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Metabolite ID/Characterization Studies FAQ

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Presenter: Mark Horrigan, SEKISUI XenoTech Study Director

In this short, information-packed ADME 101 video, one of the principal scientists in our program oversight department discusses the main frequently asked questions that we receive about metabolite identification and characterization studies.

Major topics of the presentation include:
- Met ID in Drug Development
- Definitions
- Regulatory expectations
- In vitro test systems
- In vivo studies
- Radiolabeled vs cold test article
- Quantitative information
- Interpretation of results

About the presenter: Mark Horrigan joined SEKISUI XenoTech in 2005 as a Senior Mass Spectrometry Specialist and Qualitative Analysis group leader. Since then he has served as a Principal Scientist in the Drug Metabolism and Program Oversight Departments.

Download a copy of the slides: https://www.xenotech.com/webinar-slides/sekisui-xenotech_metabolite-id-characterization_ad?emat=121LT
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