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Food and Beverage Analysis – Multimedia

Genetic progress in the Romanian triticale breeding program content piece image

Genetic progress in the Romanian triticale breeding program

Since 1984 yield raised up to 43 kg / ha¹ and year¹ or 0.74 % /year¹ this progress being achieved mainly by improving fertility of spikes, plumpness of kernel, the test weight and introduction of short straw RhtB1b (Rht1) and Ddw1 (Hl) genes. In order to improve the yield stability, under predictions of global climatic changes, improvement of genetic diversity to powdery mildew, leaf and yellow rusts, virus and spike diseases and also for pre-harvest sprouting are still demanded.
Gas Chromatography with Time-of=Flight Mass Spectrometry for Aroma Profiling content piece image

Gas Chromatography with Time-of=Flight Mass Spectrometry for Aroma Profiling

This poster has demonstrated GC-TOFMS instrumentation applied to characterize beer-related samples. The ability to isolate and identify individual analytes through chromatographic resolution, mathematical deconvolution, and mass spectral searching to library standards provides good insight to various stages of production.
Characterization of Food Products by GCxGC-TOFMS and GC-High Resolution TOFMS: A Food "omics" Approach content piece image

Characterization of Food Products by GCxGC-TOFMS and GC-High Resolution TOFMS: A Food "omics" Approach

This poster has demonstrated the broad applicability of GC and TOFMS in the food and beverage industry with highlighted examples from edible oils, hops, and beer. HS-SPME was used to pre-concentrate and collect volatile and semi-volatile analytes from each sample for analysis by LECO’s Pegasus 4D, HT, and/or HRT. This type of information provides food “omics” insight at various stages throughout production, including differentiation of raw materials, process changes, and finished products.
Lab-on-a-Chip System for Detection of Mycotoxins in Animal Feed content piece image

Lab-on-a-Chip System for Detection of Mycotoxins in Animal Feed

This poster introduces an automated Lab-on-a-Chip system for reliable quantitative testing of mycotoxin contamination of animal feed developed in the framework of the EU-funded project micro- FLUID.
App Note / Case Study

Growth of Campylobacter using BMG LABTECH’s FLUOstar Omega equipped with ACU

Campylobacter are Gram negative microaerophilic organisms which are a common commensal of mammals and birds and are one of the most frequently isolated causative agents of human bacterial enteritis worldwide. Infection in humans is frequently associated with the consumption of under cooked poultry and is generally self limiting though it can in a small number of cases result in severe complications such as Guillain-Barre syndrome.
A Triple Ionization Source for LC/MS content piece image

A Triple Ionization Source for LC/MS

This poster reports the development of a triple ionization source consisting of ESI, APCI and APPI sources. The source uses two probes, one for ESI and a nebulizer/vaporizer for APCI and APPI.
Modelling the growth inhibition of common food spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms in the presence of solvent extracts from Irish Crucifer vegetables content piece image

Modelling the growth inhibition of common food spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms in the presence of solvent extracts from Irish Crucifer vegetables

Antimicrobial activity of Irish Brassica vegetables were evaluated against a number of food spoilage and pathogenic micro-organisms. Methanolic extracts from York Cabbage showed the best activity against Listeria monocyotgenes and Salmonella abony.

A novel multiplex qPCR for the simultaneous detection of Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes from raw Atlantic Salmon fillets

A triplex qPCR assay was developed to screen for three major food-borne pathogens in fish. The assay is based on simultaneous qPCR amplification of specific target genomes using fluorophore labelled locked nucleic acid (LNA) TaqMan probes. The detection limit of the qPCR is 1 colony forming unit (cfu) per 1ml and the detection limit of the assay with 24h general enrichment is 1 cfu per 25g of fish meat.
T cell response to cholera infection content piece image

T cell response to cholera infection

Natural Vibrio cholerae infection generates a robust B-cell response that wanes for T-cell independent antigens, suggesting that B-cell responses may be mediated in a T-cell dependent manner. Patients with cholera develop a memory-effector T-cell response to cholera antigens, and B-cell activation occurs after T-cell population expansion, suggesting that T-cells may play an important role in the development and maintenance of memory B-cell responses to T-cell dependent antigens.