Syngenta Principal Scientist Speaks at Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting

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"Science, and especially toxicology, can be difficult to understand," said Pastoor. "If we, as scientists, want to be not just heard but also understood, it is vital we learn how to effectively communicate with people inside and outside our industry. This goes far beyond explaining our hypotheses, scientific methods and results to colleagues. We must be able to put data into context that is meaningful and understandable to the audience we are addressing."
Pastoor often serves as a science expert and lecturer on toxicology and risk-assessment subjects for Syngenta. Previously, he served as the company's head of Human Safety, managing a team of toxicologists and risk-assessment experts who use safety, health and environmental studies to ensure products are safe.
"Tim plays an important role on the Society's Communications Committee, and as current president of the SOT Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Specialty Section, we knew he'd be a great addition to the discussion," said Martha Lindauer, SOT Media and Communications manager. "It's great to have someone from the private sector share their expertise and perspective."
Pastoor has more than 30 years international experience in fundamental toxicity testing, mode-of-action research and human-health risk assessment. He is also a member of the Society for Risk Analysis and board member of both the Toxicology Forum and the International Life Sciences Institute/Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (ILSI/HESI).
Pastoor earned his doctorate in toxicology from the University of Michigan and is certified by the American Board of Toxicology (DABT).