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RNA-Seq – News and Features


Technical University Munich Licences Genomatix Microarray Analysis Pipeline

The agreement gives Center for Nurtigenomics full access to the Genomatix Microarray Analysis Pipeline.

Genedata Collaborates with HepatoSys Systems Biology Competence Network

Genedata has developed a computational system to analyze molecular processes in mammalian liver cells.

Genedata Collaborates with €12.6M European Cancer Research Consortium

Company will provide research informatics for the consortium’s efforts to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Genedata Collaborates with Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation

Research involves sequencing, genome-wide functional studies and strain and process design.

Investigating Leukaemias Using Proteomics Technologies from Applied Biosystems

Researchers are using Applied Biosystems’ MS Systems to systematically analyse the proteomes of normal and malignant stem cells.

ExonHit Expands Splicearray Line on Affymetrix Microarray Platform

SpliceArray products are now available on both Agilent and Affymetrix microarray platforms.

Almac Licenses the Rosetta Resolver System

Almac licenses the Rosetta Resolver® system for use in the development of microarray-based approaches for diagnosing cancer.

GenoLogics to Provide Platform and Data Management System to SGUL

The system combines the capability of managing the complex data arising from conventional proteomic studies.

'Metabolomics' is Suited to the Screening of Patients for Clinical Trials

The information garnered through metabolomics will lead to the development of diagnostic tools.

Neurocrine Takes Delivery of Genedata’s Gene Expression Analysis System

Genedata’s computational solution for drug discovery used to scale-up gene expression data analysis capabilities.