Whitehouse Scientific CEO Presents New Work on Sieve Calibration at WCPT 7

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Dr Graham Rideal, CEO of calibration standards company Whitehouse Scientific, will speak on the topic of ‘Calibrating test sieve apertures’ at the 7th World Congress for Particle Technology (WCPT 7) in Beijing, China (19-22 May 2014).
Participating in the Instrumentation and Methods Session, Dr Rideal will present work connected with Whitehouse Scientific’s launch of a new optical method for sieve calibration that is based on the company’s ShapeSizer image analyzer.
“We have been working on extending the application of our ShapeSizer system and it can now be used not only for particle size analysis, but also to calibrate test sieves in a NIST traceable manner,” said Dr Rideal. “Unlike traditional calibration methods, which measure wire spacing only in the X and Y direction, the new ShapeSizer method measures individual aperture sizes and reports maximum and minimum dimensions. It therefore makes possible the measurement of aperture shape as well as size, wire dimensions, wire count and open area.”
While aperture shape, mesh count and open area are not included in current ISO 3310-1:2000 sieve standards, (Technical requirements and testing - Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth) these are significant parameters in quantifying sieve performance.
“This new approach to sieve calibration expands our methodologies in this important area,” continued Dr Rideal. “Whitehouse Scientific is already well-known for its sieve calibration microspheres which are now being used around the world and have revolutionized and simplified the task of certifying sieves to NIST standards in the user’s own laboratory.”