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Latest eBooks

The first two pages of the High-Throughput Flow Cytometry eBook from Bio-Rad.

High-Throughput Flow Cytometry for Drug Discovery

This eBook explores how advances in flow cytometry have enabled rapid, large-scale analysis at the single-cell level, enhancing efficiency across the drug development pipeline.
Thermo Fisher Scientific eBook cover and open page discussing the promise and power of pharmacogenomics.

The Power and Promise of Pharmacogenomics

Yet, the challenges of variable drug responses and clinical translation demand innovative approaches. This eBook explores advanced tools, technologies and the future opportunities pharmacogenomics presents for researchers and healthcare professionals
A scientist wearing lab goggles looking through a microscope

Revolutionize Sample Management With Automation

This eBook explores key insights to help labs overcome key challenges in sample management and build a future-ready sample management strategy.
A 3D visualization of a virus on a blue background, highlighting its intricate design and biological characteristics.

Unlock the Potential of Autoantibody Biomarkers

This eBook explores the transformative role of autoantibodies in precision medicine, especially for complex diseases.
Testubes in lab with liquid

Ensure the Highest Level of Pipette Accuracy

This eBook provides valuable guidance for maintaining accuracy, improving laboratory quality control and adapting to the updated standards for pipette calibration and testing.
A cluster of cells displaying vibrant purple and pink shapes, illustrating a dynamic biological structure.

Streamlining AAV Production for Gene Therapy

This eBook explores the complexities of AAV purification and highlights innovative solutions aimed at enhancing the safety, potency and consistency of gene therapy treatments.
Sample Integrity, Storage Tubes

How Storage Tubes Affect Sample Integrity

Download this informative new e-book to learn everything you need to know about choosing the right tubes to protect sample quality, facilitate automation, and streamline workflows.
A blurred scientist pinching a small part of a DNA helix

Simplifying Genomic Analysis

This eBook explores how microfluidics-based PCR is transforming pharmacogenomics, enabling more efficient and scalable genomics analysis.

A image of the eBook- Bioconjugation and crosslinking technical handbook

Optimize Your Bioconjugation Strategies

This eBook provides a comprehensive overview of the key considerations, including a portfolio of reagents, for bioconjugation, crosslinking and the modification of proteins and peptides.
A stylized antibody shape in white on a pale blue background

Mastering Next-Generation Therapeutic Antibody Impurity Removal

This eBook presents recent developments in purification and polishing solutions that can help address the challenges in therapeutic mAb downstream processing.