Quality Control of Genomic DNA for The French Kidney Disease Study

Biobanks play a crucial role in medical research, providing users with well-characterized and professionally annotated collections of biospecimens. The French Chronic Kidney Disease – Renal Epidemiology and Information Network (CKD-REIN) project is a prospective cohort study that was established to identify the determinants, biomarkers and practice patterns associated with chronic kidney disease outcomes.
The CKD-REIN study included collection and processing of biomaterials, especially to enable their future use in genome-wide association studies. Whole blood samples of the cohort study were processed into buffy coats followed by genomic DNA (gDNA) extraction and quality control (QC) by the Biobanque de Picardie.
Download this app note to discover a system that provides:
- DNA integrity numbers to aid QC
- Reliable evaluation of gDNA integrity
- Sufficient throughput for large studies