Drug Targets – Multimedia

Explore the Power of Metabolic Analysis in Drug Development
This infographic explores how real-time metabolic analysis unlocks all of these opportunities and is transforming drug discovery across diverse therapeutic areas.

Improving Physiological Relevance in Functional Genomics Screens
This poster describes the use of CRISPR-ready iPSCs, which are engineered to constitutively express Cas9, enabling the rapid generation of high-efficiency gene knockouts and CRISPR screens in a functional, physiologically relevant cell background.

App Note / Case Study
Determine Kinetics Earlier in the Drug Discovery Process
This app note highlights how reliable kinetics and affinity for high-affinity interactions can be obtained from significantly less data than is commonly used.

Kinetic Analysis: Spotting the Weakest Binders
Designing and performing assays that accurately measure small molecule binding kinetics is an important part of the drug discovery process. It allows researchers to predict the efficacy of potential novel therapeutics and make quick decisions about weak binders.

App Note / Case Study
Assess Small Molecule Kinetics and Affinity in Just One Step
This application note demonstrates how reliable kinetics and affinity can be obtained from single measurement data, increasing sample throughput and saving sample material.

App Note / Case Study
Determining Real-Time Kinetics and Affinity
This compendium serves as a user-friendly reference for assay design on both bio-layer interferometry (BLI) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) systems.

Target-Based Drug Discovery
Target-based drug discovery (TBDD) has been the top drug discovery approach for ~30 years. TBDD approaches were developed to improve drug discovery by reducing the costs of bringing a drug to market, increasing throughput and being more straightforward and efficient than other methods.

How To Guide
Revolutionary Binding Kinetics Analysis
Conventional bioassays often require labeled detection reagents to provide a measurable readout. However, modifications to molecular structure and/or function can skew results, and non-specific binding of the labels themselves can lead to an unwanted background signal.

Uncover New Drug Targets Through Cell Metabolism
Dysfunctional metabolism is associated with a growing number of different disease states. The ability to examine the genes, proteins and pathways that modulate energy metabolism is therefore a promising new avenue for drug discovery.

App Note / Case Study
Consistency is Key to Further Drug Discovery Research
Energy metabolism plays a central role in a wide variety of cellular and physiological processes. Therefore, a deep understanding of how disruption to energy metabolism impacts cells can help in therapeutic drug discovery and development.