Regional Health Authorities to Meet and Discuss Russia’s 2020 Vision

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The Russian pharmaceutical market is one of the fastest growing in the world. Its value is predicted to rise from $24 billion in 2012 to $75 billion by 2020, according to Cegedim Relationship Management’s aggregated opinion from industry experts, government employees and analysts.
The pharma 2020 strategy proposed by the government, which aims for 50% of sold drugs to be manufactured in Russia by 2020 – has encouraged many multinational organizations to locate manufacturing in Russia. However, there are some crucial structural defects in this market, such as complex administrative procedures and insufficient international cooperation, which tend to inhibit its full development. Foreign companies continue to face challenges surrounding government regulations and unclear requirements to achieve GMP, while local manufacturers grapple with limited capabilities and technical know-how.
In an effort to take Russia a step closer towards achieving its 2020 pharma vision, representatives from the Ministry of Ukraine, RIBS Kazakhstan, and other regional health authorities will gather on 7-8 November 2013 at Vaccine World CIS and CEE 2013 to help local manufacturers by equipping them with the required technical know-how, and helping them overcome challenges relating to manufacturing and R&D, and regulatory controls. International players will also have the chance to meet and build relationships/ forge partnerships with local manufacturers.
Over 25 vaccine industry experts will come together to share information on topics like the vaccine market overview, Russia’s 2020 vision, innovative approaches and best practices to vaccine manufacturing, manufacturing excellence and quality assurance, next generation vaccine development, vaccine technology, and partnerships.
The list of speakers and advisors that will participating at this gathering include:
• Kim Bush, Director, Life Sciences Partnerships, Global Health Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• Dr. Yurii Gamazin, Senior Advisor to the Director General, Ukrainian State Expert Center, Ukraine
• Natalia Puchkova, First Deputy General Director, Petrovax Pharm, Russia
• Berik Khairullin, Deputy General Director, RIBS, Kazakhstan
• Ugo D’Oro, Head of Unit in the Immunology Function, Novartis Vaccines Research, Italy
• Alexander Ivanov, Research Scientist, Microgen Holding
• iviana Teresa Sara Gianninò, Researcher and Project Leader, Etna Biotech s.r.l., Catania – Zydus Cadila Research Center (Cadila Healthcare, Ahmedabad - India)
• Peter Keller, Chief Business Officer, Selecta Biosciences
• S.D. Ravetkar, Executive Director, Serum Institute of India Ltd, India
• Werner Cautreels, CEO, Selecta Biosciences, USA
• Nikolai Petrovsky, Chairman, Vaxine, Australia
• Sergey Dudkin, Director, Strategy and Development, NewVac LLC, Russia
• Jiri Hermanek, CEO, Sotio, Russia
• Sayadyan Khachik, CEO, ABIOLEK & Chief of Science and Development, NT Pharma, Russia
• Jeffrey Ulmer, Global Head, External Research Novartis, USA
• Boro Dropulic, President and Chief Scientific Officer, Lentigen Corporation, USA
• Kateryna Gamazina, Country Director, PATH
• Igor Orshanskiy, CEO, NewVac, Russia