Small Innovations at Radleys are Making a World of Difference at Roche
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Radleys Findenser Super Air Condenser has made a considerable impression at Roche, Switzerland after Daniel Zimmerli and his intern put ten of the innovative devices through their paces with Roche internal testing. He was able to confirm that the Findenser not only saves precious water, but also completely removes the risk of leaks and flooding in the laboratory.
“If I had my way, good old water or intensive condensers would soon be a thing of the past” said Dr Zimmerli, speaking in an interview for the company magazine my Roche 2015/4, “this small, relatively inconspicuous laboratory device will bring about considerable improvements for Roche”. With the many benefits brought by switching from water to air cooling, we don’t think it will be long until Daniel’s vision is realized.
Your average water condenser uses 150 litres of water per hour, about the same as continuously running a bath, in contrast to zero consumption from the Radleys Findenser Super Air Condenser. Compared with a single water condenser, running for just 4 hours a day, Findenser gives users a return on their investment in less than one year, offering excellent value for money.
Another clear benefit highlighted by Roche was eliminating the potential for leaks which could lead to flooding. Often water condensers must run for several hours, and even overnight, so if a water supply detaches and a leak starts users could quickly have a serious flood. Radleys Findenser does not require a water supply to operate. This brings an additional benefit as it can be located anywhere in the laboratory, unlike a water condenser, freeing up valuable space.
Radleys patented design provides maximized thermal conductivity and heat transfer, and includes a finned glass jacket, easy clamping, and an anti-roll design to prevent damage. The ground glass cone, ground glass socket and flasks all come in a range of sizes to meet users needs.
The Findenser Super Air Condenser is engineered for vessels up to 2 litres, with a maximum solvent volume of 1 litre. Also available is the Findenser Mini, for vessels up to 250ml, with a maximum solvent volume of 125ml.
200 Findenser Air Condensers are already in operation at Roche research labs, with positive feedback. “For me, this is a successful example of how supposedly small innovations can make a big difference” concludes Daniel.