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Food and Beverage Analysis – Multimedia

A Quantitative LC-MS/MS Method for 15 Mycotoxins in Corn-Based Animal Feed content piece image
App Note / Case Study

A Quantitative LC-MS/MS Method for 15 Mycotoxins in Corn-Based Animal Feed

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by fungi and are commonly found in corn, wheat and other grains used in animal feed. Testing of animal feed by Veterinary Diagnostic Labs prior to distribution to livestock for consumption is important in managing animal nutrition, preventing toxicosis and preventing financial loss in the animal production industry
Black Pepper Authenticity Workflow content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Black Pepper Authenticity Workflow

Food fraud is a rapidly growing and evolving business, therefore several analytical methods have recently been developed to address the concern regarding food adulteration.
Adjuvants for Immunotherapy and Vaccine Development content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Adjuvants for Immunotherapy and Vaccine Development

Download this flyer to discover various monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) adjuvants as well as a trehalose dibehenate and DDA adjuvant system for tuberculosis vaccines.
Sequencing the Microbiome: Five Recent Advances content piece image

Sequencing the Microbiome: Five Recent Advances

Download this listicle to discover recent research highlights such as the role of the microbiome in food allergies, sequencing microbiome dynamics and overturning conventions in human urology.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Choosing the Right Detector content piece image
How To Guide

High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Choosing the Right Detector

Download this free guide to learn more about how to choose the right HPLC detector for your application.
Automate Your Wet Chemical Analysis content piece image

Automate Your Wet Chemical Analysis

The Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ discrete analyzers can help growing laboratories perform food and beverage analysis, and environmental water analysis by automating labor-intensive and time-consuming multiparameter wet chemical analysis. The high throughput Gallery platform, together with Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ ready-to-use system reagents, offer the highest flexibility with walkaway efficiency.
Quantitation in LC-MS content piece image

Quantitation in LC-MS

With growing concerns over a multitude of food risks, accurate and sensitive analytical tools are needed to ensure food safety. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has become an indispensable method for food safety testing and quality control, capable of detecting and quantifying even trace amounts of numerous contaminants and harmful species in food.
6 Innovative Applications of Microbes content piece image

6 Innovative Applications of Microbes

Microbes have many beneficial properties and for many years, humans, animals and plants have exploited them for their own benefit. We discuss some of the many and varied uses to which microbes are being applied.
Vanquish HPLC and UHPLC Bibliography content piece image
How To Guide

Vanquish HPLC and UHPLC Bibliography

Download this guide to discover a system that can provide uninterrupted analysis plus seamless transfer, offer unrivalled performance and throughput for the most demanding separations and improve analysis of complex samples by enabling separation of difficult-to-resolve analytes.
Basics and Fundamentals of Gas Chromatography content piece image
How To Guide

Basics and Fundamentals of Gas Chromatography

Download this guide to uncover basic instrumentation of GC and how it can affect your analysis, sample injection methods and use cases for each method as well as features of GC detectors and finding the right one for different applications.