Generating stable cell lines that maintain consistent gene expression through thaw, passage and experiments remains a significant challenge. This complexity increases when multiple transgenes are transduced simultaneously, often resulting in heterogeneous populations with inconsistent gene expression.
Traditional methods like FACS frequently produce populations with wild-type cells or varying gene expression, complicating downstream analysis and leading to expression drift.
This case study highlights a novel platform that enabled a research team to identify, isolate and expand rare NIH-3T3 clones expressing HER2 and EBFP2, achieving results in weeks rather than months.
Download this case study to discover:
- How innovative workflows identified rare clones in 16 days
- The role of imaging-guided workflows in gene expression verification
- Techniques for improving stability and viability in cell line development
Identification of a rare double positive clone
Collaborative case study in the use of a new technology
platform for fast and easy cell line development
Monoclonal cell line development for NIH-3T3 Cells Expressing EBFP2 and HER-2
Key Highlights
1) Flow sorting failed to
generate a stable double
positive cell population,
even after multiple rounds
of sorting.
2) Rare double positive clones
were able to be identified
using on-array antibody
staining and analysis with
the CellRaft AIR System’s
software guided imaging.
3) The CellRaft AIR System
successfully isolated 100%
of the double positive
clones with over 80% of
the clones forming viable
colonies for downstream
Developing novel cell lines and disease models is a cornerstone and a
necessary tool for scientific discovery. Typically, this process involves
creating a vector such as a plasmid, virus, doggybone DNA, or transposon
to alter gene expression, either by overexpression or deletion. The
construct is then transfected or infected into cells of interest, and
successful insertion of the transgene is identified by flow cytometry,
microscopy, or antibiotic selection (Figure 1). After a positive population
has been recovered, a suitable clone with the desired phenotype needs
to be generated to ensure homogeneity in downstream applications.
Methods to achieve a clonal population include fluorescence activated
cell sorting (FACS), low-pressure dispensers, clone pickers, and limiting
dilution. However, developing cell lines using these methods often: a)
negatively impacts cell viability, resulting in poor colony outgrowth from
isolated clones b) incurs high cost of operation, c) requires large quantities
of consumables, d) is inefficient and labor intensive to confirm clonality,
and e) requires a high degree of operator expertise and troubleshooting.
The case study presented here exemplifies the above-mentioned failure
modes and highlights the utility of a novel technology/platform that was
leveraged to help a research lab at Duke University (Durham, NC, USA)
accelerate their science. The experiment necessitated generating a NIH3T3 cell line that expressed both human epidermal growth factor receptor
2 (HER2) and blue fluorescent protein (EBFP2) after two separate
transductions. Per the lead investigator, previous attempts to generate a
double positive line using FACS failed to yield a pure polyclonal population,
necessitating the generation of a viable, stable monoclonal line. We
leveraged the CellRaft AIR® System as a method of choice for identifying
clonal NIH-3T3 cells that were double positive for both transgenes.
Synthesis Transfection Antibody
& Evaluation
Figure 1: Cell Line Development Workflow. Traditional workflow involves synthesizing a vector with a gene of interest,
transfecting cells with new genetic information, bulk staining a heterogenous population with an antibody of interest, isolating
single cells with genes of interest, validating clonality, and expanding cells before transferring to cryovials for cryopreservation.
Scientific Problem
A scientist engineered NIH-3T3 fibroblast cells with
HER2 to be a model for HER2 driven breast cancer. Since
the HER2 transgene itself was not fluorescently tagged,
the HER2 engineered cells were then transduced with
EBFP2 for fluorescence visualization. Transduced cells
were sorted twice using FACS in an attempt to derive
a stable double positive population. However, during
standard cell culture passaging, the population of cells
appeared to be drifting in the expression of both EBFP2
and HER2 due to the population being heterogeneous
and the normal (non-transduced) cells outcompeting the
transduced cells. The team of researchers turned to Cell
Microsystems for the use of the CellRaft AIR System to
overcome these limitations and derive a suitable clone.
Figure 2: Cell Microsystems Workflow. (1) Heterogeneous cell mixture seeded onto a 200uM Single CellRaft Array. (2) CellRaft
Array scanned on CellRaft AIR System over several timepoints. (3) CellRaft Array is live stained with Anti-HER2. (4) CellRaft
Cytometry identifies rafts of interest containing the population of cells double positive for selected markers of interest. (5)
CellRafts are isolated into 96-well collection plates and expanded into a sizable colony. (6) Monoclonal colonies are expanded
and transferred into T-flasks. (7) Expanded clones are transferred to cryovials for cryopreservation as a master cell bank.
Experimental Design
A bulk heterogenous population of NIH-3T3 cells
expressing EBFP2 and HER2 was seeded on the
CellRaft® Array. Over several days, this population
of cells was imaged on the CellRaft AIR System and
monitored for cell viability, morphology, fluorescence,
and clonality. First, a population of single cells was
selected using software algorithms. From the single
cells, the blue fluorescence channel on the CellRaft AIR
System allowed for EBFP2 positive cells to be identified.
Anti-HER2 with FITC conjugation was used to live-stain
on-array to identify the HER2 expressing cells on day 6.
Using CellRaft CytometryTM, populations were created
for single EBFP2+ cells on day 1 and EBFP+/HER2+
on day 6, and the intersect of those two populations
was used to identify the monoclonal double positives.
The double positive clones were isolated into 96-well
plates using the CellRaft AIR System, expanded, stained
again for verification of HER2 expression off-array, and
CellRaft AIR Workflow
After an initial FACS sort, approximately 10% of the total
population of transduced NIH-3T3 cells were double
positive for EBFP2 and HER2 (Figure 3A). The 10%
double positive population was expanded post-sort and
subsequently re-sorted, yielding an overall 89% EBFP2+/
HER2+ population (Figure 3B). Despite the 89% purity
reported via FACS, after thaw and passage it appeared
that the expression of the two transgenes was not stable,
with HER2 expression drifting throughout passage. To
determine the percentage of double positive cells, the
bulk population was stained with FITC conjugated-AntiHER2. While the majority of cells visibly expressed EBFP2
(Figure 4B), the actual HER2 positive population was less
than 10% (Figure 4C). To obtain a monoclonal EBFP+/
HER2+ clone, the heterogenous population was seeded
on a CellRaft Array, and after cell attachment, the arrays
were imaged using the CellRaft AIR System over the
course of 6 days (Figure 5-6). Using CellRaft Cytometry,
CellRafts containing the desired clones of interest could
easily be identified. As shown in Figure 5, CellRafts that
Figure 3: FACS analysis of NIH-3T3 HER2 EBFP2 cells NIH-3T3 cells were stained for HER2 expression and sorted for
EBFP2 and HER2 double positivity. After an initial bulk sort (A), 10% of the population was double positive, and a re-sort
(B) of that pre-sorted 10% yielded a population that was 89% double positive.
contained a single EBFP2+ cell at timepoint 1 and a
homogeneous EBFP2+/HER2+ colony at timepoint 6
were the rare double positives. In contrast, polyclonal
CellRafts could also easily be identified and discounted,
thereby ensuring both gene expression and clonality
through image-based phenotyping (Figure 6).
Of the 6,000 cells screened on a single CellRaft Array,
there were only 76 double positive clones, compared to
over 400 EBFP2+/HER2- clones (Figure 7). We isolated
33 of the CellRafts containing the rare double positive
clones with 100% isolation efficiency, and over 80%
outgrowth efficiency. Thus, the CellRaft AIR system
could successfully identify and isolate rare double
positive clones that accounted for less than 1.5% of
the total population. Importantly, once isolated and
expanded, the clones were re-tested to confirm HER2
expression, and all clones were indeed double positive
for both EBFP2 and HER2 (Figure 8).
Figure 4. NIH/3T3 EBFP2+ HER2+ cells stained with Anti-HER2-FITC. (A) Brightfield, (B) EBFP2 expression (blue), and (C) HER2
expression (green). 10X Magnification.
Figure 5: Time course images of a CellRaft containing an EBFP2+/HER2+ clone. The CellRaft arrays were imaged in brightfield
and fluorescence 4 hours post-seeding and every 24 hours until colony formation. On day 6, the array was stained with
Anti-HER2-FITC to visualize HER2 expression (green). 10X Magnification.
Figure 6: Time course images of a CellRaft containing polyclonal EBFP2+/HER2- and EBFP2+/HER2+ cells. The CellRaft
arrays were imaged in brightfield and fluorescence 4 hours post-seeding and every 24 hours until colony formation. On day
6, the array was stained with Anti-HER2-FITC to visualize HER2 expression (green). 10X Magnification.
Figure 7: Identification and Isolation of NIH-3T3 EBFP2+/HER+ clones (A) Using CellRaft Cytometry, CellRafts containing
single-cell derived colonies that were EBFP2+ and HER2+ were identified (B) CellRafts containing EBFP2+/HER2+
clones were isolated using the CellRaft AIR System and isolation and outgrowth efficiencies were determined by manual
Figure 8: NIH-3T3 EBFP2+/HER2+ clone expanded off the CellRaft. After isolation and expansion, the double positive
clones were stained with Anti-HER2-FITC to confirm gene expression. (A) Brightfield, (B) EBFP2 expression (blue), and (C)
HER2 expression (green). 10X Magnification.
A persistent challenge for cell line development is
the generation of stable cell lines that maintain gene
expression throughout thaw, passage, and experiment.
This is especially true when multiple transgenes are being
transduced simultaneously, and the expression of the
individual genes is not correlated. Attempts to generate
stable populations using methods such as FACS often
yield heterogeneous populations of cells expressing
varying degrees of the genes of interest, as well as
wild-type cells, which can ultimately obscure or dilute
downstream analysis. In addition, this heterogeneity
leads to an inherent competition for survival in the
population, leading to drift and inconsistency in results.
This struggle was clear in the case study data presented
above. The NIH-3T3 EBFP2+/HER2+ cell line that was
originally generated was only 10% double positive after
transduction, and after successive rounds of FACS
cleanup, only 89% purity of the polyclonal line was
achieved. However, characterization of the cell line by
immunofluorescence revealed that after expansion,
roughly 1.5% of the population was actually double
positive. Identifying, recovering, and single-cell expansion
of this small percentage using FACS or limiting dilution
would prove incredibly challenging, requiring the
screening of millions of cells with a low success rate.
Given the critical need for rapidly developing genetically
edited analytical cell lines to advance drug and disease
research, the research community needs solutions for
overcoming the bottlenecks preventing simple and
efficient development of clonal cell lines.
Using the CellRaft AIR System, we were able to screen
thousands of cells in a single consumable to identify
the rare double positive clones, in a matter of weeks,
not months. In total, the time from cell seeding to clonal
outgrowth was only 16 days, and viable cell banks of the
verified clones were cryopreserved in 27 days. Thus, the
CellRaft AIR® Technology enables successful monoclonal
cell line development for even rare or challenging cells
faster and more efficiently than traditional methods.
1. Biorender. BioRender. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2022,
from .
2. Molecular Devices. (2019, September 20).
Optimize your high-value cell lines. San Jose.
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Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
© 2023 Cell Microsystems Inc. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
801 Capitola Drive, Suite 10
Durham, NC 27713
“The generation of these double positive clonal lines
saved my lab of a lot of time and effort, allowing the
rapid generation of multiple highly stable clones
that had persistent expression for in vitro and in
vivo assays. This proved superior to our flow-based
methodologies, which were never as transgene
positive or stable (in terms of expression) over
multiple passages.”
Zachary Hartman, Ph.D. Director, Center for Applied
Therapeutics. Associate Professor, Departments of
Surgery, Pathology, and Immunology, Tumor Immunology
and Immunotherapeutics Laboratory. Duke University.
Review of the CellRaft Air System.