Discover a High-Throughput, Real-Time Angiogenic Tube Formation Assay

Angiogenesis is a fundamental process underlying the pathology of many diseases. It can be modeled in vitro using tube formation assays, in which endothelial cells are induced to form tube-like structures, to test compounds that inhibit or promote angiogenesis.
However, quantifying tube formation assay data has historically been challenging in high-throughput settings. Traditional methods rely on qualitative visual measures or labor-intensive manual counting, which lack objectivity.
This application note highlights a high-throughput angiogenic tube formation assay using a co-culture of HUVECs and fibroblasts, enabling efficient and accurate drug discovery screening.
Download this application note to learn more about:
- An optimized co-culture protocol for accurate angiogenic tube formation quantification
- The benefits of real-time data collection with minimal culture disturbance
- How this method supports the inclusion of multiple donors and replicates, enhancing data robustness