The Latest in Data Integrity Best Practices
Last Updated: September 25, 2023
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Published: July 20, 2023

Maintaining data integrity in current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) environments is crucial to ensuring the safety, efficacy and quality of drugs. Unprotected data can present a risk to business continuity, result in costly product recall or even lead to a breakdown of public and regulator trust.
Understanding how data integrity workflows and best practices are defined can help researchers to establish a secure and compliant environment.
This whitepaper explores the importance of data integrity in drug manufacturing workflows. It highlights key resources that can help you stay up to date with the latest regulations.
Download this whitepaper to discover:
- The role of integrity measures in data traceability, accuracy and reliability
- Useful system access approaches, audit trails and electronic signatures
- Key compliance requirements according to CFR and European Union law
After two and a half years of releasing a draft version, in
December 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
published the finalized guidance document entitled “Data Integrity
and Compliance with Drug CGMP”. Through the response of the
public’s comments, the agency offered more details around their
thinking of current best practices for the “design, operation and
monitoring of systems to maintain data integrity.1
The aim for this
document was to give clarity of data integrity’s role in Current
Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP), as required in 21 CFR parts
210, 211, and 212. The FDA has always maintained the goal of
drug manufacturers ensuring data is complete, consistent, and
accurate, and therefore trustworthy and reliable. The published
guidance is intended to assist manufacturers in addressing
prominent identified data integrity gaps. It points towards
implementation of best practices, to address issues that can
create risks to the reliability and the integrity of data produced.
It is important that there is an understanding of how data
integrity is defined when considering establishment of a compliant
working environment and process. The FDA defines data integrity
as “completeness, consistency, and accuracy of data. Complete,
consistent, and accurate data should be attributable, legible,
contemporaneously recorded, original or a true copy, and accurate
ALCOA itself has evolved to ALCOA Plus, which
incorporates two of the fundamental definition terms as stated
by the FDA; complete, consistent, enduring and available.
FDA Warning Letters
The drug manufacturing environment has evolved, bringing
new technologies and more computerized systems. However,
this has brought more challenges to the agencies for oversight
to these advanced opportunities. The guidance document was
issued in reaction to ‘increasingly observed CGMP violations
involving data integrity during CGMP inspections”, which
consequently “led to numerous regulatory actions, including
warning letters, import alerts and consent decrees”. Data has
been reported and collected for the last several years on the
number of warning letters which have data integrity
components to them. In the past six years, there has been a
steady increase in the observance of these warning letters.
Reviewing this data from 2013-2018 (10 warning letters in
2013 compared with 54 in 2018), a 540 % increase in
warning letters issued with a data integrity component has
been reported.3
Inspectors continue to increase scrutiny of
data trustworthiness as ensuring data integrity in CGMP
environments is a crucial aspect of agency’s responsibility to
ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of drugs, and to
safeguard public health.
PAPER Data Integrity: What is it and Why is it Important?
Unprotected data can result in loss of data and business
continuity, drug product quality and recall risk, potential adverse
reactions in patients (resulting from inadequate product quality
or safety), downtime of production lines, undermine assurance
of pharmaceutical quality, and break down basic trust between
regulators and the general public.
ALCOA is an acronym, frequently used by the FDA, relating to
both paper and electronic records (Figure 2).2
ALCOA has been
expanded to ALCOA Plus to include the crucial terms complete,
consistent, enduring, and available (Figure 3 and Table 1). The
first two terms are the foundation to the general definition of
data integrity. Enduring allows for the record to be kept over
time in its original state and maintaining data availability is
important not only during inspections but also for reworking
steps in a process if required.5
As recent as 2018, data integrity violations, which became a
part of issued warning letters, covered 58 % (54) of the 95
total warning letters issued. Findings do not seem to rest in one
geographical location. The FDA maintains a jurisdiction of safety
and compliance for any company which produces and intends to
import or sell a drug product into the US. Outside the US, 60 %
(44/73) of warning letters issued in 2018 had a data integrity
component, compared with 45 % (10/22) of warning letters in
the US. Regions outside the US which have routinely topped the
list of having the higher percentage of warning letters with data
integrity components include China and India. The final guidance
document provides a question and answer format with 18 questions
and FDA suggested responses, including explanations of the main
terminologies used during CGMP inspections. It reflects the FDA’s
current thinking on the creation and management of data in
accordance with CGMP requirements.2-4
Why is Data Integrity Important?
Data integrity is crucial throughout the entire CGMP data life
cycle to guarantee traceability, accuracy and reliability. This
applies to the creation, modification, processing, reporting,
archival, retrieval, transmission and disposition of data after the
record’s retention period ends (Figure 1). System design and
controls should protect original data against accidental and
intentional modifications, falsification, and loss or deletion,
throughout its life cycle.2
Figure 1. Data life cycle.
Processing Reporting Archival Retrieval Destruction
Who acquired
the data or
performed an
action and when?
Is the data
presented in a
clear and
Is the data
documented at the
time of the activity?
Is the date/time
format clear?
Is the raw data
or source data
available in its
original form, or
is there a true copy?
Is the record complete?
Does the data contain
(i.e. metadata)?
Is the system suitable
and in calibration?
Figure 2. ALCOA data quality acronym.
Enduring Consistent
Available Complete
Legible Original
Attributable Accurate
Figure 3. ALCOA Plus data quality acronym.
Filter Cost/Filter
Attributable Access Control, Audit Trail Design, Date and Time,
Electronic Signatures, GDP
Legible Good Document Practices
Contemporaneous Date and Time, Good Documentation Practices,
Audit Trail
Raw Data and Metadata retention, electronic lab
notebook (if used), Document control (use of forms
or notebooks should be controlled in a systematic
manner to record original data)
Calibration, Laboratory controls, Change Control,
Deviation and Incident management, Validation,
Complete Laboratory Controls, Good Documentation
Practices, Manual data entry, Audit Trail Rules
Validation, Audit Trail Review, system development
life cycle (SDLC), GxP Records management,
Manual Integration guidance, Out-of-Specification
Data Backup and Recovery, Audit Trail Design,
Building Monitoring System design, Data Migration
and Archiving, Business Continuity
Available Data Backup and Recovery, Data archiving,
Building Monitoring System design
Table 1. Directive/SOP/work instructions for the respective ALCOA Plus
dimensions of data integrity.5
Key areas the FDA has routinely placed focus on include access
controls, audit trails, and complete validations of systems.
Reliability in the data created, reported, approved and used to
release a product can be proved by providing evidence in the
form of policies, procedures and controls, together with
documented proof that each has been tested for its intended
purpose (as written into the policy or procedure). This reliability
establishes trust in the data’s integrity throughout the data life
cycle. Elimination or complete neglect to these items shows the
agency a lack of commitment to the quality and integrity of the
data produced.
When working with a computerized system, it is required to
establish documented evidence which provides assurance that
the System will consistently produce results which meet its
predetermined requirements, specification and quality.
Understanding how the instrument will be used, the risks
associated with functions and what requires a validation is the
responsibility of the end user prior to allowing that system to
release data in a GMP environment. Key features as mentioned
above, access control and audit trails must be understood and tested.
CGMP for Drugs
CGMP for drugs (21 CFR parts 210, 211, and 212) requires
companies “to use technologies and systems that are up-to-date
in order to comply with the regulations”. FDA’s authority for
CGMP originates from section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).
In recent years, regulatory agencies have determined that
electronic data is more secure and less likely to be manipulated
when tracking the lifecycle of products and processes. Electronic
data does, however, need to be compliant with Chapter 21 Code
of Federal Regulations Part 11 and the European Union
law EDQM Annex 11.
Some key requirements with respect to data integrity for
CGMP include:
• Documentation at time of performance
• Data should be “stored to prevent deterioration or loss”
• Backup data needs to be exact, complete and secure from
alteration, inadvertent erasures, or loss
• Records should be retained as “original records”, “true
copies” or other “accurate reproductions of the
original records”
• Complete records of all data
CGMP-compliant record-keeping practices, such as audit trails,
prevent data from being lost or obscured and ensure
documentation at the time of performance.3
This also
demonstrates compliance to Data Integrity, as ALCOA states.
21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11
The FDA’s regulation on Electronic Records and Signatures
(21 CFR Part 11), and the European Medicine Agency’s
Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice – Annex 11:
Computerized systems (EU GMP Annex 11) are two essential
resources available to regulated life-science industries regarding
correct data management. Each document has a strong focus on
record accuracy, integrity, security and retrieval of data. However,
they are not completely aligned.6
EU GMP Annex 11 provides guidance to the industry and defines
the criteria for managing electronic records and signatures.
21 CFR Part 11, on the other hand, is a U.S. federal regulation
which establishes fully enforceable requirements under federal
law regarding integrity, reliability and consistency of electronic
signatures and records.6-9 The regulation comprises three subparts:
1) ‘Subpart A − General Provisions’ covers the scope,
implementation, and definitions of the regulation.
2) ‘Subpart B − Electronic Records’ covers controls for open and
closed systems, and electronic signature attributes.
3) ‘Subpart C − Electronic Signatures’ covers the requirements
and controls governing signature usage.
Although the criteria for compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 is quite
extensive, the main facets which must be adhered to include, but
are not limited to:8
21 CFR Part 11.10 (d) highlights that compliant software systems
must be ‘limiting system access to authorized individuals’. This
means a unique User Name and Secret Password is required for
all authorized users.
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21 CFR Part 11.10 (g) emphasizes that the software must ‘use
authority checks to ensure that only authorized individuals can
use the system, electronically sign a record, access the operation
or computer system input or output device, alter a record, or
perform the operation at hand.’ This means there must be
different groups with different accessibility levels. Examples
may include System Admin, General User, Super User.
Electronic Signatures
21 CFR Part 11.100 (a) states that ‘each electronic signature
shall be unique to one individual and shall not be reused by, or
reassigned to, anyone else’. An electronic signature, as defined
by 21 CFR Part 11, means ‘a computer data compilation of any
symbol or series of symbols executed, adopted, or authorized
by an individual to be the legally binding equivalent of the
individual's handwritten signature.’ Electronic signatures are
not compulsory under 21 CFR Part 11 but their use is strongly
recommended. A user name, timestamp, and hierarchy of
privileges should be included in the electronic signature.
Protection of Records
21 CFR Part 11.10 (c) indicates that the software must have
‘Protection of records to enable their accurate and ready retrieval
throughout the records retention period’. Essentially, all data
collected and generated inside the software must be maintained
securely, with adequate provision for ease of its retrieval.
Audit Trails
Audit trails are required for all systems which record GxP data to
ensure traceability. 21 CFR Part 11.10 (e) maintains that the
software must use ‘secure, computer-generated, time-stamped
audit trails to independently record the date and time of
operator entries and actions that create, modify, or delete
electronic records. Record changes shall not obscure previously
recorded information. Such audit trail documentation shall be
retained for a period at least as long as that required for the
subject electronic records and shall be available for agency
review and copying’.
1. Press Release Statement, Food and Drug Administration,
Scott Gottlieb, M.D, December 2018.
Date accessed: March 2019.
2. Data Integrity and Compliance with Drug CGMP: Questions
and Answers; Guidance for Industry, Food and Drug
Administration, 2018.
3. B. Unger, An Analysis of FDA FY2018 Drug GMP Warning
Letters, Pharmaceutical Online, February 2019, https://www. Date accessed: March 2019.
compliance/121415. Date accessed: Feb 2019.
5. The 5P Model for Data Integrity, Institute of Validation
Technology, 2018. Available from: http://www.ivtnetwork.
6. D. Pandolfi, Application Notes and Whitepapers Supplement
2018, European Pharmaceutical Review, 2018, 23, 24-25.
7. Comparison of 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 of EU Guidelines
to GMP, UL PURE Learning, 2018. Available from:
8. Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures, 21 C.F.R., § 11 (2019).
9. Guidance for Industry, Part 11, Electronic Records; Electronic
Signatures – Scope and Application, Food and Drug
Administration, 2003.
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