DNA Measurements in Low Volume Samples, Microplates and Cuvettes on the SPECTROstar Nano
Using the SPECTROstar Nano it is possible to measure in cuvettes and microplates. Cuvette-based measurements have the advantage of all absorbance values being automatically normalized to 1 cm. These values can be directly used to calculate the DNA concentration using Beer’s law and known extinction coefficients.
In microplates the pathlength will vary, depending on the volume of liquid in the well along with the height and dimensions of the well. To obtain data that can be used in Beer’s law it is necessary to normalize the absorbance results to a 1 cm pathlength using a number of methods.
The application note details the measurement of DNA samples using the SPECTROstar Nano with cuvettes, standard microplates and in the LVis Plate.