The Reliable, Sustainable Alternative for Your Lab

Sustainable thinking is transforming the way that labs approach
processes and purchasing decisions. According to a 2018 Agilent survey
of lab managers worldwide, 85% of labs have sustainability goals in
place. However, it can be a challenge for labs to lower their
environmental impact while continuing to optimize workflows and control
At Agilent, we believe that efficiency, productivity, and sustainability are interlinked.
toward sustainability is an integral part of how we conduct business
and respond to our customers’ challenges. In fact, Agilent has been
ranked as the Number One Most Sustainable Company by Barron’s, based on
factors like water use, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions.
with Agilent can help your lab achieve its sustainability goals, too.
Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments are one of the many ways that
Agilent provides sustainability and recycling options to customers with
green initiatives. What’s more, you can expect our certified pre-owned
instruments to perform like new—because they do.