Over 20 industry experts on Inhalaltion Drug Delivery to gather in Berlin on 11 - 12 September 2013

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The potential of a pulmonary route as a non-invasive administration for systemic delivery of therapeutic agents has been receiving an undeniable attention with the recent advances of the inhalation drug delivery showing significant promise. The crucial formulation considerations for orally inhaled products together with those of a delivery device play a major role in the efficiency of pulmonary delivery, and great strides have been made in the development of new formulation techniques and devices in recent years.
With this in mind, CPhI Conferences, is proud to present its inaugural conference on Inhalation Drug Delivery which has been designed to examine all the important aspects of pulmonary drug delivery, from particle engineering to device manufacturing.
Over the course of two intensive days there will be practical and informative sessions examining technical, physiological, and efficacy aspects of the novel pulmonary route of drug targeting. It will share important insights into the mechanisms of pulmonary drug administration along with compatibility of the excipients employed, devices used, and techniques of particulate dosage production.
This is an essential opportunity to understand the challenges facing the development of pulmonary drug delivery system and discover the opportunities for the pharmaceutical scientists to minimize the clinical and technical gaps.
In addition to the main conference, CPhI is also running a Pre-Conference Workshop on Nasal Drug Delivery providing hands-on, practical guidance on how to capitalise on the full potential of delivering drugs via the nasal route.
The conference will include industry professionals from a range of organisations including MHRA, Catalent, Glenmark, Hovione, Medicon Valley Inhalation Consortium, KAER Biotherapeutics, Nonomol Technologies and many more. With expert speakers from the world of pulmonary drug delivery across Europe and globally, this conference offers the opportunity to network and debate with leaders in this field.