Improving Long-Read Next Generation Sequencing: What You Should Know
Published: December 19, 2024

Credit: iStock
Long-read, single-molecule DNA sequencing is a foundational method in genomics research, with applications including identifying complex structural variants and analyzing whole chromosomes.
However, long-read sequencing requires significantly different techniques for sample and DNA library preparation compared to short-read sequencing, which must be performed correctly to produce accurate and meaningful results.
This whitepaper explores the applications of long-read sequencing technologies and best practice strategies to overcome challenges in sample preparation.
Download this whitepaper to discover:
- The advantages of long-read DNA sequencing
- Steps to ensure high-quality sequencing data
- Case studies that demonstrate best practices in library preparation
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures
Improving longread next
sequencing (NGS):
What you should
know about
sample and library
During recent years, long-read, single-molecule DNA sequencing
has ascended to become a foundational technology in genomic
research. With the ability to provide a more comprehensive view
of the genome, the technology has been applied to resolve some
of the most challenging areas of human genetics. It also has been
effective identifying complex structural variants and analyzing
among the first telomere-to-telomere assemblies of whole
While long-read sequencing is becoming common in genetic
research, it introduces new requirements for sample and DNA
library preparation. This scientific brief describes the workflows
that ensure long-read sequencing projects will generate accurate
results. It explores the major problems that can arise when
samples are improperly processed. In addition, the results of two
long-read sequencing applications are reviewed that demonstrate
best-practice in library preparation.
What is long-read sequencing and why is it
Long-read sequencing is a technique that enables the sequencing
of much longer DNA fragments than traditional short-read
sequencing methods. While short reads can capture the majority
of genetic variation, long-read sequencing allows the detection of
complex structural variants that may be difficult to detect with
short reads.
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Improving long-read next generation sequencing (NGS): What you should know about sample and library preparation. 2
Long-read sequencing immediately addresses one of the main
challenges faced by short-read sequencing. It can sequence
an entire single molecule — eliminating amplification bias and
generating a reasonable length to overlap a sequence for
better sequence assembly.2
By overcoming the hurdles inherent to the length and
complexity of many genomes, such as missing parts or
errors, long-read sequencing produces complete, accurate
The fragment size for long reads is typically 10,000 base pairs,
much longer than the typical 400 base pairs found in short
reads. In addition, long-read sequencing can determine the
nucleotide sequence of much longer DNA sequences, typically
between 10,000 to 100,000 base pairs. This eliminates the
need for DNA cleavage and amplification methodologies in
short-read sequencing techniques.
Common long-read sequencing technologies
The two most widely used commercial long-read technologies
are provided by Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore
Technologies. PacBio’s® Single Molecule Real-Time (SMRT™)
sequencing has an average read length of about 20 kb with
>99.9% accuracy for HiFi™ reads. PacBio’s HiFi sequencing
method is a new type of long-read sequencing technology with
accuracy on par with short reads and Sanger sequencing.3
Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ nanopore sequencing
provides an average read length of about 100 kb for ultralong reads with about 99% accuracy for R10.4.4
The advantages of long-read dna sequencing
Long-read technology can help resolve challenging regions of
the genome by sequencing thousands of bases to:
• Resolve traditionally difficult to map genes or regions of
the genome, such as those containing highly variable or
repetitive elements
• Perform phased sequencing to identify co-inherited alleles,
haplotype information, and phase de novo mutations
• Generate long reads for de novo assembly and genome
finishing applications
The technology allows the laboratory to achieve improved
accuracy for repeated sequences and copy number variations.
It permits more accurate detection of a large number of
mutations, plus optimizes DNA extraction protocols. The
technology is rapid, affordable, and in some cases, portable.5
Most popular applications
The longer read lengths are responsible for enabling the vast
number of discoveries in reading genomes, transcriptomes and
epigenomes in humans and other species. Long-read data has
revealed many previously dark regions of the genome, such as
telomeres, which we now know are important in our ability to
understand cancer and aging.5
It has enabled ongoing, active
method development for long-read data analysis tasks, ranging
from identifying different bases and chemical modifications in
DNA and RNA to genome variation detection.
The technology offers solutions that solve some of the present
challenges in metagenomic assembly by providing greater
sequence overlap, simplification of the assembly process, and
assembly quality improvement (e.g., N50, the weighted midpoint of the read length distribution of a sequencing run). Longread sequencing also permits direct assembly of complete or
circular bacterial chromosomes from metagenomes.6
Long-read sample and library preparation
Long-read DNA sequencing’s sample and library preparation
workflows encompass significant differences than their shortread counterparts. Correctly performing these work steps are
essential for the generation of meaningful data. The following
are some important differences:
• Many times, long-read applications do not require
amplification — eliminating the inconsistencies that can
result from this work step.
• Fragmentation allows the user to establish the DNA size
at the beginning of the process. For long reads, different
enzymes may be used up front along with reagents, and
fragmentation temperature timing may vary.
• The type of sample being processed also is a key
difference. Depending on quality control (QC) sizing, longread monitoring spikes occur at 25,000 base pairs or more
on a library versus a 500 base-pair curve for short reads.
Improving long-read next generation sequencing (NGS): What you should know about sample and library preparation. 3
Figure 1: The steps in the long-read sequencing sample and library preparation
Four things you should know to ensure
high-quality data
There are four key factors that will ensure high-quality data is
generated from long-read sequencing.
1. Extract ultra-pure, high-molecular weight (HMW) DNA
A well-planned DNA extraction approach for HMW DNA
isolation is critical to achieving the highest-quality data. DNA
purity is the single greatest factor affecting the success of a
sequencing experiment. Degraded samples are more likely
to have significant DNA damage that can reduce read length
and yield during sequencing, plus have overall lower insert
sizes. It is essential to use an extraction process that yields
ultra-pure DNA.
For example, Revvity’s chemagen™ technology provides
an effective solution for challenges associated with the
isolation of HMW gDNA from dried blood spot (DBS) samples.
It eliminates the traditional alkaline elution, lysis, hightemperature, shaking, and centrifugation steps that can result
in nucleic acid denaturation and excessive fragmentation. The
chemagen automated magnetic separation procedure uses
magnetic polyvinyl acetate (M-PVA) beads to isolate and purify
nucleic acid from DBS. The beads’ high affinity for nucleic
acids and low protein binding results in very pure and long
DNA/RNA elution.7
2. Avoid sample contamination
When selecting the sample type to process, a cell-dense tissue
with minimal potential contaminants should be preferred,
e.g., using tissues such blood, brain, kidney, or muscle for
vertebrate applications.8
A contaminated sample can not only
affect enzymatic reactions in library preparation, but also the
efficiency of pore occupation in sequencing — thus decreasing
data yield. Contamination also can occur when washes are
not stringent enough or carryover from salts is present in the
To maximize read length and quality, it is essential that the
DNA sample:9
• Is double-stranded
• Has not undergone multiple freeze-thaw cycles
• Has not been exposed to high temperatures (e.g., > 65° C
for 15 min) or pH extremes (<6 or >9)
• Does not contain insoluble material or RNA contamination
• Has not been exposed to intercalating fluorescent dyes or
ultraviolet radiation.
• Does not contain denaturants (e.g., guanidinium salts or
phenol), detergents (e.g., SDS or Triton X100) or chelating
• Does not have any low molecular weight fragments
3. Conduct careful, gentle library preparation
For long-read applications, particular attention must be given to
how the sample is mixed during library prep to avoid shearing
the DNA. It is recommended to keep the mixing slow and not as
aggressive on certain steps, such as mixing beads with samples.
Another major challenge in long-read sequencing is the
avoidance of DNA shearing of easy-to-lyse organisms while still
achieving lysis of difficult-to-lyse organisms.10 Shearing forces
must not be present that will fragment the DNA.
4. Use sequence-qualified library preparation methods:
the fast track from bench to data
Some automation vendors and kit suppliers collaborate to
produce, test, and QC DNA/RNA libraries, and perform analysis
to ensure the library quality and metrics comply with their
highest standards. Implementing automation with a sequenceUtlra-pure DNA extraction
DNA sample quality analysis
DNA sample normalization
Cleanup and library prep
DNA sequencing
Bioinformatics analysis
Improving long-read next generation sequencing (NGS): What you should know about sample and library preparation. 4
• PacBio HiFiViral™ SARS-CoV-2 Automated on Sciclone® G3
NGSx Workstation
• PacBio SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 on Sciclone
G3 NGSx Workstation
• PacBio SMRTbell® Prep Kit 3.0 on Sciclone G3 NGSx
• Oxford Nanopore Technologies Midnight Protocol [in process]
• Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ligation Sequencing Kit V14
(in process)
Figure 1. SMRTbell library yields (ng/µL)
Figure 2. HiFi read length distribution of three sample pool sizes selected on the
Sage Science Pippin HT and sequenced on a single Revio SMRT Cell. Average
HiFi read length was 19,468 bp.
qualified method eliminates much of the on-site application
development, field service, and support work that is required
by a custom or unqualified automated method. Validated for
accuracy and performance, sequence-qualified automated
library methods considerably reduce the time from system
install to actual sequencing — from months to as few as five
days from installation.
Revvity presently has three sequence-qualified library methods
available for long-read applications with more coming in the
PacBio SMRTbell Prep Kit 3.0 on Sciclone G3
NGSx Workstation
PacBio’s SMRTbell Prep Kit 3.0 automated on Revvity’s
Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation offers a high throughput
workflow for long-read library preparation. This solution
reduces hands-on-time, human error, and variability to
generate SMRTbell HiFi libraries for sequencing on the Revio™
or Sequel IIe systems.11
In testing, the HiFi Library prep application on the Sciclone
workstation consisted of five steps: end repair/A tailing,
adapter ligation, 1X bead cleanup, nuclease treatment, and
1X bead cleanup. The total processing time for the 48-sample
library prep, including incubations, was approximately 4.5
The full workflow using the 1X SMRTbell cleanup option
produced libraries with an average yield of 54.91 ng/µL (figure
7) with an average of 38.93% recovery, which is within the
expected range of the kit. The 3-plex pool on Revio yielded a
total of 98 Gb of HiFi bases with mean read lengths >19 kb for
each of the 3 demultiplexed samples (Table 1 and Figure 2).
Whereas the 44-plex pool on Sequel II yielded a total 35 Gb,
with good coverage balance across all 44 samples (Figure 1).
Improving long-read next generation sequencing (NGS): What you should know about sample and library preparation. 5
Results: the full workflow produced PacBio SMRTbell®
libraries with yields from 8.76 ng/µL to 79.1 ng/µL (figure 1),
averaging 55.6 ng/ µL. All samples were within the target peak
of > 700 bp.
Figure 2 shows the primary analysis results for two PacBio
HiFiViral libraries on the PacBio Sequel lle sequencer. With
%P1 32%, the libraries generated yield of 1.55 Gb with a mean
subread length of 18.9 kb.
Figure 3. HiFi yield per barcoded library prepared on the Sciclone G3 NGSx system.
Figure 1: PacBio SMRTbell library yields
Table 1. Revio sequencing metrics for the three sequenced barcoded samples prepared on the Sciclone G3 NGSx system. The run achieved a total of 98 Gb of barcoded
HiFi data, and > 10 fold coverage across the human genome for each sample.
Sample Barcode HiFi Reads HiFi Read
Length mean
HiFi Read
Quality mean HiFi Yield (Gb) Fold coverage
per sample
HG001 C5 bc2035 1,684,696 19,488 bp Q27 32.83 10.5
HG001 E5 bc2037 1,665,826 19,517 bp Q27 32.51 10.4
HG001 A7 bc2049 1,690,932 19,407 bp Q27 32.82 10.5
NA No barcode 43,647 19,166 bp Q24 00.84 na
Total barcoded yield and coverage 98.16 Gb 31.4
PacBio HiFiViral™ SARS-CoV-2 automated on
Sciclone G3 NGSx Workstation
The PacBio HiFiViral™ SARS-CoV-2 kit was developed as
a scalable solution with increased resilience against virus
mutations, designed for use on the PacBio Sequel lle system.
The kit was automated on Revvity’s Sciclone G3 NGSx
workstation to enable a high-throughput workflow from cDNA
synthesis through library construction. PacBio successfully
processed different control inputs on the Sciclone G3 NGSx
workstation. The resulting libraries aligned with QC and
sequencing metrics expected for the kit.12
The full workflow consisted of two applications on the
Sciclone workstation with user touch points for off-deck
incubation and reagent plating. The first application took
the samples through cDNA amplification and the second
application processed the pooled amplified cDNA through
library construction.
Improving long-read next generation sequencing (NGS): What you should know about sample and library preparation.
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The PacBio HiFiViral SARS-CoV-2 kit provided a robust,
simple-to-use, scalable, cost-effective solution for sequencing
the entire SARS-CoV-2 genome. Automating the PacBio
HiFiViral kit on the Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation not only
Figure 2: The results for control samples on a Sequel lle system prepared by Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation.
reduced hands-on time and sample variability but also
reduced the overall project cost. The Sciclone G3 system is
intuitive and simple to use with its interface-guided workflow
set-up and step tracking.
Long-read sequencing introduces new requirements for
sample and DNA library preparation, encompassing significant
differences than their short-read counterparts. These include
the elimination of the amplification step, plus a fragmentation
step that allows the researcher to establish the DNA size
at process inception. Depending on QC sizing, long-read
monitoring spikes occur at 25,000 base pairs or more on a
library versus a 500 base-pair curve for short reads.
When conducting long-read sample and library preparation,
there are four key issues that must be considered:
1. Extract ultra-pure, high-molecular weight (HMW) DNA using
platforms based on gentle rotational resuspension technology
2. Avoid practices that can introduce sample contamination
3. Conduct careful, gentle library preparation by minimizing
shearing forces during library preparation with gentle pipetting
4. Use sequence-qualified library preparation methods that will
dramatically shorten bench-to-data times and complexity
By embracing the correct methodology for processing
long-read samples, researchers can expect more accurate
sequencing data and higher throughput.
1 A complete reference genome improves analysis of human
genetic variation, Science, April 2022.
2, 5 CD Genomics Website,
Method of the Year 2022: long-read sequencing, Nature
Methods, January 12, 2023.
Benchmarking of Nanopore R10.4 and R9.4.1 flow cells in
single-cell whole-genome amplification and whole-genome
shotgun sequencing, Elsevier Computational and Structural
Biotechnology Journal, Volume 21, 2023.
6, 10 Optimizing Sample Preparation for Metagenomic Assembly
using Long-Read Sequencing, Zymo Research.
Comparison of Automated Nucleic Acid Purification Systems
on High Molecular Weight (HMW) DNA Extraction Efficiency,
Revvity Application Note, 2023.
PacBio Website,
Genome Sample Requirements, Long-Read Sample Services,
University of New South Wales, Ramaciotti Centre for
11 PacBio SMRTbell® Prep Kit 3.0 on Sciclone G3 NGSx
Workstation Application Note, 2023.
12 PacBio HiFiViral™ SARS-CoV-2 Automated on Sciclone G3
NGSx Workstation Application Note, 2022.
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