Food and Beverage Analysis – Multimedia

Meet the Isotope Hunters at Eurofins (Nantes)
The Isotope Hunters at Eurofins (Nantes) investigate, also with isotopes, on food authenticity, to ensure consumer trust and fairer market competition. No matter the samples, wine, juice, honey, they are looking to identify adulteration and fraud in food and beverage.

Techniques in Wine Analysis
Download this listicle to learn about the wine analysis techniques used in the vineyard, after harvest, for contaminant detection and to determine authenticity.

Food and Beverage Analysis Using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Atomic absorption (AA) spectroscopy may not be a new analytical technique, but that does not mean it is any less important than alternative newer tools. Download this eBook to discover the uses of AA in quality control for milk products, heavy metal analyses and wine analysis.

App Note / Case Study
GC-MS for Food Safety Analysis
Access this compendium to discover GC-MS food analysis solutions that are simple, cost-effective, fast, ultra-sensitive and are able to characterize the unknown.

Food Crime Q&A
Experts Ron McNaughton, head of the Scottish Food Crime and Incidents Unit (SFCIU), at Food Standards Scotland, and Chris Elliott, professor of food security at Queen's University Belfast and director of the Institute for Global Food Safety, took part in a joint question and answer interview tackling a variety of food crime issues.

GC-MS for Food Safety Analysis
In order to protect consumers and the environment, monitoring the food supply to ensure levels of chemical residues and contaminants are compliant with statutory levels set by regulatory bodies is imperative.

What Is Food Crime?
Experts Ron McNaughton, head of the Scottish Food Crime and Incidents Unit at Food Standards Scotland, and Chris Elliott, professor of food security at Queen's University Belfast and director of the Institute for Global Food Safety, took part in a joint question and answer interview tackling a variety of food crime issues.

App Note / Case Study
Rapid Workflow for Detection of Select Bacteria in Samples
The human digestive tract is home to > 1,000 different species of microorganisms. Purification of microbial DNA from a sample is a key step in understanding the microbiome composition and its influences on human health. Download this app note to discover a detection workflow that can be performed in as little as 2 hours.

Cheers! How to determine sulfur dioxide (SO2) in beer and other liquid samples
Using the Kjeldahl method for sulfur dioxide determination in alcoholic beverages

How To Guide
An Analytical Guide for Routine Beverage Analysis
Access this guide to discover a method that can simultaneously automate routine beverage analysis from a single sample.