Clinical Omics – Multimedia

Overcoming challenges in the clinical testing market with qPCR innovation
Hear from SpeeDx CEO, Colin Denver, on how SpeeDx meets the wide variety of challenging needs in the clinical testing market with Thermo Fisher Scientific's expert teams and qPCR innovation.

Automated Applied Biosystems qPCR tools for MDx development
Reliable testing and diagnostics on a large scale is more important than ever. Dr. Gustav Quade shares how the QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Dx instrument, Diomni™ software, and qPCR products revolutionized their testing capabilities and their impact on patients' lives.

qPCR for pathogen identification with Applied Biosystems QuantStudio Real-Time PCR systems
Dr. Lauren Bates uses qPCR for pathogen identification and depends on Applied Biosystems QuantStudio Real-Time PCR systems and reagents to achieve optimal results with quick response times. Learn how Thermo Fisher Scientific empowers Dr. Lauren Bates and her team to take charge of disease identification and improve the lives of those we love.

Agilent Alissa Clinical Informatics Platform
The Alissa Clinical Informatics Platform offers integrated sequencing analysis solutions to manage data, helping you to identify, triage and classify variants and generate customizable reports for clinical NGS and CGH.

Real-Time PCR Solutions for Molecular Diagnostics
Change the world, or change hers. Discover how Thermo Fisher Scientific can put you in control of assay development and testing in molecular diagnostics.

Development and Implementation of Clinical Proteomics for Precision Oncology Applications and Therapeutic Drug Development
Speaking at The Landscape of Cancer Research 2021, Prof. Emanuel Petricoin from The George Mason University, presented his talk on pharmacoproteomics.

App Note / Case Study
Development of a Targeted Plasma Quantitation Assay Using dia-PASEF
In clinical proteomics research applications, blood plasma is the key sample of interest, but comprehensive proteome analysis can be challenging due to the large dynamic range of concentration.

App Note / Case Study
Cold Activation of TRPM8 Using a temperature controlled External Perfusion System and the Port-a-Patch
Download this app note to learn more about how TRPM8 channels have been implicated to play a role in cancer, in particular prostate and pancreatic cancer.

Clinical Omics and Mass Spectrometry
Due to its broad-based applicability to detect compounds with a wide range of masses, along with its high sensitivity, mass spectrometry (MS) has been used extensively in a range of omics analyses and applications. In this listicle, we explore the use of MS-based data in a variety of clinical omics settings.

Data-dependent vs. Data-independent Proteomic Analysis
This listicle explores data-dependent acquisition (DDA) and data-independent acquisition (DIA) approaches in proteomic analysis, including their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.