Optimizing the Isolation of Cell-Free DNA From Liquid Biopsy Samples

Diagnostic tests are at the core of medicine. Liquid biopsies in particular are incredibly valuable, giving a more holistic disease profile and making it easier to measure a condition over time.
However, with a liquid biopsy, you only have a limited amount of useful genetic material, for example, only a small amount of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) can be found in the blood stream. Therefore, there is a need for an efficient, highly sensitive technology, such as NGS, to detect these fruitful biomarkers.
Download this collection of case studies to discover how, using a liquid biopsy sample, you can:
- Monitor therapeutic response in non-small cell lung cancer
- Detect cancer-associated mutations and identify therapeutic targets
- Effectively capture cfDNA with minimal co-purification of higher molecular weight DNA