FAQ: Tips & Tricks for Working With Plateable Hepatocytes
In the latest installment of ADME 101, one of our hepatocyte experts answers frequently asked questions about plateable hepatocytes, discusses common reasons why hepatocyte plating fails and demonstrates helpful techniques that will improve the performance of your plated hepatocytes in your in vitro assays. Topics include:
- What are plateable hepatocytes used for?
- What do we consider to be an attaching lot?
- How do I choose which species to use?
- How do I know what concentration is best for seeding?
- What’s the difference between CryostaX and traditional hepatocytes?
- How crucial is accurate cell count?
- How long can my cells sit before I plate them?
- Why do I have to wait until the next day to overlay rat hepatocytes?
- My 96 wells aren’t working; what am I doing wrong?
To learn more, please review our hepatocyte thawing and plating protocol and watch our demo videos: https://www.xenotech.com/in-vitro-test-systems/cell-products/cell-media-reagents/hepatocyte-cell-media/?emat=221LT
About the presenter: Halee McElhaney joined SEKISUI XenoTech in 2013 and is now one of our primary hepatocyte experts (pun intended). She has been on both sides of hepatocyte production. She started performing animal perfusions and processing tissue. Now she cultures hepatocytes for both in-house characterization and customers, provides quality control for all hepatocyte lots, troubleshoots in-house and client issues, and processes and interprets data. She also performs R&D and provides training for our team of Product Specialists.
Download slides: https://www.xenotech.com/webinar-slides/sekisui-xenotech_plating-hepatocytes-faq-adme-101?emat=221LT
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