Your Guide to GC-MS/MS Pesticide Residue Analysis
How To Guide
Last Updated: July 10, 2024
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Published: June 27, 2024
Credit: iStock
Pesticides – including insecticides, fungicides and herbicides – are strictly regulated compounds that can persist in the environment, raising safety concerns for foods, animal feed and drinking water.
Pesticide laboratories are turning to multiresidue analysis to determine a wide range of analytes simultaneously – saving on time and cost. GC-MS/MS can be used to enhance the sensitivity and selectivity of multiresidue analyses, especially in the presence of coeluting matrix interference.
This guide provides methods, best practices and troubleshooting tips for robust GC-MS/MS multiresidue pesticide analysis and maintaining quality control standards in environmental testing.
Download this guide to learn more about:
- GC-MS/MS method development and optimization
- Sample preparation using the QuEChERS approach
- Routine analysis and quality control requirements
GC/MS/MS Pesticide
Residue Analysis
A reference guide
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
2. Pesticide multiresidue analysis 4
3. Sample preparation using the QuEChERS approach 7
3.1 QuEChERS history and major modifications 7
3.2 Cleanup options in the QuEChERS method 11
3.3 EMR cartridge passthrough cleanup 17
4. Use of internal and quality/process control standards 23
5. GC analysis of pesticides 27
5.1 Matrix effects 28
5.2 GC injection techniques 29
5.3 Calibration approaches 31
5.4 Analyte protectants 34
5.5 Column backflushing 38
5.6 Using hydrogen as a carrier gas 39
6. MS/MS detection considerations 41
6.1 JetClean 44
7. GC/MS/MS method development and optimization examples 46
7.1 Optimization of MS conditions 46
7.2 Multimode inlet – Solvent vent and cold splitless optimization 58
7.3 Column backflushing optimization 61
8. GC/MS/MS method modification for a different list 66
of analytes
9. GC/MS/MS routine analysis 69
9.1 Routine GC/MS/MS system maintenance 70
9.2 Routine update of the GC/MS/MS method 71
9.3 Quality control requirements 73
9.4 Calibration and sample injection sequence considerations 74
10. Acknowledgments 77
11. References 77
Annex I Major chemical classes of insecticides, fungicides 83
and herbicides, and preferred determinative
technique (GC/MS or LC/MS) for their analysi
Annex II Example of a QuEChERS sample preparation 85
protocol for GC/MS/MS analysis of pesticides in
fruits and vegetables
A. Apparatus and material 85
B. Reagents 86
C. Reagent solution preparation 87
D. Sample preparation procedure 89
Annex III Examples of pesticides that require 91
special consideration when using QuEChERS
Annex IV Example of a GC/MS/MS method for pesticide 93
multiresidue analysis using a 7000 series instrument
Annex V Example of a GC/MS/MS method for pesticide 96
multiresidue analysis using a 7010 series instrument
Annex VI Example of a GC/MS/MS method for pesticid 98
multiresidue analysis using a 7000 or 7010 series
instrument using helium carrier gas
Annex VII Example of a GC/MS/MS method for pesticide 99
multiresidue analysis using a 7000 or 7010 series
instrument using hydrogen carrier gas.
Annex VIII Rapid analysis of pesticides in food using 100
LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS consumable workflow
ordering guide
Primary Author
Katerina Mastovska, Excellcon International, Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA
June 2013
Updated Revision Authors
Eric Fausett, Anastasia Andrianova, Bruce Quimby, Limian Zhao,
Agilent Technologies, Wilmington, DE, USA
Joel Ferrer, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA
June 2024
1. Introduction
2. Pesticide multiresidue analysis
This reference guide provides examples of recommended, proven, and robust gas
chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) methods for pesticide
multiresidue analysis using Agilent triple quadrupole GC/MS/MS systems. The
majority of pesticide laboratories have transitioned from GC/MS to GC/MS/MS
techniques due to enhanced sensitivity and selectivity, especially in the presence
of coeluting matrix interference. Included in this guide are practical tips and
considerations for method development, optimization, modification, and routine
use. This document discusses important aspects of GC and MS/MS analysis of
pesticides, especially when dealing with matrix-related issues, which are largely
affected by the chemical composition of the analyzed sample extract. For this
reason, we also cover the basics of sample preparation in pesticide multiresidue
analysis with a focus on the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe
(QuEChERS) approach. Additional topics include the best practices for setting up
and configuring triple quadrupole GC/MS system (GC/TQ) for hydrogen carrier
gas, dMRM/scan acquisition mode, and advances in software tools, such as the
Agilent MassHunter Optimizer for GC/TQ.
Four GC/MS/MS methods are included in Annex IV to Annex VII at the end of
this guide. The first two methods (Annex IV and Annex V) are legacy methods
used by the authors as a reference for method development and optimization.
The second two methods (Annex VI and Annex VII) present the recommended
instrument configuration, GC columns, consumables, and method parameters
for the best method performance with helium and hydrogen as a carrier gas.
A pesticide is defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of
the United Nations as “any substance or mixture of substances intended for
preventing, destroying or controlling any pest, including vectors of human or animal
disease, unwanted species of plants or animals causing harm during or otherwise
interfering with the production, processing, storage, transport or marketing of
food, agricultural commodities, wood and wood products or animal feedstuffs,
or substances which may be administered to animals for the control of insects,
arachnids or other pests in or on their bodies. The term includes substances
intended for use as a plant growth regulator, defoliant, desiccant or agent for
thinning fruit or preventing the premature fall of fruit, and substances applied to
crops either before or after harvest to protect the commodity from deterioration
during storage and transport”.1
Based on the biological effect on target pest species, such as algae, birds,
bacteria, fungi, plants, insects, mites, snails, nematodes, rodents, or viruses,
pesticides can be divided into groups, including algicides, avicides, bactericides,
fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, miticides/acaricides, molluscicides,
nematicides, rodenticides, or virucides, respectively. Pesticide residues on
food commodities, such as insecticides (and acaricides), fungicides, and
herbicides are typically of major concern. Annex I provides the most important
chemical classes of those three major groups, together with examples of
representative compounds.
The number of pesticides is continuously increasing as new active substances
are being developed and registered. Published in 2021, the 19th edition of The
Pesticide Manual,2
which is a comprehensive source of information about
pesticides, includes over 2,000 compounds. Many of them should no longer
be used, but they can still be present in a sample due to their persistency in
the environment or as a result of illegal use. Pesticide application and their
residue levels in foods, feed, and drinking water are strictly regulated, with
maximum residue limits (MRLs) or tolerances being set by national regulatory
authorities and international bodies, such as the Codex Alimentarius. For
regulatory purposes, pesticide residue definitions include the parent compound
and any specified derivatives, such as degradation and conversion products,
metabolites, and impurities that are considered to be of toxicological significance.
Consequently, there are many compounds that should be analyzed to enforce
or comply with pesticide MRLs/tolerances, detect illegal residues or unexpected
contamination, ensure the safety of foods and feeds, support organic product
labeling, provide dietary intake data for toxicological risk assessment, and study
the fate of pesticides in food chains and the environment.
For this reason, multiresidue methods, enabling simultaneous determination
of multiple analytes, typically represent the most time- and cost-effective
approach to pesticide residue analysis in routine practice.3
Ideally, all existing
pesticide residues would be analyzed by a single method; however, no current
method or technology is capable of that. Even if we disregard a much smaller
group of inorganic pesticides that requires a different analytical methodology,
the major group of organic pesticides still represents compounds of diverse
physicochemical properties, mainly in terms of polarity, solubility, volatility, and
stability. This can make inclusion of some pesticides or their metabolites into
multiresidue methods difficult or simply impossible. Those difficult analytes,
such as highly polar, ionic compounds (for example, quaternary ammonium
herbicides diquat or paraquat), must be analyzed by single-residue or single-class
methods. Other cases, which typically require special methods for compliance
purposes, involve pesticides with complex residue definitions such as those
including metabolites with a common moiety or those including salts, esters, and
conjugates, thus typically requiring a conversion, or hydrolysis, or both. Examples
of the former case include US and EU definitions of the herbicide diuron (diuron
and its metabolites convertible to 3,4-dichloroaniline) or the fungicide vinclozolin
(vinclozolin and its metabolites containing the 3,5-dichloroaniline moiety). The
latter case typically relates to certain acidic pesticides that can be applied as
salts or esters and can be present in the samples in various bio-available forms,
including conjugates (for example, herbicides 2,4-D, MCPA, or haloxyfop). In
practice, however, laboratories often ignore these difficult residue definitions and
monitor only parent compounds or forms that can be included in multiresidue
methods such as diuron, vinclozolin, or haloxyfop-methyl, thus making their
analysis cost-effective for at least screening purposes if not for full compliance
with the set MRL/tolerance.
Multiresidue methods consist of two important parts: sample preparation
and determination of residues. Sample preparation usually involves sample
homogenization (to obtain a representative sample for the analysis), extraction
(isolation of residues from a representative sample), and cleanup (separation
of residues from co-extracted matrix components that would interfere in the
determinative step). Chapter 3 provides information about the QuEChERS
sample preparation approach that is suitable for the analysis of a wide range of
pesticides and has become the method of choice in pesticide residue laboratories
worldwide due to its cost, speed, and effectiveness.
For the determinative step, GC has historically been the prevailing technique
used in pesticide multiresidue analysis. Traditionally, the GC detection has
been conducted using a halogen-selective detector, such as electron capture or
electrolytic conductivity detector (ECD or ELCD), in conjunction with phosphorusor nitrogen-selective detectors like the nitrogen phosphorus detector (NPD) or
flame photometric detector (FPD). As a result, pesticides suitable for GC-based
multiresidue analysis were divided into organochlorine (OC), organophosphorus
(OP), and organonitrogen (ON) based on their elemental composition and
response in the different detection systems. GC combined with MS detection
was historically used for confirmation of results obtained from the elementselective detectors. Over the last three decades, however, GC/MS instruments
(mainly single quadrupole MS, ion traps, and triple quadrupole MS/MS) have
become primary determinative tools in most pesticide laboratories, replacing
GCs with conventional detectors and enabling simultaneous identification and
quantification of a wider range of GC-amenable analytes, independent of their
elemental composition.
Many pesticide residues are not directly amenable to GC analysis, and
their continuously increasing number reflects a trend in pesticide product
development, which can be seen as a transition from the use of persistent and
less polar compounds to more readily degradable, more (sometimes very) polar,
and less volatile active substances. Determination of these modern pesticides
and their metabolites had been rather difficult until liquid chromatography/mass
spectrometry (LC/MS) with electrospray ionization (ESI) became available in
routine laboratories, enabling direct, selective, and sensitive multiresidue analysis.
The implementation of LC/MS has also improved analysis of certain pesticides,
such as more polar organophosphorus insecticides (for example, acephate,
methamidophos, omethoate, dimethoate, dicrotophos, monocrotophos,
malaoxon, and paraoxon). These were traditionally included in GC-based
multiresidue methods because there was no other way to easily analyze them in
a multiresidue fashion.
Annex I indicates which important pesticide classes (and their major
representatives) should be analyzed by GC/MS and which by LC/MS. It also
shows those which can be analyzed by both techniques equally well (providing
that instrumentation of similar selectivity and sensitivity is used in both cases),
or with one technique being inferior (listed in parentheses) but still suitable for
the analysis if the other technique is not available, or serving as an orthogonal
technique for confirmatory purposes.
3. Sample preparation using the QuEChERS approach
The QuEChERS sample preparation approach was first introduced by
Anastassiades; et al. at the European Pesticide Residue Workshop (EPRW) in
Rome in 2002, then published in the Journal of AOAC Int. in 2003 as the “quick,
easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe” method for the multiresidue analysis
of pesticides in fruits and vegetables.4
The method was tailored for pesticide
determination using modern GC/MS and LC/MS instruments, taking advantage
of their selectivity, sensitivity, and wide analytical scope, therefore enabling highly
streamlined sample preparation with just enough cleanup, small volumes, no
concentration steps, and analysis of both GC- and LC-amenable pesticides in
basically the same final extract. The QuEChERS sample preparation approach
has been adopted widely worldwide in food testing labs and has become one of
the most popular methods used for food safety testing, especially for multiclass
multiresidue pesticides analysis. The method shows the following features:
– Method targets to clean and remove the major matrix interferences
– Minimal impact on targets to allow a multiclass multiresidue extraction
– Easy adoption to most food matrices without major modifications
– Sample preparation to be compatible with both LC and GC analyses
– Simple, fast, and reliable for highly demanding food analysis sample
A QuEChERS method includes two major parts: sample extraction using
acetonitrile, followed by a salt partition to separate the acetonitrile and aqueous
layers. The salts used for the partition include two types, the nonbuffered,
and the buffered salts. Nonbuffered salts are used in the original method,
including 4 g of anhydrous MgSO4
and 1 g of NaCl for extraction of 10 g of
sample. There are two types of buffered salts: the acetate buffering salts used
in AOAC method 2007.0111 and the citrate buffering salts used in EN method
15662.12 The AOAC method uses 1% acetic acid in acetonitrile for the sample
extraction, 6 g of anhydrous MgSO4
, and 1.5 g of sodium acetate (NaOAc)
per 15 g sample extraction. The EN method also uses acetonitrile for sample
extraction, but instead uses 4 g of anhydrous MgSO4
+ 1 g NaCl + 1 g Na3
0.5 g Na2
HCit·1.5H2O per 10 g sample extraction. The QuEChERS extraction
step removes most of the water, solid residues, proteins, and salts from the
sample matrix.
3.1 QuEChERS history and
major modifications
The stability of the analytes is mainly an issue for base-sensitive pesticides, such
as N-trihalomethylthio-fungicides (captan, captafol, folpet, dichlofluanid, and
tolylfluanid; see Figure 1 (Page 9) for their structures and degradation scheme),
dicofol, or chlorothalonil, which can degrade at a higher pH, or can be unstable in
acetonitrile itself10. Losses during the partition step can occur in acidic pesticides
(for example, acidic imidazoline and pyridinecarboxylic or phenoxycarboxylic
acid herbicides) in neutral/less acidic matrices. In the case of basic pesticides
(for example, carbendazim, imazalil, pymetrozine, or thiabendazole), losses can
occur at a lower pH (in acidic matrices) when a portion of the analyte molecules
may be in ionic form (anion or cation, respectively) and partition into the aqueous
layer. To remedy these problems for a wide-scope multiresidue method covering
these analytes, it is important to: (i) acidify the final extract (to ≈0.1 % acetic or
formic acid content) to improve stability of base-sensitive analytes10, and (ii) use
buffering at pH ≈5 during the extraction process to provide optimum recoveries
for most pH-sensitive analytes.
Compared to the non-buffered salts used in original method, the buffered salts
used in either the AOAC method or European Standard (EN) method provide a
buffering extraction system during the salt partition step, and thus protect certain
pH-sensitive pesticides from loss during the sample extraction. Both the acetate
and citrate buffering methods improve recoveries of the problematic compounds
and provide similar results in side-by-side comparisons13,14 for the majority of
pesticides. The acetate buffer in the AOAC International official method provides
somewhat better results for pH-sensitive analytes, especially pymetrozine in
acidic matrices.
The QuEChERS extraction procedure starts with 10 or 15 g of fresh sample.
Although, for dry samples, 1 to 5 g is used with the addition of water for sample
hydration. The appropriate homogeneous fresh sample or dry sample is weighed
into a 50 mL centrifuge tube. The internal standard and QC spike are added along
with additional water if needed. The sample is then vortexed for 1 to 2 minutes.
For dry samples, the vortex mixing time is increased to 10 to 50 minutes after
water addition. This is to allow the dry sample to be completely hydrated and
at equilibrium. Depending on the extraction method, 10 or 15 mL of extraction
solvent is added. For the original and EN methods, 10 mL of ACN is added, but
for the AOAC method, 15 mL of ACN w/ 1% acetic acid is added. The sample
tube is capped tightly and vortexed for 1 minute. The corresponding QuEChERS
extraction salt is added. This should be Bond Elut QuEChERS extraction salt for
the original method (p/n 5982-5550 or p/n 5982-5550CH), Bond Elut QuEChERS
extraction salt for the EN method (p/n 5982-5650 or 5982-5650CH), or Bond
Elution QuEChERS extraction salt for the AOAC method (p/n 5982-5755, or
Cl Cl
Cl Cl
It is advisable to add 1 to 2 ceramic homogenizers (p/n 5982-9313) after the
salt addition. The use of ceramic homogenizers (CHs) is highly recommended
during QuEChERS salting out extractions. It assists in the consistency of sample
extraction with salt, breaks up salt agglomerates, facilitates homogenization,
and thus increases pesticide extraction from sample matrices. Figure 2 shows
the visual comparison of food samples after vertical shaking (left) and after
centrifugation (right). In each step, two sample tubes with CHs (left) versus
without CHs (right) are compared side-by-side for their sample homogeneity
appearance. The comparison clearly shows that the samples using CHs
generated a much more homogenous sample/salt mixture, with significantly
fewer salt chunks.
The tubes are capped tightly, and samples are shaken vigorously and vertically on
a mechanical shaker, such as Gino Grinder for 5 minutes. The samples are then
centrifuged at 4000 to 5000 rpm for 5 minutes. After this, the supernatant sample
will be ready for the next step, which is matrix cleanup treatment. The QuEChERS
extraction procedure is shown in Figure 3, step 1.
Figure 1. Structures of N-trihalomethylthio fungicides and the scheme of formation of their main
degradation products. Reprinted with permission from.10
Figure 2.A comparison study of the use of ceramic homogenizers for QuEChERS
The typical extraction solvent used in QuEChERS extraction is acetonitrile (ACN).
It has been demonstrated to provide the acceptable extraction efficiency for a
broad panel of pesticides with different physical properties, from relatively polar
to nonpolar, and from relatively acidic to neutral and basic properties. Compared
to other solvents, ACN also demonstrates a cleaner crude extract with fewer
matrix interferences being co-extracted, such as sugars, lipids, and proteins.
It is also a relatively low cost and less toxic solvent, which evaporates easily
(when needed) and is GC compatible. Other solvents, such as acetone and ethyl
acetate (EtOAc), can be used in QuEChERS extraction, but they may present a
compromise on some pesticide extraction recoveries and extract more matrix
interferences. The acidified ACN is used to assist in the extraction of some
labile pesticides.
Figure 3. Typical QuEChERS extraction procedure (step 1) and dSPE matrix cleanup procedure
(step 2).
As discussed in Chapter 4, additional quality or process standards can be added
at various steps of the method, such as the addition of triphenyl phosphate (TPP)
to the final extract before the determinative step. Some laboratories, such as
the pesticide residue laboratories involved in the Pesticide Data Program (PDP)
in the U.S., prefer adding ISTDs to the final extract and checking the overall
method performance using process control compounds added to the sample
matrix before the extraction. An example of such a method is given in Annex II
(Page 85), which provides a QuEChERS protocol for the preparation of fruit and
vegetable sample extracts and matrix-matched standards for GC/MS(/MS)
analysis of pesticides using the acetate buffering procedure.
The QuEChERS method enables extraction of a wide polarity range of pesticides,
which also means that a wide range of matrix co-extractives can be present in
the extract. Although the use of ACN for extraction can limit the co-extraction
of matrix interferences, the crude sample extract is still too complex for
direct injection onto an instrument for analysis. The complex sample matrix
co-extractives may significantly impact the accuracy, reproducibility, and
reliability, as well as the instrument method sensitivity and selectivity, long-term
robustness, and needs for routine maintenance. Therefore, usually, the sample
crude extract still needs to be further cleaned up after the extraction step. All
multiresidue pesticide methods have to balance between the degree of matrix
cleanup and the analytical scope or recoveries of certain analytes. The following
sample matrix cleanup may or may not result in lower recoveries of certain
analytes, depending on their structure, amount of sorbent, format (dispersive
versus packed in a cartridge), and matrix type. The balance between matrix
cleanup and pesticide recoveries thus becomes a critical point to consider.
The traditional sample matrix cleanup method after QuEChERS extraction
is dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE). Two formats of dSPE tubes are
commercially available, the 2 mL dSPE kit for 1 mL sample crude extract cleanup,
and the 15 mL dSPE kit for 6 or 8 mL sample crude extract cleanup. Depending
on different food matrices and methods, there are many dSPE products available,
including various blended sorbents using different ingredients, formulas, and
sorbent mass. The typically used sorbents in dSPE kits include MgSO4
, PSA, C18,
and GCB. Other rarely used sorbents include Fluorosil, alumina, silica, polystyrene,
and more.
3.2 Cleanup options in the
QuEChERS method
Anhydrous MgSO4
Anhydrous MgSO4
(150 mg per 1 mL extract) is added to the raw extract for
drying purposes to significantly reduce the amount of water in the acetonitrile
extract. This could otherwise affect the SPE cleanup and the GC analysis.
determination. Additionally, MgSO4
is added to the sample extract after the clean
up step as discussed in section 3.3.2.
3.2.1 Sorbents used for dSPE cleanup
PSA sorbent
PSA is a sorbent with the following primary secondary amine structure:
It is mainly used to remove compounds with carboxylic groups such as fatty
acids or other organic acids present in the sample matrix., but It can also
remove compounds with carbonyl groups, such as sugars. However, the use
of PSA sorbent may impact the analysis of acidic pesticides, especially in
the dSPE step. Larger amounts of PSA (>50 mg per 1 mL extract) can lead to
lower recoveries of certain pesticides with a carbonyl group, such as acephate,
chinomethionat, clethodim, hexythiazox, or sethoxydim. This is especially the
case if used for matrices with a lower content of acidic matrix co-extractives,
which would normally compete with them for the active sites on the PSA
sorbent. Similarly, larger amounts of PSA (and longer contact with it) can
cause degradation of base-sensitive analytes due to removal of acids from the
extract. These larger amounts of PSA, such as 150 mg per 1 mL extract, can be
justified for cleanup of extracts with a higher amount of fatty acids, for example
cereal grains15.
Alternatively, a cartridge format can be used to further increase the cleanup
efficiency. Prolonged contact of extracts with PSA should be avoided. After
centrifugation, the supernatant aliquot should immediately be placed in a vial and
acidified (see Annex II (p. 85)).
EC-C18 sorbent
Endcapped C18 (EC-C18) sorbent is added to the dSPE step at 50 mg per 1 mL
of extract to remove highly lipophilic matrix components, such as sterols or
waxes. However, its cleaning efficiency on lipids and fats is limited for fatty
food matrices. The hydrophobic interaction-based mechanism is not selective,
so it may cause hydrophobic pesticide loss when more C18 sorbent is used.
Alternatively, freezing out can be performed to remove (solidify) fats and waxes
before dSPE with PSA (it can also help remove some additional co-extractives
with limited solubility in acetonitrile, such as sugars). However, freezing out
(typically conducted overnight) adds to the analysis time, and can be less
effective than the easier addition of C18.
12.8 12.9 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6
5 x10
Captan Permethrin
BE EMR-Lipid
Acquisition Time (min)
Acquisition Time (min)
Acquisition Time (min)
Acquisition Time (min)
Acquisition Time (min)
Acquisition Time (min)
Acquisition Time (min)
Acquisition Time (min)
Counts Counts
Counts Counts Counts
Counts Counts Counts
+MRM (151.0 -> 79.1) AV MBPI-a-CD C2 spike 50ppb–1.D +MRM (183.1 -> 168.1) AV MBPI-a-CD C2 spike 50ppb–1.D
+MRM (181.0 -> 152.1) AV Z-Sep+ C5 spike 50ppb–1.D
+MRM (181.0 -> 152.1) AV Fatty dSPE spike 50ppb–1R.D
+MRM (181.0 -> 152.1) AV a-CD pow C3 spike 50ppb–1.D
Ratio = 169.4 (488.3 %)
Ratio = 116.9 (337.0 %) 22.641 min.
Ratio = 103.9 (299.5 %)
22.645 min.
+MRM (183.1 -> 168.1) AV Z-sep+ C5 spike 50ppb–1.D
+MRM (183.1 -> 168.1) AV Fatty dSPE spike 50ppb–1R.D
+MRM (151.0 -> 79.1) AV Z-Sep+ C5 spike 50ppb–1.D
+ MRM (151.0 -> 79.1) Post-S 50ppb Fatty dSPE C1-3.D
13.163 min.
20.788 min.
20.819 min.
20.833 min.
13.163 min.
*13.174 min.
Figure 5. Chromatogram comparison for sensitive pesticides and the affect of matrix on peak
response, peak quality, and interferences in the MRM window. Blank samples were treated with
either Bond EMR-Lipid dSPE, a modified dSPE, or traditional C18/PSA dSPE cleanup.
Bond Elut EMR-Lipid
Agilent Bond Elut Enhanced Matrix Removal - Lipid (EMR-Lipid) is a novel sorbent
material developed by Agilent that can be used in dSPE format. The sorbent
interacts with lipid molecules, based on a combination of size exclusion and
hydrophobic interactions. It is used in dSPE cleanup after QuEChERS extraction
for highly efficient and selective removal of lipids from food matrices. This
sorbent and dSPE kit are especially helpful on high-fat food matrices, such as
avocado, edible oils, and animal origin food matrices. Figure 4 shows the GC/MS
full scan chromatograms using QuEChERS extraction with dSPE cleanup for
avocado. The significantly improved sample matrix cleanliness also improves the
reliability of sensitive pesticides, such as captan, permethrin, and deltamethrin, as
shown in Figure 5.
Bond Elut EMR-Lipid dSPE kit replaces the traditional dSPE cleanup after
QuEChERS extraction for fatty food matrices. Using this kit requires pre-activation
with water at a ratio of 1:1 water/sample crude extract. This is to allow the EMRLipid sorbent full functionality for lipid removal.
Figure 4.An avocado extract GC/MS full scan chromatogram after QuEChERS extraction (black),
and traditional dSPE (blue), a modified dSPE (green), and Bond Elut EMR-Lipid dSPE cleanup (red).
GCB sorbent
Graphitized carbon black (GCB) adsorbs compounds with a planar structure and
can be added to the dSPE step used for removal of certain pigments (carotenoids
and chlorophyll), sterols, and other planar matrix co-extractives potentially
present in the sample extract. The problem is that certain pesticides, such
as hexachlorobenzene, thiabendazole, coumaphos, cyprodinil, chlorothalonil,
pentachlorothioanisole (MPCPS), or pentachloroaniline, also have planar
structures, and are retained by GCB. Therefore, larger amounts of GCB are not
recommended if those analytes are included in the method. A compromise
between cleanup efficiency and recoveries of these analytes is necessary
in practice, such as the use of only 7.5 mg GCB per 1 mL extract of highly
pigmented samples in the European standard method EN 1566212. It still leaves
some chlorophyll and other pigments in the extract but provides acceptable
recoveries (>70%) of planar pesticides. Toluene can recover planar compounds
from GCB partially. Toluene is miscible with acetonitrile and can be added at the
dSPE step to improve recoveries of planar pesticides when larger amounts of
GCB are used, such as 50 mg. Unfortunately, toluene also elutes matrix pigments,
so the overall cleanup effect of this procedure is typically diminished.17
Carbon S sorbent
Agilent Carbon S sorbent is an advanced hybrid carbon material with optimized
carbon content and pore structure. The improved sorbent provides equivalent or
better pigment removal from plant-origin sample matrices than GCB sorbent, but
significantly improves sensitive analyte recoveries, including planar pesticides. As
a result, Carbon S sorbent delivers a better balance between analyte recovery and
matrix pigment removal efficiency than traditional GCB sorbent.
The use of Carbon S sorbent for dSPE kits is just the direct replacement with GCB
using an identical or very similar formula. Figure 6 shows the spinach extract
color appearance after QuEChERS extraction using the AOAC pigmented matrix
dSPE kit with GCB versus with Carbon S. The final sample extract color and
LC/UV chromatograms both confirmed the equivalence of pigment removal for
Carbon S and GCB sorbents. However, the planar pesticide recovery is doubled or
more, as shown in Figure 7.
3.2.2 dSPE cleanup procedure and selection
Figure 3 step 2 shows the typical procedure of using a dSPE kit for sample
cleanup after QuEChERS extraction. Depending on the different kit and format,
the appropriate volume of crude sample extract is transferred into a dSPE tube.
The tube is capped and vortexed for 3 to 5 minutes, followed by centrifuging for
5 minutes. The supernatant is then ready for analysis.
For the use of the Bond Elut EMR-Lipid dSPE kit (p/n 5982-01010), the procedure
is different. The 5 mL of water needs to be added first, then 5 mL of QuEChERS
crude extract. After sample vortexing and centrifuging, the supernatant is then
transferred to a polishing tube (p/n 5982-0101), containing 2 g of anhydrous
/NaCl (4:1) for water removal. However, since the original extract contains
about 50% water, one step of drying cannot completely remove the water residue,
Average recovery (%)
2 mL AP-dSPE
w/Carbon S
2 mL AP-dSPE
Figure 6. Comparison of spinach crude matrix pigment removal using the dSPE kit with
Carbon S (C) vs. GCB (B) vs no dSPE cleanup (A). Chromatograms were collected by LC-UV
at 450 nm.
Figure 7. Comparison of Agilent Bond Elut AP-dSPE with Carbon S versus AP-dSPE with GCB for
26 representative pesticides analysis in spinach.
and a second drying step is necessary. After vortexing and centrifuging polishing
tube, a 1 mL aliquot of supernatant is transferred to a 2 mL tube, followed by the
addition of about 300 mg anhydrous MgSO4
(from the drying pouch, p/n 5982-
0102), vortexing, and centrifugation. The supernatant is then ready for analysis
via GC/MS/MS.
The selection of dSPE cleanup is complicated and depends on the sample
matrices (such as general fruit and vegetables, pigmented and highly pigmented
samples, fatty samples, fatty and pigmented samples), the sample volume
to be cleaned (for example, 1 mL versus 6 or 8 mL), and extraction method
(AOAC methods versus EN methods and other local methods). For all dSPE kits
containing GCB, Agilent also provides the equivalent counterpart with Carbon
S instead. To simplify the dSPE kit selection, Agilent has developed the Agilent
Bond Elut QuEChERS Universal dSPE kit. This includes kits with Carbon S for the
2 mL (p/n 5610-2058) and 15 mL format (p/n 5610-2060), and kits with GCB for
the 2 mL (p/n 5982-0028) and 15 mL format (p/n 5982-0029). Universal dSPE
provides a relatively generic dSPE solution for various food matrices, which
makes the selection of a dSPE kit simpler. Bond Elut EMR-Lipid dSPE provides
an excellent solution for fatty food matrices, providing superior matrix cleanup
without significant negative impact on pesticide recovery.
3.2.3 Limits of dSPE cleanup
The dSPE cleanup has been recommended for post-QuEChERS extraction since
the method was developed to provide ‘good enough’ sample cleanup before
instrument analysis. It is a relatively simplified, fast, and easy procedure that uses
less apparatus. The cost is relatively low, without generating additional solvent
waste. The methods provide acceptable recoveries for many pesticides, but also
result in moderate to significant matrix effects caused by matrix co-extractives.
In addition, the use of GCB and PSA could cause the loss of some sensitive
pesticides, such as planar and acidic compounds. The use of an endcapping C18
(EC-C18) sorbent does not provide efficient fatty matrix component cleanup.
The poor matrix cleaning efficiency makes the method not suitable for complex
sample matrices and causes the significant failure during certain pesticide
analyses. Dirty samples also impact the instrument detection reliability and
robustness. Although the QuEChERS method can potentially support both
LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS analysis, it can be difficult to align for complex
sample matrices, such as herbal supplement material, spices, tea, and essential
oils. More complex and separate sample preparation methods must be used to
achieve acceptable testing results.
The large variety of different dSPE kits may cause confusion and complicate
selection, making the dSPE cleanup difficult in terms of method alignment. The
dSPE cleanup procedure still involves many time-consuming and labor-intensive
steps, such as multiple transfers and uncapping and capping dSPE tubes. The
sample volume recovery for dSPE cleanup is only around 50%. The impact on
low volume recovery makes the transferring supernatant step difficult, as salt
can easily get into transfer pipette tips, and limits some post-treatment, such as
drying and reconstitution for sample concentration.
The Captiva EMR passthrough cleanup methodology was first introduced
with the Captiva EMR–Lipid products. The method offers high selectivity and
efficiency on comprehensive matrix removal, making it a convenient, rapid, and
reliable sample matrix cleanup technique. This sample cleanup methodology is
especially suitable for multiclass, multiresidue analysis, as the matrix cleaning
is based on selective retention of unwanted matrix interferences, and therefore
provides minimal impact on target recoveries.
3.3.1 Captiva EMR-Lipid passthrough cleanup
The Captiva EMR-Lipid sorbent was the second generation of EMR-Lipid sorbent.
It still uses similar chemistry for the size exclusion and hydrophobic interaction
combination mechanism. Only lipid-like molecules containing unbranched
hydrocarbon chains can enter the EMR-lipid sorbent pores and be retained by
hydrophobic interactions. Target analytes that do not have a lipid-like structure
are unable to enter the sorbent pores and remain in solution for subsequent
analysis. As a result, the EMR-Lipid sorbent can differentiate lipids from other
target analytes, and deliver high-analyte recovery and lipid removal efficiency.
Captiva EMR-Lipid is an Si-based sorbent where the function groups are bonded
on an Si base, which improves sorbent strength and allows the sorbent to be
packed in cartridge format. Compared to the Bond Elut EMR-Lipid sorbent,
Captiva EMR-Lipid allows the use of less water (down to 20% in sample mixture)
while still providing equivalent lipid removal efficiency. The reduced water
premixing improves the recovery of more hydrophobic pesticides and other
hydrophobic contaminants, such as PAHs. Less water in the sample eluent also
makes water removal easier and complete water residue removal is possible with
one-step drying.
Pass-through cleanup using Captiva EMR–Lipid products has been used for
pesticides analysis in fatty matrices by GC/MS/MS. The procedure in Figure 8
shows a representative example for olive oil sample preparation. For a highly oily
matrix, QuEChERS extraction was not used due to the loss of some pesticides
during extraction. Instead, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) was used with 80:20
ACN/EtOAc. The addition of 20% EtOAc improves solvent strength for pesticide
extraction from fatty matrices. To ensure sample mixture homogeneity and
prevent phase separation after the water premixing step, using over 20% EtOAc or
more hydrophobic solvents is not recommended.
3.3 EMR cartridge
passthrough cleanup
3.3.2 Captiva EMR with Carbon S passthrough cleanup
Captiva EMR with Carbon S cartridges include a series of mixed-mode EMR
cartridges using the optimized blended sorbents like Carbon S, Captiva EMRLipid, PSA, and EC-C18 sorbents. These cartridges provide comprehensive
cleanup for matrix co-extractives, including organic acids, sugar, lipids and fats,
pigments, sterols, and other hydrophobic interferences.
Anhydrous MgSO4
is commonly included in dSPE kits for simultaneous water
residue removal during sample cleanup. However, simultaneous water removal
can cause significant loss for sensitive pesticides, especially acidic compounds.
Considering the exceptional improvement of sensitive pesticide recoveries
without MgSO4
during matrix cleanup, the MgSO4
was not included in any EMR
cartridges for passthrough cleanup.
Five new Captiva EMR cartridges were developed with optimized formulas for
various complicated plantation sample matrices. These are Captiva EMR-HCF
1 (p/n 5610-2088) and 2 (p/n 5610-2089), Captiva EMR-GPF (p/n 5610-2090),
Captiva EMR-GPD (p/n 5610-2091), and Captiva EMR-LPD (p/n 5610-2092).
Table 1 shows the detailed description of all Captiva EMR cartridges and
their recommendations.
Accurately weigh 2.5 g of edible oil into a 15 mL centrifuge tube (tube 1)
Transfer supernatant to tube 2
Add 5 mL of 20:80 EtOAc/ACN to the 15 mL tube.
Add 2.5 mL of water to tube 2, mix gently (no vortexing)
Gradually apply pressure to drain the cartridge
when there is no visible liquid left
Transfer 5 mL of eluent to a new 15 mL tube (tube 3),
add 3.5 g of anhydrous MgSO4 (EMR drying salt pouch)
Transfer 5 mL of supernatant to Captiva EMR-Lipid 6 mL cartridge,
allow elution by gravity
Add 1.25 mL of 80:20 ACN/water into the EMR-Lipi cartridge, gravity elution -
Vortex vigorously for 3 min, centrifuge @ 5000 rpm for 5 min,
Transfer supernatant for GC/MS/MS analysis
Vortex sample for 15 min, and then centrifuge @ 5000 rpm for 5 min
Transfer supernatant to another 15 mL centrifuge tube (tube 2)
Add 5 mL of 20:80 EtOAc/ACN to tube 1, vortex for 15 min,
centrifuge @ 5000 rpm for 5 min.
Sample extraction using
liquid -liquid extraction
Sample cleanup using
Captiva EMR-Lipid
Sample post treatment
for water removal
Figure 8. Olive oil sample preparation for pesticides analysis using liquid-liquid extraction followed
by Captiva EMR-Lipid passthrough cleanup.
Captiva EMR passthrough cleanup is a simple and easy procedure. The crude
sample extract from a previous sample extraction is transferred onto appropriate
Captiva EMR cartridges, either through direct transfer or with 10% premixed
water. Sample elution usually uses gravity or low-level external forces, such as
positive pressure or vacuum. The eluent is collected following a drying step
using anhydrous MgSO4
treatment to remove the water residue. The addition
of MgSO4
can be as simple as a small spatula of the powder (~200 to 300 mg)
from the Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS EMR–Lipid polish pouch (p/n 5982-0102).
The added amount does not have to be exact, and the complete water residue
removal can be confirmed by two indicators. First, a “milky” white homogenous
sample mixture should be visible during vortexing. Second, the salts should settle
down as powder, rather than coagulated chunks, at the bottom. Figure 9 shows
the pictured steps for sample drying after Captiva EMR cleanup, but before
GC/MS/MS analysis.
Table 1. Agilent Captiva EMR cartridges and their recommendations for different plant-origin
Product name Sorbents Sample loading
based on sample
Examples of
applicable sample
Captiva EMR-Lipid Carbon EMR-Lipid 2.5 – 3 mL for
3 mL cartridges;
5-6 mL for 6 mL
High fatty oily
Edible oils
Captiva EMR-HCF1 Carbon S/NH2 3 mL High chlorophyll
fresh leafy
spinach, parsley,
Captiva EMR-HCF2 Carbon S/PSA 3 mL High chlorophyll
fresh leafy
spinach, parsley,
Captiva EMR-GPF Carbon S/PSA/
3 mL General pigmented
fresh plant-origin
berries, peppers,
broccoli, grapes
Captiva EMR-GPD Captiva EMR-Lipid
Carbon S
2.5 – 3 mL General pigmented
dry plant-origin
Spices, tea, coffee
Captiva EMR-LPD Captiva EMR-Lipid
Carbon S
2.5 – 3 mL Low/none
pigmented dry plantorigin matrix
Nuts, light
pigmented spices,
Compared to traditional dSPE cleanup, the passthrough cleanup on EMR
cartridges provides simplified workflow steps, such as the elimination of
uncapping and capping the tubes, vortexing, centrifuging. The crude sample
extract can be loaded onto EMR cartridges for passthrough cleanup. For LC-type
detection, the sample eluent can be diluted with water for injection. For GC-type
detection, the sample eluent needs a further drying step for water removal. In
addition, the passthrough cleanup on EMR cartridges improves the recovery
of certain sensitive pesticides. Both EMR-GPD and EMR-LPD cartridges offer
decent matrix removal for complex plant origin dry matrices; EMR-GPD cartridges
are more suitable for heavy pigmented dry matrices, and EMR-LPD cartridges
are more applicable for light pigmented dry matrices. EMR-GPF and EMR-HCF
cartridges demonstrate sufficient matrix removal for fresh plant origin matrices.
EMR-GPF cartridges are applicable for all fresh matrices except high chlorophyll
leafy matrices, and EMR-HCF cartridges provide intensive pigment removal for
high chlorophyll leafy matrices.
Captiva EMR passthrough demonstrates significantly higher efficiency for
complex matrix removal. Figure 10 shows the GC/MS full scan chromatograms
of cayenne pepper prepared by QuEChERS extraction, followed by Captiva
EMR-GPD cleanup, versus two types of dSPE cleanup. The pictures on the right
show the dry residue of cayenne pepper extracts. Both the chromatographic
background and the final sample extract dry residue comparison demonstrate
the superior matrix removal efficiency provided by Captiva EMR-GPD
passthrough cleanup.
Figure 9. Sample drying after Agilent Captiva EMR-GPF cleanup for GC/MS/MS analysis. A) Take
out a spatula of MgSO4
anhydrous powder for the Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS EMR-Lipid polish
pouch. B) Add the MgSO4
powder to the collection tube containing the sample eluent after cleanup.
C) Vortex the sample for 2 to 3 minutes. D) Centrifuge the sample for 3 minutes.
Note that 1 and 2 are critical indicators of complete water residue removal.
10 ng/mL post spiked sample prepared by vendor 1 dSPE cleanup
1 1
10 ng/mL post spiked sample prepared by vendor 2 dSPE cleanup
1 1
10 ng/mL post spiked sample prepared by U-dSPE x/GCB cleanup 1 1
10 ng/mL post spiked sample prepared by Captiva EMR-GPF passthrough
1 cleanup 1
Counts vs. Acquisition Time (min)
4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19
Molinate, 7.011 min.
Molinate, 7.011 min.
Molinate, 7.011 min.
Molinate, 7.011 min.
Cayenne pepper control, no cleanup 1 1
Cayenne pepper with dSPE 2 cleanup 1
Cayenne pepper with dSPE 1 cleanup 1
Cayenne pepper with Captiva EMR-GPD cleanup
Acquisition Time (min)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 10. Cayenne pepper matrix blank chromatograms in GC/MS full scan data acquisition mode.
Figure 11. GC/MS/MS MRM chromatograms for the bell pepper extracted samples postspiked
at 10 ng/mL. The expanded view in the ovals shows the MRM chromatograms for the compound
molinate, with a 1.5 minute acquisition window.
The cleaner sample provides a better chromatographic background even with the
highly selective target MRM acquisition method. Figure 11 shows the GC/MS/MS
MRM chromatograms for the bell pepper extracts postspiked with pesticide
standard at 10 ng/mL. The expanded images in the ovals show the MRM
chromatograms for the compound molinate at a 1.5 minute acquisition window.
The result confirms that more reliable and consistent target integration can be
obtained in cleaner sample extract, prepared using Captiva EMR-GPF cleanup.
Figure 13. Deltamethrin response on GC/MS/MS for 30 injections of cayenne pepper extract by
Captiva EMR-GPD cleanup vs typical dSPE cleanup.
3 x10
Chlorothalonil 9.088
3 x10
Chlorothalonil 9.095
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5
REC = 83% 3 x10
Chlorothalonil 9.088
3 x10
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5
Chlorothalonil 9.088
REC = 26%
Post-spiked QC,
Pre-spiked QC,
3 x10
Post-spiked QC,
Dichlofluanid 9.964
3 x10
Pre-spiked QC,
Dichlofluanid 9.971
9.8 9.9 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11 11.1 11.2
3 x10
1.2 Post-spiked QC,
Dichlofluanid 9.964
3 x10
Pre-spiked QC,
Dichlofluanid 9.964
9.8 9.9 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11 11.1 11.2
Post-spiked QC,
Pre-spiked QC,
3 x10
Post-spiked QC,
Tolylfluanid 11.383
3 x10
Tolylfluanid 11.379
10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8
Pre-spiked QC,
3 x10
Post-spiked QC,
Tolylfluanid 11.376
3 x10
Tolylfluanid 11.622
10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8
Pre-spiked QC,
2 x10
Fenhexamid 13.960
2 x10
Fenhexamid 13.967
13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6
2 x10
Post-spiked QC,
Fenhexamid 13.960
2 x10
Pre-spiked QC,
GCB-UdSPE Fenhexamid 13.973
13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6
Post-spiked QC,
Pre-spiked QC,
REC = 92%
REC = 51%
REC = 85%
REC = 57%
REC = 98%
REC = 47%
Figure 12. Sensitive targets chromatographic comparison for samples prepared using different
cleanup methods.
The use of Captiva EMR passthrough cleanup also improves sensitive pesticide
recovery and reduces matrix effects. Figure 12 shows four typical GC-amenable
sensitive pesticides, chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid, tolyfluanid, and fenhexamid,
analyzed in blackberry, using Captiva EMR-GPF cleanup versus a typical dSPE
cleanup. The dSPE cleanup not only caused the significant loss of these sensitive
pesticides, but also resulted in low responses of targets on GC/MS/MS detection.
Because of these improvements, the use of Captiva EMR passthrough cleanup
reduced the overall failure rate for large-panel pesticide analysis, by providing
higher recovery and better reproducibility. The improved sample preparation
method also improves the GC/MS/MS method robustness over multiple sample
injections, demonstrated in Figure 13 for deltamethrin response consistency in
cayenne pepper extract (prepared by Captiva EMR-GPD cleanup).
The use of suitable internal standards (ISTDs) is a good analytical practice to
improve precision and trueness. In the QuEChERS method, ISTDs are typically
added to the sample right after the extraction solvent to volumetrically control
the entire analytical process. This approach is recommended because signal
normalization to ISTDs can correct volumetric errors and fluctuations during
addition of the extraction solvent to the sample, with the injected volume in the
determinative step (due to potential injector variability or bubbles in the syringe),
or from losses due to extract evaporation. Also, the volume of the acetonitrile
layer formed during the partition step could potentially fluctuate due to the
different sugar or water content, or variable room temperature. A suitable ISTD
should have good stability and recoveries independent of matrix pH, fat content,
or cleanup options (for example, the use of GCB). It should not be present as
an incurred residue in any samples, should be available as neat material at
a reasonable price, and should also represent the analytes well in the given
chromatographic system. For example, d10-parathion is recommended as an ISTD
for GC-amenable pesticides to control the entire analytical process.
Additional compounds can be added as quality control (QC) standards together
with the ISTDs at the beginning of the QuEChERS procedure as their backup (for
example, in cases where matrix interferences occur for the ISTD signal), or to
check recoveries of certain problematic groups of analytes. For example, planar
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as d10-anthracene or d10-phenanthrene,
can be used to check for potential losses of planar pesticides when GCB is used
in the dSPE cleanup. For samples with a higher lipid content, losses of highly
lipophilic pesticides (due to partition between the acetonitrile and fat/oil layer)
can be assessed by checking recoveries of PCB congeners 138 or 153.12 To
isolate potential issues in sample preparation from instrument problems, other
QC standards can be added just before the determinative step for troubleshooting
purposes. For example, TPP is a suitable compound for this purpose, especially
if both GC/MS and LC/MS are used for the extract analysis, because it is
inexpensive and amenable to both techniques. (Note: TPP can be retained by
GCB, and is therefore not suitable for addition before dSPE when this sorbent
is used). It is convenient to do a postextraction QC addition, such as adding a
TPP solution in acetonitrile containing 1% acetic acid to achieve approximately
0.1% acetic acid in the final extract, for acidification and stabilization.
4. Use of internal and quality/process control standards
Some laboratories, such as those involved in the Pesticide Data Program (PDP),
use process control compounds that are spiked into each sample and are
intended to ensure the integrity of individual samples within an analytical system.
Based on PDP procedures,19 each sample, except reagent and matrix blanks,
should be spiked with a process control at approximately five times the limit
of quantification (LOQ) before the extraction step (prior to the addition of the
extraction solvent).
For process control criteria, PDP laboratories can use either the absolute or
statistically calculated range criteria:
– Absolute range criteria: Each process control recovery should fall between 50
to 150% for all detection systems used to calculate sample data.
– Statistically calculated range criteria: Each process control recovery should
fall within its acceptance recovery range, which is the process control mean
recovery (calculated for a given sample set) plus and minus three standard
Control charting or other appropriate statistical tools should be used to evaluate
recoveries on a set-to-set basis and to monitor trends over time. Chlorpyrifosmethyl and propoxur have been used as process control compounds for PDP
sample analysis using GC/MS and LC/MS, respectively.
Some laboratories prefer not to add ISTDs at the beginning of the entire
analytical procedure, but instead add them to the final extract before
instrumental analysis, therefore controlling only the determinative step and
mainly correcting for potential injection volume fluctuations. Specific issues,
such as compound losses or signal variability due to degradation in the GC inlet
or column, can be addressed when a suitable, compound-specific ISTD is used
for signal normalization, as demonstrated in Figure 14 (Page 25). This shows
calibration curves for p,p’-DDT and p,p’-methoxychlor obtained with and without
normalization to different ISTDs added postextraction in plum matrix-matched
standards.20 These two pesticides have similar structures (see Figure 15,
Page 25) and are known to degrade in the GC inlet.
A No ISTD used
B TPP used as the ISTD
Concentration (ng/mL) Concentration (ng/mL)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Responses ×105 ×105
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Relative response
p,p’-DDT p,p’-Methoxychlor
C 13C12-p,p’-DDT used as the ISTD Relative response
Responses Relative response Relative response
Figure 14. Calibration curves and QC results obtained for p,p’-DDT and p,p’-methoxychlor in plum
matrix: (A) without the use of any ISTD, (B) using TPP as a generic ISTD for pesticide residue
analysis, and (C) using 13C12- p,p’-DDT as the ISTD for both p,p’-DDT and p,p’-methoxychlor.
Figure 15. The structures of p,p’-DDT and p,p’-methoxychlor.
Cl Cl
Cl Cl
Cl Cl
p,p’-DDT p,p’-Methoxychlor
Figure 14 compares calibration curves and QC results obtained for p,p’-DDT and
p,p’-methoxychlor in plum matrix: (A) without the use of any ISTD, (B) using TPP
as a generic ISTD for pesticide residue analysis, and (C) using labeled 13C12-p,p’-
DDT as the ISTD for both p,p’-DDT and p,p’-methoxychlor. The calibration curves
(calibration points shown as black dots) were constructed using a matrixmatched standard set injected in the middle of the sequence. The QC results
(depicted as blue triangles in the charts) are absolute or relative responses
obtained from the QC samples injected throughout the sequence and in the
calibration standards analyzed at the beginning and end of the sequence. Table 2
gives the mean accuracies (relative ratios of calculated versus theoretical/
expected concentration) obtained for p,p’-DDT and p,p’-methoxychlor in the
QC samples and all calibration standards (n = 31) using the ISTD options and
calibration curves provided in Figure 14.
Table 2. Comparison of mean accuracies and their RSDs obtained for p,p’-DDT and
p,p’-methoxychlor in the QC samples and calibration standards (n = 31) in plum matrix:
A) without the use of any ISTD, B) using TPP as a generic ISTD for pesticide residue analysis, and
C) using 13C12- p,p’-DDT as the ISTD for both p,p’-DDT and p,p’-methoxychlor.20
p,p’-DDT p,p’-Methoxychlor
Mean accuracy (%) RSD (%) Mean accuracy (%) RSD (%)
A) None 95.5 14 94.3 13
B) TPP 100 7.8 98.0 6.9
C) 13C12- p,p’-DDT 100 1.5 98.3 2.0
The results in Figure 14 and Table 2 show that the use of a generic ISTD, such
as TPP, improves calibration curve fits and overall precision compared to not
using an ISTD. This is demonstrated in Table 2 by the almost 50% reduction
in the RSD values when TPP was used as the ISTD. An even more dramatic
reduction, and therefore an improvement in precision, was obtained when using
13C12-p,p’-DDT as the ISTD for both p,p’-DDT and p,p’-methoxychlor. The general
use of labeled ISTDs in pesticide multiresidue methods is problematic because of
their availability and cost. In specific cases, such as p,p’-DDT, for which a labeled
standard is commercially available and the issues are mainly GC-related, the
postextraction addition represents a more cost-effective use of the ISTD than
if it were added before the extraction. For example, if the final extract volume
is 0.25 mL, and the initial acetonitrile extract volume is 10 mL, then only 1/40
of the ISTD is required when it is added post- versus preextraction. Moreover,
compounds with similar properties can share the same ISTD, addressing
similar behavior, as demonstrated by the use of 13C12-p,p’-DDT as the ISTD for
A conventional approach to GC multiresidue analysis of pesticides uses
capillary columns with low-bleed stationary phases, mostly consisting of
dimethylpolysiloxane with 5% phenyl (other possible methyl substituents include
cyanopropyl, cyanopropylphenyl, or increased phenyl content up to 50%), and
typical column dimensions of 0.25 mm inner diameter (id), 0.25 µm stationary
film thickness, and 30 m column length. When using GC/MS(/MS), shorter
columns, such as 20 m, can be used for the separation of pesticides. This results
in shorter GC runs (typically around 10 to 20 minutes) with minimal sacrifices in
analyte separation, and maintains similar method ruggedness.15,20,21
The shorter run times can be achieved with some sacrifices in column capacity
or separation efficiency when using fast GC/MS approaches. Some techniques
used to achieve this include employing short, MicroBore columns (<0.2 mm
id), fast temperature programming with the Agilent Intuvo GC or other fast GC
hardware, or low-pressure GC/MS.22–25,72 An example of a fast method can be
found in the Agilent application note, “A Fast and Robust GC/MS/MS Analysis of
203 Pesticides in 10 minutes in Spinach” (publication number 5994-4967EN).67
5.1 Matrix effects In real-world pesticide residue analysis, co-extracted matrix components play
an important role, affecting all steps in the GC analysis (injection, separation,
and detection). They can result in inaccurate quantitation, decreased method
ruggedness, high detection limits, or false positive or negative results. Therefore,
appropriate handling of various matrix effects is essential for obtaining reliable,
sensitive, and rugged results in routine GC and GC/MS(/MS) analysis. This
chapter provides practical tips for dealing with adverse matrix effects in GC,
including use of various injection techniques, column backflushing, analyte
protectants, and suitable calibration approaches.
In general, matrix effects are adverse phenomena caused by the presence of
matrix components in the analyzed sample.26 In chromatographic separations,
the most obvious matrix effects are coelutions of matrix components with
analytes that affect analyte detection. Those effects can be overcome by
improved selectivity of the detection (for example, using MS/MS, as discussed
in Chapter 6), chromatographic separation, or sample preparation. There are,
however, matrix effects that are more difficult to manage because the culprit
cannot easily be eliminated. These effects include mainly matrix-induced
response enhancement in GC and signal suppression/enhancement in LC/MS,
with atmospheric pressure ionization (API) techniques (the latter is outside of the
scope of this document).
5. GC analysis of pesticides
Matrix-induced response enhancement, first described by Erney; et al.,27 is a
matrix effect impacting quantitation accuracy of certain susceptible analytes that
is well known in GC analysis of pesticide residues in foods. When a real sample
is injected, the matrix components tend to block active sites (mainly free silanol
groups) in the GC inlet and column, reducing losses of susceptible analytes
caused by adsorption or degradation on these active sites. This phenomenon
results in higher analyte signals in matrix-containing versus matrix-free solutions,
thus precluding the use of calibration standards in solvent only, which would lead
to overestimation of the calculated concentrations in the analyzed samples.
The extent of the matrix-induced enhancement effect is primarily related to the
following factors.28
– Number and type of active sites in the GC system (mainly in the GC inlet and
– Chemical structure (hydrogen-bonding character and thermolability) of the
analytes (for example, organophosphorus pesticides containing P=O bonds,
such as methamidophos, acephate, omethoate, or dimethoate, are particularly
prone to this matrix effect)
– Analyte concentration (more pronounced at lower analyte concentrations)
– Matrix type and concentration
– Interaction time (a function of flow rate, pressure, injection volume, solvent
expansion volume, liner diameter and design, column diameter and length,
and retention time)
– Injection temperature
In theory, elimination of active sites or matrix components would overcome
the matrix-induced enhancement effect; however, absolute and permanent GC
system deactivation or thorough sample cleanup are virtually impossible in
practice. Careful optimization of injection and separation parameters (such
as the injection technique, temperature and volume, liner size and design,
solvent expansion volume, column flow rate, or column dimensions) can lower
the number of active sites (due to a decreased surface area) or shorten the
analyte interactions with them. This results in a reduction—but rarely complete
elimination—of the effect. For example, application of temperature programming
or a pressure pulse during the injection (to reduce residence time or thermal
degradation in the injection port) may serve as examples of this effort (see
Section 5.2).
Since effective elimination of the sources of the matrix-induced response
enhancement is not likely in practice, laboratories should compensate for the
effect by using alternative calibration methods29 (see Section 5.3). The current
compensation approaches include the use of matrix-matched standards,
standard addition method, and isotopically labeled internal standards (not
generally feasible in multiresidue analysis due to their unavailability or prohibitive
price). All of these techniques require extra labor and costs; moreover, they may
lead to quantitation inaccuracies because the extent of the effect depends on
analyte concentration and matrix composition.30
In 2003, the concept of analyte protectants was introduced28,31 to add suitable
compounds to sample extracts as well as matrix-free (solvent) standards to
induce an even response enhancement in both instances, resulting in equalization
of the matrix-induced response enhancement effect (see Section 5.4). In addition
to the potential compensation for matrix-induced response enhancement, the
application of analyte protectants can also significantly reduce another matrix
effect called matrix-induced response diminishment.32,33 This effect is caused
by gradual accumulation of less volatile or nonvolatile matrix components in
the GC system, resulting in the formation of new active sites and a gradual
decrease in analyte responses. The use of analyte protectants provides GC
system deactivation in each injection, resulting in improved ruggedness, that is,
long-term repeatability of analyte peak intensities, shapes, and retention times.31
Another way to minimize problems with less- volatile matrix components,
improve ruggedness, and greatly reduce the need for frequent GC and MS system
maintenance is to use column backflushing (see Section 5.5).
Injection (sample introduction) usually represents the most crucial part (and
often the weakest link) of the GC analysis. In pesticide residue analysis and
other trace-level applications, splitless injection techniques are typically used for
transfer of analytes from the inlet to the column.
Hot splitless injection involves rapid volatilization of the injected sample in the
injection port and transfer of the entire sample vapor to the column using the
column flow. Despite some noticeable imperfections, it is a popular technique
in pesticide residue analysis, mainly because of its relatively easy operation and
legacy methods. Disadvantages of this technique include thermal degradation
and adsorption of susceptible analytes in the inlet, leading to strong matrixinduced response enhancement, small injection volumes, and potential
discrimination of volatile analytes due to the liner overflow. As opposed to
on-column injection, which is another classic injection technique, hot splitless
injection configuration provides some protection of the analytical column
against the deposition of nonvolatile matrix components by retaining them in
the inlet liner. This provides better ruggedness for routine analysis than oncolumn injections.34
A significant improvement on the hot splitless technique can be achieved using
a carrier gas pressure pulse during injection. This modification is called pulsed
splitless injection. The application of a pressure pulse leads to a higher carrier
gas flow rate through the inlet, and thus faster transport of sample vapors onto
the GC column. Under these conditions, the residence time of the analytes in the
injection port is much shorter compared to the classic hot splitless injection.
It results in a significant decrease of analyte discrimination, adsorption, or
degradation in the injection port, and therefore a reduced matrix-induced
response enhancement effect34–37. In addition, due to the increased pressure
(resulting in reduced solvent vapor volumes), larger volumes of sample can be
injected without the risk of liner overflow; consequently, lower detection limits can
be achieved.
5.2 GC injection techniques
The injection volumes in pulsed hot splitless injections are limited by the liner size
(internal volume) and solvent expansion volume at the given injection pressure
and temperature. Table 3 compares maximum injection volumes obtained at
different column head pressures for six solvents that have been used in pesticide
residue analysis as GC injection solvents: acetonitrile, acetone, ethyl acetate,
hexane, toluene, and isooctane.10
Table 3. Properties of six different GC injection solvents,10 including maximum safe injection
volumes at different column head pressures (injection temperature = 250 °C). The injection
volumes in a pulsed hot splitless injection are limited by the liner size (internal volume) and solvent
expansion volume at the given injection pressure and temperature.
(°C) P’
Vinj max (µL)
10 psi 20 psi 40 psi 60 psi
Acetonitrile 41 0.78 82 6.2 9.6 486 1.2 1.7 2.7 3.7
Acetone 58 0.79 56 5.4 24.6 348 1.7 2.4 3.8 5.2
Ethyl acetate 88 0.90 77 4.3 9.7 261 2.3 3.2 5.1 6.9
Hexane 86 0.66 69 0.0 16.3 196 3.1 4.3 6.8 9.3
Toluene 92 0.87 111 2.3 2.9 242 2.5 3.5 5.5 7.5
Isooctane 114 0.69 99 -0.4 5.1 155 3.9 5.5 8.6 11.7
Mr Molecular mass
ρ Solvent (liquid) density (at 20 °C, Patm)
b.p. Boiling point (at Patm)
P’ Polarity index
Pv Vapor pressure (at 20 °C)
Vvapor Vapor volume generated by 1 µL injection (Vinj = 1 µL) of the given solvent at 10 psi (a pressure
close to head pressure in typical GC/MS pesticide analysis without a pressure pulse) and injection temperature Tinj = 250 °C; calculated using the following equation:
Vvapor = 22.4 × 103 (ρ/Mr
) [(tinj + 273)/273] [Patm/(Pi
+ Pa
)] Vinj
where Patm = 14.7 psi (101 kPa) and Pa
is ambient pressure, usually taken as Patm
Vinj max Maximum safe injection volume for the 800 µL liner used at different column head pressures (10,
20, 40, and 60 psi) and an inlet temperature of 250 °C, that is, an injection volume that generates
600 µL of vapors (75% of the liner volume)
A potential drawback of the pulsed hot splitless injection technique involves the
potential to force nonvolatile matrix components farther into the column with
the increased flow during the pressure pulse. In this respect, programmable
temperature vaporizer (PTV) injection provides better column protection, and
better ruggedness, than both classical and pulsed hot splitless injection34. The
PTV technique has been shown to significantly reduce immediate and long-term
matrix effects by decreasing thermal degradation and enabling effective analyte
transfer to the column through rapid temperature and flow programming.34
A PTV injection can be performed using the Agilent multimode inlet (MMI). The
MMI can work in a manner similar to a standard Agilent split/splitless inlet or it
can function with the capabilities of a PTV inlet without hardware modification.
It can perform large volume injections for trace analysis, cool injections for
improved signal response, and also facilitates pulsed injections.
A PTV injection can be conducted in two basic modes: cold splitless and
solvent vent. In both cases, the sample is injected at a temperature below the
boiling point of the injection solvent and retained in a liquid form in the inlet. This
prevents thermal shock and immediate volatilization of the entire sample, which
can lead to column contamination by less volatile or even nonvolatile matrix
components that can be dispersed in the gas phase and carried to the column
during a hot splitless injection. In the solvent vent mode, most of the injection
solvent is eliminated through the split vent at a low temperature, enabling the
introduction of larger injection volumes,38 and allowing improved peak shapes
of early eluting analytes when injecting as little as 2 µL of acetonitrile. In both
solvent vent and cold splitless, the analytes are transferred to the column by a
rapid heating of the inlet to a temperature needed for an effective transfer of the
least volatile analyte, while less volatile and nonvolatile matrix components can
be retained in the inlet liner. Careful optimization of the PTV conditions, including
selection of an appropriate liner, is necessary for successful PTV injection and
overall long-term system performance38,39 (see Section 7.2).
5.3 Calibration approaches The use of calibration standards prepared in neat solvents represents the easiest,
cheapest, and most straightforward way for external calibration. Unfortunately,
because those techniques are prone to the discussed matrix effects, they are not
reliable enough to provide accurate quantification in pesticide residue analysis
in foods and other complex matrices using GC(/MS) and LC/MS. The European
guidelines SANTE/11312/2021 v2 for Analytical Quality Control and Method
Validation Procedures for Pesticide Residues Analysis in Food and Feed29 state
that matrix-matched calibration is commonly used to compensate for matrix
effects. Extracts of blank matrix, preferably of the same type as the sample,
should be used for calibration.
The SANTE guidelines suggest the use of suitable analyte protectants as a
practical, alternative approach to minimize matrix effects in GC analysis by
adding them to both the sample extracts and the calibration solutions (in pure
solvent or in matrix) to produce equivalent matrix effects (see Section 5.4) for
more details about analyte protectants). Based on the SANTE guidelines and
general analytical practice, the most effective approaches to compensate for
matrix effects are calibrations by standard addition and by isotope dilutions, with
isotopically labeled internal standards being added at any stage of the analytical
procedure prior to the determinative step. Those two approaches are also
used for enforcement purposes in the U.S. because the U.S. federal regulatory
agencies do not allow the use of matrix-matched standards for determination of
compliance of detected pesticide residues with the established tolerances in food
and feed.
As discussed in Chapter 4 (Page 23), the general use of isotopically labeled
internal standards is not feasible in pesticide multiresidue analysis because they
are not commercially available for all analytes (this approach would basically
double the number of compounds to be included in the method and standard
solutions), and if they are available, their cost is typically prohibitive for routine
analysis. Some, such as d10-parathion, can be obtained as neat (solid) materials
at a reasonable cost, and can be recommended as generic ISTDs for analyte
signal normalization. In certain cases, such as the example of p,p’-DDT and
p,p’-methoxychlor in Chapter 4, postextraction addition of a labeled ISTD (13C12-
p,p’-DDT) can be a cost-effective way to counter degradation and other potential
GC-related issues, especially if compounds with similar properties can share the
same ISTD, addressing similar behavior.20
Matrix-matched standards are calibration standards prepared in blank (pesticidefree) matrix extracts (as opposed to neat solvents) to achieve the same extent
of matrix-induced enhancement as in the sample extracts. Annex II (Page 85)
provides an example of a procedure for the preparation of matrix-matched
standards when using a QuEChERS-based sample preparation method. A
matrix-matched calibration procedure is the most widely used compensation
calibration approach, despite certain practical problems, including the rather
time-consuming and laborious preparation of matrix-matched standards,
the need for an appropriate blank material (ideally the same as the analyzed
samples), and a greater amount of overall matrix injected onto the GC column
during the analytical sequence. One potential problem is that, due to the different
compositions and concentrations of various matrix co-extractives, different
samples, even of the same commodity, may exhibit different magnitudes of
matrix effects. This becomes especially problematic when different commodity
types are analyzed in one batch of samples, which is often the case in routine
pesticide residue analysis. The SANTE guidelines29 suggest using a representative
matrix calibration, with a single representative matrix or a mixture of matrices,
which can calibrate a batch of samples containing different commodities. It is
recommended that the relative matrix effects are assessed and the approach is
modified accordingly.
Standard addition is a procedure in which the test sample is divided into three
(or more) test portions. One portion is analyzed in its current state, and known
amounts of the analyte standard are added to the other test portions immediately
prior to extraction29. It is also possible to add known analyte amounts to aliquots
of final sample extract prior to the injection to compensate for matrix effects
in the determinative step. The standard addition prior to the extraction is more
laborious, but recommended in practice because it also inherently takes into
account analyte recovery. This can be beneficial, especially in instances of
unknown sample types or if lower (but consistent) recoveries are suspected or
expected, such as if lipophilic pesticides are quantitated in samples with a higher
fat content using the QuEChERS method (see Annex III (Page 91)).
Using the standard addition procedure, the analyte concentration in the sample is
derived by extrapolation from a linear regression curve (see Figure 16).
A linear response over the appropriate concentration range is therefore essential
for achieving accurate results. The amount of analyte standard added should be
between one and five times the estimated amount of the analyte in the sample;
thus knowledge of the approximate residue level is required.29 This approach is
important for minimizing the potential differences in the matrix-induced response
enhancement effect obtained at different analyte concentrations.
Response in the sample with added conc. B
Response in the sample with added conc. A
Response in the sample
Added conc. A Added conc. B
-1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Concentration (mg/kg)
Linear regression equation: y = ax + b; where: a = slope, b = Y-axis intercept of the
regression curve Extrapolated concentration in the sample (y = 0): |x| = -b/a
Figure 16. Extrapolation of an unknown analyte concentration in the sample using the standard
addition procedure in the MassHunter Quantitative Analysis software. The sample (with zero
added concentration) is depicted as a square on the calibration curve. The concentration in the
sample is calculated as an absolute value of the Y-axis intercept, divided by the slope of the
calibration curve, thus 0.627748/0.411234 = 1.53 mg/kg in this example.
Analyte protectants are compounds that strongly interact with the active
sites (mainly free silanol groups and active sites created by nonvolatile matrix
deposits) in the GC system, decreasing degradation or adsorption of susceptible
co-injected analytes.28,31 They protect analytes against losses in the GC system
in a similar fashion to matrix components in the matrix-induced enhancement
effect. This approach takes advantage of the response enhancement rather than
trying to eliminate it.
The concept is to add suitable analyte protectants to sample extracts, as well
as matrix-free (solvent) standards, to induce an even response enhancement in
both instances, resulting in effective equalization of the matrix-induced response
enhancement effect. In general, the hydrogen bonding capability and volatility
(retention time coverage) of analyte protectants were found to be the most
important factors in the enhancement and protection effect. In a study evaluating
93 different prospective analyte protectants,28 dramatic peak enhancements were
achieved using compounds containing multiple hydroxy groups, such as sugars
and sugar derivatives, with L-gulonic acid γ-lactone (gulonolactone) providing the
highest overall enhancements. This can be explained by the formation of several
broad peaks of gulonolactone and its degradation products covering a wide
pesticide elution range. For this reason, gulonolactone can serve as an effective
single compound additive to improve responses (peak shapes and intensities)
of analytes—mainly those eluting in the middle region of the chromatogram.
However, to effectively compensate for matrix-induced response enhancement in
GC multiresidue pesticide analysis, the chosen analyte protectants should induce
strong response enhancement throughout the entire range of analytes. Therefore,
a suitable combination of several analyte protectants, covering the volatility range
of GC-amenable pesticides, is typically needed.
A mixture of 3-ethoxy 1,2-propanediol, gulonolactone, and sorbitol was found
to be the most effective for the volatility range of GC-amenable pesticides.31
Figure 17 compares peak shapes and intensities of three selected pesticides,
obtained (using a 1 µL hot splitless injection) in solvent standards and
matrix extracts without and with the addition of the above mixture of
analyte protectants.
Figure 17 clearly demonstrates the beneficial effect of the analyte protectant
addition, resulting in similar analyte responses in solvent and matrix solutions
and reduced analyte tailing. The three pesticides were selected to represent
different analyte susceptibility to matrix-induced response enhancement:
lindane (usually not susceptible), phosalone (moderately susceptible), and
o-phenylphenol (very susceptible).
5.4 Analyte protectants
A Without analyte protectants B
Cl Cl
Cl Cl
With analyte protectants
Injection in:
Figure 17. Comparison of peak shapes and intensities of three selected pesticides (with different
susceptibility to the matrix-induced enhancement effect) obtained by injection in matrix (fruit
extract) and solvent (acetonitrile) solutions (A) without and (B) with the addition of analyte
protectants (a mixture of ethylglycerol, gulonolactone, and sorbitol). The numbers demonstrate
signal (peak height) enhancement factors (signal in matrix versus solvent) obtained without the
use of analyte protectants and improvement in o-phenylphenol signal intensity in matrix with the
use of analyte protectants. Reprinted with permission.31
In addition to the compensation for matrix-induced response enhancement,
the application of analyte protectants can also significantly reduce the matrixinduced response diminishment effect, which is caused by gradual accumulation
of less volatile and nonvolatile matrix components in the GC system. This
results in the formation of new active sites and a gradual decrease in analyte
responses. The use of analyte protectants provides GC system deactivation
in each injection. This results in improved ruggedness and a less frequent need
for GC system maintenance, as demonstrated in Figure 18, which shows the
overlaying peaks of the three above-mentioned pesticides obtained throughout
a long injection sequence of mixed fruit and vegetable QuEChERS extracts.31
Without the addition of analyte protectants, the signals for phosalone and
(especially) o-phenylphenol significantly deteriorated with an increasing number
of injected samples. Whereas the side-by-side injections of the same pesticide
solution containing analyte protectants resulted in superior long-term signal
repeatabilities, as documented by the RSDs obtained for peak areas, heights,
height-to-area ratios, and retention times.
A Without analyte protectants B
10.6 10.8 min
19.7 19.9 min 19.7 19.9 min
7.9 8.1 min 7.9 8.1 min
10.6 10.8 min
With analyte protectants
Abundance Abundance Abundance
Abundance Abundance Abundance
RSD (n = 11)
Area 6 %
Height 7 %
H/A 1 %
R 0.06 %
RSD (n = 11)
Area 11 %
Height 19 %
H/A 8 %
R 0.03 %
RSD (n = 11)
Area 3 %
Height 4 %
H/A 1 %
R 0.07 %
RSD (n = 11)
Area 3 %
Height 4 %
H/A 3 %
R 0.03 %
RSD (n = 11)
Area 23 %
Height 89 %
H/A 68 %
R 1.32 %
RSD (n = 11)
Area 4 %
Height 12 %
H/A 9 %
R 0.08 %
Figure 18. Overlay of lindane, phosalone, and o-phenylphenol GC/SIM-MS chromatograms
obtained (A) without and (B) with the addition of analyte protectants (a mixture of ethylglycerol,
gulonolactone, and sorbitol) at the beginning and throughout a long sample sequence (after 30,
60, 90, 120, and 150 GC injections). RSDs of peak areas, heights, height-to-area ratios (H/A), and
retention times (tR) are provided for all 500 ng/mL acetonitrile standards with analyte protectants
and test solutions (without analyte protectants) injected immediately before them throughout the
sequence (n = 11). Reprinted with permission.31
A Without analyte protectants B
Concentration (ng/mL)
Normalized peak area
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Normalized peak area
Normalized peak area
Normalized peak area
Normalized peak area
Normalized peak area
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
With analyte protectants
y = 9.4E-04x – 0.0063
= 0.9993
y = 9.9E-04x – 0.0049
= 0.9993
y = 9.4E-04x – 0.0030
= 0.9998
y = 0.0017x – 0.072
= 0.9874
y = 0.0020x – 0.0015
= 0.9994
y = 0.0020x – 0.012
= 0.9997
y = 0.0045x – 0.020
= 0.9997
y = 0.0044x – 0.0082
= 0.9995
y = 0.0044x – 0.018
= 0.9998
y = 0.0030x – 0.12
= 0.9874
y = 0.0038x – 0.047
= 0.9994
y = 0.0040x – 0.035
= 0.9997
y = 0.0022x – 0.0099
= 0.9998
y = 0.0021x – 0.0039
= 0.9997
y = 0.0022x – 0.013
= 0.9991
y = 9.5E-04x – 0.0049
= 1.0000
y = 9.5E-04x – 0.0033
= 1.0000
y = 9.2E-04x – 0.0063
= 0.9997
Figure 19 compares calibration curves of the three selected pesticides obtained
in acetonitrile and mixed fruit and vegetable extracts without and with the
ethylglycerol, gulonolactone, and sorbitol mixture in the same study31. Without
the analyte protectants, the injections of the susceptible pesticides in acetonitrile
resulted in nonlinear calibration curves, with lower slopes and intercepts,
compared to the situation in the matrix extracts. This is a typical manifestation
of the matrix-induced response enhancement effect, which would lead to
significantly overestimated results in the analyzed samples if solvent standards
were used for calibration. In this case, the addition of analyte protectants nearly
eliminated the differences between calibrations obtained in matrix versus
matrix-free solutions (solvent standards). In practice, however, this may not
always be the case, especially if more complex and concentrated matrix
extracts that can induce stronger response enhancement than the added
analyte protectants are analyzed.
Figure 19. Comparison of calibration curves (based on peak areas normalized to ISTD heptachlor)
of lindane, phosalone, and o-phenylphenol, obtained by injection of acetonitrile (ACN) standards
and spiked fruit and vegetable extracts (A) without and (B) with the addition of analyte protectants
(a mixture of ethylglycerol, gulonolactone, and sorbitol). Dashed lines denote ±15% peak area
tolerance for values obtained in MeCN standards. Reprinted with permission from K. Mastovska;
et al. Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 8129-8137.31
Even if the analyte protectants may not fully compensate for matrix effects,
their addition is generally beneficial because they provide system deactivation
and increase analyte responses, especially in weaker matrices. As suggested
in the SANTE guidelines29, analyte protectants can be added to matrix-matched
standards, helping improve method ruggedness.20 This is done in the QuEChERS
example protocol in Annex II (Page 85), which uses a mixture of gulonolactone
and sorbitol. Ethylglycerol was omitted from this mixture because this analyte
protectant is effective only for more volatile and relatively polar analytes, such
as methamidophos, acephate, or omethoate. These analytes generally do
not perform well in GC(/MS) and should be moved to LC/MS, as discussed in
Chapter 2 and indicated in Annex III. Moreover, a relatively large amount of
ethylglycerol must be used to be effective, which can interfere with the focusing
of early eluting analytes.
Some studies show that oils, such as olive or corn oil, can also serve as
promising analyte protectants40. The protection mechanism of oils most likely
involves only the physical masking of those sites, as opposed to gulonolactone
and sorbitol, which strongly interact with the active sites. The potential problem
with using oils and other natural products/extracts as analyte protectants is the
risk of GC system contamination. They need to be checked for pesticide residues
and composition, therefore, their effectiveness may vary from lot-to-lot. In
comparison, neat chemicals, such as gulonolactone and sorbitol, are inexpensive
and nontoxic, and have been proven to be safe for routine use in GC/MS systems.
5.5 Column backflushing Column backflushing is a technique that can eliminate less volatile matrix
components from the GC column. It does this by reversing the column flow
at a pressure junction point, which is also called a pressure-controlled tee
(PCT) configuration.41–43 To facilitate this configuration, Agilent Capillary Flow
Technology (CFT) devices such as the Purged Ultimate Union (PUU) provide a
deactivated junction with a low thermal mass and a small dead volume.
Without the use of column backflushing, less volatile, late-eluting matrix
components must be baked out at a high temperature after analyte elution.
This common GC practice increases the analysis time, reduces column lifetime,
and leads to contamination of the MS ion source. If the column flow is reversed
before the late-eluting compounds start to move or get too far down the column,
it will take less time and a lower oven temperature to remove them from the
system through a split vent in the inlet. Also, they will not reach the MS source,
greatly reducing its maintenance needs.20, 21
The column flow can be reversed after (postrun) or during the analytical run
(concurrently).44 Postrun backflushing begins after the last analyte has been
detected.45–47 One example is a postcolumn backflush configuration, which uses
short restriction capillary tubing installed after the analytical column between the
purged CFT device and the MS. This also enables easy column maintenance or
replacement without venting the MS system. In this mode, backflushing can start
only after the last analyte of interest elutes from the entire column and reaches
the MS. This increases the risk of less volatile matrix components getting further
into the column and potentially contaminating the MS source during subsequent
runs. To ensure effective elimination of less volatile matrix components from
the entire column, the backflushing time must be optimized carefully (see
Chapter 7.3 (Page 61)). Another example of a commonly used type of postrun
backflushing is a midcolumn backflushing configuration. In this configuration, a
CFT device is installed between two columns. During backflushing, the make up
flow from the Pneumatic Switching Device (PSD) is raised to a much higher value,
sweeping high boilers backward out of the first column while simultaneously
providing forward flow in the second column.
Concurrent backflushing is a more time-effective approach than postrun
backflushing. It uses a purged CFT device installed between two columns with
the reverse column flow starting after the last analyte elutes from the first
column to the second column. Different physical column configurations are
possible, including a midcolumn backflush configuration, using, for example,
two 15 m columns48,49 or a precolumn backflush configuration using a short
coated20, 21 or uncoated capillary (a retention gap)50,51 as the first column. The
uncoated capillary, however, does not provide effective retention of less volatile
matrix components.25,33
The GC/MS/MS methods provided in Annexes IV (Page 93) and V (Page 96) use
concurrent backflushing with a 5 m first column and a 15 m second column of
the same column diameter, stationary phase type, and film thickness.20,21 In this
setup, the backflushing starts as soon as the last analyte elutes safely from the
short column, preventing the less volatile matrix components from reaching the
longer analytical column and also reducing the analysis time.
As opposed to postrun backflushing, concurrent backflushing is somewhat more
difficult to optimize (see Chapter 7.3 (Page 61)), but, provides even more timeeffective elimination of less volatile compounds and protection of the MS source
and second column against contamination. As a result, the need for MS source
maintenance is greatly reduced and its cleaning should typically be performed
only as part of preventive maintenance (approximately every six months) if fruit
and vegetable extracts are analyzed on a routine basis.20
5.6 Using hydrogen as a
carrier gas
Due to recurring helium shortages and increased prices experienced in the
recent years, there is an intensified demand for adapting the GC/MS analysis to
hydrogen carrier gas. While helium is the optimal carrier gas for GC/MS, hydrogen
has emerged as a viable alternative. Hydrogen brings chromatographic benefits
to the analysis if proper measures are taken to translate the method. Additionally,
hydrogen emerges as a renewable and costeffective alternative for sustainable
laboratory practices. However, unlike helium, hydrogen is not chemically inert.
This lack of inertness raises concerns as hydrogen can potentially react with
target analytes, matrix components, or solvents. Such reactions can lead to
compound degradation, chromatographic issues like peak tailing, distorted ion
ratios in the mass spectrum, compromised library matching, and decreased
sensitivity. Therefore, the transition from helium to hydrogen carrier gas requires
due diligence.69
The EI GC/MS Instrument Helium to Hydrogen Carrier Gas Conversion Guide70
provides detailed instructions for method conversion from helium to hydrogen.
The user guide outlines the considerations and procedures for hydrogen safety
necessary to make the transition to hydrogen carrier gas successful.
Some important considerations when using hydrogen as a carrier gas include
the following:
– Analyte response sensitivity will generally be reduced when using hydrogen
carrier gas. A two- to ten-fold decrease in sensitivity is expected. Reduced
sensitivity can be due to a combination of a decreased signal and increased
noise. This decrease in sensitivity is anticipated even for compounds that do
not interact with hydrogen in the GC inlet or the EI source.
– Hydrogen is not inert. Hydrogen can react with compounds susceptible to
hydrogen reduction in the GC inlet and in the EI source. If an EI source that
does not reduce source-induced reactivity is used, chemical transformations
with undesired and uncontrolled reactions will take place, leading to
spectral changes. This will have a negative impact on quantitation accuracy
and precision, as well as calibration linearity. In the method referenced
in Annex VII, 15 of the 203 pesticides analyzed demonstrated that they
could be susceptible to hydrogenation if the EI source is not optimized for
hydrogen carrier gas. These undesirable reactions can be prevented or at
least significantly reduced using techniques outlined in the Agilent application
note: “Hydrogen Carrier Gas for Analyzing Pesticides in Pigmented Foods
with GC/MS/MS” (5994-6505EN).69 Due to the potential for reactivity with
hydrogen, there is a need to carefully evaluate every analyte for spectral
changes after converting from helium to hydrogen.
– Using an EI source that reduces source reactivity is recommended. Agilent
HydroInert EI technology is specifically designed for this purpose and reduces
or eliminates in-source reactions while using hydrogen as a carrier gas.
– Due to decreased carrier gas viscosity when using hydrogen (compared to
helium), it is often necessary to reduce capillary column dimensions to
facilitate analysis with hydrogen carrier gas. For example, it is common for a
method that previously used a 30 m, 0.25 mm id, 0.25 µm column with helium
carrier gas to be converted to a 20 m, 0.18 mm id, 0.18 µm column when
using hydrogen carrier. A conventional midcolumn backflushing configuration
comprised of two 15 m, 0.25 x 0.25 mm columns can be converted to two
20 m, 0.18 x 0.18 mm columns when using a hydrogen carrier gas that allows
for the same GC column phase ratio and achieves the same retention times
with hydrogen and helium.
The use of tandem MS (MS/MS) generally improves method selectivity, providing
that suitable precursor-to-product ion MS/MS transitions are selected for the
analyte detection.52. For analyte identification, at least two MS/MS transitions
are required in pesticide residue and other contaminant analysis.29,53 More than
two MS/MS transitions may be needed as a backup for compounds with less
selective transitions that are prone to potential matrix interferences, such as
dieldrin, endrin, or endosulfans. Also, if needed, additional transitions may provide
increased confidence in positive analyte identification, or they may serve for
confirmatory purposes.
Table 4 gives tolerances for relative ion intensities (ion ratios for less versus more
abundant MS/MS transitions), which are, according to the European Commission
(EC) decision 2002/657/EC,53 permitted in the analysis of certain substances
and residues in animal-derived matrices. By contrast, the updated European
Commission (EC) decision 2021/808/EC71 contains simplified criteria, giving
a tolerance of +/-40% relative deviation for relative ion intensities. The SANTE
guidelines29 recommend that ion ratios be within +/-30% (relative) of the average
ion ratios obtained in calibration standards in the same sequence. but they also
suggest conducting actual, experimental measurements of the ion ratios (during
the method validation or over time) to obtain performance-based criteria for
individual analytes, rather than applying the generic criterion.
Table 4. Maximum permitted tolerances for relative ion intensities (less versus more abundant
MS/MS transition) in GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS analysis of certain substances and residues in
animal-derived matrices, according to the European Commission (EC) decision 2002/657/EC.53
Ion relative intensity Relative tolerance
>50 % ±20 %
>20–50 % ±25 %
>10–20 % ±30 %
≤10 % ±50 %
Chapter 7.1.3 provides a detailed description of the MS/MS optimization, and
highlights the importance of testing the most promising MS/MS transitions in
various matrix extracts because selectivity is often more than (or as important
as) sensitivity in the trace analysis of complex matrices. As opposed to LCAPI-MS/MS, which typically has only the pseudo-molecular ion as an option for
MS/MS precursor selection, electron ionization (EI) spectra usually offer multiple
possibilities. In general, a higher-mass precursor ion should provide better
selectivity in EI-MS/MS (see procymidone example in Figure 20) because the
number of compounds (thus potential interferences) decreases exponentially
with increasing m/z present in the EI full scan MS spectra,52 as demonstrated
in Figure 21. However, certain MS/MS transitions may not be as selective as
others, especially when it comes to losses of commonly occurring structures and
groups. This can be seen in the loss of methyl (m/z 15) in the atrazine example in
Figure 22 that compares the selectivity of MS/MS transitions m/z 215 & 200 and
215 & 58.
6. MS/MS detection considerations
The coeluting or closely eluting matrix components may produce the same
MS/MS transition that are shown in Figure 23. This demonstrates that a highermass precursor ion (m/z 173 versus 158 in the case of malathion GC/MS/MS
analysis in dietary supplements) may not guarantee better selectivity because the
selectivity is given by the actual transition (m/z 173 & 117 compared to m/z 158
& 47), and not just the precursor ion itself.
A Low selectivity B
m/z 96 →67
m/z 96 →53
m/z 283 →96
m/z 285 →96
High selectivity
10.8 10.9 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3
Acquisition time (min)
10.8 10.9 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3
Acquisition time (min)
Figure 20. Analysis of procymidone in spinach (at 5 ng/g) using MS/MS transitions with (A) low and
(B) high selectivity.
y = 48608e – 0.0111x
R2 = 0.9866
y = 2013.8e – 0.0107x
= 0.9057
50 150 250 350 450 550 650
Number of compounds
Relative abundance >5 %
Relative abundance = 100 %
m/z 215 → 200 m/z 215 →58
7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0
Acquisition time (min)
7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0
Acquisition time (min)
×101 Counts
Figure 21. Number of spectra in the NIST’98 mass spectral library, plotted versus the m/z of the
base peak (relative abundance = 100%) and the m/z of peaks with a relative abundance of >5%.
Reprinted with permission.52
Figure 22. Analysis of atrazine (RT = 7.9 minutes) in flour (at 5 ng/g) using MS/MS transitions.
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330
193 211 227
238 256
271 285 330
1.3 173 → 117
173 → 99 173 →99
173 →117
4 173 → 99
158 → 47
A NIST spectrum
9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3
B Ginseng root powder C Dandelion root powder
Acquisition time (min) Acquisition time (min) Acquisition time (min) Counts Counts Counts Counts
Counts Counts
×103 ×102
×103 ×103
Figure 23. Selection of optimum MS/MS transitions for analysis of malathion in matrix extracts:
(A) NIST library MS spectrum of malathion and examples of MS/MS extracted ion chromatograms
of 5 ng/mL malathion in (B) ginseng root powder extract and (C) dandelion root powder extract.
The MS/MS transitions m/z 173 & 99 and 158 & 47 were selected as optimal for the analysis of
malathion in dandelion root powder and other botanical extracts. Reprinted with permission.21.
Currently, simple sample preparation methods, such as QuEChERS are routinely
used for the analysis of food and feed samples, often leaving a significant
amount of matrix in the extracts. Analytical laboratories are challenged by these
matrix residues, which can negatively affect the responses of the analyzed
pesticides, and eventually require source cleaning. The use of the Agilent
JetClean self-cleaning ion source (JetClean) reduces the time between manual
source cleanings while still enabling the analysis of complex samples, without
losing sensitivity and reproducibility. The JetClean self-cleaning ion source
introduces a precisely measured hydrogen gas (H2
) flow into the MS source,
controlled by the MassHunter Acquisition for GC/MS software. The appropriate
flow (µL/min) generates conditions that clean the surfaces of the source,
the lenses, and other components. These actions aid in maintaining a stable
detection environment and provide for response stability of the pesticides in
difficult matrices.74
6.1 JetClean
2 3
Number of injections
Maintenance intervals
Figure 24. Increase in instrument uptime recognized by one laboratory performing pesticide
analysis using JetClean.75
The JetClean self-cleaning ion source is equipped with two operational modes:
– Acquire and Clean (also known as Online) mode: H2
is running continuously
during the analysis
– Clean only (also known as Offline) mode: H2
is introduced only postrun or
The JetClean system can greatly increase the number of samples that can
be processed before manual cleaning of the ion source must be done. During
the JetClean process, a small amount of hydrogen is introduced into the ion
source’s ion volume while the filament is emitting electrons, causing reactive
hydrogen species to be created. Each time this process runs, contamination is
removed from the ion source, depending on the conditions and the nature of
the contamination.
An example of a method using JetClean can be found in the Agilent application
note, “Maintaining Sensitivity and Reproducibility with the Agilent JetClean SelfCleaning Ion Source for Pesticides in Food and Feed”(5991-7342EN).
Figure 24 demonstrates another example of productivity enhancement
when using JetClean. The blue bars correspond to the number of injections
between ion source cleanings for 7010 Series GC/TQ when using JetClean in
the Clean only mode. The red line represents the number of injections of the
same challenging matrix that a laboratory might expect to perform between
maintenance intervals when not using JetClean. In this case, the number of
samples analyzed before the EI source needed cleaning, was increased 2-4-fold.
7. GC/MS/MS method development and
optimization examples
7.1 Optimization of
MS conditions
Annex IV (Page 93) provides an example of a GC/MS/MS method for pesticide
multiresidue analysis using an Agilent 7000 series triple quadrupole, multimode
inlet (MMI) in solvent vent mode and concurrent backflushing. This method was
recommended in the previous edition of this reference guide.
Annex V (Page 96) provides another example of a pesticide multiresidue method
using an Agilent 7010 series instrument with almost identical GC conditions,
except for the decreased injection volume introduced using cold splitless mode.
This decreased injection volume is enabled by increased detection sensitivity of
the 7010 series instruments with a high-efficiency ion source (HES). Furthermore,
the list of analytes has significantly been expanded in this new example method,
and the run time has been extended by one minute to include some less volatile
analytes. The following sections explain the most important parameters in a
GC/MS/MS method and give practical tips for their optimization.
7.1.1 MS source temperature
To provide a compromise between good responses of late eluting analytes
(mainly pyrethroids) and an acceptable degree of fragmentation, the EI MS
source temperature was set at 280 °C. Higher source temperatures may
lead to more extensive fragmentation, and therefore lower and more variable
abundances of higher m/z ions, which are typically preferred as precursor ions
for higher selectivity reasons discussed in Chapter 6 (Page 41).
7.1.2 Gain factor
The electron multiplier voltage (EMV) is adjusted routinely using Aautotune to
compensate for the detector aging or lower ion generation/transmission due
to potential source contamination. To increase sensitivity, gain normalization
can conveniently be used with Agilent 7000/7010 series instruments, which (as
opposed to the simple EMV offset, for example, +200 V) allows for repeatable
long-term method sensitivity and better agreement in analyte signal intensities
between different instruments.54 A gain setting of 10 to 20 is recommended
for routine analysis to increase sensitivity for trace-level methods while having
acceptable linearity and EM lifetime. A gain factor of 10 is typically sufficient
for pesticide residue analysis in fruits, vegetables, and other matrices.20, 21
The MassHunter data acquisition allows for updating the gain curve within
a sequence by using the keyword “UpdateGainCurve”. The gain curve update
enables users to update EM gain coefficients that result in consistent response
maintenance throughout instrument use. This is also while maintaining the
relative ion ratios, which are essential for maintaining calibration data validity.
For more information see 9.2.1 Updating the gain curve.
7.1.3 MS/MS optimization
The MS/MS conditions were optimized for each analyte, typically by selecting
2 to 4 precursor ions in the full scan spectrum and running product ion scans
at multiple collision energies (CEs). This was then followed by selecting the
most promising MS/MS transitions, analyzing them at different CEs (0 to 60 V
range with a step of at least 5 V), testing them for sensitivity and selectivity in
various target or representative matrix extracts, and finally selecting the two
or three most suitable MS/MS transitions (multiple reaction monitoring, MRM)
per analyte. More than three transitions may be beneficial for analytes prone
to matrix interferences, such as dieldrin, endrin, or endosulfans. Automated
MRM development and optimization with the Optimizer for GC/TQ software
is discussed in 7.1.4 MassHunter Optimizer software. The steps involved in
manual MRM development are discussed below.
Figure 25 illustrates the GC-EI-MS/MS optimization of MRMs for the fungicide
etridiazole, starting with the evaluation of its full scan MS spectrum and selection
of promising precursor ions. In this case, m/z 211 (loss of chlorine, m/z 35, during
the EI fragmentation) looks like a good candidate due to its relative abundance
in the spectrum (it is a base peak) and also its relatively high m/z value. Other
ions highlighted in Figure 25 (m/z 183, 185, 213, 246, and 248) could also be
considered as precursors for MS/MS optimization, given their abundances or
m/z values.
For the product ion spectra, Agilent MassHunter acquisition software currently
enables acquisition of four different product ion events in one time segment;
therefore, more methods and runs would be needed to obtain more than four
product ion spectra for one analyte (unless the peak is split into two time
For compounds with unknown collision-dissociation behavior, it is advisable to
obtain product ion spectra for at least three different CEs (for example, 5, 10,
and 20 V). But more CEs, covering the entire range of 0 to 60 V (such as 0, 2, 3, 5,
7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 60) would provide a better picture of the
promising product ions. For the easiest evaluation of the product ion spectra, it
is recommended to acquire and overlay them in the profile mode. The overlaid
spectrum, shown in Figure 25B, compares the maximum abundances of the
individual product ions (m/z 183, 140, 108, and 79 for the case of the m/z 211
precursor) independent of the CEs.
The optimum CE for each MRM can be obtained directly from the preceding
product ion experiments (especially if a wide range of CEs with fine steps are
evaluated), or separate MRM experiments can be conducted using methods with
varying CEs.
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190
246 248
210 230 250 0
A Full scan spectrum Etridiazole
Acquisition time (min)
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210
5.0 B Overlay of product ion spectra of m/z 211 for CE = 0–60 V
Acquisition time (min)
4.73 4.74 4.75 4.76 4.77 4.78 4.79 4.80 4.81 4.82 4.83 4.84 4.85 4.86 4.87 4.88 4.89 4.90
C Overlay of m/z 211 → 183
chromatograms at CE = 0–60 V
Optimum CE = 10 V
Cl Cl
Figure 25. An example of MS/MS manual optimization steps for etridiazole. (A) A selection of
promising precursor ions from a full scan spectrum. (B) Generation of product ion spectra at
various collision energies (CEs) for each precursor ion (overlay of product ion spectra for the
precursor ion m/z 211 is shown as an example). (C) Optimization of CEs for each MS/MS transition
(overlay of chromatograms obtained at various CEs for m/z 211 & 183 are provided as an example).
7.1.4 Agilent MassHunter Optimizer for GC/TQ software
Instead of determining the precursor ions, product ions and collision energies
manually, the Agilent MassHunter Optimizer software can be used to
automatically optimize the data acquisition parameters for MRM mode (multiplereaction monitoring) on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer instrument for
each individual compound analyzed. Specifically, it automates the selection of
the best precursor ions, the optimization of the … voltage for each precursor ion,
selection of the best product ions, and optimization of collision energy values for
each transition for a list of compounds you specify.65
Agilent application notes are available as guides for using the MassHunter
Optimizer software for the optimization of transitions and collision energies:
“Automated MRM Method Development for Pesticides in Cannabis Using the
Agilent MassHunter Optimizer for GC/TQ” (5994-2087EN)64 and “Automated MRM
Method Development for US EPA Method 8270 with the Agilent MassHunter
Optimizer for GC/TQ” (5994-2086EN).73
Automated collision energy optimization step is shown in Figure 26. Collision
energy optimization can be performed around the value chosen in the previous
step or over a defined range. In this example, collision energies were optimized
for 375 MRM transitions over a range of 0–60 eV with a step size of 5 eV
(Figure 26B) by performing six injections. This step would require only three
injections instead of six if no coelution occurred or if coeluting compounds were
ignored. Collision energy optimization results are shown in Figure 26A, with
the 295→236.8 transition for pentachloronitrobenzene highlighted in the MRM
transitions table.
The window includes:
– An MRM transitions table, in which each line corresponds to one
MRM transition
– TIC or extracted ion chromatograms for each of the transitions acquired at all
the tested collision energy values
– An ion breakdown profile, which demonstrates a plot of the MRM transition
abundance versus collision energy
– Collision energies with corresponding abundances for the highlighted
MRM transition
Figure 26. Collision energy optimization with MassHunter Optimizer for GC/TQ.
7.1.5 Pesticides and environmental pollutants MRM database
Method development time can greatly be reduced by using the Agilent
MassHunter Pesticide and Environmental Pollutants MRM Database (P&EP 4.0)
76 The database contains MS/MS conditions (on average eight
MRMs per analyte) and retention time information (provided for five different
GC conditions, including the GC conditions for Annex IV–VII methods) for
over 1,100 compounds and 7,500 matrix-optimized MRM transitions in an
accessible format.55 The database simplifies the otherwise time-consuming
and costly process of manually developing MRM or dMRM methods, especially
when dealing with many compounds and matrices. It also alleviates the need
to purchase and analyze the expensive standards typically required in method
development. Figure 27 shows a selected view of the MRM database, listing
MS/MS conditions for our etridiazole example. The database also gives relative
intensities of the provided MRMs, which can help in their selection; however, the
promising transitions should be tested in representative matrices to evaluate their
selectivity (not just sensitivity) as discussed previously.
Figure 27. A selected view of the Pesticides and Environmental Pollutants MRM
Database (P&EP 4.0) (G9250AA),76 showing MS/MS conditions for etridiazole.
Figure 28 shows an example of the evaluation of MRMs in representative
matrices for etridiazole at 10 ng/g in broccoli and tangerines. Based on this
experiment (note: only five MRMs are shown in Figure 28, but all optimized
transitions were tested), MRMs m/z 211 & 140 and 211 & 108 were selected for
the acquisition method as the two main transitions. The MRM m/z 246 & 211
was also added to the methods in Annex IV and V for increased confidence in the
identification of etridiazole because the m/z 246 precursor ion comes from the
molecular ion cluster.52. The most abundant transition, m/z 211 & 183 (the first
one listed in the MRM database), could also be used for the analysis, but its loss
of m/z 28 (C2
) is less selective than for the MRMs m/z 211 & 140 and 211 &
108, which results in a lower signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) despite the higher signal
(1.3- and 2.4-fold larger peak areas, respectively). Figure 29 compares signals,
root mean square (RMS) noise, and S/N for etridiazole in broccoli (at 10 ng/g) for
m/z 211 & 183, and the three MRMs included in the method.
Figure 28. Evaluation of selected etridiazole MRMs (m/z 211 & 108, 211 & 140, 246 & 211, 183 &
108, and 183 & 140) at 10 ng/g in tangerines and broccoli.
+ MRM (211.0 -> 108.0)
A Selected MRMs of etridiazole at 10 ng/g in tangerines
B Selected MRMs of etridiazole at 10 ng/g in broccoli
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Acquisition time (min)
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Ratio =
5.033 min.
+ MRM (211.0 -> 140.0)
Ratio =
5.033 min.
+ MRM (246.0 -> 211.0)
Ratio =
5.032 min.
+ MRM (183.0 -> 108.0)
5.522 min.
5.035 min.
Ratio = 1.2 (9.3 %)
+ MRM (183.0 -> 140.0)
5.500 min.
5.035 min.
Ratio = 1.8 (5.9 %)
+ MRM (211.0 -> 108.0)
4.5 5.033 min.
Ratio = 81.2 (401.7 %)
+ MRM (211.0 -> 140.0)
1 5.033 min.
Ratio = 155.6 (373.3 %)
+ MRM (246.0 -> 211.0)
1.1 5.032 min.
Ratio = 17.8 (312.5 %)
+ MRM (183.0 -> 108.0)
5.035 min.
5.495 min.
Ratio = 48.7 (380.0 %)
+ MRM (183.0 -> 140.0)
7 5.035 min.
Ratio = 129.0 (408.5 %)
×102 ×102
×102 ×103
Figure 29. Comparison of noise (RMS) and S/N values obtained for etridiazole MRMs 211 → 140,
211 → 108, 246 → 211, and 211 → 183 at 10 ng/g in broccoli.
Noise (RMS) = 11.21
S/N (5.032 min) = 112.4
m/z 211 →183
4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1
5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6
Acquisition time (min)
Noise (RMS) = 0.81
S/N (5.032 min) = 150.5
m/z 246 →211
Noise (RMS) = 1.13
S/N (5.032 min) = 441.2
m/z 211 →108
Noise (RMS) = 2.80
S/N (5.032 min) = 364.7
m/z 211 →140
4.698 5.126
7.1.6 Time segmented MRM program
Once the MRMs are optimized and selected for each analyte, the MRM time
segment program can be created using the MassHunter Optimizer for GC/TQ
following these steps:
1) Create a CSV (comma-separated values) file of MRM information. This is
typically done by using the Pesticides and Environmental Pollutants MRM
Database or exporting the MRM table from a previous method.
2) Create or find a GC/MS method for the pesticide analysis. This method will be
specified in the MRM Optimizer as the GC component of the method.
3) Launch the Optimizer for GC/TQ.
4) Specify the acquisition method. If the method was not previously an MRM
method, change the method type in Optimizer to MRM. You may be prompted
about importing the MRMs. Choose “No”.
5) Click the Import Compound Info ribbon and select the CSV File item. Now,
select the CSV file of MRM information that was created in step one.
6) Click the Results button. Choose the MRM method tab and specify a method
name. Then, click the button to create a time segmented MRM method.
The software uses overlapping time segments (that is, inclusion of an analyte in
more than just one time segment) and automatically generates the acquisition
method. The method must be checked for potentially missing or misidentified
analytes, which can happen for isomers and compounds sharing the same
transitions or having interferences, such as those coming from septum bleed or
solvent/inlet contamination.
Alternatively, it is possible to create the MRM time segments manually. If a
relatively small number of analytes have to be included in the method, or the
analytes are well separated or grouped in somewhat isolated elution clusters,
then the time segments can simply end/start between them. For a larger number
of analytes, especially those with similar retention behavior in GC, setting
segments between analytes or their groups may be difficult. This can potentially
lead to too many analytes in one window (thus very short dwell times or long
cycle times) or can cut off peaks because they elut too close to the end/start
of the time segment. For these reasons, the use of overlapping time segments
is recommended for a larger number of analytes,20 such as in pesticide residue
analysis. This is especially true in complex food matrices that can induce matrixdependent retention time shifts, leading to peak cut-offs or even nondetection if
analytes elute too close to the segment end.
The cycle time can be calculated by multiplying the number of MRMs with their
dwell times, plus inter-scan delays (times needed for switching between MRMs).
It is possible to keep both the dwell times and cycle times (data point density)
constant across each extracted ion peak by keeping both dwell times and the
number of MRMs constant for each MRM and overlapping time segments,
respectively. An example method was created, which uses a dwell time of 10 ms
for each MRM and a very similar number of MRMs (approximately 26) in each
segment, except for the last segment, which does not need to be overlapped. This
9.46 9.50 9.54
×102 ×102 ×102
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
9.46 9.50 9.54
Acquisition time (min)
×102 ×102 ×102 Counts Counts Counts
×102 ×102 ×102 Counts Counts Counts
×102 ×102 ×102 Counts Counts Counts
×102 ×102 ×102 Counts Counts Counts
contains only 10 MRMs (with 28 ms dwell times) for the least volatile analytes on
the given target list, that is, fenvalerate, tau-fluvalinate, and deltamethrin isomers,
which are sufficiently separated from the previous group of analytes. As a result,
a data acquisition speed of approximately 3.5 cycles is obtained in each time
segment. This provides, on average, more than 15 data points above the baseline,
as demonstrated in Figures 30 and 31, for the parathion-ethyl example, showing
two different ways to obtain data points in the MassHunter Qualitative Analysis
software. The issues concerning the number of data points across a peak and
over dwell times are discussed further in Chapter 8 (Page 66).
Figure 30. Determination of the number of data points (above baseline) across a peak of parathionethyl using the walk chromatogram option in the MassHunter Qualitative Analysis software.
7.1.7 Dynamic MRM (dMRM) program
There are some limits to what can be accomplished with time segmented
methods. As the number of analytes in a method increases, so too will the
number of concurrent MRM transitions in each segment. It will be necessary
to either reduce the dwell times for these transitions or to increase the cycle
time for each MS scan. Reducing dwell times (the amount of time required for
the triple quadrupole to analyze a single MRM transition) can compromise MS
data integrity by introducing collision cell cross-talk (insufficient clearing of the
collision cell between individual MRM experiments so that some product ions
from a previous MRM may be detected in the subsequent MRM). Maintaining
the same dwell time but increasing the overall MS cycle time may mean that
not enough data points are collected during the elution of a very narrow peak to
allow for reliable quantitation. Both of these factors can lead to compromises
in data quality. There is an additional challenge using time segments. To not
compromise any data, the change from one segment to the next must occur
during a time when no peaks are eluting from the column. In complex analyses,
such as pesticide analysis, where many coeluting peaks are monitored at almost
every time point during the chromatogram, this can be a formidable challenge.66
Figure 31. Determination of the number of data points (above baseline) across a peak of parathionethyl by extracting an average MS spectrum from the selected chromatogram range in the
MassHunter Qualitative Analysis software.
+EI MRM CID@** (291 → 109)
9.45 9.46 9.47 9.48 9.49 9.5 9.51 9.52 9.53 9.54 9.55 9.56
+EI MRM:7 (9.478–9.547 minutes, 15 scans) CID@** (291 → 109)
Mass-to-charge (m/z)
104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
Acquisition time (min)
Counts Counts
The dynamic MRM mode can address these challenges. Ion transitions and a
retention time window for each analyte are stored in a method. MRM transition
lists are then built dynamically throughout an MS run, based on the retention
time window for each analyte. In this way, analytes are only monitored while they
are eluting and valuable MS duty cycle is not wasted by monitoring them when
they are not expected. An added benefit of this approach is that MassHunter MS
Optimizer software can readily determine and store optimal transition ions for
each target analyte, greatly simplifying dynamic MRM method setup.66
The Agilent MassHunter acquisition software for GC/MS systems (B.07.05)
introduced the dynamic MRM (dMRM) feature (available for 7000 series and
7010 series GC/TQ). This streamlines the creation of the MRM program using
overlapping analyte acquisition windows (set based on analyte retention times)
with constant cycles and dynamically changing dwell times. This approach was
used to develop the MRM program in the example method discussed in this
section. The method includes 1,113 MRMs (369 analytes, plus three internal
standards), with a maximum of 107 concurrent MRMs, resulting in a minimum
dwell time of 2.02 ms at 3.3 cycles (on average more than 10 above-baseline
data points across peaks). The left retention time delta parameter was set
at 0.2 minutes, and the right at 0.5 minutes, except for the cypermethrin and
cyfluthrin four-isomer peak windows, which were based on the first isomer
retention time and a larger right delta of 0.7 minutes to safely capture all
four isomers.
Dynamic MRM/Scan (dMRM/Scan) mode is a new acquisition mode
available on the Agilent GC/TQ systems starting from 7000E and 7010C. This
acquisition mode allows for the collection of dynamic MRM data and scan data
simultaneously in one analytical run. The simultaneous dMRM/scan capability
enables identification of the unknown compounds and retrospective analysis,
while maintaining sensitivity and dynamic range of the method comparable to a
conventional dMRM analysis. Additionally, scan data enables more confidence
in compound identification by library spectrum matching. Finally, the full scan
data allow the analyst to evaluate the sample matrix to ensure the most efficient
performance of the GC/TQ system.68
To achieve acquisition in two modes simultaneously, the GC/MS/MS is required
to switch rapidly between the dynamic MRM and scan modes during acquisition.
As such, some loss in instrument performance is expected compared to a
dedicated dMRM mode. In practice, this drop in performance is often minimal
and overall performance is comparable between the two modes of acquisition.
An example method using dMRM/Scan mode can be found in the Agilent
application note, “Dynamic MRM/Scan Mode: Adding More Confidence to
Sensitive Quantitation in Complex Foods by Triple Quadrupole GC/MS (GC/TQ)”
3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8
7.6 7.8 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8
Dichlorvos HCH isomers
Acquisition time (min) Acquisition time (min)
Counts Counts
Counts Counts
Figure 32. Peak shapes of dichlorvos and HCH isomers obtained (A) in the presence of an
excessive amount of acetonitrile in the column and (B) under optimum PTV solvent venting
conditions. Reprinted with permission.21
7.2 Multimode inlet –
solvent vent and cold
splitless optimization
The Multimode inlet (MMI), as its name indicates, can be used in multiple
different modes, including hot or cold split or splitless (without or with a pressure
pulse) and solvent vent.56,57
The solvent vent mode enables solvent elimination from the inlet prior to the
analyte transfer to the column. Therefore, larger volumes can be injected to
increase sensitivity. Effective solvent elimination (venting) is very important in the
case of acetonitrile (the QuEChERS extraction solvent), even when relatively small
volumes (such as 2 µL in the Annex IV method) are being injected. As opposed
to other solvents that have been used in GC analysis of pesticides (such as ethyl
acetate, acetone, toluene, isooctane, or hexane),10 acetonitrile does not wet the
surface of the relatively nonpolar stationary phase well, and forms droplets rather
than a continuous film upon recondensation in GC. Therefore, recondensation
of acetonitrile needs to be avoided to prevent peak splitting or fronting,
especially in the case of early eluting analytes, because their focusing can be
negatively affected by the excessive amount of acetonitrile in the GC column.10,21
Figure 32A demonstrates the effect of an excessive amount of acetonitrile
on the peak shape of early eluting dichlorvos (multiple small peaks eluting as
different fractions before the main dichlorvos peak) and somewhat later eluting
hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers (fronting peaks). For comparison, peak
shapes and intensities obtained for these analytes under optimized PTV solvent
vent conditions are shown in Figure 32B.
Clean liner
Matrix deposits retained on dimples
The solvent vent injection consists of three main stages (periods), for which the
following parameters need to be optimized (or set) in the acquisition method:
Solvent vent period:
– Inlet temperature
– Vent time
– Vent flow
– Vent pressure
Analyte transfer period:
– Inlet temperature program
– Splitless time
Post-transfer period:
– Purge flow
– Gas saver flow and time
Careful optimization of the inlet conditions, including selection of an appropriate
liner, is necessary for successful PTV solvent vent injection and overall long-term
system performance.38,39 The Annex IV method uses a dimpled liner, which has
been tested to provide an adequate surface for the initial retention of several
microliters (for example, 5 µL) of acetonitrile. Moreover, the dimples serve as a
good physical barrier for the postinjection retention of less volatile and nonvolatile
matrix components (see Figure 33), thus providing good column protection.21
The dimpled liner has an internal diameter of 2 mm, resulting in a small internal
volume, which supports fast analyte transfer onto the column. Another possibility
is the use of an Agilent Ultra Inert inlet liner, packed with a thoroughly deactivated
glass wool plug (such as Agilent p/n 5190-2293) that can also provide a surface
for acetonitrile retention and protection of the column against deposits of
nonvolatile matrix components.58
Figure 33. A dimpled liner with nonvolatile matrix deposits retained mostly on
the dimples, thus minimizing column contamination.
The solvent vent parameters are interdependent and should be optimized
together in relation to each other.38,39,58 The data acquisition software for GC/MS
includes a Solvent Elimination Calculator, which can provide a starting point, and
other useful information for the optimization of the solvent vent period, based on
the solvent type (its boiling point), injection volume, and boiling point (if known) of
the first eluting analyte.56
A higher inlet temperature and vent flow lead to faster solvent elimination (thus
potential losses of analytes), whereas higher vent pressure decreases the solvent
elimination rate. The inlet temperature needs to be at least 5 to 10 °C below the
boiling point of the injection solvent (that is, not above 72 to 77 °C in acetonitrile
with a boiling point of 82 °C) to retain the injected sample in the inlet without
analyte losses. The lower the initial inlet temperature, the more effective the
trapping of the liquid sample in the inlet, making evaporation conditions milder.
However, lower venting temperatures lead to longer venting times and longer inlet
re-equilibration times; therefore, inlet temperatures <50 °C are not practical for
routine analysis (even if an active inlet cooling is used).
For the optimization of solvent vent period parameters, peak shapes and
areas of early eluting analytes should be monitored as indicators of optimum
conditions for just enough venting to provide effective solvent elimination,
while preventing analyte losses. Conversely, monitoring late-eluting analytes
is important for the optimization of the analyte transfer from the inlet onto the
column (mainly final inlet temperature and time of the transfer, that is, splitless
period). In addition to the inlet parameters, the initial oven temperature is also
important for focusing and peak shapes of early eluting analytes. An example
of the step-wise optimization approach for MMI parameters in PTV solvent vent
mode is described in Agilent application note 5991-1196EN.58 As mentioned
above, the vent parameters are interrelated, so different optimization starting
points or preferences (such as the initial inlet temperature) may result in different
sets of optimum parameters providing similar results. Similar to the MS/MS
optimization, it is important to test the inlet and other optimized GC conditions
using representative matrix extracts, which may affect transfer of less volatile
analytes from the inlet, or analyte focusing.
For the analysis of fruits and vegetable QuEChERS extracts using an Agilent
7000 series GC/MS/MS, an injection volume of 2 µL is typically sufficient in
practice.20 The inlet conditions in the Annex IV method were originally optimized
for 5 µL injections of acetonitrile QuEChERS extracts, containing dichlorvos as
the most volatile analyte.21 They were applied as safe venting conditions for the
2 µL injection to the list of analytes included in the Annex IV method, which starts
with dichlobenil as the most volatile analyte. Therefore, more volatile pesticides,
such as dichlorvos, can be included in the Annex IV method without any inlet
parameter modifications for 5 µL injections in acetonitrile. If dichlorvos or other
pesticides more volatile than dichlobenil were to be analyzed using a lower
injection volume than 5 µL, the vent time should be verified and, if necessary,
optimized (decreased) to prevent their losses while still effectively eliminating
acetonitrile. This can be done by monitoring peak areas and shapes for Column
backflushing optimization dichlorvos and other early eluting pesticides to prevent
peak splitting and fronting, while minimizing losses of volatile analytes (shown
in Figure 21). Similarly, it is possible to increase the injection volume above 5 µL,
and the vent time would need to be extended. Other conditions (such as inlet
temperature or injection speed) could be kept the same for injection volumes
up to approximately 10 µL, but may need to be re-optimized if larger injection
volumes are used.
The method in Annex V uses a cold splitless injection of 0.5 µL. The decreased
injection volume is enabled by increased detection sensitivity of the Agilent 7010
series GC/MS/MS instrument. The inlet conditions of the PTV solvent vent and
cold splitless injections in the Annex IV and V methods (respectively) are very
similar. The difference is that the injection solvent is not vented, therefore the
vent flow and pressure are not applied, and the split vent is closed during the first
stage of the injection process.
Another consideration when changing the injection volume involves the
concentration of analyte protectants, which should be adjusted to provide a
similar amount of protectants introduced into the GC system.59 For example, it is
recommended to increase the analyte protectant concentration in the final extract
(given in Annex II (Page 85)) four-fold when decreasing the injection volume from
2 to 0.5 µL.
7.3 Column backflushing
As discussed in Chapter 5.5 (Page 38), there are two basic types of backflushing:
postrun and concurrent. The optimization of postrun backflushing is more
straightforward because it starts after the last analyte is detected. The
effectiveness of postrun backflushing should be optimized or at least verified by
the following procedure:
1. Analyze a representative matrix extract using the given backflushing
conditions (oven temperature, column flow, and backflushing time).
2. Inject a solvent (acetonitrile) blank right after the preceding matrix run
using a full scan MS (m/z 45–650) method, without backflushing and with
an extended hold (for example, an additional 30 minutes) at the final oven
temperature. This is to check for any potential matrix peaks that may be
detected in the solvent blank run but originate from the previous matrix
3. If there are matrix peaks detected in the subsequent solvent blank analysis,
extend the backflushing duration or re-optimize (increase) the oven
temperature or column flow (or both).
The representative matrix (several different matrices would be even better)
should be selected for their higher content of less volatile matrix components
(typically sterols) to represent worse-case scenarios for backflushing. Adding an
extra 1 to 2 minutes to the optimum postrun backflushing time is recommended
to ensure rugged backflushing operation in routine practice.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Time (min)
Run stopped at 42 minutes and
backflushed at 280 °C for 7 minutes
Blank run after backflushing,
showing that the column was clean
It took an additional 33 minutes and
heating the column to 320 °C to
remove these high boilers
Figure 34. Full-scan total ion chromatograms comparing GC/MS analysis of milk extracts
without backflushing (top trace) and with post run backflushing (middle trace) demonstrating
the effectiveness of backflushing by the absence of any matrix components in the subsequent
solvent blank.43
The optimization of concurrent backflushing is slightly more complicated
because the start of the backflush needs to be determined experimentally as the
time when the last analyte of interest safely elutes from the first to the second
column. The effectiveness of concurrent backflushing also needs to be evaluated
and optimized by the same subsequent solvent blank injection experiments,
described above for the postrun backflushing optimization.
Figure 34 shows full scan total ion chromatograms comparing GC/MS analysis
of milk extracts without and with postrun backflushing. The chromatograms
demonstrate the effectiveness of backflushing through the absence of any matrix
components in the subsequent solvent blank.43 In this example, an additional
33 minute bake-out period at 320 °C was needed after the last analyte eluted
to remove the less volatile milk component from the column without the use of
backflushing. The postrun backflush eliminated those compounds effectively in
just 7 minutes and at a lower oven temperature of 280 °C, significantly reducing
the cycle time (by more than 30%) and extending the life of the column. Moreover,
those components are backflushed out of the GC system through a split vent,
and do not reach the MS to contaminate it.
Inlet MS/MS
Column 1
5 m
1.1 mL/min
0–15.2 minutes 1.2 mL/min
Column 2
15 m
Elution of analytes from the first column
Inlet MS/MS
Column 1
5 m
2.283 mL/min
15.2–18.0 minutes
Post run (0.5 minutes)
1.2 mL/min
10.683 mL/min 4.0 mL/min
Column 2
15 m
Backflushing of the first column to remove less volatile matrix components
The Annex IV and V methods use a concurrent backflushing setup with a
short, 5 m capillary column, and a 15 m analytical column of the same column
diameter, stationary phase type (HP-5ms UI), and film thickness. The PUU is
installed between the two columns and its pressure (helium flow) is controlled
by either a pneumatics control module (PCM), an auxiliary (AUX) EPC module,
or a pneumatic switching device (PSD). All backflushing parameters (timing
and flows) are easily set and controlled using the MassHunter acquisition
software for GC/MS systems. Figure 35 shows the flow programs for the two
columns, illustrating the two basic phases of the analytical run with concurrent
backflushing: (A) elution of analytes from the first column and (B) backflushing
of the first column to remove less volatile matrix components and prevent
contamination of the second column and the MS source.
The start of the concurrent backflushing in the Annex IV method (at 15.2 minutes)
was determined experimentally by testing different backflushing start times and
monitoring the peak area of the last analyte (deltamethrin), see Figure 36.
To account for potential matrix-related retention time shifts, 0.2 minutes was
added as a safety margin to the shortest time that showed no deltamethrin loss
(15.0 minutes in Figure 36). Similarly, the start of the concurrent backflushing
in the Annex V method (at 15.5 minutes) was determined experimentally for the
last analyte included in that method (dimethomorph II). After the start time of the
concurrent backflush, the inlet temperature was increased to 300 °C to support
backflushing (elimination through the split vent) and prevent deposits of less
volatile matrix components in the inlet.
Figure 35. Illustration of two phases of the column flow program used in the Annex IV method
concurrent backflushing setup: A) elution of the analytes from the first column, and B)
backflushing of the first column to remove less volatile matrix components.
15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0
BF at 14.1 min
BF at 14.2 min
BF at 14.3 min
BF at 14.9 min
BF at 14.4 min
BF at 14.8 min
BF at 14.7 min
BF at 14.6 min
BF at 14.5 min
BF at 15.0 min
BF at 15.1 min
Acquisition time (min)
Figure 36. Optimization of the concurrent backflushing start by monitoring peak areas of late
eluting analytes (especially the last analyte deltamethrin), thus their transfer from the first to the
second column, at different backflushing (BF) start times (14.1–15.1 minutes).
The concurrent backflushing flow through the first column is set to achieve 2
psi inlet pressure, while keeping the second column constant until the end of the
analysis for optimum analyte detection by MS. For example, the column 1 flow
should be –2.283 mL/min during the concurrent backflushing to achieve 2 psi
in the inlet while keeping the column 2 flow at 1.2 mL/min. An inlet pressure of
2 psi is the minimum recommended to maintain the septum purge flow of up to
5 mL/min.
After the detection of the last analyte, the run is stopped (at 18 or 19 minutes
in the Annex IV or V methods, respectively) and the column 2 flow is increased
postrun (with the filament off) to the maximum recommended flow of 4 mL/min.
This results in a –10.683 mL/min backflushing flow rate in column 1 (at the 2 psi
inlet pressure), which speeds up the elimination of less volatile compounds from
the first column. Under these conditions, a postrun time of 0.5 minutes enables
column 1 to be flushed with more than 15 void volumes.
The GC/MS/MS method provided in Annex IV (Page 93) includes GC-amenable
analytes that were analyzed by the pesticide residue laboratory at the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services at the time of publication of
the first edition of this reference guide. The selectivity of the MRMs has been
verified in representative PDP matrices: apple sauce, broccoli, and tangerines.
This method was developed as an expansion of a slightly different list of
pesticides used to analyze PDP samples at the California Department of Food
and Agriculture. The MRM conditions of that method, which was verified in
another set of PDP matrices (plums, onions, and snap peas), are shown in the
application note 5990-1054EN,20 with most compounds and their MRMs being
a subset of the Annex IV method. The method in Annex V (Page 96) covers a
significantly expanded list of analytes, which are typically included in pesticide
multiresidue methods globally. In addition to compounds preferably analyzed
by GC/MS(/MS), the list includes pesticides that can be equally well analyzed by
LC/MS/MS and also some analytes that are better suited for LC/MS/MS analysis,
but can be monitored by GC/MS/MS for confirmation purposes or even for
primary analysis in cases when an LC/MS/MS instrument is not available. The
Annex V method can be modified to cover a different list of analytes. If the new
target list is a subset of the given list of compounds, then the acquisition method
can be used as it is, and the excluded analytes can simply be deleted from the
quantification method. Alternatively, the extra analytes can also be removed
from the acquisition method. This is easily done when using the dMRM option,
where compounds can simply be deleted from the list or eliminated from the data
acquisition process by unchecking the Enable box in the Compound table.
If the new target list includes additional analytes, several steps need to be
followed to add them to the method:
1. Obtain retention times and suitable MRMs for the additional analytes
(see below).
2. For a time segmented method, create a new time segment program using
acceptable dwell times and data acquisition speed (cycles). For a dynamic
MRM method, add the new analytes to the dMRM table.
3. If acceptable dwell times or data acquisition speed cannot be achieved, limit
the number of MRMs per analyte. If necessary, you may have to split the
total number of analytes into two analytical runs. Alternatively, it is possible
to adjust the GC oven program (analyte separation), but this option is not
recommended if you want to use an MRM database with locked retention
times to add analytes to the method.
4. Verify/adjust the inlet parameters and backflushing conditions for
the volatility range of the target analytes (if different from the original
analyte list).
8. GC/MS/MS method modification for a different list
of analytes
As the first step, suitable MRMs can be obtained using the Pesticides and
Environmental Pollutants MRM Database (G9250AA)76 or going through the
optimization process described in Chapter 7.1.3. (Page 47). The best way to
obtain retention times of additional compounds is to inject their higher-level
reference standard solution in full scan mode using the given GC conditions.
Ideally, this is done using individual standard solutions (not mixes), in which case
the full scan analysis can also help identify potential impurities or degradation
products present in that standard, or being formed during the GC injection or
separation. In analyte mixes, the use of known MRMs (from the MRM database
or another reliable source) can help find the analyte retention times faster, but the
full scan analysis is still recommended to avoid potential misidentification.
The Pesticides and Environmental Pollutants MRM Database 4.0 (P&EP 4.0)76 is a
GC/MS/MS database, where an average of eight MRM transitions are archived for
more than 1,100 compounds including pesticides, phthalates, PBDEs, PAHs, PCB
congeners, and SVOCs. Use of this database can significantly increase method
development speed, particularly when dealing with a large list of analytes.
In the second step, the data acquisition speed (cycles) dictates how many data
points are acquired across an analyte peak of a given peak width. It is determined
as 1/(cycle time), with the cycle time calculation given in Chapter 7.1.4 (Page 49)
as the number of MRMs in the given time segment, multiplied by their dwell times
plus interscan delays (approximately 1 ms in the Agilent 7000/7010 instruments).
Therefore, if we want to increase the number of MRMs in a time segment/
acquisition window without changing the peak width, we need to reduce the
dwell time or decrease the data acquisition rate, or both.33 The Agilent 7010 triple
quadrupole GC/MS offers a minimum MRM dwell time of 0.5 ms.
Very low dwell times can increase noise, leading to lower signal to noise
ratios and higher RSDs. Thus, a minimum dwell time of approximately 2 ms is
recommended in practice.
Another option is to decrease the data acquisition rate to a minimum speed
that still provides enough data points across a peak. The intricate question
is how many data points are needed to define a chromatographic peak and
provide adequate quantification. There are many discrepancies in the literature
concerning this question. Some sources indicate 15 to 20 points or 10–20,
whereas others state that 8–10, 5–6, or as little as 3–4 points should be enough
to meet quantitative needs.22 Moreover, it is not always clear if full width at half
maximum (FWHM) or full peak widths at baseline are used in the discussions,
or if the baseline points at the beginning and end of the peak should be counted
or not.33 A practical, performance-based approach is to determine an acceptable
Figure 37. A histogram of MRMs included in the dMRM program in the Annex V method.
0 5 10 15 20 0
Data points across peak
Relative standard deviation (%)
Peak area
Peak height
minimum number of data points experimentally by evaluating the repeatability
(RSDs) of peak areas and heights, as demonstrated in Figure 38, which shows
an example of a GC/MS analysis using a single quadrupole in selected ion
monitoring (SIM).60 Figure 38 shows that as few as six data points should not
significantly increase peak area RSDs compared to 10 or even more. The number
of data points here were calculated to include the baseline point, so would
correspond to approximately five data points above the baseline.33 Based on
experience with fast GC/MS using a single quadrupole, seven data points above
the baseline should more likely serve as a safe minimum.
Figure 38. The measured relationship between data points across a peak versus RSD of peak area
and height in a GC/MS analysis using a single quadrupole system. Reprinted with permission.60
Using a data acquisition rate of 3.3 cycles in the Annex V method, on average
more than 10 data points above the baseline were obtained across peaks.
Figure 37 shows a histogram of MS/MS transitions included in the Annex V
method, demonstrating a fairly good distribution of 1,113 MRMs (369 analytes,
plus three internal standards). As is typical for pesticide multiresidue methods,
the majority of GC-amenable pesticides elute in the mid-volatility region, whereas
the early eluting (up to approximately 6.5 minutes) and late eluting (after
approximately 15 minutes) regions have fewer analytes, thus fewer concurrent
MRMs. The largest number (107) of concurrent MRMs appears in the 14 to
14.5 minute window, resulting in a minimum dwell time of 2.02 ms for that
region. Modifying the data acquisition rate to 2.7 cycles would provide more
than 8 to 9 data points above the baseline. It would also enable the addition of at
least 24 MRMs, even in the busiest part of the chromatogram, while keeping the
minimum dwell time at approximately 2 ms. This means that even more MRMs
could be included in other parts of the chromatograms. Alternatively, the number
of MRMs per compound could be decreased because the Annex V method
typically uses at least three MRMs per analyte. However, this is not expected
because the method already incorporates a significant number of pesticides,
especially those important for inclusion in GC/MS(/MS).
The fourth step, which involves verification or adjustment of the inlet parameters
and backflushing conditions, needs to be done if more or fewer volatile analytes
are added to the method than the originally included analytes. Dimethomorph
II is the last (least volatile) analyte in the Annex V method. There are only a
few GC-amenable pesticides less volatile than this compound; the Pesticides
and Environmental Pollutants MRM Database (G9250AA) lists just six less
volatile pesticides, all of which are better suited for LC/MS analysis. Addition of
those analytes would require re-optimization of the backflushing start time, as
described in Chapter 7.3 (Page 61). Also, the GC oven temperature program
would most likely need to be extended to elute these analytes from the column.
For example, the least volatile analyte in the database is temephos, with a
retention time of 19.62 minutes using the Annex V method conditions. This would
require extension of the GC oven temperature program (the final temperature
hold time) by another minute, resulting in a run time of 20 minutes.
As for the cold splitless and PTV solvent vent conditions, the addition of less
volatile, GC-amenable pesticides may not require any changes in the inlet
parameters, but it is advisable to check the efficiency of analyte transfer at the
final inlet temperature of 280 °C. Some compromise between transfer efficiency
and final inlet temperature can be made to prevent volatilization or pyrolysis of
less volatile matrix components at higher inlet temperatures. As for the more
volatile analytes, the PTV solvent vent conditions in the Annex IV method were
optimized for 5 µL injections of pesticides in acetonitrile extracts, containing
dichlorvos as the most volatile analyte.21 It was applied as a method with very
safe venting conditions to the list of analytes included in the Annex IV method,
which starts with dichlobenil as the most volatile analyte, but would enable the
inclusion of more volatile pesticides, such as dichlorvos. In any event, potential
losses of more volatile analytes can be evaluated using the procedure discussed
in Chapter 7.2 (Page 58).
This chapter discusses important aspects of routine pesticide residue
analysis using the GC/MS/MS methods provided in Annexes IV and V and the
GC/MS(/MS) technique in general. It provides recommendations for routine
maintenance of the GC/MS/MS system and related method updates.
The chapter also summarizes routine quality control (QC) requirements
and guidelines in pesticide residue analysis, with a focus on GC/MS(/MS)
measurement, calibration, and quantification.
9. GC/MS/MS routine analysis
Once a GC or GC/MS method is developed, tested, and in routine use, regular
maintenance of the system is essential for continued success. Consumables
such as syringes, septa, inlet liners, and columns need to be replaced to
ensure that the GC system is leak-free, inert, and resolving analytes at the
optimum resolution. GC intelligence in the Agilent 8890 GC system and Agilent
Intuvo 9000 GC includes features such as early maintenance feedback (EMF)
counters, guided maintenance procedures, diagnostic tests, troubleshooting
guidance, system performance monitoring, and an extensive help and
information section to ensure analysts have everything they need to replace
consumables appropriately.
EMF counters and guided maintenance procedures, both found in the
Maintenance menu on the touch screen or the browser interface, allow the
analyst to set up timers or counters to monitor the use of each consumable
item. The intelligent maintenance procedures guide both new and experienced
analysts in these processes, identifying the tools required, cooling heated zones
as necessary, demonstrating the procedure, and calling diagnostic tests required
for verifying that the procedures are completed correctly.
Diagnostic tests and troubleshooting guidance, found in the Diagnostics menu
on the touch screen and browser interface, allow the analyst to call upon a
wide variety of diagnostics to ensure that inlets and detectors are leak-free
and operating correctly. Troubleshooting guidance queries sets the analyst
on a logical path (assisted by the diagnostic tests) to quickly identify and
correct problems.
Advanced analysts with established methods can use the advanced
intelligence features, such as GC Performance monitoring (Blank Evaluation
and Peak Evaluation – both found in the Diagnostics menu), to monitor key
chromatography attributes against a reference standard. This ensures that
maintenance can be completed as consumables are exhausted and begin to
affect the quality of chromatographic peaks.
All of these features are backed up by an extensive Help and Information
collection (accessed via the GC Browser Interface), which provides supporting
guidance, video content, and manuals to ensure the analyst has everything they
need to maintain their Agilent GC system.
Using the Annex IV method and configuration, the daily routine maintenance
of the GC/MS/MS system (after injection of a typical analytical batch of
approximately 50 samples) should involve replacement of the dimpled liner
and trimming the tip (approximately 1 to 5 cm or more if needed) of the first
column. It is recommended to clean the MMI injection port with a swab dipped
in methanol approximately every two months, or as deemed necessary, for
example, when matrix deposits are observed on the outside of the liner. The first,
shorter column should be replaced as needed (typically after one to two months
of daily operation, which corresponds to approximately 1,500 to 3,000 injections),
whereas the second column should last considerably longer (six months of daily
operation or more) due to the use of concurrent backflushing. When using the
Annex IV method and backflushing configuration for the analysis of fruits and
vegetables, the MS source should require minimum cleaning. It is recommended
to clean the MS source at the same time as the second column is being replaced
9.1 Routine GC/MS/MS
system maintenance
or as a part of the preventive maintenance, so approximately every six months.
The parameters that can be considered for replacing the columns include
decreased chromatographic separation of closely eluting analytes with the same
MS/MS transitions (for example, beta-HCH and gamma-HCH isomers or p,p’-DDD
and o,p’-DDT) or decreased sensitivity due to peak broadening or tailing.21
The Annex V method employs a 7010 GC/TQ instrument with a four-fold lower
injection volume, resulting in a reduced introduction of the sample matrix into
the GC/MS/MS system. This should lead to less frequent maintenance, thus a
less frequent liner replacement, column trimming, column replacement, and MS
source cleaning.
9.2 Routine update of the
GC/MS/MS method
Routine trimming of the first column (or its replacement) changes the column
length, which affects analyte retention times, unless the column flow program is
adjusted in the acquisition method. There are two basic approaches that can be
used to deal with this issue, and update the GC/MS/MS method routinely.
One approach is to keep the column flows the same but adjust the MS/MS
segment or dMRM retention times, as well as backflushing start time ensuring
that all analytes are safely detected. The Optimizer for GC/TQ can be used in
Start with MRMs workflow. The Update retention times functionality available
in the Optimizer allows retention time updating without user intervention. It is
recommended to review the updated results if multiple compounds share the
same MRM transitions.
Another approach involves the use of retention time locking (RTL), which keeps
the retention times very similar (locked) by adjusting the column flow (pressure)
program. To use RTL, it is important to select a suitable analyte, which will be
used as the locking compound. This compound should elute roughly in the
middle of the analytical run and not elute at oven ramp transitions. Chlorpyrifosmethyl, with a retention time of 9.143 minutes, was chosen for the Annex VI and
VII method locking because it fulfills these requirements and has been used in
PDP laboratories as the process control compound. This means that it should
be present in all sample extracts and standard solutions. To lock the method,
it is necessary to initially do three to five calibration runs (after a cleanout run)
at different column flow rates. This data is then used to create a calibration
curve of flow rates plotted against the observed retention times of the locking
compound at the different flow rates. This calibration can then be used to
determine the exact flow rate that will give a targeted retention time for the
locking compound. This can be caliculated with a spreadsheet or it can be done
automatically using MassHunter Acquisition 13.0 for GC/MS software which
has an updated user-friendly and intuitive interface (Figure 42). It allows for
semi-automated or manual compound selection and features both a visual and
quantitative assessment of the calibration curve fit, while providing the tool to
maintain excellent precision of the retention times even after column trimming.
The column flows used for creating a retention time locking calibration should
be selected so that the target retention time for the locking compound can be
achieved with the column flow within the tested flow range.
If the first column is just being trimmed, then the previous RTL calibration table
can be used, and only one run is necessary to obtain the new flow conditions to
relock the method. If you are relocking a method, enter the flow and RT from your
relocking run.
Figure 39. Retention time locking software in Agilent MassHunter Acquisition 13.0 for GC/MS.
9.2.1 Updating the gain curve
The electron multiplier (EM) gain factor is a parameter that is an understandable,
predictable, and consistent way of maintaining the electron multiplier (EM)
voltage setting. Adjusting the gain factor adjusts the signal sensitivity of the
GC/MS detector. To achieve a consistent detector response with the gain factor, a
gain curve is generated each time the GC/MS instrument is tuned. As the detector
EM is used, the relationship between gain factor and EM voltage can drift out of
calibration and may need to be updated. One clue that the gain curve may need to
be updated is if the GC/MS detector response drifts downward and the baseline
response is not recovered after standard inlet and column maintenance. The
most common way to update the gain curve is to retune the GC/MS. However,
performing a GC/MS tune can make the existing quantifier and qualifier ion
ratios change. Performing a GC/MS tune also requires that the instrument be
recalibrated or at least that the calibration be verified with the new tune. Due to
this, we need to be able to update the gain curve without completely retuning the
GC/MS. This can be done from the GC/MS driver without performing a complete
tune either manually (as shown in Figure 40) or via a keyword in the run sequence
(as shown in Figure 41) .
Figure 41 Update of Gain Curve in GC/MS sequence.
9.3 Quality control
Figure 40. Manual Update of the Gain Curve from the GC/MS Driver.
For pesticide residue analysis, the analytical methods need to be validated
to demonstrate that they are fit for purpose. Method validation involves, at a
minimum, determination of analyte mean recoveries (as a measure of trueness
or bias), precision (repeatability and reproducibility), and the limit of quantitation
(LOQ). Other validation parameters include linearity, specificity, robustness, and
evaluation of matrix effects.
For determination of mean spike recoveries in representative matrices, the
SANTE guidance document29 requires “being capable of providing acceptable
mean recovery values at each spiking level and for at least one representative
commodity from each of the relevant commodity groups [...]. Mean recoveries
from initial validation should be within the range 70 to 120%, with an associated
repeatability RSDr ≤20%, for all analytes within the scope of a method. In
exceptional cases, mean recovery rates outside the range of 70 to 120% can
be accepted if they are consistent (RSD ≤20%) and the basis for this is well
established (e.g. due to analyte distribution in a partitioning step), but the mean
absolute recovery should not be lower than 30% or above 140%.”29 The mean
recoveries of 70 to 120% and RSDr ≤20% represent widely acceptable validation
criteria in pesticide residue analysis, but other criteria might be used and
justified depending on the purpose of the analysis.
For example, the Pesticide Data Program (PDP) requires mean recoveries of 50 to
150% as the validation criteria for methods used when analyzing PDP samples.19
This is because the main aim of the program is to provide exposure data and,
ideally, include as many pesticides as possible in multiresidue methods.
Routine recovery determination with each batch of samples is a typical part of
on-going quality control (QC) in pesticide residue analysis. Acceptable limits for
a single recovery result may be determined as mean recovery ±2x RSDr, based on
initial validation data or on-going routine recovery results (from control charts).29
The SANTE document also suggests that a general acceptability range of 60 to
140% may be used for recoveries obtained in routine multiresidue analysis.
Similarly, the PDP program QC criteria require the routine spike recoveries to be
within a statistically calculated range or between 50 to 150%.19 However, it is
acknowledged that with a large number of analytes in a spike, a few compounds
may be outside of the control limits due to matrix variability among actual
samples, compared to the limited matrix set used during the method validation.
Therefore, recoveries outside of the acceptability range may not require a
corrective action (such as batch reanalysis) in certain justified cases, especially if
the recoveries are high but there are no residues in the samples.
As discussed in Chapter 4 (Page 23), it is recommended to use ISTDs and
quality/process control standards to improve precision and ensure correct
execution of the entire procedure for each individual sample in the batch. For
example, the PDP laboratories add chlorpyrifos-methyl to each sample before
extraction as a process control compound for GC-amenable pesticides and
compare its recovery against statistically calculated criteria or absolute range
criteria of 50 to 150% (see Chapter 4). Other ongoing QC criteria relating to the
calibration are discussed in the following section.
As highlighted in Chapter 5.3 (Page 31), matrix-matched calibration is
the most widely used calibration approach in pesticide residue analysis to
routinely compensate for matrix effects. For rugged GC/MS(/MS) analysis, it is
recommended to add analyte protectants to both the matrix-matched standards
and samples20 because analyte protectants can help compensate for variability in
the GC system activity, and also for sample-to-sample variability when it comes
to matrix composition.
Depending on the purpose of the analysis and other factors, the SANTE
document allows the use of single-level calibration, interpolation between two
levels, or a calibration curve (for three or more calibration levels).29 If a calibration
curve is used, the fit should be evaluated by individual residuals (%difference
between calculated versus known standard concentration), especially in the
concentration region relevant to the detected residue, therefore not relying only
on correlation coefficient values. The individual residuals should be within ±20%
of the theoretical value.
9.4 Calibration and sample
injection sequence
%D = × 100
– C2
For comparison, the calibration curve fitness for the PDP sample analysis should
be demonstrated in the same injection sequence used to report the data by one
of the following accepted methods.19
– Correlation coefficient (where R >0.995/R2 >0.990),
– Percentage relative standard deviation (where %RSD ≤20), or
– Percentage difference of calculated versus known standard concentration in
the curve (where difference, the residual, is within 20%).
A suggested concentration range for PDP calibrations is 1x LOQ to 10x LOQ.
Second-order curves (that is, quadratic) may be used, providing that a sufficient
number of points (a minimum of five) is used to define the curve.
For rugged quantitative analysis, it is important that calculated concentrations
are consistent throughout the entire analytical sequence. This is ensured in
routine practice by checking calibration integrity (or response drift). Calibration
integrity can be calculated as percentage difference (%D) using Equation 1.19
Equation 1.
is the known concentration of the analyte in a calibration standard, and C2
the concentration of that standard calculated using the calibration curve.
PDP specifies that %D should be less than or equal to 20%, so the relative
back-calculated concentrations (%accuracies) in all calibration standards
and postextraction QCs should be within 80 to 120% of the theoretical
(known) values.
To meet the calibration integrity requirements in routine GC/MS/MS analysis
of pesticides, it is important to have a rugged and well-optimized GC/MS/MS
method, and use ISTDs, backflushing, and analyte protectants.20 Also, the
sample injection sequence should be designed to provide adequate calibration
and QC frequency. For a typical batch in PDP analysis, containing 31 samples
of the same matrix type, matrix blank, matrix spike, and a reagent blank, it was
demonstrated that, using the Annex IV method, a matrix-matched calibration set
injected in the middle of the sequence should provide acceptable calibration
integrity throughout the entire sequence.
20 Additional calibration sets (or
subsets) can be injected at the beginning and end of the sequence to serve as
post-extraction QCs. This is to check the calibration integrity, but it can also be
used for bracketing the calibration if needed. It is recommended to start the
sequence by injecting a matrix blank to prime the system before the injection
of calibration standards, QCs, or samples. Multiple matrix blank injections are
typically not necessary when analyte protectants are used.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Relative responses Relative responses Relative responses
Relative responses Relative responses Relative responses
y = 0.022915 * x + 0.023355
= 0.9995
y = 0.066256 * x + 0.028700
= 0.9999
y = 0.131246 * x + 0.040843
= 0.9995
y = 0.059960 * x + 0.052447
= 0.9993
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Concentration (ng/mL)
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Concentration (ng/mL)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
y = 0.036259 * x + 0.013358
= 0.9995
y = 0.036945 * x - 0.005115
= 0.9995
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Accuracy (%)
Injection no.
Figure 43. Accuracy (%) obtained for all tested analytes (>70 pesticides) at the 2x LOQ
concentration level in calibration standards and QC samples injected throughout a typical
sequence of PDP plum samples.20
For illustration purposes, Figure 42 shows examples of calibration curves
(calibration points shown as black dots) for representative analytes, which
were constructed using a matrix-matched standard set injected in the middle
of a typical PDP batch of plum samples (using the Annex IV method).20 The QC
results (depicted as blue triangles in the charts) are analyte responses obtained
in QC samples injected throughout the sequence, and in calibration standards
analyzed at the beginning and end of the sequence. Excellent calibration integrity
was obtained for all analyzed pesticides throughout the sequence, demonstrated
in Figure 43. This shows the accuracy of results obtained in calibration
standards and QC samples at the 2x LOQ level, which is the concentration level
recommended for a routine recovery check in PDP sample analysis.
Figure 42. Calibration curves (calibration points shown as black dots) and QC results (depicted as
blue triangles in the charts) obtained for representative pesticides in plum matrix within a typical
PDP sample batch.20
10. Acknowledgements
The author would like to thank Melissa Churley, Tom Doherty, Chin-Kai Meng, and
Harry Prest for valuable discussions, and would like to acknowledge the Center
for Analytical Chemistry of the California Department of Food and Agriculture
in Sacramento, CA, U.S., and the Bureau of Chemical Residue Laboratories of
the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Tallahassee,
FL, U.S.. Lucie Drabova, Petr Mraz, and Jana Hajslova from the University of
Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Czech Republic, are acknowledged for their
collaboration on the expanded method using an Agilent 7010 series GC/TQ.
Agilent Technologies wishes to thank Kate Mastovska for her collaboration
in authoring this document originally, and for her continued support and
collaboration many years after.
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Annex I Major chemical classes of insecticides,
fungicides and herbicides and preferred
determinative technique (GC/MS or LC/MS)
for their analysis
Pesticide group Chemical class Representative compounds Preferred technique
Insecticides Avermectin abamectin, doramectin, emamectin LC/MS
Benzoylurea chlorfluazuron, diflubenzuron, flufenoxuron, lufenuron, novaluron,
teflubenzuron, triflumuron
Carbamate alanycarb, aldicarb, bendiocarb, benfuracarb, butocarboxim,
butoxycarboxim, carbaryl, carbofuran, carbosulfan, ethiofencarb,
fenobucarb, fenoxycarb, formetanate, isoprocarb, methiocarb,
methomyl, oxamyl, pirimicarb, thiodicarb, thiofanox
LC/MS; some (for example, carbaryl,
ethiofencarb, or methiocarb) can be
analyzed by GC/MS; pirimicarb is
preferred by GC/MS
Diacylhydrazine chromafenozide, halofenozide, methoxyfenozide, tebufenozide LC/MS
Organochlorine aldrin, chlordane, DDD, DDE, DDT, dicofol, dieldrin, endosulfan,
endrin, heptachlor, lindane, methoxychlor, mirex
Organophosphorus acephate, azinphos-ethyl, azinphos-methyl, bromophos,
bromophos-ethyl, cadusafos, chlorethoxyfos, chlorpyrifos,
chlorpyrifos-methyl, coumaphos, cyanophos, demeton-S-methyl,
diazinon, dichlofenthion, dichlorvos, dicrotophos, dimethoate,
disulfoton, EPN, ethion, ethoprophos, fenamiphos, fenitrothion,
fenthion, fosthiazate, heptenophos, isofenphos-methyl, malathion,
mecarbam, methamidophos, mevinphos, monocrotophos, naled,
omethoate, oxydemeton-methyl, parathion, parathion-methyl,
phorate, phosalone, phosmet, phosphamidon, phoxim, pirimiphosmethyl, profenofos, propetamphos, prothiophos, quinalphos,
temephos, terbufos, thiometon, triazophos, trichlorfon
GC/MS or LC/MS suitable for most; GC/
MS for less polar OPs (for example,
bromophos-Et/Me, chlorpyrifos-Et/
Me, fenitrothion, parathion-Et/Me, or
prothiophos); LC/MS for more polar
or otherwise problematic OPs (for
example, acephate, azinphos-Et/Me,
coumaphos, dicrotophos, dimethoate,
methamidophos, monocrotophos, naled,
omethoate, or phosmet)
Neonicotinoid acetamipirid, clothianidin, dinotefuran, imidacloprid, nitenpyram,
thiacloprid, thiamethoxam
Pyrethrum cinerin I and II, jasmolin I and II, pyrethrin I and II LC/MS (and GC/MS)
Pyrethroid acrinathrin, allethrin, bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, cyhalothrin,
cypermethrin, cyphenothrin, deltamethrin, esfenvalerate,
etofenprox, fenpropathrin, fenvalerate, flucythrinate, flumethrin,
methothrin, permethrin, phenothrin, prallethrin, resmethrin,
tau-fluvalinate, tefluthrin, tetramethrin, tralomethrin,
GC/MS or LC/MS (GC/MS for
LC/MS for non-halogenated)
Spinosyn spinetoram, spinosad LC/MS
Fungicides Anilinopyrimidine cyprodinil, mepanipyrim, pyrimethanil GC/MS (or LC/MS)
Carbamate iprovalicarb, propamocarb, thiophanate, thiophanate-methyl LC/MS
chloroneb, chlorothalonil, dicloran, hexachlorobenzene, quintozene
(PCNB), tecnazene (TCNB), tolclofos-methyl
Dithiocarbamate ferbam, mancozeb, maneb, metiram, propineb, thiram, zineb, ziram LC/MS for individual compounds;
GC/MS for group analysis as carbon
Dicarboximide chlozolinate, iprodione, procymidone, vinclozolin GC/MS
Imidazole benomyl, carbendazim, fuberidazole, imazalil, pefurazoate,
prochloraz, thiabendazole, triflumizole
LC/MS (or GC/MS for some)
Phenylamide benalaxyl, furalaxyl, metalaxyl, ofurace, oxadixyl LC/MS or GC/MS
Pesticide group Chemical class Representative compounds Preferred technique
Strobilurin azoxystrobin, dimoxystrobin, famoxadone, fenamidone,
fluoxastrobin, kresoxim-methyl, orysastrobin, pyraclostrobin,
LC/MS (or GC/MS)
N-Trihalomethylthio captafol, captan, folpet, dichlofluanid, tolylfluanid GC/MS (LC/MS for dichlofluanid and
Triazole azaconazole, bitertanol, bromuconazole, cyproconazole,
difenoconazole, diniconazole, epoxiconazole, fenbuconazole,
flusilazole, flutriafol, hexaconazole, ipconazole, metconazole,
myclobutanil, penconazole, propiconazole, prothioconazole,
tebuconazole, triadimefon, triadimenol, triticonazole
Herbicides Acetamide diphenamid, napropamide GC/MS or LC/MS
Aryloxyphenoxypropionate cyhalofop-butyl, diclofop-methyl, fenoxaprop-ethyl, fluazifop,
fluazifop-butyl, haloxyfop, haloxyfop-methyl, quizalofop, quizalofopethyl
LC/MS or GC/MS for esters; LC/MS for
free acids
Carbamate chlorpropham, propham GC/MS (or LC/MS)
Chloroacetamide acetochlor, alachlor, butachlor, dimethachlor, dimethenamid,
metazachlorctofen, metolachlor, propachlor
Cyclohexanedione oxime alloxydim, clethodim, cycloxydim, sethoxydim, tralkoxydim LC/MS
Dinitroaniline benfluralin, butralin, dinitramine, ethalfluralin, oryzalin,
pendimethalin, trifluralin
Diphenyl ether acifluorfen, aclonifen, bifenox, fluoroglycofen-ethyl, fomesafen,
lactofen, oxyfluorfen
Imidazolinone imazamethabenz-methyl, imazamox, imazapic, imazapyr,
imazaquin, imazethapyr
Quaternary ammonium diquat, mepiquat, paraquat LC/MS
Phenoxycarboxylic acid 2,4-D, 2,4-DB, clomeprop, dichlorprop, MCPA, MCPB, mecoprop,
Phenylurea chlorotoluron, diuron, fenuron, isoproturon, linuron, metoxuron,
monolinuron, neburon
Pyridazinone chloridazon, norflurazon LC/MS
Pyridinecarboxylic acid clopyralid, fluroxypyr, picloram, triclopyr LC/MS
Quinolinecarboxylic acid quinclorac, quinmerac LC/MS
Sulfonylurea amidosulfuron, azimsulfuron, bensulfuron-methyl,
chlorimuron-ethyl, chlorsulfuron, ethoxysulfuron, foramsulfuron,
halosulfuron-methyl, metsulfuron-methyl, pirisulfuron-methyl,
rimsulfuron, sulfometuron-methyl, thifensulfuron-methyl,
triasulfuron, triflusulfuron-methyl
Thiocarbamate butylate, cycloate, di-allate, EPTC, molinate, pebulate, thiobencarb,
tri-allate, vernolate
Triazine ametryn, atrazine, cyanazine, prometon, prometryn, propazine,
simazine, simetryn, terbumeton, terbutryn
Triazinone hexazinone, metamitron, metribuzin LC/MS or GC/MS
Triazolinone carfentrazone-ethyl, sulfentrazone GC/MS or LC/MS
Triazolopyrimidine cloransulam-methyl, diclosulam, florasulam, flumetsulam,
Uracil bromacil, lenacil, terbacil LC/MS or GC/MS
This QuEChERS protocol example for sample preparation of fruits and vegetables
is based on the AOAC 2007.01 method with acetate buffering.11 It includes
pre-extraction addition of a process control standard (chlorpyrifos-methyl) and
postextraction addition of internal standards and analyte protectants (added to
both samples and matrix-matched standards).
A. Apparatus and material (a) GC/MS/MS system: Agilent 7890A GC coupled to a 7000 or 7010
series triple quadrupole, equipped with a multimode inlet (for additional
configuration see Annex IV or V, respectively).
(b) Sample processing equipment: Capable of chopping and blending to provide
homogeneous fruit and vegetable samples.
(c) Centrifuges: Capable of achieving at least 1,500 rcf and holding 50 mL
centrifuge tubes used for extraction, and 2 mL minitubes used for dSPE.
(d) Analytical balances: Accurate to at least three and four decimal places
(1.0 and 0.1 mg).
(e) Freezer and refrigerator: Capable of continuous operation at or below
–20 °C and approximately +4 °C, respectively.
(f) Shaker (optional): Capable of shaking 50 mL centrifuge tubes.
(g) Vibrational device (optional): For example, a vortex mixer.
(h) Automatic pipettes: Capable of accurately transferring volumes of 10 to
1,000 µL (preferably positive displacement pipettes, suitable for handling
organic solvents).
(i) 50 mL centrifuge tubes: For example, disposable 50 mL polypropylene or
reusable 50 mL fluorinated ethylene propylene centrifuge tubes with screw
caps (to be used for sample extraction).
(j) Spatula/spoon: For transferring sample into centrifuge tubes.
(k) Solvent dispenser: For transferring 15 mL of 1% acetic acid in acetonitrile.
(l) Assorted laboratory glassware: For example, volumetric flasks, volumetric
pipettes, beakers, or funnels.
(m) Amber glass autosampler vials (2 mL, screw cap): For automated injection
into the GC/MS/MS system.
Annex II Example of a QuEChERS sample
preparation protocol for GC/MS/MS
analysis of pesticides in fruits and
B. Reagents (a) Acetonitrile: Quality must be of sufficient purity that is free of interfering
compounds (HPLC-grade or better).
(b) Water: Quality must be of sufficient purity that is free of interfering
compounds (HPLC-grade or better).
(c) Acetic acid: Glacial; quality must be of sufficient purity that is free of
interfering compounds (ACS-grade or better).
(d) Preweighed salt mixture for the AOAC buffered QuEChERS method: 6 g
of anhydrous magnesium sulfate (MgSO4
) and 1.5 g of sodium acetate
(NaOAc), such as Agilent p/n 5982-6755 or 5982-7755.
(e) Preweighed sorbent mixture for the dispersive SPE cleanup: Containing
150 mg anhydrous MgSO4
, 50 mg primary secondary amine (PSA), and
50 mg C18 in 2 mL centrifuge tubes, such as Agilent p/n 5982-5122.
(f) L-gulonic acid γ-lactone (L-gulonolactone), CAS # 1128-23-0: >95% purity.
(g) D-Sorbitol, CAS # 50-70-4: >95% purity.
(h) Helium: UHP, used as GC carrier gas.
(i) Nitrogen: UHP, used as GC/MS/MS collision gas.
(j) Toluene (optional): Quality must be of sufficient purity that is free of
interfering compounds for preparation of individual stock solutions of
pesticides with limited solubility or stability in acetonitrile.
(k) Pesticide standards: High-purity reference standards of the pesticide
analytes, obtained as neat materials, individual solutions, or composite
solutions in suitable solvents.
(l) Process control standards: High-purity reference standards of suitable
process control compounds to be added to the sample before the extraction,
for example, chlorpyrifos-methyl (CAS no. 5598-13-0).
(m) Internal standards (ISTDs): High-purity reference standards of compounds
suitable to serve as ISTDs or QC standards, for example, triphenyl phosphate
(TPP, CAS no. 115-86-6), d10-parathion, or 13C12-p,p’-DDT.
(n) Blank matrix samples: Verified to be free of analytes above the detection
limit; used for preparation of matrix blanks, spikes, and matrix-matched
Notes: Store solutions (b)–(i) in a freezer at or below –20 °C, and solutions (j)–(l)
in a refrigerator at approximately +4 °C. Matrix-matched standards should be
prepared together with the sample batch and analyzed the same day (store in a
refrigerator at approximately +4 °C if necessary).
(a) 1% Acetic acid in acetonitrile: Add 10 mL of glacial acetic acid to a 1,000
mL volumetric flask. Bring to volume with acetonitrile and mix thoroughly.
This solution is used for the sample extraction and preparation of certain
standard solutions.
(b) Pesticide individual stock solutions (optional): Prepare or obtain individual
stock solutions of the pesticide analytes at concentrations that allow the
preparation of composite solutions, such as at 2,000 to 5,000 μg/mL.
Appropriate solvents should be used that are compatible with the sample
preparation method and analyte in terms of solubility and stability (preferably
acetonitrile or toluene).
(c) Pesticide composite stock solutions: Prepare or obtain composite
stock solutions of the pesticide analytes at concentrations that allow the
preparation of an intermediate composite standard solution (for example, at
10 μg/mL) of all analytes to be used for the preparation of working standard
solutions. Appropriate solvents should be compatible with the sample
preparation method and analyte in terms of solubility and stability (preferably
acetonitrile or toluene). The acetonitrile composite solutions, containing
base-sensitive pesticides, should be acidified at 1% with acetic acid.
(d) Process control and ISTD individual stock solutions: Prepare individual
stock solutions of the selected compounds at 500 to 5,000 μg/mL in
acetonitrile (or toluene if needed).
(e) Process control working solutions: Prepare a process control working
solution (for example, at 10 μg/mL) in acetonitrile to be added to the samples
before extraction.
(f) Pesticide composite intermediate (spiking) solution: Using the pesticide
composite stock solutions and the process control stock solution, prepare
a composite stock solution of the pesticide analytes (including the process
control compound) in acetonitrile (or acetonitrile with 1% acetic acid if basesensitive analytes are in the mixture) at a concentration (for example, at
10 μg/mL) that allows the preparation of working standard solutions.
Note: Uniform concentration level is recommended for every pesticide to
simplify the standard preparation and data processing/reporting.
(g) ISTD composite stock and intermediate solutions: If more than one ISTD is
used, prepare an ISTD composite stock solution (for example, at 50 μg/mL)
and use it to assemble an intermediate ISTD solution (for example, at
5 μg/mL) in acetonitrile with 1% acetic acid.
(h) ISTD working solution: Prepare an ISTD working solution (for example,
at 500 ng/mL) in 1% acetic acid in acetonitrile to be added to the sample
extracts before the GC/MS/MS analysis (postextraction and cleanup).
C. Reagent solution
(i) Pesticide working solutions: Prepare pesticide working solutions in
1% acetic acid in acetonitrile to be used for the preparation of matrixmatched standards. The working solutions should contain ISTDs at a
constant concentration (for example, at 500 ng/mL), and pesticide analytes
and process control compounds at appropriate concentration levels.
The following table gives an example of the preparation of a set of pesticide
working standards (10 mL in 1% acetic acid in acetonitrile) at 100 to 1,000 ng/mL
(with ISTDs at 500 ng/mL) that are used to prepare matrix-matched standards at
levels corresponding with 10 to 100 ng/g in the sample (see section C(m), below).
Add the following volumes of the pesticide composite intermediate solution
(concentration = 10 μg/mL) and ISTD intermediate solution (concentration =
5 μg/mL) to a 10 mL volumetric flask. Bring to volume with 1% acetic acid in
acetonitrile and mix thoroughly.
Pesticide working solution
Pesticide composite
intermediate solution
(10 μg/mL)
ISTD intermediate
(5 μg/mL)
Concentration (ng/mL) Volume (μL) Volume (μL)
100 100 1,000
200 200 1,000
400 400 1,000
600 600 1,000
1,000 1,000 1,000
(j) L-Gulonolactone stock solution: Weigh approximately 500 mg of
L-gulonolactone in a 10- mL volumetric flask. Add 4 mL of water then bring to
volume with acetonitrile. Sonicate to dissolve if needed.
(k) D-Sorbitol stock solution: Weigh approximately 500 mg of D-sorbitol in
a 10- mL volumetric flask. Add 5 mL of water then bring to volume with
acetonitrile. Sonicate to dissolve if needed.
(l) Analyte protectant (AP) solution (20 mg/mL L-gulonolactone and
10 mg/mL D-sorbitol composite solution): Add 4 mL of the L-gulonolactone
stock solution and 2 mL of the D-sorbitol stock solution into a 10- mL
volumetric flask and bring to volume with acetonitrile.
(m) Matrix-matched standards: Prepare a blank extract as described in the
sample preparation procedure. Add appropriate pesticide working solutions
(to obtain desirable concentration levels) and an AP solution (the volume
depends on the matrix-matched standard final volume and GC injection
The following table gives an example of preparation of a set of matrix-matched
standards at levels corresponding with 10 to 100 ng/g in the sample. The AP
solution volume is based on the 2 µL injection volume in the Annex IV method
(Page 93).
standard Pesticide working solution Blank extract AP solution
Concentration (ng/mL)
10 100 25 250 10
20 200 25 250 10
40 400 25 250 10
60 600 25 250 10
100 1000 25 250 10
Note: If the pesticide working solutions do not contain ISTDs, they need to be
added separately to the matrix-matched standards at this point, using the same
volume and concentration of the ISTD working solution as added to the final
sample extracts (for example, 25 µL of a 500 ng/mL ISTD working solution).
The matrix concentration (dilution) of the sample extracts and matrix-matched
standards need to be the same, so the sample extract volume must be adjusted
by adding acetonitrile (25 µL in this example) if the ISTD working solution is
added to matrix-matched standards separately.
D. Sample preparation
1. Weigh 15.0 ±0.3 g of thoroughly homogenized sample into a 50- mL
centrifuge tube. Note: Fruit and vegetable samples should be extracted
frozen or when in the process of thawing.
2. Add an appropriate volume of the process control working solution to each
test sample (for example, add 75 µL of 10 µg/mL process control working
solution to fortify the sample at 50 ng/g with chlorpyrifos-methyl). For
the spike recovery samples, add an appropriate volume of the pesticide
composite intermediate (spiking) solution (for example, add 75 µL of
10 µg/mL pesticide spiking solution to fortify the sample at 50 ng/g with
the analytes; do not add any process control solution if the pesticide spiking
solution contains the process control compound (or compounds)). Vortex
the mix briefly, and leave standing at room temperature for approximately
15 minutes to ensure the pesticide-sample interaction occurs. Do not add
any process control or pesticide spiking solution to the matrix blanks to be
used for matrix-matched calibration standards.
3. Using a solvent dispenser, add 15 mL of 1% acetic acid in acetonitrile to
each tube.
4. Shake vigorously for approximately 1 minute by hand or use a suitable
5. Add 6 g of anhydrous MgSO4
and 1 g of NaOAc to each tube and seal the
tube well. To prevent leaking, ensure that the salts do not get into the screw
threads or rim of the tube.
6. Immediately after the salt addition, start shaking/vortexing each tube for
several seconds to ensure that crystalline agglomerates (formed by MgSO4
in the presence of water) are broken up sufficiently. Then, shake the tubes
vigorously by hand or vortex/shake for approximately 1 minute (this can be
done in parallel for the entire batch).
7. Centrifuge the tubes at >1,500 rcf for approximately 5 minutes.
8. Transfer 1 mL of the acetonitrile extract (upper layer) to a dispersive SPE
tube containing 150 mg MgSO4
+ 50 mg PSA + 50 mg C18. Notes: A small
amount of graphitized carbon black (GCB), for example, 7.5 mg per mL
extract, can be added for matrices with a high content of chlorophyll or
carotenoids. If needed or desirable (for example, for the cleanup of blank
extracts used for preparation of several matrix-matched standards), scale up
this step and use 150*X mg MgSO4
+ 50*X mg PSA + 50*X mg C18
(+ 7.5*X mg GCB) per X mL of the extract.
9. Seal the dispersive SPE tube well and shake/mix by hand or use a vortex
mixer for approximately 30 seconds. Avoid prolonged contact of the extract
with the sorbents.
10. Centrifuge the dispersive SPE tube at >1,500 rcf for approximately 1 minute.
11. Immediately transfer 250 µL of the final extract (supernatant without any
particles) from the dispersive SPE tube to an amber glass autosampler vial.
Note: Different volumes than 250 µL can be transferred, but the volumes
of the ISTD and AP solutions added to the extract have to be adjusted
12. For test samples, spikes, reagent blanks, and matrix blanks (to be analyzed
as blanks), add 25 µL of the 500 ng/mL ISTD working solution in 1% acetic
acid in acetonitrile. Note: This will result in an ISTD concentration equivalent
to 50 ng/g in the sample, which is the same concentration as in the matrixmatched standard set example provided in Annex II, section C, step (m)
(Page 88). For matrix-matched calibration standards, add 25 µL of the
appropriate pesticide working solution to the blank extract (see section
Annex II, section C, step (m) for the matrix-matched standard preparation
13. Add 10 µL of the AP protectant solution to all extracts (samples, spikes,
blanks, and matrix-matched standards) in the amber glass autosampler vials.
14. Cap the vials and vortex briefly. Analyze by GC/MS/MS using the Annex IV or
Annex V method.
Annex III Examples of pesticides that require special
consideration when using QuEChERS
The following table provides examples of compounds that can be analyzed by the
QuEChERS method but require special considerations in certain matrices (such
as acidic compounds in neutral/less acidic matrices, basic compounds in acidic
matrices, or lipophilic pesticides in matrices with a higher fat content), when
using certain dSPE sorbents (for example, planar pesticides with GCB or acidic
pesticides with PSA) or in general, such as base- or acid-sensitive pesticides.
Pesticide type Examples of compounds Problem Solution
Acidic Aryloxyphenoxypropionate free acids (cyhalofop,
diclofop, fenoxaprop, haloxyfop, fluazifop,
quizalofop), dicamba, imidazoline acidic herbicides
(imazamethabenz, imazamox, imazapic, imazapyr,
imazaquin, imazethapyr), phenoxycarboxylic acids
(2,4-D, 2,4-DB, clomeprop, dichlorprop, MCPA,
MCPB, mecoprop, 2,4,5-T), pyridinecarboxylic acids
(clopyralid, fluroxypyr, picloram, triclopyr),
quinolinecarboxylic acids (quinclorac, quinmerac)
Potential losses during the
partition step in neutral/less
acidic matrices
Use buffering during the extraction/partition step
Note: To release free acids from conjugated forms
(for full compliance with certain residue definitions),
use alkaline hydrolysis prior to the QuEChERS
Retention by PSA Avoid the use of PSA; skip the cleanup step and
analyze acidic pesticides directly in the diluted raw
extract by LC/MS(/MS) in negative ESI (derivatization
for GC/MS(/MS) also possible).
Basic Aminocarb, carbendazim, imazalil, pymetrozine,
Potential losses during the
partition step in acidic matrices
Use buffering during the extraction/partition step
Acid-sensitive Amitraz, benfuracarb, carbosulfan, sulfonylurea
herbicides (amidosulfuron, azimsulfuron,
bensulfuron-methyl, chlorimuron-ethyl, chlorsulfuron,
ethoxysulfuron, foramsulfuron, halosulfuron-methyl,
metsulfuron-methyl, pirisulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron,
sulfometuron-methyl, thifensulfuron-methyl,
triasulfuron, triflusulfuron-methyl)
Degradation in the presence of
acids (at lower pH)
Eliminate the use of acid in the procedure, especially
the addition of acetic or formic acid (at approximately
0.1 %) to the final extract for stabilization of basesensitive pesticides
Notes: Amitraz has a common moiety residue
definition in the EU (amitraz and metabolites
containing the 2,4-dimethylaniline moiety), thus its
main metabolites N-2,4-dimethylphenyl-N-methylformamidine (DMPF) and 2,4-dimethylformanilide
(DMF, 2,4-dimethylphenylformamide) should be
monitored in multiresidue methods.
Benfuracarb and carbosulfan degrade to carbofuran in
acidic conditions. All three pesticides have separate
MRLs in the EU, thus an additional analysis of nonacidified extract should be performed if carbofuran
is found in the sample. In the US, only carbofuran has
a tolerance set for carbofuran and its carbamate and
phenolic metabolites.
Pesticide type Examples of compounds Problem Solution
Base-sensitive Captan, chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid, dicofol,
folpet, tolylfluanid
Degradation in the presence
of basic compounds (at
higher pH); unstable even in
Use buffering during the extraction/partition step and
acidify the final extract (at approximately 0.1 % of
acetic or formic acid) and all solutions in acetonitrile
(prepare stock solutions in toluene)10
Notes: N-trihalomethythio fungicides (captan, folpet,
dichlofluanid, tolylfluanid) and dicofol are also known
to degrade in the GC system, thus their analysis is
complicated in general.10 Monitor their degradation
products 1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI),
phthalimide, N’,N’-dimethyl-N-phenylsulfonyldiamid
(DMSA), N’,N’-dimethyl-N-p-tolylsulfonyldiamide
(4-dimethylaminosulphotoluidide, DMST), and
4,4’-dichlorobenzophenone, respectively.
Unfortunately, these degradation products/
metabolites are not part of respective residue
definitions, except for THPI in captan residue
definition in animal commodities in the US or DMST
in the EU tolyfluanid residue definition. Thus in
commodities with set MRL/tolerance, monitoring
of these compounds can mostly serve only as an
indication of the use of a given pesticide and not for
compliance purposes.
Lipophilic Aldrin, chlordane, DDD, DDE, DDT, dicofol, dieldrin,
endosulfan, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene,
mirex, pentachloroaniline, pentachloroanisole,
pentachlorothioanisole (MPCPS), permethrin,
prothiophos, quintozene
Potential losses due to partition
between the acetonitrile and
fat/oil layer
For samples with a higher lipid content, decrease
the sample to acetonitrile ratio by reducing sample
size to form smaller fat/oil layer (separated from the
acetonitrile extract), thus increase the partition of
lipophilic pesticides into the acetonitrile extract.15, 62
Use a suitable QC standard (for example, PCB 138 or
153) to monitor losses of lipophilic pesticides
in samples with a higher fat content. Use standard
addition procedure for accurate quantitation or adjust
the results for lower recoveries, which are typically
consistent for a given sample type.
Planar Carbendazim, chlorothalonil, coumaphos,
cyprodinil, hexachlorobenzene, pentachloroaniline,
pentachlorothioanisole (MPCPS), thiabendazole
Retention by GCB Avoid using GCB in the dSPE cleanup, especially
for matrices that do not contain higher amounts
of chlorophyll or carotenoid pigments. For highly
pigmented matrices, use only very small amount
of GCB (for example, 7.5 mg per mL extract), which
still leaves some pigments in the extract but gives
acceptable recoveries for planar pesticides. Use a
suitable QC standard (for example, d10-anthracene or
d10-phenanthrene) to monitor losses of planar
compounds if GCB is used.
Annex IV Example of a GC/MS/MS legacy method for
pesticide multiresidue analysis using a 7000
series instrument
GC/MS/MS instrument configuration
Gas chromatograph Agilent 7890 or 8890 series GC
Mass spectrometer 7000 series Agilent triple quadrupole MS
MS source EI with extractor
Inlet Multimode inlet (MMI) with air cooling
Liner 2 mm id dimpled liner (p/n 5190-2297)
Autosampler 7693A automatic liquid sampler (ALS)
Backflushing Purged Ultimate union (PUU) controlled by either a pneumatics control module
(PCM), AUX EPC module, or pneumatic switching device(PSD)
Carrier gas Helium
Column 1 HP-5ms UI, 5 m × 250 µm, 0.25 µm (p/n G3903-61005 or cut from 15 m, 30 m, or
60 m columns, p/n 19091S-431 UI, 19091S-433 UI, or 19091S-436 UI, respectively)
Configured from the MMI to AUX EPC, PCM, or PSD
Column 2 HP-5ms UI, 15 m × 250 µm, 0.25 µm (p/n 19091S-431 UI)
Configured from the AUX EPC, PCM, or PSD to vacuum
GC injection conditions
Mode Solvent vent
Injection volume 2 µL (syringe size: 5 µL)
Solvent washes Preinjection: 1x solvent A (4 µL)
Postinjection: 5x solvent A and 5x solvent B (4 µL each)
Sample wash 1x 2 µL
Sample pumps 5
Injection speed Fast
MMI temperature program 60 °C for 0.35 minutes; then 900 °C/min to 280 °C (15 minutes hold); then
900 °C/min to 300 °C (until the end of the analysis)
Purge flow to split vent 50 mL/min at 1.5 minutes
Vent flow 25 mL/min
Vent pressure 5 psi until 0.3 minutes
Gas saver 20 mL/min at 5 minutes
Septum purge flow 3 mL/min
Air cooling (Cryo) On at 100 °C (MMI Liquid N2 option selected on GC for air cooling)
GC oven conditions
Oven temperature program 60 °C for 1.5 minutes; then 50 °C/min to 160 °C; then 8 °C/min to 240 °C;
then 50 °C/min to 280 °C (2.5 minutes hold); then 100 °C/min to 290 °C
(1.1 minutes hold)
Run time 18 minutes
Postrun 0.5 minutes at 290 °C
GC column flow conditions
Column 1 flow program 1.1 mL/min for 15.2 minutes; then 100 mL/min per min to –2.283 mL/min
(flow balanced with the column 2 flow to achieve 2 psi inlet pressure) until
the end of the analysis
Postrun: –10.683 mL/min
Column 2 flow program 1.2 mL/min until the end of the analysis Postrun: 4 mL/min
(Retention time locking) Chlorpyrifos-methyl locked at 8.524 minutes
MS conditions
MS source EI, –70eV
Source temperature 280 °C
Quadrupole temperature 150 °C
Transfer line temperature 280 °C
Solvent delay 4.0 minutes
He quench gas 2.25 mL/min
N2 collision gas 1.5 mL/min
Acquisition mode Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)
MS1/MS2 resolution Wide
Time segments
Index Start Time (min) Scan Type Gain
1 4.00 MRM 10
2 6.12 MRM 10
3 7.28 MRM 10
4 7.68 MRM 10
5 8.33 MRM 10
6 9.20 MRM 10
7 9.37 MRM 10
8 9.68 MRM 10
9 9.99 MRM 10
10 10.22 MRM 10
11 10.34 MRM 10
12 10.44 MRM 10
13 10.59 MRM 10
14 11.10 MRM 10
15 11.50 MRM 10
16 11.85 MRM 10
17 12.56 MRM 10
18 13.41 MRM 10
19 13.84 MRM 10
20 14.01 MRM 10
21 14.32 MRM 10
22 14.39 MRM 10
23 14.63 MRM 10
24 15.14 MRM 10
25 16.52 MRM 10
Segment details
Note: Lines highlighted in gray are duplicated MRMs for isomers, which are
excluded from the segments to eliminate double or multiple entries in the
acquisition method. Lindane (gamma-HCH) is excluded from segment 2, but kept
in segment 3 in this acquisition method example. All isomer peaks that require
separate integration and quantitation should be included in the MassHunter
quantitation method.
Annex V Example of a GC/MS/MS legacy method for
pesticide multiresidue analysis using a
7010 series instrument
GC/MS/MS instrument configuration
Gas chromatograph Agilent 7890 or 8890 series GC
Mass spectrometer 7010 Agilent triple quadrupole MS
MS source EI, high-efficiency source (HES)
Inlet Multimode inlet (MMI) with air cooling
Liner 2 mm id dimpled liner (p/n 5190-2297)
Autosampler 7693A automatic liquid sampler (ALS)
Backflushing Purged Ultimate union (PUU) controlled by either a pneumatics control module
(PCM), AUX EPC module, or pneumatic switching device (PSD).
Carrier gas Helium
Column 1 HP-5ms UI, 5 m × 250 µm, 0.25 µm (p/n G3903-61005 or cut from a 15 m, 30 m, or
60 m columns, p/n 19091S-431 UI, 19091S-433 UI, or 19091S-436 UI, respectively)
Configured from the MMI to AUX EPC, PCM, or PSD
Column 2 HP-5ms UI, 15 m × 250 µm, 0.25 µm (p/n 19091S-431 UI)
Configured from the AUX EPC, PCM, or PSD to vacuum
GC injection conditions
Mode Cold splitless
Injection volume 0.5 µL (syringe size: 5 µL)
Solvent washes Preinjection: 1x solvent A (4 µL)
Postinjection: 5x solvent A and 5x solvent B (4 µL each)
Sample wash 1x 1 µL
Sample pumps 5
Injection speed Fast
MMI temperature program 60 °C for 0.35 minutes; then 900 °C/min to 280 °C (15 minute hold); then 900
°C/min to 300 °C (until the end of the analysis)
Purge flow to split vent 50 mL/min at 1.5 minutes
Gas saver 20 mL/min at 5 minutes
Septum purge flow 3 mL/min
Air cooling (Cryo) On at 100 °C (MMI Liquid N2 option selected on GC for air cooling)
GC oven conditions
Oven temperature program 60 °C for 1.5 minutes; then 50 °C/min to 160 °C; then 8 °C/min to 240 °C;
then 50 °C/min to 280 °C (2.5 minute hold); then 100 °C/min to 290 °C
(2.1 minutes hold)
Run time 19 minutes
Postrun 0.5 minutes at 290 °C
GC column flow conditions
Column 1 flow program 1.1 mL/min for 15.5 min; then 100 mL/min per min to –2.283 mL/min (flow
balanced with the column 2 flow to achieve 2 psi inlet pressure) until the end
of the analysis
Postrun: –10.683 mL/min
Column 2 flow program 1.2 mL/min until the end of the analysis Postrun: 4 mL/min
(Retention time locking) Chlorpyrifos-methyl locked at 8.524 minutes
MS conditions
MS source EI, –70eV
Source temperature 280 °C
Quadrupole temperature 150 °C
Transfer line temperature 280 °C
Solvent delay 3.5 minutes
He quench gas 2.25 mL/min
N2 collision gas 1.5 mL/min
Acquisition mode Dynamic multiple reaction monitoring (dMRM)
Acquisition rate 3.3 cycles/s
Gain factor 10
MS1/MS2 resolution Wide
Annex VI Example of a GC/MS/MS method for
pesticide multiresidue analysis using a
7000 or 7010 series instrument using
helium carrier gas63
Agilent 8890 with fast oven, auto injector, and tray
Inlet Multimode inlet (MMI)
Mode Splitless
Purge Flow to Split
60 mL/min at 0.75 min
Septum Purge Flow 3 mL/min
Septum Purge Flow
Injection Volume 1.0 µL
Injection Type Standard
L1 Airgap 0.2 µL
Gas Saver On at 20 mL.min after
3 min
Inlet Temperature 60 °C for 0.1 min, then to
280 °C at 600 °C/min
Post Run Inlet
310 °C
Post Run Total Flow 25 mL/min
Carrier Gas Helium
Inlet Liner Agilent Ultra Inert 2mm
dimpled liner
(p/n 5190-2297)
Initial Oven
60 °C
Initial Oven Hold 1 min
Ramp Rate 1 40 ° C/min
Final Temp 1 170 °C
Final Hold 1 0 min
Ramp Rate 2 10 °C
Final Temp 2 310 °C
Final Hold 2 2.25 min
Total Run TIme 20 min
Post Run Time 1.5 min
Equilibration Time 0.25 min
Column 1
Type Agilent HP-5ms UI
(p/n 19091S-431UI-KEY)
Length 15 m
Diameter 0.25 mm
Film Thickness 0.25 µm
Control Mode Constant flow
Flow 1.016 mL/min
Inlet Connection Mulitmode inlet (MMI)
Outlet Connection PSD (PUU)
PSD Purge Flow 5 mL/min
Post Run Flow
Column 2
Type Agilent HP-5ms UI
(p/n 19091S-431UI-KEY)
Length 15 m
Diameter 0.25 mm
Film Thickness 0.25 µm
Control Mode Constant flow
Flow 1.216 mL/min
Inlet Connection PSD (PUU)
Outlet Connection MSD
Post Run Flow
Model Agilent 7000E or 7010C
Source Inert Extractor Source with
a 3 mm lens or HES
Vacuum Pump Performance turbo
Tune File Atunes.eiex.jtune.xml or
Solvent Delay 3 min
Quad Temperature
(MS1 and MS2)
150 °C
Source Temperature 280 °C
Mode dMRM or Scan
He Quench Gas 2.25 mL/min
Collision Gas 1.5 mL/min
MRM Statistics
Total MRMs
(dMRM Mode)
Dwell Time
6.85 ms
Cycle Time
69.8 ms
Concurrent MRMs
EM Voltage
Gain Mode
Scan Parameters
Scan Type MS1 Scan
Scan Range 45 to 450 m/z
Scan Time (ms) 22
Step Size 0.1 amu
Threshold 0
EM Voltage Gain
Model Agilent 8890 with fast oven,
auto injector,
and tray
Inlet Multimode inlet (MMI)
Mode Solvent Vent
Purge Flow to Split
60 mL/min at 2.56 min
Septum Purge Flow 3 mL/min
Vent Flow 100 mL/min
Vent Pressure 5 psi until 0.06 min
Septum Purge Flow
Cryo On (Air)
Cryo Use
200 °C
Injection Volume 2.0 µL
L1 Airgap 0.2 µL
Gas Saver Off
Inlet Temperature 60 °C for 0.06 min, then to
280 °C at 600 °C/min
Post Run Inlet
310 °C
Post Run Total Flow 25 mL/min
Carrier Gas Hydrogen
Inlet Liner Agilent Ultra Inert 2 mm
dimpled liner
Inlet Liner Part
Initial Oven
60 °C
Initial Oven Hold 1 min
Ramp Rate 1 40 ° C/min
Final Temp 1 170 °C
Final Hold 1 0 min
Ramp Rate 2 10 °C/min
Final Temp 2 310 °C
Final Hold 2 2.25 min
Annex VII Example of a GC/MS/MS method for
pesticide multiresidue analysis using a
7000 or 7010 series instrument using
hydrogen carrier gas69
Total Run TIme 20 min
Post Run Time
(Backflush Duration
1.5 min
Equilibration Time 0.5 min
Column 1
Type Agilent HP-5ms UI (p/n
Length 20 m
Diameter 0.18 mm
Film Thickness 0.18 µm
Control Mode Constant Flow
Flow 1.0 mL/min (nominal
before retention time
Inlet Connection Mulitmode inlet (MMI)
Outlet Connection PSD (PUU)
PSD Purge Flow 5 mL/min
Post Run Flow
–6.260 mL/min
Column 2
Type Agilent HP-5ms UI (p/n
Length 15 m
Diameter 0.25 mm
Film Thickness 0.25 µm
Control Mode Constant flow
Flow 1.216 mL/min
Inlet Connection PSD (PUU)
Outlet Connection MSD
Post Run Flow
Model Agilent 7000E or 7010C
Source Inert Extractor Source with
a 3 mm lens or HES
Vacuum Pump Performance turbo
Tune File Atunes.eiex.jtune.xml or
Solvent Delay 3 min
Quad Temperature
(MS1 and MS2)
150 °C
Source Temperature 280 °C
Mode dMRM or Scan
He Quench Gas 2.25 mL/min
Collision Gas 1.5 mL/min
MRM Statistics
Total MRMs (dMRM
Minimum Dwell
6.85 ms
Minimum Cycle
69.8 ms
Concurrent MRMs
EM Voltage
Gain Mode
Scan Parameters
Scan Type MS1 Scan
Scan Range 45 to 450 m/z
Scan Time (ms) 22
Step Size 0.1 amu
Threshold 0
EM Voltage Gain
Agilent MassHunter
revisions 10
or above
– MassHunter Acquisition
software for
GC/MS systems
– MassHunter
Quantitative Analysis
– Unknowns Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
– MassHunter Qualitative
Figure 1. Carbon S products demonstrate a better balance between analyte recovery and
matrix pigment removal efficiency. A) Efficient pigment removal for pigmented fresh fruits and
vegetables.1 B) Improved planar pesticides recovery.2
Annex VIII Rapid analysis of pesticides in food using
LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS consumable
workflow ordering guide
Pigmented fresh fruits and vegetables contain highly abundant natural pigments,
such as chlorophyll and lutein from green vegetables, anthocyanidins and
anthocyanins from red, blue, purple, and black fruits, and carotenoids and
xanthophylls from orange and yellow fruits and vegetables. Enhanced cleanup to
remove pigment co-extractives before direct injection on analytical instruments
is vital to avoid matrix effects, such as ion suppression on LC/MS/MS, matrix
interferences on GC/MS/MS, and matrix deposition on the detection flow path
and MS source.
Agilent Carbon S sorbent, an advanced hybrid carbon material with optimized
carbon content and pore structure, provides equivalent or better pigment removal
from plant sample matrices compared to graphitized carbon black (GCB). As a
result, Carbon S sorbent delivers a better balance between analyte recovery and
matrix pigment removal efficiency (Figure 1).
Figure 2. Compared to traditional dSPE cleanup, Captiva EMR Carbon S passthrough cleanup
demonstrates significant improved recoveries for (A) sensitive pesticides and (B) a simplified
Sensitive pesticides recovery and reproducibility comparison
Agilent dSPE kits with Carbon are a direct and easy replacement of dSPE kits with
GCB. AOAC pigment dSPE with Carbon S kits are recommended as replacements
for current dSPE cleanup of high chlorophyll leafy vegetables and Universal dSPE
with Carbon S kits are recommended for general pigmented fresh produce.
Compared to traditional dSPE cleanup, passthrough cleanup provides simplified
workflow steps (Figure 2), such as the elimination of uncapping and capping the
dSPE tubes, vortexing, and centrifugation, while delivering highly efficient and
selective matrix/pigment removal, improved target recovery and reproducibility,
and reduced matrix effect and interferences.
A detailed description of all the Captiva EMR cartridges and their
recommendations for plant-origin matrices are shown in Table 1.
Figure 3. Captiva EMR Carbon S passthrough cleanup demonstrates a lower failure rate for larger
panel pesticides quantitation.
Table 1. Agilent Captiva EMR cartridges and their recommendations for pesticide analysis of various plant-origin matrices.5
Agilent Product Name Sorbents Sample Loading Volume Recommendations Based
on Sample Matrices
Examples of Applicable
Sample Matrix
Captiva EMR–Lipid Carbon EMR-Lipid 2.5 to 3 mL for 3 mL cartridges
5 to 6 mL for 6 mL cartridges
High fatty oily matrices Edible oil
Captiva EMR–HCF1 Carbon S/NH2 3 mL High chlorophyll
fresh leafy vegetables
Spinach, parsley, alfafa
Captiva EMR–HCF2 Carbon S/PSA 3 mL High chlorophyll
fresh leafy vegetables
Spinach, parsley, alfafa
Captiva EMR–GPF Carbon S/PSA/EC-C18 3 mL General pigmented fresh
plant-origin matrix
Berries, peppers,
broccoli, grapes
Captiva EMR–GPD Captiva EMR–Lipid/PSA/EC-C18/Carbon S 2.5 to 3 mL General pigmented dry
plant-origin matrix
Spices, tea, coffee
Captiva EMR–LPD Captiva EMR–Lipid/PSA/EC-C18/Carbon S 2.5 to 3 mL Low/none pigmented dry
plant-origin matrix
Nuts, light pigmented
spices, tobacco
The passthrough cleanup can be done by gravity elution or using a vacuum
manifold. For analysis using LC/MS/MS, the sample eluent can then be directly
injected onto the LC/TQ instrument or diluted further with water before injection.
When using GC/MS/MS for analysis, the sample eluent needs to be further dried
using anhydrous MgSO4
powder. The addition of MgSO4
can be as simple as a
small spatula of anhydrous MgSO4
powder (~200 to 300 mg) from the Agilent
Bond Elut QuEChERS EMR–Lipid polish pouch.5
The use of Carbon S products, especially the Captiva EMR cartridges, for
pesticide analysis in pigment fresh fruits and vegetables demonstrates efficient
matrix/pigment removal, higher pass rates for large panel pesticides analysis
(Figure 3), reduced matrix ion suppression in LC/MS/MS detection, and cleaner
matrix background in GC/MS/MS detection.4
All these improvements make the
multiple class multiresidue pesticides quantitative analysis in pigmented fresh
fruits and vegetables more reliable and consistent.
Easy selection and ordering information
To order items listed in the tables from the Agilent online store, add items to
your Favorite Products list by clicking the MyList header links. Then, enter the
quantities of the products you need, click Add to Cart and proceed to checkout.
Your list will remain under Favorite Products for your use with future orders.
If this is your first time using Favorite Products, you will be asked to enter your
email address for account verification. If you have an existing Agilent account,
you will be able to log in. However, if you do not have a registered Agilent account,
you will need to register for one. This feature is valid only in regions that are
eCommerce enabled. All items can also be ordered through your regular sales
and distributor channels.
MyList 1: Columns and supplies for analysis of pesticides in food using LC/MS/MS 2,6
Description Part Number
Sample preparation Extraction 1
Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS extraction kit, AOAC 2007.01,
with or without ceramic homogenizers
Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS EN extraction kit, with or
without ceramic homogenizers
Sample crude extract cleanup
For none or light pigmented fresh produce
Agilent Bond Elut Dispersive kit, general fruits and
vegetables, 15 mL, Agilent Bond Elut Dispersive kit,
general fruits and vegetables, 2 mL
For general pigmented
fresh produce
Agilent Captiva EMR–GPF cartridge, 3 mL 5610-2090
For high chlorophyll
fresh vegetables
Agilent Captiva EMR–HCF1, with NH2 or EMR–HCF2 with
PSA, 3 mL2
For low pigmented dry
plant-origin food and
essential oils
Agilent Captiva EMR–LPD cartridge, 6 mL 5610-2092
For general pigmented
dry plant-origin food
Agilent Captiva EMR–GPD cartridge, 6 mL 5610-2091
For animal-origin food
and oils
Agilent Captiva EMR–Lipid cartridge, 3 mL
Agilent Captiva EMR–Lipid cartridge, 6 mL
Traditional alternative dSPE cleanup
For general pigmented
fresh produce
Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS Universal dispersive SPE kit,
2 mL, with Carbon S, 50 mg PSA, 50 mg C18,
7.5 mg Carbon S, 150 mg MgSO4
Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS Universal dispersive SPE kit,
15 mL, with Carbon S, 400 mg PSA, 400 mg C18, 45 mg
Carbon S, 1,200 mg MgSO4
For high chlorophyll fresh
Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS AOAC Pigmented Fruits and
Vegetables dSPE kit with Carbon S, 2 mL
Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS Pigmented Fruits and
Vegetables dSPE kit with Carbon S, 15 mL
Sample postfiltration
Filter vial, nylon, 0.2 µm, 100/pk
Filter vial, RC, 0.2 µm, 100/pk
Description Part Number
Other sample preparation consumables
Ceramic homogenizers, 50 mL tube, 100/pk 3 5982-9313
Centrifuge tube and cap, polypropylene, 50 mL, 25/pk 5610-2049
Agilent positive pressure manifold-48 processor 5191-4101*
SPE cartridge rack, 6 mL, for PPM-48 5191-4104*
SPE cartridge rack, 3 mL for PPM-48 5191-4103*
Collection rack for 16 x 100 mm tubes 5191-4108*
Standards Ready-to-use 254-compound standards mix, 8 x 1 mL,
100 μg/mL each
HPLC columns Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 EC-C18, 2.1 × 100 mm,
2.7 µm column
InfinityLab Poroshell 120 EC-C18, 2.1 x 5 mm, 2.7 µm,
guard column, 3/pk
Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 column, 2.1 x 100 mm,
1.8 µm
Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 column, UHPLC guard,
2.1 x 5 mm, 1.8 µm
HPLC supplies Agilent 1290 Infinity inline filter, 0.3 μm 5067-6189
InfinityLab Quick Connect assembly, 0.12 x 105 mm,
for column inlet connection on UHPLC
InfinityLab Quick Connect assembly, 0.17 x 105 mm,
for column inlet connection on HPLC
InfinityLab Quick Turn fitting, for column outlet 5067-5966
InfinityLab Quick Turn capillary, 0.12 x 280 mm,
for connection from column to detector
Kit of Stay Safe waste cap GL45, with 4 ports and
waste can, 6 L
Charcoal filter with time strip for waste container 5043-1193
Stainless steel solvent inlet filter, 10 μm pore size 01018-60025
Solvent filtration assembly InfinityLab solvent filtration assembly, includes glass
funnel, 250 mL, membrane holder glass base, glass flask,
1 L, and aluminum clamp
Solvents and reagents InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS acetonitrile 5191-4496
InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS methanol 5191-4497
InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS water 5191-4498
Formic acid reagent-grade, 99.5% purity, 5 mL G2453-85060
MS solution, formic acid, 99.5% purity, 10 mL US-700002341
5 M ammonium formate solution G1946-85021
Vials and caps Agilent A-Line certified amber (screw top) vials; 100/pk 5190-9590
Agilent deactivated vial inserts; 500 μL, 500/pk 5183-2086
Agilent screw caps, PTFE/silicone/PTFE septa,
cap size: 12 mm; 500/pk
1 Both AOAC and EN extraction kits work equivalently. The selection of extraction kits is based on customer preference.
2 Both Captiva EMR–HCF1 and EMR–HCF2 cartridges work equivalently. The selection of passthrough kits is based on customer
3 Only needed when extraction kits without ceramic homogenizers are used.
*One-time purchase.
MyList 2: Columns and supplies for analysis of pesticides in pigmented fresh fruits and vegetables
using GC/MS/MS
Description Part Number
Sample preparation Extraction 1
Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS EN extraction kit, with or
without ceramic homogenizers
Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS extraction kit, AOAC 2007.01,
with or without ceramic homogenizers
Sample crude extract cleanup
For none or light
fresh produce
Agilent Bond Elut Dispersive kit, general fruits and
vegetables, 15 mL, Agilent Bond Elut Dispersive kit,
general fruits and vegetables, 2 mL
For general pigmented
fresh produce
Agilent Captiva EMR–GPF cartridge, 3 mL 5610-2090
For high chlorophyll fresh
Agilent Captiva EMR–HCF1 with NH2 or EMR–HCF2 with
PSA, 3 mL 2
For low pigmented dry
plant origin food and
essential oils
Agilent Captiva EMR–LPD cartridge, 6 mL 5610-2092
For general pigmented dry
plant origin food
Agilent Captiva EMR–GPD cartridge, 6 mL 5610-2091
For animal origin food
and oils
Agilent Captiva EMR–Lipid cartridge, 3 mL
Agilent Captiva EMR–Lipid cartridge, 6 mL
Sample postdrying
Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS EMR–Lipid polish pouch,
3.5 g anhydrous MgSO4
Description Part Number
Other sample preparation consumables
Ceramic homogenizers, 50 mL tubes, 100/pk 3 5982-9313
Centrifuge tube and cap, polypropylene, 50 mL, 25/pk 5610-2049
Agilent positive pressure manifold-48 processor 5191-4101*
SPE cartridge rack, 6 mL, for PPM-48 5191-4104*
SPE cartridge rack, 3 mL, for PPM-48 5191-4103*
Collection rack for 16 x 100 mm tubes 5191-4108*
Standards Ready-to-use 254-compound standards mix, 8 x 1 mL,
100 μg/mL each
InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS acetonitrile 5191-4496
GC column Agilent HP-5ms UI, 15 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm film thickness
Agilent DB-5ms UI, 15 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm (two)
GC supplies Fritted liner, splitless, UI, low, 870 µL, 4 mm, 1/pk** 5190-5112
Inlet liner, UI, splitless, single taper, glass wool 5190-2293
Agilent Blue Line syringe, PTFE-tip plunger, tapered, 10 µL G4513-80203
Agilent Advanced Green septum, nonstick, 11 mm 5183-4759
Vials and caps Agilent A-Line certified amber vial, screw top, 100/pk 5190-9590
Agilent deactivated vial insert, 100/pk 5181-8872
Agilent screw caps, PTFE/silicone/PTFE septa, cap size:
12 mm, 500/pk
1 Both AOAC and EN extraction kits work equivalently. The selection of extraction kits is based on customer preference.
2 Both Captiva EMR–HCF1 and EMR–HCF2 cartridges work equivalently. The selection of passthrough kits is based on customer
3 Only needed when extraction kits without ceramic homogenizers are used.
*One time purchase.
**Fritted liners provided similar responses to the splitless wool liners, but tended to have better retention of peak areas with
increased matrix injections across 70 matrix-matched injections than the wool liners.7
Other food matrices
Agilent has developed and verified an optimized method in accordance with the
EU analytical guidance document SANTE/11312/2021 using three food matrix
types: tomato and onion (high water content), wheat (high starch content), honey
(high sugar content), olive oil (high fat content), and difficult commodities (black
pepper) to analyze 510 pesticides in 20 minutes using an Agilent 6470 LC/TQ
The comprehensive workflow guide includes a consistent sample preparation
technique, an optimized UHPLC separation method with predefined consumables
and ready-to-use standard mixes, a dMRM acquisition method, data analysis, and
reporting supported by onsite and online training.
MyList 3: Columns and supplies for analysis of pesticides in difficult or unique commodity groups
using LC/MS/MS10
Description Part Number
Sample preparation Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS EN extraction kit 5982-5650
Agilent Captiva EMR—GPD, general pigmented dry 5610-2091
Agilent Captiva EMR–GPF cartridge, 3 mL 5610-2090
Ceramic homogenizers, 50 mL tubes, 100/pk 5982-9313
Centrifuge tube and cap, polypropylene, 50 mL, 25/pk 5610-2049
Agilent positive pressure manifold-48 processor 5191-4101*
SPE cartridge rack, 6 mL, for PPM-48 5191-4104*
SPE cartridge rack, 3 mL, for PPM-48 5191-4103*
Collection rack for 16 x 100 mm tubes 5191-4108*
Standards** Ready-to-use 254-compound standards mix, 8 x 1 mL,
100 μg/mL each
HPLC column ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18, 2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 μm, 1200 bar 959759-902
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 guard, 2.1 mm id, 1.8 μm, 3/pk 821725-901
HPLC supplies Agilent 1290 Infinity inline filter, 0.3 μm 5067-6189
InfinityLab Quick Connect assembly, 0.12 x 105 mm,
for column inlet connection on UHPLC
InfinityLab Quick Connect assembly, 0.17 x 105 mm,
for column inlet connection on HPLC
InfinityLab Quick Turn fitting, for column outlet 5067-5966
InfinityLab Quick Turn capillary 0.12 x 280 mm, for
connection from column to detector
Kit of Stay Safe waste cap GL45, with 4 ports and
waste can, 6 L
Charcoal filter with time strip for waste container 5043-1193
Stainless steel solvent inlet filter, 10 μm pore size 01018-60025
Description Part Number
Solvent filtration
InfinityLab solvent filtration assembly, includes glass
funnel, 250 mL, membrane holder glass base, glass flask,
1 L, and aluminum clamp
Regenerated cellulose filter membrane, 47 mm, 0.20 μm,
Solvents and reagents InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS acetonitrile 5191-4496
InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS methanol 5191-4497
InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS water 5191-4498
Formic acid reagent-grade, 99.5% purity, 5 mL G2453-85060
MS solution, formic acid, 99.5% purity, 10 mL US-700002341
5 M ammonium formate solution G1946-85021
Vials and caps Agilent A-Line certified amber vial, screw top, 100/pk 5190-9590
Agilent deactivated vial inserts, 500 μL, 500/pk 5183-2086
Agilent screw caps, PTFE/silicone/PTFE septa, cap size:
12 mm, 500/pk
*One time purchase.
** Please contact Agilent for custom, premixed pesticide standards.
**** If using solvents other than those listed in this table, use the InfinityLab solvent filtration assembly to filter before analysis.
Annex VIII References
1. Your clear choice for pigment removal: Agilent Carbon S sample preparation
products. Agilent Brochure, 5994-4892EN.
2. Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Spinach Using AOAC Pigmented dSPE with
Carbon S Cleanup and LC/MS/MS. Agilent Application Note, 5994-4769EN.
3. Determination of Multiclass, Multiresidue Pesticides in Bell Peppers Using
Captiva EMR–GPF passthrough cleanup by LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS.
Agilent Application Note, 5994-4767EN.
4. Determination of Multiclass, Multiresidue Pesticides in Spring Leaf Mix
Agilent Application Note, 5994-4765EN.
5. Determination of Over 300 Pesticides in Cayenne Pepper Using Captiva
EMR-GPD passthrough cleanup and LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS. Agilent
Application Note, 5994-5630EN.
6. Determination of Over 300 Pesticides in Cumin Powder Using Captiva EMRLPD Passthrough Cleanup and LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS Detection. Agilent
Application Note, 5994-6882EN.
7. Analysis of Multiclass Multiresidue Pesticides in Milk Using Agilent Captiva
EMR-Lipid with LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS. Agilent Application Note,
8. Multiresidue Pesticide Analysis in Food Matrices with an Ultra Inert Splitless
Glass Frit Liner by GC/MS/MS. Agilent Application Note, 5994-1473EN.
9. Comprehensive LC/MS/MS Workflow of Pesticide Residues in Food Using
the Agilent 6470 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System-Pesticides residue
workflow in high water content, high oil content, and high starch content
samples. Agilent Application Note, 5994-2370EN.
10. Analysis of 510 Pesticide Residues in Honey and Onion on an Agilent 6470
Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System - Pesticides residue workflow for high
sugar content and high water content samples. Agilent Application Note,
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© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2024
Published in the USA, May 30, 2024
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