Olink Bioscience Introduces Two New 92-protein Biomarker Panels

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Olink Bioscience has launched Proseek® Multiplex CVD II 96x96 and Proseek Multiplex CVD III96x96, two new protein biomarker panels that target a wide range of cardiovascular-related diseases (CVDs). These panels replace and expand on our highly successful Proseek Multiplex CVD I96x96 panel, doubling the number of CVD-associated biomarkers that can be assayed, to 184.
In addition to significantly expanding the number of available markers for CVD applications, the markers have been carefully selected to broaden the dynamic range for each panel and further improve assay performance and analysis.
These products are part of the on-going development of new panels, complementing the existing options directed against Oncology and Inflammatory diseases. Proseek Multiplex CVD II96x96 and Proseek Multiplex CVD III96x96 will be important tools in the search for new protein expression patterns that could serve as biomarkers to improve prediction and prognosis of CVDs, as well as discovery of new drug targets.
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death worldwide and a growing health problem that requires massive medical intervention each year. Reversing this trend requires, apart from healthier lifestyles, improved diagnostic and prognostic tools.
New and relevant protein biomarkers are essential components of these tools and therefore a pre-requisite for developing improved and personalized treatment. By doubling the number of CVD-related biomarkers that could be addressed with the original panel, these new products should have a significant impact in this field.
“We are excited by this opportunity to offer an expanded and further improved biomarker discovery solution for cardiovascular disease research. Our first Proseek Multiplex CVD panel set the standard for pre-validated protein biomarker assays targeted towards cardiovascular disease and has been used very successfully to publish interesting findings, with many more papers also in preparation. Our new panels will significantly enhance these capabilities and enable scientists to make more comprehensive studies, by measuring many more protein biomarkers simultaneously and over a broader dynamic range of expression levels than was previously possible. As a company, our aim is to become the preferred partner for researchers involved in protein biomarker screening studies. We sincerely hope that with these new products, we can contribute towards a better understanding of cardiovascular disease and improved and more personalized treatment.” says Andrea Ballagi, VP Sales & Marketing at Olink Bioscience.
Proseek Multiplex CVD II96x96 and Proseek Multiplex CVD III96x96 are high-throughput multiplex immunoassays that each measure 92 CVD-related proteins across 96 samples (including controls) simultaneously using only one microliter of serum, plasma, or almost any other type of biological sample. When used in combination with Fluidigm’s Biomark™ HD system, a high throughput real-time PCR platform, it enables researchers to analyze thousands of samples per week, which greatly accelerates the speed of protein biomarker research.
Proseek Multiplex is based on the proprietary Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) technology developed by Olink Bioscience. PEA is a homogeneous assay that uses pairs of antibodies equipped with DNA reporter molecules which upon target binding give rise to new DNA amplicons, each ID-barcoding their respective antigens. Cross-reactive events are not detected since the sequence design allows only the correctly matched antibody pairs to give rise to a signal.
The amplicons are subsequently quantified by high throughput real-time PCR. This dual recognition, DNA-coupled method provides exceptional readout specificity and enables Proseek Multiplex to achieve a combination of high multiplexing level and data quality that cannot be matched using standard immunoassay techniques.