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Exosomes – News and Features

Blue cells labelled with green and red dyes.

New Insights Into Cause of Poor Wound Healing in Diabetics

Defective exosomes, which shuttle signals between cells, can drive inflammation and impair wound healing in diabetic patients, according to a new study.
A cell dividing.

How Do Extracellular Vesicles Impact Human Health?

Researchers wanted to understand how cells react to these extracellular vesicles (EVs) produced by different cell types and at varying concentrations.
Double helix structure of DNA.

Ancient Genes Could Affect the Development of Neurodegeneration

It has been suspected for some time that viral infections contribute to the genesis and development of neurodegenerative diseases. Laboratory studies now suggest a mechanism that does not require infection by external pathogens.
Inside of an extracellular vesicle.
Industry Insight

Building the Future of Extracellular Vesicle Isolation

Hans van der Voorn tells us about some of the recent progress in the extracellular vesicle-based diagnostics and therapeutics landscape, particularly the need for industrial-scale EV isolation workflows.
A mouldy strawberry and tomato.

How Fungi Use Lipid “Bubbles” To Infect Plants

Researchers have found a way to defeat mold without showering toxic chemicals on the crops.

Four attached pink cancer cells.

Understanding Cell-to-Cell Communication in Cancer

This article explores how targeting the language of cancer cell communication could provide new ways to stop tumor growth and prevent drug resistance.
A picture of the female reproductive system.

Protein Discovery Aids Ovarian Cancer Detection

In Science Advances, Nagoya University scientists publish their work discovering three membrane proteins associated with ovarian cancer. The research team are hopeful that their discovery could improve approaches for detecting and diagnosing the disease.
nanowires detecting DNA.

Nanowires Capture Cancer DNA in Urine and Detect Brain Tumor Mutation

A group has developed a technology to capture and release cell-free DNA on nanowire surfaces from urine. By extracting this DNA, they were able to successfully detect IDH1 mutation, a characteristic genetic mutation of gliomas, a type of brain tumor.
DNA strand.

Synthetic Biology: Engineering Meets Biology

Featuring expert academic insights, this article will outline recent research advancements in synthetic biology, including novel methods and applications.
Human cells with acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) in the pericardial fluid, shown with an esterase stain at 400x.

Messenger Particles Fuel Leukemia Spread

Tiny packets of molecular cargo shed by cancer cells seed the foundations for metastasis at distant sites in the body. These findings, from experiments in mice and cells, may help explain one of the drivers of cancer metastasis.