LC-MS – Multimedia
Differential Expression Analysis using an Unlabelled Approach and a New Software for Relative Quantification of LC-MS Data
DeCyder™ MS Differential Analysis Software (DeCyder MS) is a new tool for visualization, detection, identification and label-free relative quantification of LC-MS and LC-MS/MS data.
Software for Automated Differential Expression Using 2D and 3D Representations of LC-MS Data Interactive Confirmation of Results
DeCyder™ MS is a novel software program for fully automated differential expression analysis based on LC-MS/MS data including detection, quantitation, sample to sample comparison and statistical data evaluation. Results can be interactively confirmed against original raw data through 2D and 3D data visualizations.
The Use of Software Visualization Tools for the Identification of PTM Patterns and Artefacts in LC-MS Experiments
By representing LC-MS data as a 2D-image as demonstrated in the novel DeCyder™ MS software, it is possible to identify phenomena, which are very difficult to recognize using conventional LC-MS data representation.
Addressing the Repoducibility Aspect of LC-MS Based Protein Identification
By using the detection, matching, and visualization approach ofDeCyder™ MS were retention time, precursor mass, and the topology of the intensity profile is utilized in combination with the matching of tandem mass spectra, it is possible to achieve repeat analysis with a very high reproducibility.