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LC-MS – Multimedia

Superior Characterization of Biotherapeutic Quality Attributes Using Electron Activated Dissociation content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Superior Characterization of Biotherapeutic Quality Attributes Using Electron Activated Dissociation

The multi-attribute method (MAM) is a powerful LC-MS method that overcomes this challenge by simultaneously monitoring and quantifying multiple PQAs in a single injection.
Advances in Mass Spectrometry content piece image

Advances in Mass Spectrometry

There is a global trend towards more self‑aware, intelligent tools meant to make life easier.
Distinguishing Oxidative Impurities From Ionizable Lipids Used in LNP Formulations content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Distinguishing Oxidative Impurities From Ionizable Lipids Used in LNP Formulations

Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), comprised of ionizable lipids, are used to deliver oligonucleotides to work as therapeutics or to stimulate the immune system, as in the initial mRNA-based COVID vaccines.
Monitoring Intact Light Chain of Therapeutic mAbs in Human Serum Using HRAM LC-MS content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Monitoring Intact Light Chain of Therapeutic mAbs in Human Serum Using HRAM LC-MS

Download this tech note to learn how mass spectrometry has gained substantial popularity for therapeutic mAb monitoring in clinical laboratories due to its great versatility to detect both tryptic peptides and intact light and heavy chains quantitatively.
Targeted Screening and Quantitation With a Tox Explorer Triple Quadrupole LC-MS Workflow content piece image

Targeted Screening and Quantitation With a Tox Explorer Triple Quadrupole LC-MS Workflow

Detect an ever-increasing number of substances at ever-decreasing concentrations. The Thermo Scientific™ Tox Explorer™ Collection helps the world’s toxicology community in forensics, clinical research, employee drug testing, and sports anti-doping navigate with ease to solve complex analytical challenges and increase productivity. Tox Explorer Collection is an all-in-one toxicology solution. Incorporating the TSQ Quantis Plus mass spectrometer for drugs of abuse testing enables sensitive and reproducible analytical measurement needed for confirmation for compounds covering a range of compound classes and polarities.
High Throughput Paper-Spray Mass Spectrometry for Validated Clozapine TDM content piece image

High Throughput Paper-Spray Mass Spectrometry for Validated Clozapine TDM

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) represents significant workflow demands and revenue generation for clinical laboratories. A high throughput, validated paper spray mass spectrometry assay using the Thermo Scientific™ VeriSpray™ source is presented as a facile and rapid TDM strategy for the direct, quantitative analysis of clozapine and its metabolite in human serum samples. Quantitative results obtained compare favourably with a validated clinical LC-MS assay.
A Novel Data Processing Workflow for Isotope Tracing Experiments in LC-MS content piece image
App Note / Case Study

A Novel Data Processing Workflow for Isotope Tracing Experiments in LC-MS

On the frontier of metabolic pathway analysis and fluxomics research, LC-MS and LC-TIMS-MS based isotope tracing experiments offer the opportunity to detect and quantify the incorporation of isotopically labeled atoms into an organism’s metabolites.
Automation of Sample Prep Workflows for LC-MS – Labor Berlin's Experience content piece image

Automation of Sample Prep Workflows for LC-MS – Labor Berlin's Experience

Are you considering automating your LC-MS sample prep workflows? Learn about the benefits of automation through Labor Berlin's experience in Drugs of Abuse Testing in oral fluid samples. This video is part of our Webinar on "Automating Workflows for Drugs of Abuse Testing via LC-MS - Labor Berlin's Experience."
Distinguishing Oxidative Impurities From Ionizable Lipids Using Electron Activated Dissociation content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Distinguishing Oxidative Impurities From Ionizable Lipids Using Electron Activated Dissociation

Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) comprised of ionizable lipids can be used to deliver oligonucleotides to work as therapeutics or to stimulate the immune system. Detailed and sensitive characterization of the ionizable lipid and its related impurities is necessary to ensure quality, however, obtaining the level of detail needed is challenging with current LC-MS-based methodologies.
An LC-MS/MS Toxicology Workflow for Screening Drugs content piece image
App Note / Case Study

An LC-MS/MS Toxicology Workflow for Screening Drugs

One of the major challenges faced by most toxicology laboratories is analyzing hundreds of drugs of abuse in biological samples. This is further complicated by the constantly increasing emergence in the volume of designer and illicit drugs.