UV-Vis Spectroscopy – Multimedia

Recent Developments Expanding the Applications of UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Although UV-Vis spectroscopy is a well-established method, it continues to evolve and is extensively used for the analysis of different types of molecules in varied matrices.

Discover a Flexible UV-Vis Spectroscopy Solution
Labs rely on UV-Vis spectrophotometers daily to analyze, characterize and quantify samples. However, reliance on older models requires the yearly replacement of deuterium lamps and the need to wait for the instrument to warm up before each use.

App Note / Case Study
Enhance Your UV-Vis Spectroscopy With a Wide Dynamic Range
This application note highlights a spectrophotometer that offers advanced photometric performance in a routine system for the direct measurement of liquid and solid samples.

App Note / Case Study
Effortlessly Enhancing Photometric Performance for UV-Vis Spectroscopy
This application note highlights an easy and quick solution for the quantification of low- and high-concentration samples and also provides insights into selecting the optimal path length.

App Note / Case Study
Achieving UV-Vis Requirements for Pharmaceutical Packaging
This application note explores the benefits UV-Vis can unlock when analyzing plastic pharmaceutical packaging.

Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy
Download this infographic to explore how UV-Vis spectroscopy works, what it can tell us, its strengths and limitations and its applications.

How To Guide
Pharmaceutical Standards Guide for UV-Vis Spectrophotometers
For UV-Visible spectrophotometers in regulated laboratories, performance verification (PV) at installation and at set intervals thereafter is needed, however, the selection of standards for use in PV testing can be challenging.

App Note / Case Study
Determining the Quantity of Sodium Hypochlorite in Disinfectants
Sodium hypochlorite has become one of the most popular disinfectants due to its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, affordability and its ability to tackle COVID-19. Having a robust method for the determination of hypochlorite is vital to reduce exposure to humans.

UV/visible Spectroscopy in the Development of Biopharmaceuticals
In this list, discover how ultraviolet/visible (UV/vis) spectroscopy rises to the challenges of biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing processes.

Food Authenticity and Spectroscopy
You may have certainly enjoyed an authentic honey, wine, or olive oil. Yet, each of these foods are at risk for fraud. To mitigate and investigate food fraud, researchers use analytical methods, such as spectroscopy, to analyze the constituents of food.