Justin Tom, PhD
Justin is a Canadian-born scientist who is happy to work with highly technical topics, especially chemical analysis, surface science and materials science. He was a teaching assistant for introductory chemistry courses at Dalhousie University for about five years. Since completing his PhD in chemistry in 2018 at Dalhousie University, under the supervision of Professor Heather Andreas, he has been working on scientific consulting cases for product formulations, undertaking technical reviews and providing technical advice to clients. In 2019, he was a chemical thermodynamics lecturer and lab instructor and an analytical chemistry lab instructor at Mount Saint Vincent University. In the same year, he was a content expert at King's View Academy for chemistry and certain general science and food science sections. Since 2020, he has moved away from teaching and focused on technical work for Alentic Microscience as a scientist.
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The Monochromator and Its Role in the Spectrograph