A luminescent solar concentrator-based photomicroreactor for energy efficient continuous-flow photocatalysis

The LSC-PM concept is introduced and its performances are characterized using a light-limited reaction as a probe to measure the increased photon flux to the reaction channels.
Firstly, by using blue LED light as light source, the wavelength conversion capabilities of the device are demonstrated with a 10-time increase in photon flux to the reaction mixture.
Secondly, the light transport within the waveguide is proved by a 6-fold increase in the reaction apparent kinetic in the LSC-PM compared to the non-doped analog.
Then, in solar simulated conditions, the LSC-PM with 200ppm dye-doping showed a 4-fold increased photon flux with respect to the non-doped control reactor.
Finally, a significant different between LSC-PM and a transparent reactor is observed also in an outdoor experiment with natural sunlight irradiation.