In Utero Electroporation Enables Ventricular Zone Studies in Mice
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BTX ECM 830 square wave pulse technology was used to target and study the development of neural stem cells and progenitors in the developing mouse brain in utero.
In a recent publication by Stancik, E. et al., researchers targeted the mouse ventricular zone (VZ) through electroporation using the 3 mm platinum Tweezertrodes to transfect cells in order to distinguish the cell cycle kinetics of the short neural and radial glial cells during the development of the cerebral cortex.
The wide range of square wave voltages, pulse lengths and multiple pulsing capability of the ECM 830 Square Wave generator make it ideal for this application.
The ECM 830 coupled with the BTX specialty electrodes are widely used for a full range of in vivo, in utero and in ovo applications.
In addition to the unique versatility of the ECM 830 for in vivo applications, the system is capable of efficiently transfecting in standard cuvettes or in a 96-well format.