Join Malvern for Expert Help on Protein Interaction Analysis with MicroCal PEAQ-ITC

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Studies of biomolecular interactions are fundamentally important in all areas of the life sciences since such interactions drive and regulate all biological processes.
The workshop will address current challenges scientists face in interaction analysis through a Q&A panel session with calorimetry experts. A subsequent presentation will explain how the MicroCal PEAQ-ITC range of isothermal titration calorimeters, complete with new analysis software, deliver efficient analysis to relieve bottle necks and allow scientists to better understand biomolecular interactions. Data provided by the label-free interaction analysis that calorimetry delivers enable scientists in academia and industry to better understand binding events between almost any type of biologically relevant interactant. The new MicroCal PEAQ-ITC, the latest generation of the instrumentation, optimizes the study of protein interactions by improving signal stability, mixing and signal-to-noise characteristics.
Natalia Markova explains, “Among the most recognized challenges in interaction analyses are the needs to adequately address a broad range of binding affinities and to reliably interpret binding data complicated by the presence of inactive protein fractions or inherent uncertainty in the concentration of a ligand. The new MicroCal PEAQ-ITC, offers a whole range of solutions for addressing current pains associated with interaction analysis.”
The Annual Symposium of The Protein Society will focus on all aspects of protein science featuring prestigious speakers and numerous workshops for educators and students alike, providing networking opportunities for future collaborations. To discover more about the new MicroCal PEAQ-ITC and how to conduct high resolution protein interaction analysis, join Malvern Instruments for lunch on Wednesday 22nd July 12-1 pm.