Syrris Celebrates Successful Flow and Automated Process Chemistry Seminars

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Syrris’ latest free flow chemistry and automated process chemistry seminars, held during May in Dinslaken, Germany, built on the success of previous events in Thailand and India, with scientists from across Europe declaring them extremely beneficial.
Delegates at the flow chemistry workshops discovered both theoretical and practical aspects of reaction optimization and the adaptation of established batch chemistry processes, taking advantage of the opportunity to acquire ‘hands-on’ experience of the technique.
Those attending the automated process chemistry seminar were able to learn about reaction calorimetry and new crystallization techniques that enable narrower particle size distributions and better selectivity of polymorphs.
Branka Kaludjerovic, a research associate at Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia, said: “The Syrris staff were very helpful and the theory of automated batch chemistry linked very well with the practical work,” and experimental scientist Jolande Celis, from Huntsman Performance Products, Belgium, added: “There was a good balance between theory and practical; I enjoyed the demo sessions and having the chance to do things myself.”
Syrris will be holding further workshops in Brazil during August and Japan in October, with an event planned in the USA later in the year, ensuring that chemists worldwide can benefit from the Company’s extensive knowledge and experience.