Randox Toxicology Releases the World’s First Immunoassay Screening Kits

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Randox Toxicology has developed two new ELISA kits for the forensic detection of “Bath Salts;” drugs which are flooding the global market. “Ivory Wave,” “Ocean Snow,” and “Cloud nine” are commercial names for Mephedrone, MDPV and other drugs belonging to the Synthetic Cathinones family.
The new ELISA kits from Randox Toxicology will play a crucial role in the detection and eradication of these drugs, which are currently marketed as “legal highs,” producing serious mental, emotional and physical effects.
“Bath Salts” can be bought in convenience stores and online. A study carried out in 2010 reported four times the amount of “legal highs” in the UK than any other country in Europe. Effects are similar to those of cocaine, amphetamines and Ecstacy.
In April 2010, a ban on the synthetic stimulant Mephedrone was put in place in the UK. The drug and its related compounds are now Class B substances, after measures were rushed through Parliament.
In the USA at least 28 states have banned bath salts, which are typically sold for $25 to $50 per 50-milligram packet at convenience stores and head shops.
The last decade has seen a proliferation in ‘designer drugs’ created by changing the molecular structure of one or more existing drugs to create a new substance.
This has proved a challenge for toxicologists, who must develop testing methods for a huge number of new drug compounds. Until now the only method of detection for bath salts was by expensive and complicated chromatographic screens.
The Randox Toxicology ELISA’s offer a fast and effective way of routinely screening for bath salts, eliminating negative samples prior to timely and costly confirmatory procedures.
The Randox Toxicology Mephedrone ELISA offers a highly sensitive screen targeting Mephedrone HCl, R(+)-Methcathinone HCl, Flephedrone HCl, Methcathinone, 3-Fluoromethcathinone (3-FMC) and a large number of additional metabolites.
The Randox Toxicology MDPV ELISA targets MDPV, MDPBP and Naphyrone HCL. Both urine and blood can be screened accurately with Randox Toxicology ELISA kits.