oligonucleotides used in this study and their associated code notations. All sequences are written
in the 5' to 3' orientation.
Name Length
Weight Sequence
PR3 20 6007, 6031,
ASO 18 7127
Aptamer 28 9116 /52FC/mGmGrArA/i2FU//i2FC/mAmG/i2FU/mGmAmA/i2FU/mG/i2FC//
Code Description
/32MOErG/ 3' methoxyethoxy G
/5Phos/ 5' phosphate
/52FC/ 5' Fluoro C
/52MOErT/ 5' 2-methoxyethoxy T
/i2FC/ Internal Fluoro C
/i2FU/ Internal Fluoro U
/i2MOErA/ Internal 2-methoxyethoxy A
/i2MOErC/ Internal 2-methoxyethoxy C
/i2MOErT/ Internal 2-methoxyethoxy T
/i2MOErG/ Internal 2-methoxyethoxy G
To compare the MS signal intensities
for oligos of different sizes, scaling
was removed by linking their Y-axes.
Figure 2A shows that the HILIC
conditions resulted in a significant drop
in m/z ion intensities as the size of
the oligo increased. More specifically,
the height of the most predominant
charge state for the 60-mer was
approximately 25-fold less than that of
the 18-mer. Similarly, comparison of the
deconvolution peak heights (Figure 2B)
shows an approximate 25-fold drop
from the 18 to 60-mer. By comparison,
the deconvolution peak heights for the
18-, 40-, and 60-mer, when run by IPRP,
were within 2-fold of the lowest (data
not shown).
These general observations have been
made before. Specifically, Lobue et
al. previously demonstrated that, in
comparison to IPRP, HILIC analyses
of oligos can result in (1) a narrower
charge state distribution, (2) a most
predominant charge state of lower
charge, and (3) a right-shifting of the
most predominant charge state as the
oligo size increases.
To test reproducibility of the HILIC
RapidFire/Q-TOF method, 24 replicate
injections of a poly-dT oligo with a
5' phosphate (PR7) were run and
deconvoluted using an automated
analysis method in BioConfirm. The
resulting deconvolution spectra were
then scaled to the largest peak in each
spectrum and overlaid. The results
demonstrate excellent reproducibility
of the relative abundances within
each sample, as the 24 spectra are
superimposed near-perfectly (Figure 3).
The total ion chromatograms for the
replicates (Figure 3 insert) reveal
consistent peak height and shape,
illustrating that the absolute MS signals,
in addition to the relative signals, are
stable across many injections.
Determination of impurities
Oligo samples often contain a high
number of low-abundance impurities,
including truncated synthesis products,
depyrimidations, and depurinations.
It is therefore critical that analytical
methods for oligo characterization
demonstrate a wide dynamic range for
impurity detection. This situation can be
especially true for nonchromatographic
methods, because the calculated
purity can be overestimated if low
abundance impurities are not detected
in the presence of the highly abundant
target oligo.
The 6545XT mass spectrometer used
in this study was established to provide
up to five orders of spectral dynamic
range. Still, the dynamic range for this
application was evaluated by comparing
the relative deconvoluted peak heights
of vastly different intensities for
several samples.
Figure 1. Raw m/z spectra for an 18-mer (top), a 40mer (middle), and a 60-mer (bottom) run by HILIC
method (A) and, for comparison, an IPRP method (B). All spectra were each scaled to the largest peak
within it. The predominant charge state clusters for HILIC method are labeled for each oligo.
- 3
- 4
- 6 - 5 - 7
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 9 - 8 - 7
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 7 - 6
- 6 - 5
- 7
Results from HILIC method
Results from IPRP method
BCounts (%) Counts (%) Counts (%)
Mass-to-charge (m/z)
800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800
Counts (%) Counts (%) Counts (%)
Mass-to-charge (m/z)
800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800
Figure 2. Comparison of MS signal intensities for an 18-mer, a 40-mer, and a 60-mer. Raw m/z spectra
with linked Y-axis (A) and overlaid deconvolution results (B).
18-mer - 4
- 6
- 8
Raw m/z spectra
Overlaid deconvolution results
BCounts (%) Counts (%) Counts (%)
Mass-to-charge (m/z)
800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800
5,000 7,000 9,000 11,000 13,000 15,000 17,000 19,000
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
×102 ×107
Counts (%)
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
5,700 5,750 5,800 5,850 5,900 5,950 6,000 6,050 6,100 6,150 6,200 6,250 6,300 6,350 6,400 6,450 6,500 6,550 6,700 6,750 6,800
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
Acquisition time (sec)
Figure 3. Reproducibility of total ion chromatogram (inset) and deconvolution results (main figure) for 24 replicate samples.
Figure 4 shows the deconvolution
spectra from a 10 μM injection
(100 pmol on cartridge) of a 20-mer
DNA strand (PR1). The most abundant
peak has a mass of 6,148 Da, consistent
with the calculated mass of the target
oligo. Several commonly observed
metal adducts are present at masses
larger than the target, and a large
number of lower mass impurities are
also observed. Close inspection of the
mass ranges where commonly observed
depurination (depur) and truncation
(trunc) impurities were expected revealed
several low-abundance peaks. Based on
their mass differences from the target, 5'
truncation of A, gas phase depurination
of G, and hydrolytic depurination of G
could all be assigned. The peak heights
of the depurination impurities had a
relative abundance of less than 1% of
the target.
In some cases, it is necessary to analyze
oligo mixtures containing individual
components that are close in mass.
To evaluate the ability of the HILIC
RapidFire/Q-TOF method to mass
resolve mixtures and their respective
impurities of the components, 10 μM
(100 pmol on cartridge) of a 20-mer
poly-dT oligo containing a 3' variable
base (C, A, or G) was injected (PR3).
The m/z spectrum shown in Figure 5A
illustrates multiple expected charge
states, and the inset figure reveals
good mass resolution of the isotopes
for the –4 species. The deconvoluted
result shown in Figure 5B clearly shows
three predominant peaks that match
the expected masses and relative
abundances of the oligo with either
C, A, or G on the 3' end. Moreover, for
each of these species, the n-1 and n-2
impurities were observed. Loss of the
5'-T from the three species resulted in
peaks of minus 304 Da, and loss of the
5'-TT from the three species resulted in
peaks of minus 608 Da (304 + 304). For
the oligo with a 3' G, comparison of the
of G
Gas phase
of G
5΄ truncation of A
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
5,850 5,950 6,050
5,900 6,000 6,100 6,200
Figure 4. Identification of impurities in PR1.
peak heights corresponding to the target
(2.5E5 counts) and loss of 5'-TT impurity
(0.75E3 counts) demonstrates that 0.3%
impurities are readily observed, despite
the sample and spectral complexity.
Another noteworthy observation from
this experiment was that the spectrum
for the poly-dT oligo had a relatively wide
distribution of charge states. Based on
observations and discussion above, it
appears poly-dT oligos do not readily
adopt secondary structures that would
otherwise reduce the charge states
observed in the m/z spectrum.
Method sensitivity, linearity, and
To evaluate the sensitivity and
linearity of the HILIC RapidFire/Q-TOF
method, triplicate injections for
eight concentrations, plus a zero, of
PR7 were analyzed. Two-fold serial
dilutions starting at 1,250 nM were
made down to 9.7 nM using MPA.
A zero-concentration sample was
injected between each replicate so
that carryover could be studied at each
concentration over the range. The
resulting data for all 54 injections were
analyzed two ways. First, for the targeted
MS measurement, the extracted ion
chromatogram for the –4 charge state
(m/z ~1,524) was generated, smoothed,
and integrated. The replicate areas for
each concentration were averaged and
plotted against their concentration. The
standard deviations of the values were
represented by error bars on that same
plot, shown in Figure 6A and 6B. Second,
for the untargeted deconvolution results
shown in Figure 6C, the extracted ion
chromatogram for the –4 charge state
(m/z ~1,524) was generated, smoothed,
and integrated. The average m/z spectra
over the integrated peak was then
extracted and deconvoluted.
Figure 6A shows that the oligo used in
this study had a linear response over
the nine concentrations studied, with
an R2
= 0.9988 for the best fit line. The
blanks data shows a slope of ~2.8,
versus ~192 for the samples, revealing
less than 1.5% carryover across the
concentration range. In subsequent
experiments (data not shown), this
value dropped to below 0.1% when the
“blank injection in between each sample”
feature of the RapidFire was selected.
However, because blanks between each
sample double the cycle time, and the
carryover without them satisfied the
acceptance criteria, the additional blanks
were deemed unnecessary. Focusing
on the low end of the concentration
data (Figure 6B), a clear difference
can be seen in the AUC between the
0 and 9.7 nM concentrations. The
signal-to-noise ratio was over 4 at
9.7 nM, almost 6 at 19.5 nM, and
28 at 39 nM. While the slope of the
concentration response was much
greater for IPRP conditions (2,898, data
not shown) the signal-to-noise values
were nearly identical to those from the
HILIC conditions.
To test the limitations of measuring the
target oligo in an untargeted fashion,
the spectra for each concentration were
deconvoluted. Representative results
for the low concentration injections are
shown in Figure 6C, and easily allow
the determination of the target peak
from low double-digit nM samples.
These results indicate, as expected, that
while targeted extraction provides more
measurement sensitivity, untargeted
deconvolution is still quite powerful
for target identification from low
concentration samples.
Figure 5. Identification of low abundance impurities in PR3 . Raw m/z spectra (A) and deconvolution results (B).
×104 ×105
Mass-to-charge (m/z)
Mass-to-charge (m/z)
600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
1,502 1,506 1,510
A 1.0 B
5,450 5,550 5,650 5,750 5,850 5,950
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
Comparison of the sensitivity from HILIC
versus IPRP methods, by others, has
resulted in mixed reports. Lobue reported
a greater MS signal response from HILIC
conditions versus IPRP2
, attributing the
gains to the higher organic content of
the mobile phase under HILIC conditions,
leading to more efficient desolvation.
In other cases, less intense target
peak heights under HILIC conditions
versus IPRP have been blamed on
increased levels of Na and K adduct
ions. Further investigation is therefore
required to compare the sensitivity of
these techniques on a multitude of oligo
sizes and chemistries, controlling for a
wide host of acquisition and analysis
parameters which can affect the result.
Method versatility
The chemistry of oligo samples can vary
significantly. To evaluate the applicability
of the HILIC RapidFire/Q-TOF method to
oligos with different base compositions,
linker types, and modifications, the
data for a host of samples were
acquired with the optimized method.
These 10 µM samples included DNA
strands (containing phosphodiester
linkers and 5' phosphates), an ASO
(containing phosphorothioate linkers
and 2-methoxyethoxy building blocks),
and an aptamer (containing inverted T,
2-methoxyethoxy groups, and fluorinated
bases). The resulting deconvoluted
spectra were each scaled to the largest
peak and overlaid with each other. The
results shown in Figure 7 reveal highly
abundant target peaks, with excellent
mass accuracy, for each sample.
Common impurities could also be
assigned for each sample (data not
shown). These results illustrated that
the HILIC RapidFire/Q-TOF method can
provide high-quality data for a wide range
of oligo types and chemistries in the 18-
to 28-mer range.
19 nM
×102 Counts
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
5,950 6,050 6,150 6,250 6,350
×103 39 nM
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
5,950 6,050 6,150 6,250 6,350
×103 78 nM
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
5,950 6,050 6,150 6,250 6,350
156 nM ×103
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
5,950 6,050 6,150 6,250 6,350
0 200
400 600
[Oligo] (nM)
800 1,000 1,200
0 20
40 60
[Oligo] (nM)
80 100 120 140 160
Figure 6. Concentration response of PR7 to evaluate method sensitivity, linearity, and carry over. The plot of signal against concentration (A), a zoom of the low
concentration range (B) and deconvolution results (C).
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022
Printed in the USA, June 22, 2022
The Agilent RapidFire high-throughput
MS system, coupled to an Agilent
6545XT mass spectrometer, offers
high-throughput oligo characterization
by sustaining cycle times as fast as
12 seconds per sample during data
acquisition. Acquisition methods
include the previously described IPRP
, as well as the ion-pair-free
HILIC conditions described here. The
HILIC method was simple to set up and
use, as it used standard Agilent products,
and required no pH adjustments to the
mobile phases.
The HILIC method displayed the
robustness, reproducibility, dynamic
range, and sensitivity that are
sought after for high-quality oligo
characterization. Tests on a variety
of oligos illustrated high method
performance on highly modified ASO and
aptamer samples. Even though HILIC
methods are commonly used for oligos
approximately 25-mer in size, quality
data on up to 60-mers were generated.
1. Rye, P. T.; Yang, Y. High-throughput
Mass Spectrometry of Synthetic
Oligonucleotides: A Comparison of
Data from Fast LC and RapidFire
Methods. ASMS 2020. TP 434.
2. Lobue, P. A. et al. Oligonucleotide
Analysis by Hydrophilic Interaction
Liquid Chromatography-Mass
Spectrometry in the Absence of
Ion-Pair Reagents. J. Chromatogr. A
2019, 1595, 39–48.
3. Huang, M.; Xu, X.; Qiu, H.; Li, N.
Analytical characterization of
DNA and RNA oligonucleotides
by hydrophilic interaction liquid
chromatography-tandem mass
spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A 2021,
1648, 46–2184.
Figure 7. Overlaid deconvolution results for a wide variety of oligo chemistries run by RapidFire MS without
ion pairing reagents.
PR8 PR7 ASO PR5 Aptamer
Counts (%)
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
5,400 5,800 6,200 6,600 7,000 7,400 7,800 8,200 8,600 9,000 9,400
Application Note
Peter Rye, PhD and
Yanan Yang, PhD
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) play a vital role in
the characterization of synthetic oligonucleotides (oligos), and the appetite for
higher throughput analytical methods has increased in the past years alongside
the acceleration of oligo production and use. Traditional LC/MS of oligos, where
separation is desired, can necessitate run times of many minutes. However,
not all applications require chromatographic separation and desalting prior to
MS measurement can be sufficient. This work describes and compares two
methods, Fast LC and RapidFire, for the high-throughput sampling and desalting
of oligos. Each method was optimized for speed on 18mers, then characterized
for performance on a range of synthetic DNA and RNA, 18 to 100mer in length.
High-throughput Mass Spectrometry
Analysis of Synthetic Oligonucleotides
A comparison of data from Fast LC and
RapidFire methods
Return to Table of Contents
2 33
For the Fast LC method, an
Agilent 1290 Infinity II multisampler
was equipped with dual injection
needles that alternated between
samples with smart overlap, providing
analysis from one needle at the same
time as sample draw from the other
(Figure 1). The run time was further
optimized by a fast gradient at high
flow running through a guard column
attached directly to the analytical
nebulizer of the MS. The high flow rate
for the Fast LC method was required
to desalt the oligos quickly. In turn,
the Fast LC acquisition rate was set
to 10 spectra/sec to ensure at least
15 points across all chromatographic
peaks (which were ~2 seconds wide,
versus ~5 seconds for the RapidFire
method). For the RapidFire method
(Figure 2), the system performed a
6-second desalting (Pump 1, State 2)
followed by a 6-second elute (Pump 3,
State 4) on each sample. All resulting
data were analyzed using MassHunter
Bioconfirm B07.
Figure 1. Fast LC method using an Agilent 1290 Infinity II multisampler equipped
with dual injection needles.
Figure 2. Agilent RapidFire 400 high-throughput mass spectrometry system.
Agilent 1290 Infinity II Binary Pump, Multisampler with Dual Needles
Column Agilent AdvanceBio Oligo UHPLC Guard column,
2.1 × 5 mm, 1.7 µm (p/n 821725-921)
Column Temperature Room temperature
Injection Volume 10 µL
Smart Overlap Enabled, alternating needle
Autosampler Temperature 5 °C
Needle Wash Methanol/water 50/50
Mobile Phase A) Water + 15 mM TEA + 400 mM HFIP
B) Methanol
Flow Rate 1.75 mL/min
Time (min) Time (sec) %B
0.00 0.00 20
0.03 1.80 20
0.24 14.4 50
0.25 15.0 100
0.30 18.0 100
0.31 18.6 20
0.59 35.0 20
Stop Time 0.60 min
Post Time 0.00 min
Fast LC conditions
Agilent 6545 LC/Q-TOF
Ion Polarity Dual AJS Negative
Data Storage Both (centroid and profile)
Gas Temperature 350 °C
Drying Gas Flow 13 L/min
Nebulizer Gas 60 psi
Sheath Gas Temperature 350 °C
Sheath Gas Flow 12 L/min
Capillary Voltage 3,500 V
Nozzle Voltage 2,000 V
Fragmentor 200 V
Skimmer 65 V
Oct 1 RF Vpp 750 V
Mass Range 400 to 3,200 m/z
Acquisition Rate 10 spectra/sec
34 3
RapidFire conditions
Agilent RapidFire 400
Cartridge Agilent PLRP-S, 30 µm, 1,000 Å, 4 µL bed volume
Cartridge Temperature Room temperature
Injection Volume 10 µL
Pump 1 Water + 7.5 mM TEA + 200 mM HFIP, 1.2 mL/min
Pump 2 50% Methanol + 7.5 mM TEA + 200 mM HFIP, 0.6 mL/min
Pump 3 50% Methanol + 7.5 mM TEA + 200 mM HFIP, 0.6 mL/min
State 1 Aspirate sample (sip sensor on) 600 msec
State 2 Load/wash (desalt) 6,000 msec
State 3 Extra wash 0 msec
State 4 Elute (inject) 6,000 msec
State 5 Re-equilibrate 500 msec
Agilent 6545 LC/Q-TOF
Ion Polarity Dual AJS Negative
Data Storage Both (centroid and profile)
Gas Temperature 275 °C
Drying Gas Flow 11 L/min
Nebulizer Gas 35 psi
Sheath Gas
325 °C
Sheath Gas Flow 11 L/min
Capillary Voltage 3,500 V
Nozzle Voltage 2,000 V
Fragmentor 200 V
Skimmer 65 V
Oct 1 RF Vpp 750 V
Mass Range 400 to 3,200 m/z
Acquisition Rate 4 spectra/sec
Results and discussion
Throughput and reproducibility –
The throughput of the RapidFire
method is determined by the sum
of the five states (~13 seconds, see
Experimental) plus ~1.5 seconds
for plate stage motion, and was just
under 15 seconds per sample. For
RapidFire MS, to circumvent the delay
times associated with MS acquisition
start/stop, a single data file is acquired
per sample set and parsed post
acquisition. Figure 3 shows the pressure
for all three RapidFire pumps as one
continuous file for a set of 24 replicate
injections. For each pump, the pressure
peaks and valleys were steady, and in
the range between 0.5 and 10 MPa,
consistent with a stable method.
Figure 3. Overlay of three RapidFire pumps for 24 replicate injections.
Acquisition time (sec)
Rresponse units (%)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Figure 4. Pump pressure traces for 24 injections, revealing good reproducibility.
Throughput and reproducibility –
Fast LC
The throughput of the Fast LC method
is determined by the gradient program
(~35 seconds, optimized within the
time of next sample draw) plus MS
acquisition stop/start (~5 seconds), and
was 40 seconds per sample. Figure 4
shows the overlaid pump pressure
traces from 24 injections. The traces
are superimposed, revealing good
gradient reproducibility.
4 35
Desalting and signal intensity
Figure 5 shows the deconvoluted
spectra from unpurified 18, 40, 60,
80, and 100mer oligos acquired using
the RapidFire method (black) and
the Fast LC method (red). Figure 5A
represents the data scaled to the largest
peak in each spectrum, and shows
that the RapidFire method was more
efficient than Fast LC at decreasing
salt adducts, which appear as peaks
+22 (Na) and +38 (K) Da. The relative
percent of adducts, to the target peak,
for each spectrum are indicated in
blue. Very efficient desalting by the
RapidFire method derives from the
6-second State 2 (see Experimental) on
the 4 µL bed volume cartridge, which
results in 15 cartridge volumes of wash.
Figure 5B shows the same data as on
top but with the Y-axis for each oligo
size linked. Comparison of the absolute
peak heights shows the Fast LC method
provides less abundant target MS
signals, which are indicated for each
oligo in green. Despite the separative
characteristics of Fast LC (see Figure 7),
which can decrease ion suppression
and thereby increase signal, the lower
signals from Fast LC are the combined
result from higher pump flow rate
(1.75 versus 0.6 mL/min for RapidFire),
faster acquisition rate (10 versus
4 spectra/sec for RapidFire), and less
efficient desalting.
A 18mer
40mer 60mer 80mer 100mer
18mer 40mer 60mer 80mer 100mer
Scaled to largest peak in each spectrum. The percent salt adducts, relative to target peak, are in blue.
Linked Y-axis. The intensity of the target peaks for each oligo size are indicated in green.
14% 13% 13% 14% 12%
25% 25% 24% 27% 39%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
80% 28% 55% 31% 25%
Fast LC
Fast LC
Figure 5. Deconvoluted spectra from unpurified oligos, acquired using the RapidFire and Fast LC methods.
36 5
Oligo retention – RapidFire
To evaluate oligo separation by the
two methods, nineteen unique DNA and
RNA samples ranging from 18 to 100mer
in length were measured. In the RapidFire
method, all of the oligos eluted from the
cartridge at the same retention time. This
result was expected as the RapidFire
is specifically designed to prevent
separation by switching from low to high
organic conditions instantly (by valving)
using cartridges with a small resin
volume (4 µL), and eluting in the reverse
direction to minimize analyte/cartridge
interactions. Figure 6 shows the overlaid
total ion chromatograms (TIC) for all
19 samples.
Oligo retention – Fast LC
In contrast to the RapidFire method,
variable retention times were observed
with the Fast LC method. Figure 7A
shows the overlaid TIC for 19 unique
DNA and RNA samples ranging from 18
to 100mer in length. For these samples,
the retention times varied within a
7-second window. Figure 7B shows
overlaid extracted ion chromatograms
for a 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100mer that
were injected as a single mixture,
illustrating resolution of these products
by a combination of chromatography
and mass.
To evaluate the ability of the Fast LC
method to separate and produce distinct
deconvolution results for two oligos that
were close in size, a 1:1 mixture of 18
and 20mer was run. Figure 7C shows
the TIC, revealing the oligos produced
peaks which the software integrated
separately. Figure 7D shows the resulting
deconvoluted spectra, revealing the two
species, and their respective impurities.
This separation could be easily improved
by small changes to the gradient
program (not shown).
Figure 6. TIC for 19 samples. In the
RapidFire method, all oligos had equivalent
retention time.
Acquisition time (sec)
7.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0
Figure 7. (A) Differential RT from the Fast LC method. (B) Overlaid EIC from an oligo mixture.
(C) Separation of 18 and 20mer by Fast LC. (D) Deconvoluted spectra showing how oligo separation
can simplify data interpretation.
Acquisition time (sec)
Counts Counts Counts
9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5
Acquisition time (sec)
11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
Acquisition time (sec)
10.4 10.8 11.2 12.6 12.0 12.4 4,800 5,200 5,600 6,000 6,400
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022
Printed in the USA, November 15, 2022
Low-abundance impurity analysis
High-throughput purity assessment of
oligos can be done by mass-resolving
the products from a single
chromatographic peak. Often, there
are many low-abundance impurities
coeluting with the highly abundant target,
making MS measurement with a wide
dynamic range, as well as software that
can deconvolute complicated spectra,
critical. To evaluate the detection
of low-abundance impurities in the
same chromatographic peak as the
main product, the RapidFire method
was used to analyze a 100mer guide
RNA. Figure 8 shows that despite
zero chromatographic separation, the
deconvolution results reveal 100mer
RNA as well as numerous impurities,
many with a relative area as low as
~0.5%. As expected, this dynamic range
was even better with separative/lower
throughput methods (data not shown).
– Both the RapidFire TOF and Fast LC
TOF methods produced reproducible
and high quality data for synthetic
– The RapidFire method sustained a
throughput of 15 seconds per sample
(240 samples an hour, 5,760 a day)
while the Fast LC method sustained a
throughput of 40 seconds per sample
(90 samples an hour, 2,160 a day).
– The RapidFire method desalted
oligos more efficiently than Fast LC,
approximately 2- to 3-fold as oligo
size increased.
100mer RNA
+Na, +K Extensions
32,020 32,060
32,100 32,200 32,300 32,400 32,500 32,600 32,700
Deconvoluted mass (amu)
Figure 8. Deconvolution revealing low-abundance impurities.
– The Fast LC method produced
less intense target signal than
RapidFire, from 80 to 25% as oligo
size increased.
– Small changes to the Fast LC
method, with some compromise
to throughput, further improved
its performance.
– The Fast LC method afforded
some separation of oligo species, a
characteristic that could simplify the
interpretation of data from mixtures
and could also be adjusted to balance
the throughput and separation needs
of the application.
– In spite their speed over separation
approach, both high-throughput
systems provided excellent oligo data
by mass resolving large numbers of
low abundance impurities.
Application Note
Lauren E. Frick and
William A. LaMarr
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Fragment-based screening offers advantages over traditional high-throughput
screening by allowing more comprehensive coverage of chemical space, but the
typical low potency of fragments leads to the frequent use of physical methods
that detect binding. The few existing activity-based biochemical assays tend to use
optical methods, such as fluorescence spectroscopy (FS), which can be subject
to confounding factors due to the high concentrations of compound needed to
detect activity. This application note screens β-amyloid secretase (BACE-1) against
a fragment library using two substrates, a labeled and an unlabeled peptide, which
were detected either by FS or ultrafast SPE/MS/MS using the Agilent RapidFire
High-throughput Mass Spectrometry (MS) System. Different kinetic parameters, hit
rates, and hit sets were obtained depending on the substrate and detection method,
suggesting that using fluorescent labels and optical detection methods can lead to
follow-up of compounds that are inactive against the unlabeled, more biologically
relevant substrate. RapidFire-MS, which allows the direct study of native molecules,
eliminates these potential pitfalls.
Fragment-Based Drug Discovery:
Comparing Labeled and
Label-Free Screening
Screening of β-amyloid secretase (BACE-1) using
fluorescence spectroscopy and ultrafast SPE/MS/MS
Return to Table of Contents
2 39
Chemicals and reagents
Fluorescently-labeled or unlabeled
BACE-1 substrate and product peptide
standards were of the sequences
The unlabeled substrate peptide
was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(St. Louis, MO). The labeled substrate
peptide and BACE-1 enzyme were
purchased from R&D Systems, Inc.,
Minneapolis, MN. Standard peptides
representing the cleavage products
of both peptides were synthesized by
American Peptide Company, Sunnyvale,
CA. The reference inhibitor was
purchased from EMD Biosciences, Inc.,
San Diego, CA. The fragment library was
a 1,000-compound diversity subset of
the Maybridge Ro3 Fragment Library,
purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Waltham, MA.
Sample preparation
BACE-1 reactions in a 50 µL volume were
run using the following final conditions:
50 mM NaOAc pH 4.5, 50 mM NaCl,
0.03% BSA, 0.0025% Genapol, and 20 nM
BACE-1 enzyme. Screening reactions
were run with the following additions:
1 mM test compound, 2% DMSO vehicle
as an uninhibited control, and 1 µM
β-secretase Inhibitor IV in 2% DMSO as a
fully-inhibited control. Labeled reactions
contained 10 µM substrate and were run
at room temperature for 120 minutes.
Unlabeled reactions contained 2 µM
substrate and were run at room
temperature for 180 minutes. Both
types of reactions were quenched with
10 µL 10% formic acid containing 2 µM
of the opposite product standard as an
internal standard (that is, labeled product
standard in the unlabeled substrate
reaction and vice versa).
Post quench, 45 µL ddH2
O was added
to fluorescent reactions to increase the
reaction volume height, allowing for
sensitive and consistent data collection
in the fluorescence spectrophotometer.
RapidFire triple quadrupole conditions
A RapidFire 360 High-throughput
MS System and RapidFire integrator
software were used for the analysis.
Samples were analyzed at a rate of
approximately 10 seconds per sample
using the conditions shown in Table 1.
spectroscopy parameters
Samples were analyzed at a rate of
approximately 2 seconds per sample
using the conditions shown in Table 2.
Wavelengths were optimized and data
were collected for the Mca-SEVNL
product peptide.
Data analysis
Cary Eclipse Advanced Reads software
was used to acquire fluorescence data.
RapidFire Integrator v3.6 software was
used for MS peak integration. Microsoft
Excel 2007 and GraphPad Prism 5 were
used for data analysis and calculation
of kinetic parameters. Hits were defined
as fragments that produced normalized
product signal less than three standard
deviations below the average of the
values obtained for the eight DMSO-only
control wells on each plate. Similarly,
autofluorescence was defined as
unnormalized product signal greater
than three standard deviations above the
uninhibited average for each plate.
Table 1. RapidFire LC/MS conditions.
RapidFire Conditions
Buffer A Water with 0.1% formic acid; 1.5 mL/min flow rate
Buffer B 100% acetonitrile with 0.09% formic acid and 0.01% trifluoroacetic acid; 1.25 mL/min
flow rate
Injection Volume 10 μL
SPE Cartridge Agilent RapidFire cartridge A (reversed-phase C4 chemistry, G9203A)
RF State 1 Sip sensor
RF State 2 3,500 ms
RF State 3 5,000 ms
RF State 4 500 ms
MRM Transitions Q1 Q3
Labeled Substrate 668.0 101.8
Labeled Product 777.3 532.1
Unlabeled Substrate 590.5 216.8
Unlabeled Product 561.3 217.0
Table 2. Fluorescence spectrometry conditions.
Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Conditions
Data Mode Fluorescence
Excitation Wavelength 394 nm
Emission Wavelength 326 nm
Excitation Slit 5 nm
Emission Slit 5 nm
Average Time 0.1 s
40 3
Results and discussion
Assay development
Functional biochemical BACE-1 assays
were optimized around each substrate,
with full characterization of buffer
requirements, enzyme linearity, binding
kinetics, DMSO tolerance, and inhibition
by a reference compound (β-secretase
Inhibitor IV). While the assays displayed
similar linearity at room temperature,
the BACE-1 enzyme exhibited very
different affinities for the two different
substrates (Figure 1, left panels). A
standard Km curve could be generated
for the unlabeled peptide (calculated
Km of 22.4 μM), but curves could not
be constructed for the labeled peptide,
presumably due to poor substrate
solubility at the higher concentrations
required. These data suggest that the
labeled peptide is a significantly less
efficient substrate for the enzyme, which
could alter the assay results.
Reference inhibition curves with Inhibitor
IV, however, produced similar values of
16.2 nM for the unlabeled substrate and
24.6 nM and 24.5 nM for the labeled
substrate by FS and MS, respectively
(Figure 1, right panels). These values
agreed quite well, both with each other
and with the given literature value of
15 nM.1
Z' values comparing DMSO-only
wells with wells containing 1 µM
inhibitor IV were between 0.61 and 0.71
for all assays, with n = 12 to 24.
Fragment library screening
After robust assays were developed,
each substrate was used in a screen
of BACE-1 against a 1,000-compound
diversity subset of the Maybridge Ro3
Fragment Library. Compounds were
screened in 96-well plate format at a final
concentration of 1 mM. Initial screening
of a fragment library generated different
hits and hit rates among the various
assay formats (Figure 2). Compounds
of interest (primarily those registering
as hits in certain assays but not others)
Figure 1. Kinetic parameters of different substrates by mass spectrometry (MS) and fluorescent
spectroscopy (FS): unlabeled substrate by MS (UMS), fluorescently labeled substrate by FS (LFS), and
fluorescently-labeled substrate by MS (LMS).
Unlabeled substrate by MS (UMS)
Fluorescently labeled substrate by FS (LFS)
Fluorescently labeled substrate by MS (LMS)
0 10 20 30
0 20 40 60
0 20 40 60
Km ≈ 22.4 µM IC50 ≈ 16.2 nM
IC50 ≈ 24.6 nM
IC50 ≈ 24.5 nM
Initial velocity
10-4 10-2 100 102 104 106
[Inhibitor IV] (nM)
Apparent percent conversion
Initial velocity
10-4 10-2 100 102 104 106
[Fluor sub] (µM) [Inhibitor IV] (nM)
[Fluor sub] (µM)
Counts (cps)
Initial velocity
10-4 10-2 100 102 104 106
[Inhibitor IV] (nM)
Normalized product
UMS 211 14 41
LMS 14 32 22
LFS 41 22 122
All 3 – – – 8
Figure 2. Table and Venn diagram of initial screening results displaying different hit rates and hit sets by
assay format: unlabeled substrate by MS (UMS), labeled substrate by MS (LMS), and fluorescently labeled
substrate by FS (LFS).
4 41
were chosen for confirmation screening.
Follow-up studies of these selected
hits revealed the presence of several
classes of compounds with differing
inhibitory characteristics towards the
BACE-1 reaction.
Hits observed by MS only
Follow-up of selected hits confirmed
that compound autofluorescence (AF)
obscured several hits in the FS data,
including the most potent analyte.
Titration of that compound revealed a
concentration-dependent increase in
signal in the FS assay, suggesting AF,
while the MS data were consistent with a
traditional inhibition curve (Figure 3).
Hits observed with the unlabeled
peptide only
A second class of inhibitors was
detected in the unlabeled assay (UMS)
whose members were not found with
the fluorescent peptide (LFS or LMS).
Because MS eliminates the need for
unnatural modification of substrates,
it allows the study of more biologically
relevant molecules. These more realistic
substrates could reveal activities that are
lost with modified peptides, possibly due
to altered binding, as in this case was
clearly revealed by the Km experiments.
Hits observed with the labeled
peptide only
Yet another set of compounds was
uncovered consisting of those molecules
that appear as hits when the labeled
peptide is used (as in the LFS and LMS
assays), but do not show significant
inhibition when the more native substrate
is used (UMS, Figure 4). These results
suggest that compounds may exist that
interfere with the enzyme's ability to bind
the peptide carrying the bulky label but
not with the tighter binding exhibited by
the enzyme for the unlabeled substrate,
raising the possibility of misleading
data being produced when modified
substrates are used.
Figure 3. Inhibition observed by MS appears as concentration-dependent increase in signal by LFS.
0 0
100 101 102
Normalized product
[P9 B5 inhibitor] (µM)
103 104
Figure 4. Inhibition observed with the labeled peptide is not seen with the unlabeled peptide.
100 101 102
Normalized response
103 104
[P12 A3 inhibitor] (µM)
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2013, 2022
Printed in the USA, April 14, 2022
Robust functional biochemical assays
were developed for both a labeled and
an unlabeled substrate of the BACE-1
enzyme, with data collection by both MS
and FS. Using these assays to screen
a fragment library against the labeled
and unlabeled substrates using both
detection methods produced three
disparate hit sets and hit rates. Follow-up
of selected compounds demonstrated
the existence of different hit classes
among the assays. Interestingly, FS and
MS produced different hit sets when
used as complementary detection
methods on the same samples. While
some MS hits (including the most potent)
were obscured by autofluorescence in
the FS assay, this phenomenon alone
did not fully account for the discrepancy
between techniques. MS also generated
different hit sets for the labeled and the
unlabeled peptide, finding both hits that
were active against the labeled peptide
but not the unlabeled, and vice versa. The
existence of these two populations of
compounds underscores the importance
of substrate selection when setting up a
new screen.
Pairing the RapidFire high-throughput
system with MS solves the time
bottleneck associated with MS
detection, allowing an analysis rate of
approximately 10 seconds per sample,
and thus approaching the speeds of
fluorescent plate readers. Label-free
screening by high-throughput MS
has proven to be a valid method for
conducting activity-based screens of
fragment libraries that enables the study
of more native molecules and is less
susceptible to confounding factors, such
as autofluorescence.
moKb. s1OGx8AAAEjBopJNLpP,
accessed 08/21/2012.
Application Note
William Lamarr, Lauren Frick,
and Peter Rye
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
The RapidFire high-throughput mass spectrometry system provides drug discovery
researchers with mass spectrometry-based, high-throughput screening solutions
for targets that have proven challenging to screen using conventional approaches.
These intractable targets have substrates and products that are either too small
to label or undergo modifications that are difficult to detect. RapidFire technology
provides the most relevant data, with label-free native analyte detection that
eliminates the need for cumbersome and costly labeling methods. RapidFire
technology enables traditionally low-throughput, intractable assays to be converted
into high-throughput assays processed at speeds approaching plate-based optical
methods. In this application note, a stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase (SCD) assay
is used to illustrate the power of Agilent RapidFire/MS systems for screening
intractable targets.
High-Throughput Lead Discovery with
Agilent RapidFire/MS Systems
Analysis of stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase (SCD)
Return to Table of Contents
Using RapidFire high-throughput
mass spectrometry to analyze SCD
assay samples
The enzyme SCD catalyzes the
conversion of stearoyl-coenzyme A
(SCoA) to oleoyl-coenzyme A (OCoA) as
shown in Figure 1. This enzyme plays a
critical role in the desaturation of fatty
acids and is an important therapeutic
target for a range of disease states.
However, the reaction results in only the
desaturation of a single carbon-carbon
bond. This conversion is an extremely
subtle change, which presents a number
of significant challenges during the
screening process. In addition, the use of
a radiometric assay for these challenging
lipophilic analytes is typically a barrier to
efficient high-throughput screening of
targets such as SCD. In the case of SCD,
the radiometric assay is a tritiated water
release assay that has been used for the
determination of enzyme activity.
This application note presents an
example of a RapidFire high-throughput
mass spectrometry assay developed
for SCD that overcomes the need for
radioactive labeling, making this target
class a candidate for a high-throughput
screening approach.
Figure 1. SCD assay reaction scheme.
Stearoyl-Coenzyme A
Oleoyl-Coenzyme A
Desaturation of a single bond is an NH2
extremely subtle change making
detection by conventional labeling
methods prohibitively difficult
Mass spectrometry is a highly sensitive
method for detecting the small changes
in mass and is well suited for detecting
the single desaturation that occurs with
SCD conversion. Both SCD substrate and
product can be directly and accurately
measured by mass spectrometry at
sub-micromolar concentrations. The
RapidFire method uses a solid phase
extraction (SPE) sample cleanup step
directly coupled to MS detection. Figure 2
shows standard measures of assay
quality – linearity with respect to enzyme
concentration for the indicated reaction
time and initial reaction velocity within
the tested range.
Furthermore, the RapidFire system
yields highly repeatable results. Figure 3
demonstrates that the assay was
reproducible for a set of 518 plates
with an average Z' score of 0.597 and a
median Z' score of 0.60.
The RapidFire screen yielded a number
of potent and specific inhibitors, with
346 confirmed as active inhibitors of
SCD activity. The RapidFire SCD assay
effectively differentiates IC50 potencies
during hit to lead expansion (Figure 4).2
The SCD example illustrates that
RapidFire/MS delivers a high-throughput
alternative, with integrated sample
preparation and sensitive mass
spectrometry detection that streamlines
the drug discovery process for even the
most difficult assays.
Figure 2. SCD1 assay linearity with respect to time (A) and microsomal protein concentration (B).
Figure 3. SCD1 assay quality as determined by Z’ values for 518 plates (384-well).
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2011, 2020, 2022
Printed in the USA, April 14, 2022
Figure 4. Demonstration of secondary characterization HTS screen for SCD inhibitors.
The Agilent RapidFire high-throughput
mass spectrometry system
demonstrated a number of key benefits
for the high-throughput screening of
stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase, an
intractable target traditionally requiring
extremely laborious labeling methods.
RapidFire provides sample processing
speeds of 6 to 10 seconds, increasing
throughput over conventional methods
by more than 10-fold.
RapidFire/MS enables sensitive and
reliable analysis of challenging drug
target classes with label-free, native
molecule detection. RapidFire/MS can
be used to efficiently screen chemical
libraries with results comparable
to optical methods. As a result,
incorporation of RapidFire/MS systems
into the lead discovery phase of the drug
discovery process delivers efficiency
and productivity advances unrivaled by
other technologies.
1. Soulard, P. et al. Development of a
High-Throughput Screening Assay
for Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Using
Rat Liver Microsomes, Deuterium
Labeled Stearoyl-CoA and Mass
Spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta.
2008, 627(1), 105–11.
2. Schilling, R. et al. The Use
of High-Throughput Mass
Spectrometry(HTMS) in Drug
Discovery. Presented at the SBS 14th
Annual Conference, 2008, St. Louis,
Application Note
Na-Young Choi
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Nary Ha, Hee-jeong Ahn,
and Hye-won Seo
Yuhan R&D Institute
Metabolic stability studies are important steps in the initial drug discovery process.
During the investigation of phase one drug metabolism, large quantities of samples
are analyzed, creating the need for fast and reliable analytical methods. The Agilent
RapidFire is an ultrafast, integrated mass spectrometry autosampler capable of
automated solid phase extraction (SPE) sample cleanup. With cycle times ranging
from 2 to 15 seconds, RapidFire dramatically reduces analysis times compared
to traditional LC/MS without compromising data quality. This study compared
the results of in vitro microsomal metabolic stability (MMS) assays analyzed
by RapidFire/TQ and LC/TQ. Agilent MassHunter Optimizer software was used
to automatically determine multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions for
72 compounds. The results for the two systems correlated well (R2 = 0.94), and
RapidFire required only 10 seconds per sample, providing 10-times faster throughput
than LC/TQ.
Ultrafast Analysis of In Vitro
Microsomal Metabolic Stability using
RapidFire Coupled to the Ultivo Triple
Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
Return to Table of Contents
Pharmacokinetic analysis is an
important early process of drug
discovery that aims to quantify
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and
excretion (ADME) of compounds over
time. These initial analyses include a
large set of samples, so high-throughput
analytical methodology is desirable. The
Agilent RapidFire harnesses the power
of traditional liquid chromatography
mass spectrometry (LC/MS) analysis
but allows for a 10-times increase in
throughput by replacing chromatography
with on-line solid phase extraction (SPE).
Also, with a large sample capacity of
over 130,000 samples and integrated
automated sample-handling robotics,
RapidFire allows longer unattended
operation than LC/MS, further improving
An in vitro microsomal metabolic stability
(MMS) assay is one type of ADME
experiment used to evaluate compounds
of interest. It is widely used in early drug
discovery studies because it is an in vivo
stability indicator. When considering the
pharmacokinetic properties of a drug
candidate, the stability of a compound
ultimately affects its efficacy as a drug.
In this study, MMS assays were
performed on various drug candidates
using the RapidFire 400 coupled to an
Agilent Ultivo Triple Quadrupole Mass
Spectrometer (TQ). This RapidFire/TQ
system can produce analytical results
that are equivalent to traditional liquid
chromatography triple quadrupole mass
spectrometry (LC/TQ) in just 10 seconds
per sample. The findings in this study
demonstrate that RapidFire/TQ is a
suitable replacement for LC/TQ in these
types of ADME assays.
Sample preparation
Standard stock solutions for
72 compounds of interest were dissolved
in acetonitrile. To assess the linearity
and reproducibility of the method, a
serial dilution of the stock solution was
prepared using water containing 0.1%
formic acid.
MMS assays were carried out in 96-well
plates where target compounds were
incubated with human liver microsomes
(HLM; Corning). After incubation, the
samples were transferred to a new
plate where the reaction was quenched
with an acetonitrile solution containing
tolterodine as the internal standard
(ISTD). Samples were centrifuged
at 3,000 rpm at 4 °C for 10 minutes.
The supernatant was transferred to a
new plate, then diluted 1:2 with water
containing 0.1% formic acid, before being
injected for analysis.
The RapidFire/TQ system consisted of
a RapidFire 400 coupled to an Ultivo TQ.
An Agilent RapidFire C4 (Type A)
cartridge was used for SPE.
The LC/TQ system consisted of an
Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC coupled to
an Agilent 6470 TQ. Chromatography
was performed using an Agilent
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18, 2.1 x 50 mm,
1.8 µm column.
Data was acquired with Agilent
MassHunter Acquisition (version 10.1)
and analyzed with MassHunter
Qualitative Analysis (version 10.1) and
MassHunter Quantitative Analysis
(version 10.1) software.
Instrument operating conditions are
given in Tables 1 to 4.
Parameter Value
Pump 1 Water with 0.1% formic acid
1.5 mL/min flow rate
Pump 2 Acetonitrile
1 mL/min flow rate
Pump 3
60% acetonitrile with
0.1% formic acid
1 mL/min flow rate
Injection Volume 5 µL
SPE Cartridge C4 (Type A; part number G9203A)
Aspiration 600 ms
Load/Wash 3,000 ms
Extra Wash 0
Elute 3,000 ms
Re-equilibrium 500 ms
Table 1. Agilent RapidFire parameters.
Table 2. Agilent Ultivo TQ parameters.
Parameter Value
Ion Source ESI with Agilent Jet Stream
Acquisition Mode MRM
Gas Temperature 350 °C
Gas Flow 12 L/min
Nebulizer 30 psi
Sheath Gas
350 °C
Sheath Gas Flow 11 L/min
Capillary (+)3000, (-)4,000 V
Nozzle voltage (+)0, (-)1,500 V
Polarity Positive/Negative
Table 3. Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC parameters.
Parameter Value
Column ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18,
2.1 × 50 mm, 1.8 µm
Column Flow 0.4 mL/min
Injection Volume 5 µL
Mobile Phase A: 0.1% formic acid in water
B: 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile
Gradient (%B) 60% isocratic for 2 min
Relative concentration
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Relative response
Warfarin - 7 Levels
y = 0.026627x + 8.129608E–004
= 0.99927
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Relative concentration
Relative response
Warfarin - 7 Levels
y = 0.007352x + 5.508731E–006
= 0.99984
Figure 1. Calibration curves for warfarin obtained using (A) RapidFire/TQ and (B) LC/TQ.
Parameter Value
Ion Source ESI with Agilent Jet Stream
Acquisition Mode MRM
Gas Temperature 350 °C
Gas Flow 12 L/min
Nebulizer 30 psi
Sheath Gas
350 °C
Sheath Gas Flow 11 L/min
Capillary (+)3,000, (-)4,000 V
Nozzle Voltage (+)0, (-)1,500 V
Polarity Positive/Negative
Table 4. Agilent 6470 LC/TQ parameters.
Results and discussion
To assess the accuracy and reliability of
the RapidFire/TQ method, a complete
MMS study of 72 compounds of interest
was analyzed by RapidFire/TQ and
LC/TQ. Tolterodine was used as an ISTD
for all analyses. Warfarin was used as a
target compound to verify linearity and
reproducibility data on each system; it
was also used as a reference compound
in the MMS assay.
To ensure a direct comparison of
RapidFire and traditional LC analysis, the
same Ultivo TQ instrument was used for
the linearity and reproducibility studies.
Correlation data was collected using the
RapidFire/Ultivo and LC/6470.
A comparison of linearity
Warfarin was used to create a 7-point
calibration curve ranging from 0.5
to 50 ng/mL. The results for RF/TQ
(Figure 1A) and LC/TQ (Figure 1B) were
equivalent, both showing excellent
linearity (R2
≥0.999) and accuracy
(between 90 and 110%).
A comparison of reproducibility
A 1 ng/mL warfarin standard was
measured five times to assess the
precision of each system. The relative
standard deviation (%RSD) was
calculated for the ratio of warfarin to
tolterodine (ISTD). As shown in Table 5,
both RapidFire/TQ and LC/TQ achieved
highly reproducible results, with %RSDs
of 4.87 and 2.06%, respectively.
Table 5. Reproducibility of measurement of
1 ng/mL warfarin standard using RapidFire/TQ
and LC/TQ (n = 5).
Target/ISTD Ratio
1 0.00140 0.00030
2 0.00132 0.00030
3 0.00127 0.00031
4 0.00126 0.00031
5 0.00125 0.00030
Average 0.00130 0.00030
SD 0.00006 0.00001
%RSD 4.87 2.06
A comparison of correlation
To assess whether RapidFire/TQ can
produce results equivalent to LC/TQ,
identical MMS assays were analyzed by
each system. The studies determined
the amount of each compound
remaining after the MMS assay and
reported results as a percentage. A
plot comparing RapidFire/TQ results
to LC/TQ results (Figure 2) shows
excellent correlation (R2
= 0.9376), a
slope of 1.0203, and a small y-intercept.
The correlation data indicates that the
systems produced equivalent MMS
assay results, however, the RapidFire/TQ
results were acquired 10 times faster
than the LC/TQ data.
y = 1.0203x –0.4374
= 0.9376
20 40 60 80 100 120
Agilent RapidFire 400/MS/MS
%Metabolite remaining
Agilent LC/MS/MS
%Metabolite remaining
Figure 2. Correlation of RapidFire/TQ and LC/TQ results for percent of 72 compounds remaining at the
end of MMS analysis.
A metabolic stability assessment of
72 different compounds was performed
using an Agilent RapidFire coupled
to an Agilent Ultivo triple quadrupole
mass spectrometer (RapidFire/TQ).
To determine if the RapidFire/TQ could
produce equivalent results to traditional
methods, the same samples were
analyzed by liquid chromatography triple
quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/TQ).
The comparison results showed that
both sets of results were equivalent,
but the RapidFire/TQ method, which
uses solid phase extraction (SPE) rather
than chromatography, was 10 times
faster than LC/TQ. A comparison of the
microsome metabolic stability (MMS)
assay results obtained by RapidFire/TQ
and LC/TQ showed excellent correlation
between the methods.
The study has shown that RapidFire/TQ
can improve the sample throughput,
productivity, and efficiency of MMS
assays and is potentially useful for other,
similar in vitro ADME assays.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022
Printed in the USA, February 17, 2022
1. Ultrafast Analysis of Metabolic
Stability Assays Using Agilent
RapidFire High-Resolution MS,
Agilent Technologies Technical
Overview, 5990-8344EN, 2019
2. High-Throughput in vitro ADME
Analysis with Agilent RapidFire/MS
System: Permeability Assays, Agilent
Technologies Technical Overview,
5990-9081EN, 2021
3. Di, Li et al. Application of High
Throughput Microsomal Stability
Assay in Drug Discovery.
Combinatorial Chemistry & High
Throughput Screening, 11(6),
469–476, 2008
4. Di, Li et al. Optimization of a Higher
Throughput Microsomal Stability
Screening Assay for Profiling Drug
Discovery Candidates. Journal of
Biomolecular Screening, 8(4), 453-62,
Application Note
Clinical Research
Michelle V. Romm and
Vaughn P. Miller
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Mass spectrometry-based analyses have emerged as a viable analytical method
due to their sensitivity, specificity, and robustness. This application note evaluates
the ability of an ultrafast SPE/MS/MS system (Agilent RapidFire High-throughput
Mass Spectrometry system) which is capable of analysis times of <10 seconds per
sample to analyze levetiracetam in human serum. The Agilent RapidFire/MS System
had comparable accuracy, precision, linearity, and sensitivity to LC/MS/MS, but with
a 10-fold faster sample analysis cycle time.
Ultrafast Analysis of Levetiracetam
in Serum
Using the Agilent RapidFire high-throughput mass
spectrometry system
Return to Table of Contents
2 53
The RapidFire/MS/MS system
consisted of the following modules: an
Agilent RapidFire 360, an Agilent 6460
Triple Quadrupole LC/MS system,
Agilent MassHunter Triple Quadrupole
Acquisition software B.04.01 with
Qualitative Analysis B.04.00, and
RapidFire Integrator software.
RapidFire-triple quadrupole conditions
Samples were analyzed at a rate
of 9.5 seconds per sample using
the conditions shown in Table 1.
Levetiracetam and the internal standard
were monitored simultaneously in all
experiments (Table 1).
Chemicals and reagents
The analyte levetiracetam and its
stable-labeled isotope internal standard
levetiracetam-[D3] were purchased from
Cerilliant Round Rock, TX. Quality control
samples were purchased from UTAK
Laboratories, Inc. Valencia, CA.
Sample preparation
Calibration standards were prepared by
spiking human serum with levetiracetam
to final concentrations ranging from 1
to 100 µg/mL. Commercially available
quality control standards made in
human serum were also analyzed.
The serum samples were precipitated
with acetonitrile containing internal
standard. The precipitated samples were
centrifuged, and the supernatant was
removed and transferred to a 96-well
plate for analysis.
Data analysis
RapidFire Integrator software was used
for peak integration. The quantifier ion
AUC of levetiracetam was normalized
by the AUC of the internal standard. The
data was subjected to linear regression
with 1/x weighting.
Results and discussion
Prepared calibration standards and
commercially available quality controls
were analyzed using a RapidFire/MS
system in triplicate over a series of days
to establish both intra- and interday
precision and accuracy. Levetiracetam
(both the quantifier and qualifier ions)
had intra- and interday accuracies within
15% and coefficient of variation values
less than 10% for all concentrations
within the linear range (Table 2). This
method had excellent linearity within the
measured range of 1 to 100 µg/mL with
an R2
value greater than 0.995 (Figure 1).
Carryover was assessed by analyzing
the AUC of a blank injection immediately
following the highest standard curve
concentration and calculated as a %
of the mean peak area of the 1 µg/mL
standard. No significant carryover
(<1%) was seen using this method.
Signal-to-noise ratios were calculated
looking at peak-to-peak height and found
to be greater than 20:1 at 1 µg/mL.
Table 1. RapidFire/MS/MS conditions.
RapidFire Conditions
Buffer A Water with 10 mM ammonium acetate, 0.1 % formic acid; 1.5 mL/min flow rate
Buffer B Methanol with 0.1 % formic acid; 1.25 mL/min flow rate
Injection Volume 10 μL
SPE Cartridge Agilent RapidFire cartridge C (reversed-phase C18 chemistry, p/n G9203E)
RF State 1 Sip sensor
RF State 2 3,500 ms
RF State 3 3,000 ms
RF State 4 500 ms
Triple Quadrupole Conditions
Gas Temperature 350 °C
Gas Flow 8 L/min
Nebulizer 45 psi
Sheath Gas Temperature 400 °C
Sheath Gas Flow 9 L/min
Nozzle Voltage 500 V
Capillary Voltage 3,000 V
Q1 Q3 Dwell Fragmentor CE CAV
IS 174.01 129.1 50 70 9 2
Quantifier 171.01 126.1 50 70 9 2
Qualifier 171.01 69.1 50 70 15 2
Table 2. Intraday and interday precision and accuracy for RapidFire/MS/MS analysis of leviteracetam
in serum.
Intraday % Accuracy
(n = 3)
Intraday % Precision
(n = 3)
Interday % Accuracy
(n = 4)
Interday % Precision
(n = 4)
1 104.3 2.5 105.9 2.9
5 93.5 0.5 91.8 2.4
25 100.9 2.3 100.9 2.9
50 102.4 1.5 102.6 2.3
100 98.8 1.3 98.8 1.6
UTAK1 (15.5) 95.9 1.4 95.2 4.3
UTAK2 (39.7) 16.2 0.5 15.5 3.1
UTAK3 (73.7) 104.3 0.6 105.1 2.9
54 3
Levetiracetam was spiked into bovine
serum, processed, and run immediately
at the Mayo Clinic, while identical
samples were frozen and shipped
to Agilent Technologies, Inc. The
values determined at Agilent using
RapidFire/MS were then compared to
the values obtained by LC/MS/MS at the
Mayo Clinic. The correlation between
the two analytical methodologies was
very good, R2
value greater than 0.99 and
slope within 1.0 ±0.1 (Figure 2).
Blinded human samples were processed
and run immediately at the Mayo Clinic
using LC/MS/MS, while identical
samples were frozen and shipped to
Agilent for RapidFire/MS analysis. The
two methods had a very good correlation
with an R2
value greater than 0.995 and a
slope within 1.0 ±0.1 (Figure 3).1
Figure 1. Representative standard curve for levetiracetam spiked into serum.
= 0.9998
0 50 100 150
Levetiracetam (µg/mL)
Prod/IS (AUC) Figure 2. Correlation between RapidFire/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS for spiked levetiracetam samples.
y = 0.9342x + 3.7206
= 0.9937
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Agilent results (µg/mL)
Mayo results (µg/mL)
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2014, 2022
Printed in the USA, April 14, 2022
Based on these results, levetiracetam
can be accurately and precisely
measured in human serum using the
Agilent RapidFire/MS system at rates
of 9.5 seconds per sample. While the
analytical results of human samples
were comparable to LC/MS/MS, the
analysis time was approximately
10 times faster. RapidFire/MS may be
useful for the fast and efficient analysis
of similar targets of clinical research.
The authors gratefully acknowledge
Frank Crow, Eric Korman,
Christine Snozek, and Loralie Langman
at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
for proving technical assistance and
the blinded human samples used in
this study.
1. Romm, M. V. et al. High-Throughput
Analysis of Levetiracetam in Serum
Using Ultrafast SPE/MS/MS. Poster
#161 presented at the 59th ASMS
Conference on Mass Spectrometry
and Allied Topics, June 7th 2011,
Denver, CO.
Figure 3. Correlation between RapidFire/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS for blinded human samples.
Mayo results (µg/mL)
y = 0.9901x + 0.7899
= 0.9993
Biocius results (µg/mL)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Application Note
Clinical Research
Brandon Nelson and
Frederick Strathmann
NMS Labs
Willow Grove, PA USA
Jennifer Hitchcock,
Julie Cichelli, Andy Gieschen,
and Kevin McCann
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
The Agilent RapidFire high-throughput MS System and Agilent 6545 LC/Q-TOF
(RF/Q-TOF) have been used to develop an efficient, qualitative method for the
simultaneous analysis of a subset of analytes currently screened by ELISA. This
method uses a supported liquid extraction (SLE) before RF injection and Q-TOF
auto-MS/MS data acquisition. A personal compound database library (PCDL)
provides scoring criteria to confirm the presence or absence of analytes of interest
by comparing acquired spectra to known high-quality spectra at various collision
energies (CEs). This methodology was compared to a 263-analyte postmortem
blood screen currently used in our laboratory, which uses a liquid-liquid extraction
(LLE) followed by a 10 minute LC/TOF analysis. RF/Q-TOF data acquisition averages
10 seconds per injection, illustrating the potential to improve the current screening
time by 60x. Using the Q-TOF to acquire high-resolution accurate mass data that
can be matched to a spectral database also gives a greater degree of confidence in
positivity over the TOF’s accurate mass and retention time data alone.
Feasibility of the Agilent RapidFire
High-Throughput MS System for
Ultrafast Screening of Drug Targets
by Q-TOF
Return to Table of Contents
2 57
Current methodologies in our laboratory
for postmortem blood screening involve
the use of a liquid-liquid extraction
followed by LC/TOF analysis. One of the
drawbacks to this type of analysis is that
chromatography takes time to separate
matrix components and resolve isobaric
analytes of interest. Also, isobaric
interferences found in whole human
postmortem blood can cause false
positives, which can lead to additional
wasted time and instrument capacity
when confirmation testing is performed.
Furthermore, validating new analytes of
interest as potential screening targets
can be tedious as the method is very
sensitive to modifications.
The Agilent RapidFire delivers ultrafast,
simultaneous analysis of analytes
with average injection times less than
15 seconds. When used in conjunction
with the 6545 Q-TOF, it is possible to
rapidly generate spectral data that can
be matched to a library. Scoring criteria
can be established to screen for drugs of
interest in extracted samples, making it
easy to distinguish true positive samples
from false positives.
A subset of analytes currently screened
by ELISA (Table 1) were used to prove the
concept of using RF/Q-TOF analysis for
high-throughput screening in blood. SLE
was used for extraction of these analytes
before injection onto the RF/Q-TOF.
The average total injection time from
sample to sample was 10 seconds.
When compared to the current 10 minute
chromatographic LC/TOF method, the
RF/Q-TOF improved this time frame by
60 times. The RF settings used (Table 2)
comprised a short load time to allow the
very hydrophilic morphine to remain on
the cartridge.
Table 1. ELISA screened analytes.
Initial Analytes Of Interest for RF/Q-TOF Analysis
Analyte Precursor Mass Targeted Concentration (ng/mL) Collision Energy (V) Sample
Amphetamine 136.1121 100 10 5
Methamphetamine 150.1277 400 10 5
MDA 180.1019 100 10, 20, 40 6
MDMA 194.1176 100 10, 20, 40 6
Meprobamate 219.1339 200 10, 20 7
PCP 244.206 50 10, 20, 40 6
Carisoprodol 261.1809 200 10, 20 7
Tramadol 264.1958 100 10, 20, 40 7
EDDP 278.1903 100 10, 20, 40 6
Diazepam 285.0789 250 10, 20, 40 2
Morphine 286.1438 250 40 1
Hydromorphone 286.1438 100 40 3
Benzoylecgonine 290.1387 100 10, 20, 40 5
Codeine 300.1594 50 10, 20 1
Hydrocodone 300.1594 250 20 3
Oxymorphone 302.1387 100 10, 20 4
Cocaine 304.1543 100 10, 20, 40 7
Zolpidem 308.1757 100 10, 20, 40 6
Alprazolam 309.0902 100 10, 20 8
Methadone 310.2165 100 10, 20, 40 6
Clonazepam 316.0484 100 10, 20 8
Oxycodone 316.1543 250 10, 20 4
Lorazepam 321.0192 100 10, 20 8
6-Acetyl morphine 328.1543 25 10, 20 1
Fentanyl 337.2274 10 10, 20, 40 8
Buprenorphine 468.3108 20 10, 20, 40 8
Table 2. Agilent RapidFire conditions.
Agilent RapidFire Conditions
Buffer A (Pump 1) 0.1% formic acid in HPLC grade water; 1.5 mL/min flow rate
Buffer B (Pump 2) 0.1% formic acid in 90% HPLC grade methanol:10% HPLC grade water; 1.25 mL/min flow rate
Buffer C (Pump 3) 0.1% formic acid in 90% HPLC grade methanol:10% HPLC grade water; 0.6 mL/min flow rate
Aqueous Wash HPLC grade water
Organic Wash LC/MS grade acetonitrile
Injection Volume 10 µL
SPE Cartridge Agilent RapidFire cartridge C (reversed-phase C18, p/n G9205A)
RF State 1 600 ms
RF State 2 1,500 ms
RF State 3 0 ms
RF State 4 6,200 ms
RF State 5 500 ms
58 3
Table 3. Agilent 6545 LC/Q-TOF source and tuning
Agilent 6545 LC/Q-TOF source conditions
Ion Mode Positive
Source Agilent Dual AJS ESI
Capillary Voltage 3,500 V
Dry Gas Temperature 300 °C
Dry Gas Flow 12 L/min
Nebulizer Pressure 45 psi
Sheath Gas Temperature 350 °C
Sheath Gas Flow 11 L/min
Nozzle Voltage 500 V
Fragmentor 125 V
Skimmer 65 V
Oct 1 RF Vpp 750 V
Mass Range Low (1,700 m/z)
Fast Polarity Switching Disabled
Slicer Mode High resolution
Instrument Mode Extended dynamic range
(2 GHz)
Reference Mass 121.050873 and
Longer elution times (RF state 4) with
a lower flow (0.6 mL/min) for pump 3
resulted in a wider peak to give a greater
area to use auto-MS/MS across. Tables 3
to 5 present Q-TOF source, tuning, and
auto-MS/MS data acquisition settings.
Table 4. Agilent 6545 LC/Q-TOF acquisition and reference mass conditions.
Agilent 6545 LC/Q-TOF auto MS/MS conditions
MS Range 50 to 1,000 m/z
MS Acquisition Rate 20 spectra/sec
MS/MS Range 50 to 500 m/z
MS/MS Acquisition Rate 5 spectra/sec
Isolation Width Medium (~4 m/z)
Collision Energy 10, 20, and 40 V
Max Precursor Per Cycle 10
Absolute Threshold 1,000 counts
Relative Threshold (%) 0.01%
Active Exclusion Enabled
Excluded After 1 spectra
Released After 0.1 minutes
Use PC for MS/MS decisions Disabled (if enabled will override collision energy tabs)
Isotope Model Common organic molecules
Active Precursor Charge-State Selection and Preference 1, unkown
Sort Precursors by Abundance Only Enabled
Scan Speed Varied Based on Precursor Abundance Enabled
Target 25,000 counts/spectrum
Use MS/MS Accumulation Time Limit Enabled
Reject Precursors That Cannot Reach Target TIC Within
the Time Limit Disabled
Purity Stringency 0%
Purity Cutoff 0%
4 59
RapidFire/Q-TOF conditions
The Agilent RF/Q-TOF system
consisted of the following modules:
Agilent RapidFire 365, Agilent 6545
Quadrupole Time of Flight LC/MS using
Agilent MassHunter Acquisition Software
(B.09.00) with Qualitative Analysis
Navigator (B.08.00), Qualitative Analysis
Workflows (B.08.00), PCDL Manager
(B.08.00) and RapidFire Acquisition
Software ( Samples were
analyzed at a rate of 10 seconds per
sample. Preferred precursor masses
were detected and fragmented
using auto-MS/MS acquisition.
Agilent Qualitative Analysis Workflows
provided database and library search
scores by referencing a PCDL created by
Chemicals and reagents
All of the analytes were purchased from
Cerilliant, Round Rock, Texas. HPLC
grade water and methanol were from
Honeywell, Mexico City, Mexico. LC/MS
grade acetonitrile and isopropyl alcohol
were from Honeywell. HPLC grade
methylene chloride was from Fisher
Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts.
Concentrated hydrochloric acid and
ammonium hydroxide were from
Fisher Scientific. HPLC grade methyl
tert-butyl ether was from MilliporeSigma,
Burlington, Massachusetts. High purity
formic acid was from ProteoChem,
Hurricane, Utah. Human whole blood
was from BioIVT, Westbury, New York.
Sample preparation
Multiple samples were fortified with
the drugs of interest at the targeted
concentrations in Table 1 and extracted
using the following procedure:
1. First, 500 µL of human whole blood
was aliquoted to 12 × 75 mm glass
tubes and buffered with 500 µL
of 0.1% ammonium hydroxide
2. After vortex mixing for 10 seconds,
the samples were loaded onto 1 mL
SLE+ cartridges from Biotage (part
number 820-0140-C) using a pipette
with plastic tips to transfer. Positive
pressure was applied through
a System 48 CEREX Pressure
Processor manifold at five psi for
five seconds, and samples were
allowed to bind for five minutes at
ambient pressure.
3. Methylene chloride:isopropyl alcohol
(95:5, v/v, 1 × 2.5 mL) was used
to elute the analytes of interest by
gravity into glass 13 × 100 mm tubes
for five minutes, followed by positive
pressure at five psi for five seconds.
Methyl tert-butyl ether (2 × 2.5 mL)
was used for further elution by
gravity for five minutes after each
aliquot, followed by positive pressure
at five psi for five seconds.
4. A final pulse of positive pressure at
15 psi over 20 seconds yielded the
final aliquots for evaporation.
5. Extracts were evaporated at
40 °C in the presence of 100 µL of
hydrochloric acid (0.05%, methanol)
using a Biotage Turbo Vap LV under
the following gradient:
• One minute (1.0 L/min)
• Three minutes (1.6 L/min)
• Eight minutes (3.0 L/min)
6. Once completely dry, the samples
were reconstituted with 500 µL
of HPLC grade water:methanol
(90:10, v/v) to yield somewhat
cloudy extracts. The samples
were transferred to Agilent 0.5 mL
polypropylene 96-well plates
(part number 5042-1386) for
RF/Q-TOF data acquisition.
Data analysis
System control and data acquisition
were performed by MassHunter
Acquisition Software in conjunction
with RF Acquisition Software. Data
analysis was completed using Qualitative
Analysis Workflows in conjunction with
PCDL Manager.
A compound discovery workflow
was constructed using the Find By
Auto MS/MS compound mining
algorithm with library/database forward
and reverse scores set to 0 to capture
everything. Database search settings
used mass only as values to match
with a tolerance of 10 ppm. Since the
RapidFire system does not provide
chromatographic separation, retention
time matching was not necessary. Only
precursors resulting from +H charge
carriers were looked at in this study.
The overall score contribution for the
database scoring was set to 100 for the
mass score, and 5 for isotope spacing.
Table 5. Agilent 6545 LC/Q-TOF preferred/exclude conditions.
Agilent 6545 LC/Q-TOF auto-MS/MS Preferred/Exclude Tab Example
On Prec. m/z Delta m/z (ppm) Z Prec. type RT (min) Delta RT (min) Iso. Width
Active 121.050873 100 1 Exclude 0 1 Medium (~4 m/z)
Active 922.009798 100 1 Exclude 0 1 Medium (~4 m/z)
Active 136.1121 100 1 Preferred 1 5 Medium (~4 m/z)
Active 150.1277 100 1 Preferred 1 5 Medium (~4 m/z)
Use preferred ion list only Enabled
60 5
Library scores were calculated based
on an average reverse score resulting
from the fragmentation of the precursor
masses of interest at 10, 20, or 40 V.
Fragmentation data were compared to
a PCDL containing unique spectra of
the analytes of interest. The overall final
score was weighted 50/50, composed of
the database and library scores.
Results and discussion
Database scores indicated how close
the precursor mass of the acquired
spectra matched that of known
spectra. Library scores indicated how
close the fragmentation pattern of
the acquired spectra matched that of
known spectra. Initial runs used CEs
at 10, 20, and 40 V for every preferred
precursor mass. These scores were
then compared to extracted blank
blood samples to determine optimal
CEs that gave unique fragmentation
patterns for fortified samples to tease
out isobaric interferences (Table 6).
Amphetamine, methamphetamine,
hydromorphone, and morphine appeared
in blank blood with unusually high
scores, which would make determining
a real hit difficult, and lead to a large
number of false positives. By excluding
CEs at 20/40 V for amphetamine and
methamphetamine as well as 10/20 V
for morphine/hydromorphone, true
hits can be distinguished from false
positives. Library scores for drugs of
interest are relatively high in fortified
whole human blood when compared
to blank blood (Table 6). Fortified
morphine had the lowest score (at 67.11)
using the optimized CEs, but this is
highly distinguishable from a score
of 11.14 for a blank blood sample.
Table 6. CE comparison of ELISA screened analytes.
Library Scores Using All CEs (10, 20, 40 V) Library Scores Using Optimal CEs (see Table 1)
“Blank” Blood Fortified Blood “Blank” Blood Fortified Blood
Amphetamine 97.19 14.64, 76.35, 62.06 98.52, 99.98, 97.27 2.26 97.17
Methamphetamine 97.54 17.19, 91.01, 78.23 99.99, 100, 99.99 17.19 99.93
MDA 96.91 0, 32.21, 32.39 98.06, 96.68, 93.14 5.65, 0, 4.06 96.68, 93.66, 91.9
MDMA 99.75 99.21, 98.28, 94.57 98.36, 92.45, 96.49
Meprobamate 96.2 0, 0, 85.16 86.9, 90.07, 86.4 0, 32.64 70.03, 79.59
PCP 99.97 91.59, 91.35, 91.3 93.3, 89.29, 89.36
Carisoprodol 95.1 4.11, 31.9, 55.24 96.63, 98.45, 99.74 96.43, 95.39
Tramadol 94.97 99.39, 100, 100 98.08, 100, 100
EDDP 99.92 100, 99.78, 96.64 98.55, 99.5, 88.66
Diazepam 99.75 99.87, 90.61, 84.06 99.89, 88.87, 83.8
Morphine 98.93 100, 98.27, 70.22 11.14 67.11
Hydromorphone 99.34 98.62, 78.44, 5.94 99.79, 93.14, 54.94 72.12
Benzoylecgonine 96.76 98.88, 95.8, 89.33 96.9, 96.95, 82.48
Codeine 94.97 100, 94.42, 27.29 100, 94.61
Hydrocodone 89.67 99.99, 98.75, 83.53 93.14
Oxymorphone 99.2 93.31, 78.29, 40.01 92.68, 85.98
Cocaine 99.79 97.19, 96.33, 89.49 98.1, 97.84, 87.78
Zolpidem 99.92 96.13, 97.68, 90.91 99.53, 98.53, 98.11
Alprazolam 97.25 99.53, 95.27, 84.08 96.82, 95.32
Methadone 96.93 91.46, 94.69, 94.93 98.75, 98.7, 98.34
Clonazepam 99.35 99.79, 86.38, 38.28 99.6, 97.4
Oxycodone 96.62 97.79, 94.4, 62.71 97.39, 97.74
Lorazepam 99.79 74.71, 64.23, 20.58 95.17, 93.95
6-Acetyl morphine 99.85 100, 96.19, 58.35 100, 96.17
Fentanyl 96.27 98.88, 78.31, 92.94 98.47, 86.74, 93.24
Buprenorphine 99.61 100, 100, 82.14 100, 100, 85.84
6 61
Using high-resolution accurate mass
spectral matched fragmentation data
gives more than enough confidence to
distinguish real hits from false positives
when using RF/Q-TOF in the absence of
chromatographic separations typical of
The next step in testing RF/Q-TOF
feasibility for rapid accurate drug
screening in blood was to compare
this method to the current postmortem
blood screen used in our laboratory with
a target scope of 263 analytes. Figure 1
demonstrates the time comparison
between the currently used LC/TOF
method (top) to our RF/Q-TOF method
(bottom). Each injection required
10 minutes to analyze with LC/TOF, while
it only takes 10 seconds to analyze an
injection by RF/Q-TOF. This results in a
60x increase in sample throughput.
Table 7 summarizes a direct comparison
of results from the LC/TOF and
RF/Q-TOF methods. Twenty-six samples
were prepared using the existing LLE
method and analyzed by LC/TOF.
Leftover extracts for each sample were
then analyzed by RF/Q-TOF with no
further modification. In 26 samples,
121 analytes were listed as positive
hits using the LC/TOF and RF/Q-TOF
methods. The RF/Q-TOF reported a total
of 10 analytes as false positives, but this
is based on unoptimized CEs. Manual
investigation of the data showed that all
Table 7. Positivity comparison between LC/TOF
and RF/Q-TOF. Manual investigation of the data
shows that false positives are eliminated when
using only optimal CEs.
N = 26
RF/Q-TOF Positive 121 10*
RF/Q-TOF Negative 0 132**
* CE of 40 is not optimal
** 132 Negative compounds not found in either
10 false positives were resolved using
the optimized CEs. Finally, 132 analytes
in-scope were not found using
either method.
Figure 1. Injection comparison between LC/TOF and RF/Q-TOF.
62 7
A subset of ELISA screened analytes
were studied to prove the utility of
the Agilent RF/Q-TOF as a platform
for high-speed drug screening in
human whole blood. Auto-MS/MS, in
conjunction with a PCDL, were used
to accurately distinguish between
a true positive sample and higher
quantities of isobaric interferences.
The RF/Q-TOF methodology provided
results comparable to the current
LC/TOF screen used in the lab, while
increasing sample throughput by a
factor of 60. Further development
of this methodology could prove
extremely beneficial to the forensic drug
community when analyzing postmortem
samples for the presence of a wide range
of drug classes.
For Research Use Only. Not for diagnostic procedures
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2023
Published in the USA, November 9, 2023
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