Miniaturised Platelet Aggregation Assays using the NOVOstar Microplate Reader
Platelet aggregation is a ‘gold standard’ assay of platelet function in the research and clinical laboratory setting. Platelet aggregation assays are performed using washed platelets or platelet rich plasma (PRP) in an optical aggregometer which measures light transmission through platelet suspensions during the aggregation process. Addition of an agonist such as collagen, results in aggregation and consequently an increase in transmitted light. Conventional platelet aggregometers require the use of large volumes of platelet suspensions (500 μL) and only limited number of reactions may be performed simultaneously. This method may therefore offer limitations when working with sparse or valuable samples, or species such as mice, where blood volume is limiting.
This application note reports the development of an alternative optical technique enabling the simultaneous analysis of a large number of samples in small volumes. This assay is performed using the NOVOstar microplate reader from BMG LABTECH.