Food and Beverage Analysis – Multimedia

Food Authenticity and Spectroscopy
You may have certainly enjoyed an authentic honey, wine, or olive oil. Yet, each of these foods are at risk for fraud. To mitigate and investigate food fraud, researchers use analytical methods, such as spectroscopy, to analyze the constituents of food.

The Future of Food
Download this infographic to discover more about current food issues, trends and testing.

What's in Your Food?
Download this infographic to find out more about what's in your food and the scientific communities responsible for developing food standards.

Mapping the World With Food
Download this infographic to discover the importance of being aware of how foods are produced, as well as the role of food regulations and standards.

Cheese as a Model Microbial Ecosystem - Rachel Dutton (Harvard)
Most microbes in nature exist within a microbial community. However, little is known about how different microbial species interact with each other and their environment to form these communities. Rachel Dutton uses cheese as a model system for studying microbial ecosystems.

What You Should Know About Food Safety
Download this infographic to discover learn more about food safety.

App Note / Case Study
Solid Phase Extraction Cleanup for Analysis of 11 Regulated Mycotoxins
Download this application note to learn how AFFINIMIP® SPE Multimyco LC-MS/MS offers fast, effective sample clean-up, high yields and simplicity.

QTRAP® Technology: A Compendium of Related Research Applications
Download this free eBook to discover the functions of SCIEX QTRAP technology and how these can help analytical labs address the challenges they face.

How Do Scientists at UMass-Amherst Make Sure Astronaut Food Is Nutritious? | Behind the Science S3E8
Jen visits the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to meet Tim Goulette and William Dixon, food science Ph.D. students.

Chemical Mixtures and Food Safety
Food may contain different chemicals, both natural and man-made and some of them may raise health concerns depending on their toxicity and levels in our bodies. Find out how we assess risks posed by multiple chemicals from one of EFSA's scientists.